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The Do Over
The Do Over
The Do Over
Ebook27 pages21 minutes

The Do Over

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About this ebook

When Amanda realizes her marriage is over, she decides it’s time for a do over.
With the help of Eion, her online friend from Scotland, she’s able to get all she needs and more.

This Steamy Romantic Short Story is for adults only.

Release dateSep 15, 2015
The Do Over

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    Book preview

    The Do Over - Saffron Sands

    Amanda sat across from her husband sipping herbal tea.  She had done the same thing, every morning for nearly ten years, but today it was different.  Her heart pounded in her chest and she prayed her hands weren’t shaking as they silently proceeded with their morning ritual.

    Any big plans today? Brain spoke without looking across the table.

    Amanda almost spilled the hot brown liquid at the sound of his voice. She slowly set the cup on the table and placed her trembling hands in her lap. Just the usual. she managed to say as she looked up at the clock.

    Amanda nibbled at her lip and watched the minutes tick slowly by. Ten more minutes and Brian would be out the door.

    She stood, picked up her cup and saucer, and made her way across the kitchen to the sink. Carefully setting the dishes in the basin, then returning to gather the plate and coffee mug her husband had used.

    Were your eggs okay? she looked at the remaining food on his plate.

    Yes. He patted his belly. Just trying to watch my figure. He wiped his mouth with the napkin and chuckled.

    Amanda forced a smile to her face as she cleaned up after Brian.

    After placing his dirty dishes in the sink, she followed him to the front door. She watched as he slipped his coat on and picked up his briefcase. Brian bent forward, lips puckered and Amanda kissed him softly on the mouth. Brian said good-bye and walked out the door.

    Amanda locked the door behind him and leaned up against the wood, sighed loudly, and closed her eyes.

    She had no idea if Brian was going to work or if he would be going to meet his lover first. She had given up following him

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