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Destiny's Kiss
Destiny's Kiss
Destiny's Kiss
Ebook173 pages2 hours

Destiny's Kiss

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It was simply breathtaking.
Her eyes moved from the ring to her lover’s eyes, his lips curled into a smile and he said four simple words, ‘Will you marry me?’
Rory’s face lit up, she almost knocked him over as she jumped into his arms.

Kissing him, she replied, ‘Yes... Yes... Yes!’
Tears of happiness streamed down her face. She had the man of her dreams and he loved her.
Life from here on would be full of love once more.

She knew together they would be complete.


There is no escaping love ...

Marcus knew from the moment he laid eyes on this woman sleeping in her car on the roadside, that there was more to her. He longed to run his fingers through her sexy long auburn locks and enjoy the company of her body but only for a weekend... he was not into fulltime.
He soon had a hold over her. She obeyed his every wish, as if he had cast some sort of spell over body and soul...

Broken down, late and Sam was tired – a bed at a nearby cattle property was welcome. She gratefully accepted the offer of the elderly couple who had so kindly stopped to assist. She had not counted on their son, Rock.
Their eyes met steely grey eyes, kissable lips and all male under those blue jeans. The attraction was instant, soon becoming a night of passion, a night that turned into much more...

As soon as he laid eyes on her body, Sven saw Kristy as a challenge. His pursuit was never going to be easy; she was a spontaneous woman ...most certainly not the kind to be controlled. Little by little she had come around to his way of life, until she realised they lived in two different worlds and could never co-exist. Would he accept no as an answer?

Release dateAug 26, 2015
Destiny's Kiss

Cara Rose

CARA ROSE is the nom de plume of an Australian-born Author who lived in France until the family returned to Australia. As a free spirit of eighteen, she continued her love of travel for eight further years until she met her husband. They subsequently settled in Adelaide where she has pursued a career. Diagnosed with breast cancer, her career turned to treatment. To keep her mind active, she rekindled another love – writing with a determination to pen a romance novel. In the past, she had written short stories and poems, always hoping that she might one day become an author. It was as good a time as ever to start. Her stories feature strong passionate women with a love of fine cars, and men that satisfy their needs.

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    Book preview

    Destiny's Kiss - Cara Rose


    It was simply breathtaking.

    Her eyes moved from the ring to her lover’s eyes, his lips curled into a smile and he said four simple words, ‘Will you marry me?’

    Rory’s face lit up, she almost knocked him over as she jumped into his arms.

    Kissing him, she replied, ‘Yes… Yes… Yes!’

    Tears of happiness streamed down her face. She had the man of her dreams and he loved her. Life from here on would be full of love once more.

    She knew together they would be complete.


    There is no escaping love …


    Marcus knew from the moment he laid eyes on this woman sleeping in her car on the roadside, that there was more to her. He longed to run his fingers through her sexy long auburn locks and enjoy the company of her body but only for a weekend… he was not into fulltime.

    He soon had a hold over her. She obeyed his every wish, as if he had cast some sort of spell over body and soul…


    Broken down, late and Sam was tired – a bed at a nearby cattle property was welcome. She gratefully accepted the offer of the elderly couple who had so kindly stopped to assist. She had not counted on their son, Rock.

    Their eyes met steely grey eyes, kissable lips and all male under those blue jeans. The attraction was instant, soon becoming a night of passion, a night that turned into much more…


    As soon as he laid eyes on her body, Sven saw Kristy as a challenge. His pursuit was never going to be easy; she was a spontaneous woman …most certainly not the kind to be controlled. Little by little she had come around to his way of life, until she realised they lived in two different worlds and could never co-exist. Would he accept no as an answer?


    CARA ROSE is the nom de plume of an Australian-born Author who lived in France until she was fifteen when the family returned to Australia. As a free spirit of eighteen, she continued her love of travel for a further eight years until she met her husband. They subsequently settled in Adelaide where she has pursued a career.

    Diagnosed with breast cancer last year, her career turned to treatment and to keep her mind active, she rekindled another love – writing with a determination to pen a romance novel. In her younger years, she had written short stories and poems, always hoping that she might one day become an author. It seemed as good a time as ever to start.

    Her stories feature strong passionate women with a love of fine cars, and men that satisfy their needs.

    Copyright © 2015 Cara Rose

    Published by

    The characters are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons,

    living or dead, is purely coincidental



    An Erotic Novel by Cara Rose

    Chapter ONE

    They had arrived, happy to be checking into the newly refurbished Uluru Resort. Roma heard that it had recently been redecorated in the local tribal aboriginal colours of the land. It had a warm spiritual sense, which made you feel as though you were entering the world of their ancestors and the dreamtime.

    All ten guests gushed as they walked in, taken aback by the spiritual atmosphere. Roma for one felt a shiver run down her spine. Goose bumps covered her arms. She closed her eyes for a moment, allowing her senses to absorb the surroundings and enjoy the ambience this place had evoked in her soul. Red earth, yellow sun and a black night coupled with green, gold and blues – colours of the land they had just travelled through to arrive at their destination. And something more was in the air, it was like you were being wrapped in love, caressed with knowledge and understanding of times past.

    ‘Roma, are you okay?’ Bill asked.

    ‘Oh yes, sorry I was caught in… in, this place… it’s so, so…’ She was lost for words.

    From behind she heard a deep voice say, ‘Moving, spiritual and more?’

    Although she did not turn to the warm sounding voice, she laughed and said, ‘Yes… all of the above.’ She smiled at Bill.

    She had imagined it was one of the other guests, who arrived at the same time they had. She failed to recognise the tone, although the voice had stirred something inside and made her smile. This place made you feel as though you were part of something special, as if caught up in a spell of old…

    Pull yourself together Roma, she told herself, what was wrong with her. Since entering this place she had felt like there was something here calling her, but what? She questioned her mind.

    Oh stop Roma… she told herself. Self-talk had been her constant companion for the last couple of years, now that her life had changed so much. There was really no one that she could tell her… well, everything, how she felt, her hopes and dreams. Did she even have any more at all, she questioned. What she had achieved in the last two years was amazing to say the least; she had buried herself in work, although whether that was for the good she was unsure.

    After the party had checked in and freshened up, they had organised to meet for cocktails in the Heaven Lights Sky lounge. It was good to be out of her desert clothing, as Roma called them. She looked forward to wearing some finer clothes, anything silky would do. She loved the way silk felt against her skin, always had. She was not really a jeans type of girl but at times had worn the outdoor clothing.

    Changed, the guests were refreshed and now finely dressed. Bob was in a stylish green polo shirt and matching trousers and Annie had dressed in a cream and navy long flowing evening dress. Jasmine and Ahli, in matching white cotton clothing. always managed to look elegant and cool together. The white of their outfits brought out the glow of their darkened skin. Such a loving couple, Ahli always seemed attentive to Jasmine’s every need; you could tell how much they adored each other. How Roma envied them.

    Sara and Elijah were from the England; she looked amazing in a stylish green silk dress whilst he was in a grey stylish tailored suit. They always dressed to the nines, even in the bush; it was like watching the sitcom ‘Green Acres’.

    Bill and Ben arrived together, both as usual in slacks and checked shirts – they never wore anything else although what they had on tonight was new, crisp and clean. The bush gear suited them, they would have looked out of place in anything else. Given his age Bill looked great, the face of a hardened man but with a likeable childish grin that made women take a second look. He would be a real catch for any older woman if one could pin him down long enough. He would always be a man that belonged on the land.

    Ben looked equally as good in this denim on denim look, although in his late twenties he was a more refined chip off the old block, something she guessed that came from his mother’s side.

    Roma arrived by herself. She had debated with herself as to what to wear; she had brought along a range of clothes but could not decide what would be most suitable. She wanted to look just right and fit in with what she imagined the other guests would wear. She never had this much trouble, and why on earth did she care so much… Oh, here she goes again with the self-talk. Unable to make up her mind, she decided to check the shop in the resort for something more fitting than the clothes in her bag.

    As she entered the boutique and looked around she was amazed at the quality of the items The woman who owned the shop obviously had a great eye for purchasing fabulous clothing that only enhanced the Uluru experience.

    The manager approached her with a smile and extended her hand and said, ‘Hi, I’m Marlene. Can I help you? Is there something in particular you are looking for?’

    Marlene was someone that you could like in an instant. She made you feel welcome with her dark brown eyes and chocolate brown long flowing hair. The warmth in her European face was there with a reserved smile. I was sure she would know exactly what I should wear tonight.

    I explained that the evening was simple enough and I was not sure why I was fussing so much.

    Marlene just smiled and said, ‘I have the perfect item for you. It came in the other day and I know its just right for you.’ She added, ‘This place has a way of messing with people’s minds at times and lots of people come here to find themselves.’

    Is that what I was doing here, I questioned myself? Is that why I felt so strange for want of a better word? Don’t be daft Roma I thought… I must be losing it.

    The dress, as Marlene had said, was perfect and fitted as if it was made for me… amazing, wonders never cease to astonish me, how could I possibly find such a perfect dress in such a remote location. If it was not so far away from my everyday usual lodgings, I would shop here more often. Or maybe Marlene could move to Brisbane and work for me… Stop Roma, with the self-talk, I told myself and get yourself to the cocktail bar before you are late.

    Lightly blushed make up and a touch of mascara was all she needed, less was more especially when she had that warm bush glow she picked up from the last week of travelling from Adelaide to Uluru.

    Roma headed for the bar and caught her reflection in one of the mirrored pillars at the entrance; she scrubbed up not too badly for near fifty, she thought.

    She ran her fingers through her mid-length fiery copper hair, loving how it danced over the top of the newly purchased deep burgundy chiffon dress. It hugged her body but somehow loosely. The bounce of the dress was adorable, delicately beaded in green gems, as it was, coupled with yellow straps that stretched across her chest.

    Rather elegant, if I may say so, she mused. Not that it would matter to anyone but herself here in the middle of nowhere in the Australian desert. But still the place had its charms and that kept people coming back for something special, spiritual…

    The red dust, the air, dreamtime tales and its people. This was the second time she had made the journey to the red centre and the feeling back then was the same even though the first time was long ago, when she was a touch over twenty. Wow, she thought to herself, so much time had passed.

    Roma joined their group, ‘Hi, you look great, a big change from our dusty clothing… its so nice to feel clean.’

    They all agreed, some nodding. Jasmine and Sara commented on her dress and Ann told her she was most certainly going to catch a man in it.

    'Thank you,’ Roma replied.

    ‘Champagne all round, ladies?’ asked Bill.

    ‘Yes please,’ each replied.

    ‘Oh and if they have any, could I have some strawberries with mine,’ Roma said smiling at Bill.

    ‘Funny how you always have things that just have to be so,’ said Jasmine.

    ‘Yes I know, I don’t mean to be like that I guess it’s just habit,’ Roma said smiling whilst shaking her head.

    In the distance, Dominic walked past the bar area.

    Oh there was that woman again, he thought, what is it about her that makes me feel like a young kid again? What is it that draws me to her? She does look rather ravishing in that dress… the things I could do to her… must get myself acquainted with this filly, he thought, he could certainly have some fun with that body.

    He recalled their first encounter in his mind. As soon as she walked into the lobby, there was that instant attraction; something about the way she moved, looked, carried herself, like somehow… maybe I was just in need of a distraction and a new woman in my bed.

    Ella, he mused to himself was always a willing partner but there was nothing other than sex, good sex but nevertheless just sex, there was no… deep connection.

    His eyes glanced back over her body… that dress sure does makes her look sexy; I can see myself slowly undressing this vixen as I make my way down the small of her neck and… He was snapped out of his day-dreaming by a voice. ‘Dominic!’

    ‘Oh yes, sorry Dad; what?’ he replied looking in his father's direction.

    Theo had called him twice as he knew he was preoccupied with his thoughts. His father was a good looking man for his age. Now in his eighties he still had a head full of silver hair, and like his son he had the looks of a Greek god, green eyes and a smile that would melt any woman half his age.

    Dominic had his father’s looks but at thirty years younger, he still possessed his dark hair. He prided himself on being able to seduce any woman he chose, to be in his bed. He had enjoyed many a woman, even more than his father, of that he was sure.

    His dad had been married to his mother for ten years. It took him a couple of years to get over losing her to another man. He always said it was the biggest regret in life, letting her go. He would not make that mistake – why have one woman when you can have many, was his motto.

    Theo said, ‘Dominic, wake up… go and check on the kitchen, make sure that all's ready for tonight.’

    ‘Sure.’ Dominic said made his way to the door that led

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