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The Game of Life: Redefining Success Using the Failures and Obstacles I Have Faced so Far
The Game of Life: Redefining Success Using the Failures and Obstacles I Have Faced so Far
The Game of Life: Redefining Success Using the Failures and Obstacles I Have Faced so Far
Ebook66 pages50 minutes

The Game of Life: Redefining Success Using the Failures and Obstacles I Have Faced so Far

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The Game Of Life. A book on my current journey to success and the struggles I have faced so far. From failing in school, to having no money, to having to leave my house and failing in relationships. Through this book I use the lessons and principles I have learned so far to convey an important message to everyone out there. You can do it no matter what the circumstances are.
Release dateAug 7, 2015
The Game of Life: Redefining Success Using the Failures and Obstacles I Have Faced so Far

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    The Game of Life - Annas Khan

    The Game

    Of Life

    Redefining success using the failures and obstacles I have faced on my journey so far

    Text Copyright ® 201

    By Annas Khan

    All Rights Reserved

    ISBN: 9781483559452

    Thank you for downloading this eBook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Abraham Lincoln once said,

    All that I am and all I ever hope to be I owe to my mother

    I dedicate this book to my mother, Mrs. Sadia Khan; my father Mr. Mahmood Khan, with whose love and guidance guided me to where I am today and made me who I am today. My mother always taught me how to dream, how to move forward and how to love. My dad, the one who taught me how to be a man, showed me how to stand up and fight and lastly give me the discipline to lead a successful life. My brother, who believed in every crazy dream and thought of mine and believed in my desire to go against the norm and become something different and lastly, my sister who taught me the power of love. Thank you.

    To all my friends who supported me in every endeavor that I took part in, and stuck with me even when times were very tough and I was barely around, you all were always there for me and you know who you are.

    To you all, to all the dreamers out there, this is for You.

    Annas Khan

    Table of Contents



    Foreword by Ryan Coelho

    What is Motivation?

    Believe in yourself.

    Have confidence, have strength, have courage you can do it!

    Negative people

    New day, New challenges, New opportunities

    Overcoming Adversities

    Mistakes are okay!

    Road to success

    Toxic Energy

    Stay away from bad people

    Positive Thinking

    Do not let your smile collapse for silly reasons

    Tomorrow is a new day






    Focus on today. Today is the day

    Enough is enough. The past is gone

    The real question is not about if you can, but will you?

    Catch your dreams before they slip away


    About the Author


    When achieving our dreams in life we can come to face numerous obstacles like failing a test; being told, it’s impossible; getting rejected for an opportunity; or being put down.

    Regardless of what happens to us, there is one thing that will always allow us to surmount these obstacles and inevitably get what we want – that is, motivation.

    Motivation is the key that unlocks the achievement of any vision, goal or dream. Without it, we stop too early. With it, there is no stopping. Having studied this field for over 4 years, I’ve discovered just how vital it is to get and stay motivated, yet how few people actually understand how to do so.

    What is motivation?

    Where does it come from?

    How does it work?

    How does it help us?

    In this book, Annas gives his powerful perspective on each of these questions. He dives into the various foundational building blocks of motivation such as self-belief, hope, faith, confidence, gratitude and much, much more.

    Infused with personal antidotes, stories and written with an intense passion you can feel while reading it, he ensures no stone

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