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Weekends Away: The Series
Weekends Away: The Series
Weekends Away: The Series
Ebook100 pages1 hour

Weekends Away: The Series

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About this ebook

This is a boxed set of the Weekends Away series that relates the tales of women who get to meet, and play with, various other women in different surroundings. From a quiet beach house to shenanigans on a houseboat to private house parties, many sexy adventures unfold as the women lose all the inhibitions.

PublisherHarry May
Release dateOct 19, 2015
Weekends Away: The Series

Harry May

Harry May works full time and enjoys writing about erotic adventures.

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    Weekends Away - Harry May




    Harry May

    * * * *


    Harry May on Smashwords

    Weekends Away

    The Series

    Copyright 2015 by Harry May

    * * * *

    All characters and events in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Please note that I use Australian spelling throughout. You will see doubled letters (e.g. focussed), ou’s (e.g. colour) and ‘re’ (centre) as well as a few other differences from American spelling.

    * * * *





    Weekend at Bernadette’s

    Weekend on the Houseboat

    Weekend with the Girls

    Lunch with the Girls

    Girls at Night


    Weekend at Bernadette’s

    Chapter 1

    Thursday night drinks after work was a common practice amongst the sales and marketing team. I had joined them once before, but that was several months ago, and apart from the free drinks, courtesy of the entertainment allowance provided by the company, the session was a monumental bore. On that occasion, I had lasted an hour before I had had my fill of sales spin and bragging of successes, not only sales made, but the conquests of women, so I had departed, leaving them to embellish the tales as the alcohol kicked in even more.

    My hesitation in accepting their invitation to tonight’s social session was brushed aside by the main protagonists, as they knew it was my technical knowledge of the proposal that had clinched the deal. Even the company CEO was attending to celebrate the sale, worth many hundreds of millions of dollars so I really had no option but to attend. Besides, I had been working long hours on the project and needed some socialising, so reluctantly accepted the invitation.

    Arriving an hour after the main group had commenced made it a challenge as the drinks had already been flowing and the noise level was high. There was quite a crowd including a number of the general office staff and managers. Humans, being creatures of habit, gathered in their groups of co-workers as, in reality, they had little in common other than work. I was dragged into the main group of salesmen as high fives and backslapping went from one to the next.

    After a few drinks and a lot more cheering and bragging, I managed to break away and joined another group nearby. It was the Legal group with whom I had very little contact with so far during my three year tenure. I was introduced to those I didn’t know and they seemed reasonably pleasant, congratulating me on my part in concluding the deal. The conversation was centred on this and although I was happy to talk about it, I was over it all and really did need a change of conversation, so I made my leave, citing an empty glass that needed refilling.

    Waiting at the bar to get a refill, I heard a female voice behind me.

    It can become all a bit boring, that’s for sure.

    I turned around to see one of the women from Legal and I recalled her name was Annette. A very attractive woman and even the business clothes she was wearing couldn’t hide the sexy body and ample bosom. Making room at the bar beside me, I asked if she wanted a refill as well.

    A Vodka on ice sounds good.

    I ordered a scotch on the rocks and once we had drinks in hand, we moved away from the bar to a quieter area.

    It can get a bit boring talking shop all the time Annette proffered.

    I agree was my reply as I continued. So, why did you come along tonight?

    More of an obligation really. I did most of the legal work on the contract so it was expected of me to come along. I don’t really like all this hoo-hah but it’s one of those things you have to do from time to time.

    I can relate to that.

    Our conversation continued for the next couple of hours talking about almost everything but work. We were interrupted a couple of times but they quickly took the hint we wanted to be alone. Drinks were consumed at a steady pace without going overboard, but we were both quick to realise that driving home was not an option. We shared a taxi home along with kisses and fondling as the alcohol loosened the inhibitions. Arriving outside her place, the taxi driver was waiting patiently as I escorted Annette to the front door.

    I won’t ask you in but I would love to see you again.

    How about dinner tomorrow night? I inquired hopefully.

    I would, but I am actually going away for the weekend. An old girlfriend has a holiday shack overlooking the beach and we have had this weekend booked for ages. We haven’t really caught up for some time, so I can’t really break it. Damn it, I would have enjoyed going out with you.

    Well, I could always join you. I volunteered with silly grin on face.

    That’s not as a silly as it sounds. But you wouldn’t want to be around two old gals waffling on.

    I can pour the drinks for you and make sure you are tucked up in bed at a decent hour.

    You are teasing now. But let me check with Bernie tomorrow and I will let you know.

    With that, she placed her hands on my buttocks and gave it a squeeze as she planted a very sensuous kiss on my lips.

    You have a very sexy arse. See you at work tomorrow.

    With that, she went inside leaving me slightly bemused and wondering what to make of it all.

    Chapter 2

    Annette arrived at my desk early the next day with a mischievous grin on her face.

    I spoke with Bernadette, that’s my friend with the beach house, and she is cool with you joining us for the weekend. What time can you get away this afternoon as I was hoping to leave by 3pm?

    I can manage that came my nervous reply. But I need to go via home to pick up a few things.

    That’s ok, I can come with you, I brought my bags for the weekend into work with me so there is no need for me to go home first and I can leave my car in the car park downstairs.

    Great, I will see you at the front reception area at 3pm.

    The rest of the day seemed to drag as the anticipation of going away for weekend with Annette had played on my mind constantly. Finally, the time to leave had arrived and I met Annette in reception. We headed down to the car park as I offered to carry her bags to which she gratefully accepted. Leaving early had the benefits of much less traffic so we arrived at my place in no time.

    It took me only five minutes to pack my things. Annette had said that we weren’t planning to go out at all, so only casual clothes for wearing around the

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