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After the untimely death of her husband in the line of duty, Nikki Petrino still grieving three years later, goes on retreat to Mexico to finish her novel, where she meets musician Drake Dente a 90’s rock icon working on lyrics for his comeback CD.

After meeting at dinner, Drake and Nikki can’t keep their eyes off each other. Sparks fly and they instantly became an item. Upon returning to New York for Nikki’s high school reunion, she learns shocking events from her best friends.

Then after a misunderstanding, Nikki is missing and Drake is desperate to track her down.

PublisherKaren Cino
Release dateSep 9, 2015

Karen Cino

Karen Cino is a multi-published author who has been writing since she was fourteen years old. She started her career by writing poetry, short stories and writing articles for her high school newspaper. After reading Jackie Collin’s Lovers and Gamblers and Jacqueline Susann’s, Valley of the Dolls, Karen found her niche. She wanted to write women’s fiction and wrote her first book during the summer before she started college. Her daily walks down at the boardwalk are what gets her muse going. It clears her mind and helps her find realistic plot ideas and the characters boosting up her muse. Karen loves writing about local places that people can relate to. The late Paul Zindel’s books took place in Staten Island and reading them, especially My Darling My Hamburger, still brings back many memories for her.Karen loves the summer, loves the beach. Her previous books were written and take place in various places across Staten Island. Karen relocated to the New Jersey Shore in 2015. She traded in the Staten Island Boardwalk for the shoreline in Long Beach Island. Her Cookie Cutter Cozy Series takes place in Barnegat, NJ.Karen is a member of Romance Writers of America, Women's Fiction Writing Association and Liberty States Fiction Writers.Karen has two adult children, Michael Giordano who’s a singer, songwriter and producer and Nicole Giordano who works in Retail Management and is also a photographer. In 2014 Karen married John Gatti. Her husband is an actor, teacher and attorney.Currently, Karen is working on a new Cozy Mystery Series and Women’s Fiction Series.

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    Roses - Karen Cino


    Karen Cino

    Women’s Fiction

    Mandolay Press

    ABOUT THE E-BOOK YOU HAVE PURCHASED: Your non-refundable purchase of this e-book allows you to only ONE LEGAL copy for your own personal reading on your own personal computer or device. You do not have resell or distribution rights without the prior written permission of both the publisher and the copyright owner of this book. This book cannot be copied in any format, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computer to another through upload to a file sharing peer to peer program, for free or for a fee, or as a prize in any contest. Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. Copyright Law. Distribution of this e-book, in whole or in part, online, offline, in print or in any way or any other method currently known or yet to be invented, is forbidden. If you do not want this book anymore, you must delete it from your computer.

    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000."

    A Mandolay Press Book

    Women’s Fiction


    Copyright © 2012 Karen Cino

    E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-174-1

    First E-book Publication: April 2012

    Second E-book Publication September 2015

    Cover design by Karen Cino

    Edited by Katherine Tate

    Proofread by Julie Reilly

    All cover art copyright © 2015 by Karen Cino

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


    Mandolay Press


    In memory of my grandmother Katherine, who will always remain in my heart.

    May 31, 1907 – February 1, 2000

    I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my Mom and Dad, my children Michael and Nicole, my critique partner Tanya Goodwin and all my close and dear friends for believing in me and giving me the push I needed to fulfill my dream.

    Chapter One

    Nikki Petrino stood outside the Acapulco Princess Hotel with the heat of the sun beaming down onto her wan skin. When her cell phone rang, she let it go to voice mail. She knew her parents, her brother, and her best friend Penny wouldn’t approve of her leaving for an impromptu getaway like she did. Leaving a note hadn’t been an option. The right words just wouldn’t come out. This was exactly what she needed even if she would be working.

    She sighed. Damn you Penny, stealing my journal like that. I looked for it for weeks. I can’t believe you submitted my personal thoughts to a publisher. She fingered her book. "Hmm, Detective’s Row by Nikki Petrino—New York Times Bestseller. She smiled. Penny, I can’t thank you enough."

    Nikki picked up the phone and hesitated, flashing back on a moment that happened so many years ago, Vince, Penny’s husband. Her body shivered at the thought. He had hit on her from the first day she met him up until the day he married Penny. His unscrupulous manipulation of Penny made her skin crawl every time she thought about him using Penny to get back at her. Even the night before he married Penny, he stopped by to give her one last chance. That bastard.

    Instead of calling Penny, she tossed her luggage on the bed. Exhausted from her whirlwind book tour, she deserved some beat time.

    She slipped into her exotic black and blue jewel tone bikini and jogged to the beach. The warm sand oozed between her toes as she sank into it. Bypassing the crowded and noisy pool, she placed her beach towel on a recliner steps away from the blue ocean waves. The tranquil environment made it easier to sit peacefully, pad and pen in hand, working on her new book’s outline. She shook her head. I can’t believe my editor wants the first three chapters in two weeks. Closing her eyes she stopped writing and thought of Joey.

    I wish he was here. He would have loved Acapulco.

    Her heart ached. Three short years ago, two uniformed police sergeants had knocked on her door. Her Joey was dead, killed in the line of duty protecting a ten-year-old boy innocently walking into the middle of a shootout. He was gone, followed swiftly by their unborn child. She had miscarried their baby shortly after the nightmare of his death. But he lived on in her best-selling novel. The adventures he’d shared with her as a New York City cop had been her inspiration for Detective’s Row.

    Nikki enjoyed a day of swimming and resting, then returned to her room to finish her outline.

    She flopped onto the white bamboo framed bed. A handmade comforter and floral shams designed in pastel colors on a white background surrounded her. A small table in the far corner of the room held her laptop and a small printer. A collection of pastel abstract paintings hung on the pale pink walls giving the room a soothing feel. She opened the white fabric verticals, grateful for the ocean view. Beyond the sliding glass door another table with chairs faced the magnificent Pacific Ocean.

    Nikki sat down at the table and started typing on her laptop. A knock on her door startled her. She opened it. A short gray-haired middle-aged man dressed in a three-piece suit, holding a basket of fruit and a bottle of champagne stood in the doorway.

    I’m Mr. Ramos, the manager of the Acapulco Princess. Sorry for the intrusion, but this is for you, Ms. Petrino, courtesy of the hotel. I hope everything is to your liking.

    Yes, everything is just perfect. I'm sorry I bothered you so many times about having a printer available.

    No problem Ms. Petrino. My job is to make sure everyone is satisfied.

    I really appreciate everything you've done to make my stay here flawless.

    It's my pleasure. And if I can be of further assistance, don't hesitate to call.

    Thank you. She smiled.

    If you don't mind, when you get a chance, could you please stop by my office and autograph your book for my wife?

    I sure will, she replied. When he shut the door, she closed her laptop and walked out onto her terrace. The last thing she was in the mood to do was finish outlining her book.

    Acapulco was much more beautiful than she could have ever imagined. She could hear the waves breaking, birds chirping and smell the flowers and salt water. Just standing there, breathing in the fresh air, she could feel her body beginning to relax. Yes, this was exactly what she needed, a quiet vacation all alone without memories of Joey and her adoring fans surrounding her. This was going to be her time to wind down, opening her heart to new opportunities.

    Back in her room, she licked her lips thinking how cool a piña colada would feel sliding down her parched throat. After showering and procrastinating for over a half-hour on what to wear, she chose a black skirt and a white high-neck blouse. She carefully French braided her long black hair, placed her two-carat diamond earrings in her ears and shut the safety lock on her diamond tennis bracelet. Looking in the mirror, she smiled. After only a day in the Mexican sun, her face had already acquired a sun kissed glow. All she needed was a brush of mascara and a little color to her lips.

    Nikki turned sideways. Weight had dropped from her already petite figure after Joey's death. Unable to sleep or eat, she existed on coffee and cigarettes. It wasn't until after she passed out in her parents’ restaurant, while waiting on a customer, that she finally gave up smoking and began eating three meals a day. As her appetite returned, she managed to regain some weight back.

    She dangled a pair of white heels from her hand, but glancing at her sunburned feet she decided on a pair of white flat sandals instead. She closed her hotel room door and headed to the Bamboo Bar.

    The waiter led her to the perfect table beneath a bamboo roof with an ocean view. Before opening the newspaper she purchased earlier in the hotel’s gift shop, she ordered a piña colada. She was quite surprised to see a New York paper. However, when she realized it was two days old, it brought a smile to her lips.

    Nikki still found it hard to believe that she’d actually picked up and left solo. She always liked to be around people and would rather not eat than to be caught alone in a restaurant. But tonight she cherished her privacy. She loved the fact that she could do whatever she wanted when she wanted. Whenever she went anywhere with her friends, their main concern was always when and what they were going to eat and what time they were going to get home. Now, there were no responsibilities, no time schedules and no one lurking over her shoulder giving her what they thought was the perfect solution for her broken heart. Yes! This was the perfect trip for her.

    Just as she finished her drink, the waiter brought her another cocktail. She shook her head no and continued reading the paper. To her dismay, he left the drink on the table and walked away. Before she could call after him, he was already across the room waiting on another table.

    Excuse me, miss. The interruption came from a tall muscular man built like a body builder with the word Mom tattooed on his upper arm.


    The drink is from the gentleman sitting over there, he said, pointing to a well-dressed man wearing black tailored pants and a white button-down shirt.

    Please tell him, no thank you.

    Nikki waved him off. She wanted no part of the man standing in front of her. He was so big and his voice so deep that he frightened her.

    Please miss, the gentleman would like very much for you to accept his offer, he firmly explained in a distinct New York accent.

    Listen, I don't care who it's from. I'm just not interested, she muttered, hastily standing up.

    Hey that's all right, Tony. I'll take it from here. I'm a big boy now.

    Nikki turned around and there standing in front of her, stood a distinguished man. He seemed familiar. He was tall, beardless with a fair complexion, highlighted by very appealing hazel eyes. His wavy light brown hair extended past the nape of his neck and lay floppily on his forehead. She fought the urge to sweep his shiny bangs away from his soft brown eyes.

    I'm Drake Dente, he said in a British accent.

    As soon as he spoke and introduced himself, she knew exactly who he was. Nice to meet you, Drake. I'm Nikki Petrino.

    Oh, really! Surprisingly, he laughed. "I just finished reading your novel Detective’s Row. It was great. In fact it was the first book in a long time that kept my attention from beginning to end. Damn, I wish I had brought it with me. I would’ve loved to have you autograph it!"

    Thank you. She smiled. That's truly a compliment.

    You wrote it like a true New Yorker.

    I am a New Yorker. I was born and raised in Staten Island.

    I’ve never performed there. Do you mind if we sit? he asked, pulling out her chair.

    Sure, why not. I'd love the company.

    Tell me Nikki, what brings you to Acapulco? he asked casually.

    I'm working on a new book.

    Will this be another detective novel?

    No, in fact completely the opposite. I figured I'd try my hand at a love story. And what brings you here?

    Work, same as you. I'm working on some new lyrics for my comeback CD. I find coming here clears my mind, opening it up to a whole different world. And hopefully I'll get inspired. Drake got the waiter's attention and within minutes he came over with more piña coladas. Anyway, enough about me. Tell me a little something about you.

    There's really not much to say. I live a very simple life.

    Why is someone as beautiful as you sitting in a bar by yourself?

    Would you believe me if I told you I loved being alone?

    No, I wouldn't. He laughed. What’s your story? Are you separated, divorced or single?

    Widowed, she softly replied, dropping her eyes from his gaze.

    I'm sorry. Was it recent?

    No. It was over three years ago.

    Silence lingered over them for quite a while. Nikki became uncomfortable. She never spoke to anyone about Joey's death. Even though her family and friends warned her about keeping her feelings to herself, she felt she had to handle it in her own way without everyone interfering. It was time for her to come to terms with her grief over Joey’s death on her own.

    She put Joey's memory on hold and finally looked back at Drake. When their eyes met, she saw an emptiness in his light brown eyes. Why so sad? You're a man who literally has everything.

    He cleared his throat. I did. But that's a part of my life I want to forget. So why don't we change the subject to a brighter note, like our successful careers. Tell me, how long did it take you to get your lucky break?

    To tell you the honest truth, I had little to do with it.

    I don't understand.

    "I had written a fictionalized journal about my life with my husband, Joey, in longhand. My brother Rocco and my best friend Penny found it, typed it and sent it out. I never knew a thing about it until I received a publishing contract for it.

    That's remarkable. Are you close to your brother?

    He was there for me. It was as if he was the only one who truly understood and supported me. Rocco was my guardian angel. What about you? Did it come easy for you or did you have to work your tail off?

    I bloody struggled for over five years playing in sleazy rock joints with my band, barely making ends meet. My big break came when a record producer mistakenly stopped by the place we were playing. He handed me his business card and asked me to call him the next morning, and the rest is history.

    I'm sure you worked very hard. How many albums is it now? she asked sipping her drink.

    I'm working on number eleven. I had lost my inspiration and desire to write after my divorce from Judy, that’s why I came here, to find my muse. He sipped his drink and sat back in his chair.

    Nikki's eyes met his and for the first time in three years, she felt a spark of tingling desire travel through her body. She had dated occasionally, usually blind dates set up by her friends or her brother. None of them materialized into anything worth exploring. With their eyes still locked, Nikki broke the silence.

    Being so famous, how do you get any peace and quiet down here? Don't people recognize you, take your picture, get your autograph?

    Occasionally, he said with a laugh. Most people here keep to themselves. You can’t believe how many celebrities stay in this hotel to avoid being approached. In the six weeks I’ve been here, maybe two or three people have recognized me.

    You're right. I didn't recognize you at first.

    You'd be surprised at the places I have gone unnoticed and I’ve been out of the limelight for quite a while. People forget about you when you don't go on tour for a couple of years.

    I guess you're right.

    You just wait and see. When you write another blockbuster book, like your last, and your picture is on the back of the book jacket, not only will you be recognized, but you'll be a household name. People are going to get impatient waiting for your next book to be published. His smile widened in admiration.

    Thank you. You're a great confidence booster.

    I only speak the truth.

    Nikki finished her drink and stood up. I think I'm going to call it a night, she said reluctantly, wishing the night would never end. I'm really tired and I still have a lot of work to do on my novel. I'm already behind schedule and my editor is waiting for me to email the first three chapters, which are far from ready.

    I guess you'll be working through the night.

    Probably, unless I fall asleep with my computer on my lap, she laughed.

    Would you mind if I walked you to your room?

    Looking deep into his innocent eyes, she replied, I'll be okay.

    But I insist, he announced as he stood up and walked over to her. Sensing her discomfort, he tried to set her mind at ease. You have nothing to worry about, you know. Tony will be right behind.

    That's what I'm afraid of, she laughed nervously.

    Oh God, I'm sorry, Nikki. Let me formally introduce you to Tony.

    You have nothing to worry about. I'm Mr. Dente’s bodyguard, Tony said, extending his hand.

    Nice to meet you.

    I’ll always be two steps behind him.

    She hesitated for just a moment before turning back to Drake, Okay, I’d like that.

    You know, it's really dark out here, it's a full moon and you never know who's lurking out in the darkness. Then there are the huge lizards and…

    Lizards? She shivered at the thought of scaly reptiles.

    I'm only kidding. I didn’t mean to scare you. He laughed.

    Nikki looked at him from of the corner of her eye. She could have punched him but laughed instead. You're too much, Drake. But I have to give you credit, you know how to get a woman's attention.

    Hey, that's what I was aiming for.

    There was something warm and enchanting in his humor that made him stand out from the other men she had met. He was kind, charming and seemed down to earth. Most importantly he made her laugh, something she hadn't shared with a man in a very long time. Whenever she did go out on a date, she'd go through the motions, lie and say she had a good time and make a quick getaway. She never had any interest in seeing these men again. Not one of them was half the man her Joey was. But somehow Drake was different.

    When they reached her room, she turned to him. Thanks for everything. I had a nice time.

    We'll have to do it again. Goodnight, he said, kissing her hand.

    Goodnight, Nikki. It was nice meeting you, Tony added.

    She walked inside her hotel suite and closed the door. She wished he would have kissed her. Her other dates kissed her, always looking for something more, but not Drake. For the first time since Joey's death she felt a sense of peace.

    She wondered whether she’d see him again. But self-doubt gripped her. Why would such a famous man want to pay her the slightest bit of attention? They were from totally different worlds and their lifestyles couldn’t be compared. Her life was simple, tragic and didn't have an ounce of adventure in it. Drake on the other hand was famous, prestigious and wealthy. He lived a fast-paced life. If he called on her again she would see him, but she wasn’t going to count on it. The last thing she needed to do was complicate her life with false hopes. People like her never got a second chance, but it did feel great to spend time with Drake. Tonight had proved that her heart was still alive.

    She was about to step out onto the terrace when there was a knock on her door. Looking through the peephole she saw Drake standing in the hallway, hands in his pockets, shifting from leg to leg. Smirking, she opened the door.

    I forgot something, he said.

    Confused, she squinted her eyes.

    He leaned toward her and smiled. I forgot to properly end a wonderful evening.

    His lips brushed past hers. Teasing her. Leaving her yearning for more. Before she could respond, he disappeared down the hall.

    Chapter Two

    Nikki was awakened by a knock at her door at two thirty. After working until the wee hours of the morning, she was exhausted and it felt like she had just fallen asleep. She threw off her cozy comforter and

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