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'If you've got 'Em flaunt 'Em
'If you've got 'Em flaunt 'Em
'If you've got 'Em flaunt 'Em
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'If you've got 'Em flaunt 'Em

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Lizzie and Fred meet in the local pub and have passionate encounters in the hedgerows every chance they get, until Fred starts to become obsessive. Lizzie meets Henry, a wealthy gentleman, who sweeps her off her feet. After becoming pregnant, the paternity of the child is uncertain and Lizzie is faced with a terrible decision. She marries Henry and Fred’s heart is broken.
Unfortunately, Fred can’t let go of Lizzie, and even though he has a doting wife at home, he is hell-bent on winning her back. Lizzie is sure she has made the right choice, but after leading several men on a merry dance, has she flaunted ‘em a little too often? Could she lose the one precious thing in her life?
Release dateOct 19, 2015
'If you've got 'Em flaunt 'Em

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    'If you've got 'Em flaunt 'Em - Augustine Nash



    Lovely weather for the harvest Len, Hank Morgan said, before taking his first sip of beer. Can’t say there is anything more enjoyable than a pint of the amber nectar.

    Len Goodman considered this for a few moments. I can think of something much more exciting, if you catch my meaning.

    The other three men standing at the bar knew just what he was alluding to. Like Len, John Fletcher was a farmer. I aint seen nothing finer than those luscious breasts, bigger than any potato I ever dug up.

    Toby Wright just had to put in his five pennyworths. Just right to pluck if I was ever to get a chance.

    Albert Johnson, the pub landlord stood listening but not liking what he heard. So disrespectful. Come along gentlemen show a bit more restraint, he advised.

    A bit more restraint you say, I have been doing that for some time but it doesn’t get me anywhere, Len answered, showing his frustration.

    Just then the door opened and a woman stood looking around poised in a manner which set every man’s thoughts turning to one thing.

    Lizzie Smith was a woman whose plump figure oozed sexuality, her generous curves all in the right places. The floral dress she was wearing was low cut, so much so that it could hardly restrain her generous breasts. She walked towards them her long auburn hair cascading almost down to her waist, tossing it back so that these hungry starved men got a real eyeful.

    Evening Lizzie, what can I get you? the landlord asked.

    Half a pint please. Isn’t Fred here yet?

    Hank took an eager step forward, No, but I am, what’s my chances? His hand came out to fondle the two temptations thrust in his direction.

    Lizzie stepped back Not getting enough at home Hank? she laughed, taking it all in good humour, her way of fending off anyone she had no interest in.

    The truth was that Hank’s missus had been refusing him his marital rights for quite some time, insisting that they were too old for that sort of thing. Him; a fine man of forty-five in the prime of life, frustrated even more by the way Lizzie fended off his advances, preferring to go elsewhere. His three friends nudged each other enjoying his discomfort, at the same time narked because they also knew they didn’t stand a chance.

    Fred Clark strolled into the bar, a man on a mission. What the others could not understand was why she preferred him. When looks had been handed out Fred always said he had been at the back of the queue. He wore a flat cap to cover up his bald head; one might venture to say that his clothes were years out of date and very often covered with dirt from his farm. Yet his blue eyes twinkled with merriment and something else; the thought of what was to come.

    On reaching Lizzie’s side he asked, Ready? She smiled at him and hand in hand they left the pub.

    Randy old beggar, John said. Why can’t he stop at home with that wife of his and give us all more room to manoeuvre?

    I guess none of you stand a chance anyway, the landlord remarked, moving away into the next bar where one customer stood waiting to be served. He inwardly sighed. Business was going down the pan and if things did not alter he would have to sell up.

    Fred helped Lizzie over the style then his hand stole around her ample figure until he felt the soft mound, stroking it with his fingers. I have been looking forward to this all day, he said, feeling aroused.

    She laughed, teasing. Is that so, what if I hadn’t turned up, then where would you be?

    God knows, you’re the only thing in my life that I really care about. That wife of mine is so frigid she’d frighten any good male half to death.

    They reached the far side of the field where the thick hawthorn hedge bowed down to the ground giving a cover from prying eyes. Underneath it was shady and cool with long soft grass for comfort.

    Fred could hardly wait his erection much in evidence as he undid his braces and let his trousers fall round his ankles. Off came his old fashioned white underpants and he stood watching Lizzie slowly undress in a provocative manner, tossing each garment over her head, like an entertainer displaying all her charms.

    The farmer could not wait, pulling Lizzie down on her back his hands wandering all over her generous curves until he had her breasts in both hands, while he massaged one he guided his throbbing penis between her wide open legs. He was in heaven as he slid up inside her and she thrust her body up towards him, forgetting all else as he pumped up and down on top of her. They both groaned as they climaxed together.

    Except, Fred thought it was over far too quickly. Let’s do it again, I can’t get enough of you, he urged hoarsely.

    Lizzie obliged, though once was enough for her. The second time they took it more slowly and she had to admit it was more enjoyable.

    They sat side by side putting on their shoes, Fred suddenly overcome with tiredness. Taking out his wallet he asked, How much do you need?

    I have an electric bill for £65 pounds which I am struggling to pay, she answered, though she felt bad about taking his money.

    Generous as always, he brought out his wallet and handed her two fifty pound notes, Get a new dress while you’re at it.

    Are you sure? I don’t need that much, she replied, stuffing the money between her breasts.

    You are worth every penny, besides I can well afford it as the farm is doing well, he assured her. Adding, I’m off home now the missus is not too well, I’ll be about on Tuesday.

    Meanwhile back at Fred’s farm his wife Mary stood gazing out across the fields, such a wonderful view and on these light evenings the sun still shone forth. She sat back in her armchair feeling unwell, probably getting a cold.

    Mary had married Fred when she had just turned eighteen and he was twenty eight, but the gap in their ages did not matter then. She had been the local beauty queen and had fallen for Fred the very first time they had met. He had not been much to look at but his twinkling blue eyes made up for that.

    She sighed. They had been married for over twenty years yet now she felt like a drudge. There was no love left between them and in recent times they had started sleeping in separate rooms, which came as quite a relief as she had never enjoyed lovemaking. For a moment she regretted that they were childless but it was just as well the way things stood.

    It had been while Mary was at the village jumble sale helping out, that she overheard her neighbour whispering, Just as well she doesn’t know about that husband of hers and the way he is carrying on with the village tart.

    Later she fronted up to her neighbour and asked her to explain, which she did, not sparing all the sordid details, at the same time her face showing she was enjoying making Mary uncomfortable. They had not spoken from that day to this.

    Mary was still an attractive woman with brown hair without any signs of grey. At first she had contemplated walking away but where would she go and anyway, why should she leave a comfortable life? So she decided to ignore what was going on, she supposed that way he would leave her alone.

    Yet tonight it rankled more than usual. She heard the kitchen door open and Fred call out I’m home, you stay put and I’ll put on a brew.

    She felt even angrier; he was playing the caring husband again as if they were happy as larks. He came in with a tray of tea and biscuits setting it down on the low table, Feeling any better? he enquired.

    Mary could not contain herself any longer, "Not that you would care, I know what you get up to when you’re out of my sight and who with. You’re as randy as our bull on heat. Is there no shame in you?"

    Now that the cat was out of the bag he was relieved, feeling no shame. Well I’m not likely to get my marital rights off you, am I? It’s like trying to get blood out of a stone.

    Mary climbed the stairs to her room feeling aggrieved; however there was nothing to be done but lead her own life.


    Alan Smith always felt angry when he saw his mother getting ready to go out. I suppose you’re going to meet that farmer again, everyone knows what you get up to, he accused.

    Lizzie looked at her thirteen years old son feeling annoyed, What I do is none of your business, or anyone else’s.

    You look just like a tart all dolled up like that showing off everything you’ve got, he answered, as usual feeling ashamed of her. Why couldn’t she act like a normal mother?

    She shrugged her shoulders, Don’t be so rude making judgements about something you know nothing about.

    He knew he couldn’t win, his parting shot meant to hurt, I’m off to my mates house, at least his mother is decent! Before she could reply he ran off out the front door before she lost her temper and clipped his ear.

    Lizzie sighed; it was not easy dealing with her teenage son, what he needed was a father however he had disappeared once he learned that she was pregnant. She examined herself in the hall mirror; she had bought some black lace undies with the rest of Fred’s money and the off the shoulder dress was so daring that it showed her new bra off nicely. Her auburn hair shone, hanging round her shoulders in ringlets.

    It was a lovely summer’s evening and as she walked along the road she smelled the honeysuckle climbing over the hedge. Plucking a flower she pushed it behind her ear feeling at ease with her world.

    The usual four men were propping up the bar, but there was no sign of Fred. Albert the landlord smiled at her, What will it be? he asked.

    I’ll pay for that, Hank Morgan said, feeling rather excited by Lizzie’s over-exposed cleavage, without Fred around maybe he would get lucky, anyway he could live in hopes.

    Thanks Hank, but don’t expect anything in return, Lizzie warned.

    Ow shucks, now he will not be fit to speak to for the rest of the night, Lenard Goodman said laughing at his old friend’s antics.

    While in the act of handing Lizzie her drink, Hank’s other hand crept up and he began to fondle her breast. Oh the joy of it, but his euphoria did not last long when Lizzie tipped the beer all over his head then walked over to the table by the window and sat down.

    Even the barman had to laugh, Serves you jolly well right for taking liberties.

    I was only following Fred’s example, the crestfallen Hank answered rather sheepishly.

    Lizzie did not notice a new customer had come in, too busy staring out of the window for any signs of Fred; it wasn’t like him to be late. As she turned away getting ready to leave a quiet voice interrupted her thoughts, May I join you?

    She found herself looking up into a middle aged man’s face, his brown hair well groomed, and unlike the others present he was wearing a smart grey suit and a red tie. His smile was friendly and warm.

    Feel free, I can’t stop you sitting anywhere you like, it’s all the same to me, she answered, feeling irritated that Fred had not shown up.

    He slid into the chair opposite and introduced himself. I’m Henry Dale, pleased to make your acquaintance, he said holding out his hand.

    Ignoring this she replied, Everyone calls me Lizzie.

    Would you care for a drink? he asked.

    She did something she had never done before, I wouldn’t mind a cup of coffee, thanks.

    After Henry had ordered the coffee he explained, I have just moved in to a house called ‘The Farthings’ two miles from here.

    Lizzie was surprised as the house he was talking about in the last few months had been on the market for over a million pounds, he must be well padded to afford to buy that. When she glanced out of the window she saw a large Daimler parked, the black body shining like a new pin. I live in a council house with my son, not much of a place but beggars can’t be choosers, she informed him.

    I started at the bottom of the ladder in my father’s firm and worked my way up from the shop floor. I must admit I made a fortune when I inherited it all after both my parents died in a car accident. Now I can afford to sit back and do what I want.

    Bully for you, she retorted, thinking ‘what a show off’. She stood up, I’m off home now my date has stood me up.

    His eyes were feasting on her breasts which were firm and uplifting until they looked as though they were trying to escape. She was all woman. Can I give you a lift? he offered.

    No thanks. She walked out of the door and the last he saw was this intriguing woman disappearing down the road.

    The four friends standing at the bar had remained silent, waiting to see what was going to happen. There’s no use setting your cap at her, she is spoken for, John Fletcher called over to the stranger, who smiled then left.

    Meanwhile Fred had come down with a summer cold and sat in his armchair feeling all done in, his feet immersed in a bowl of hot water. He had desperately wanted to go and meet Lizzie; however the spirit was willing but the body weak.

    Mary never came near him; deliberately treating him as he had treated her when she was ill, in fact she had started a course of non-cooperating hoping that would bring Fred to his senses. The thing was; was he even noticing?

    Henry Dale paced up and down his large sitting room fretting because he could not go out to work in his garden as it was in need of attention. He stared out of the window; he had not banked on such wet weather which had not been predicted by the weather forecast.

    Over his afternoon tea he began to think of Lizzie who was never far from his mind since they had met. What did he see in her to take his interest? It wasn’t as if she was a great beauty with an hour-glass figure, yet there was something about her which drew his attention.

    It was Thursday and though he had made up his mind to stay in he changed it on the off chance he might see Lizzie at the pub. The truth was he was lonely and living in this large house made it worse. He had never married because he had simply never met anyone he liked enough. It did cross his mind that he

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