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The Darkened Path: Shades Of Darkness
The Darkened Path: Shades Of Darkness
The Darkened Path: Shades Of Darkness
Ebook106 pages2 hours

The Darkened Path: Shades Of Darkness

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About this ebook

S.M.Tillson, a real life practicing Witch, debuts her own eccentric flavor and independent style of Spells, Recipes, Magical Formulas, and bits and bobs of eclectic wisdom that are guaranteed to change your life for the better! Learn and use practical, hands on magical techniques, and brew up some of these one of a kind, original recipes designed to Draw and keep Love, and Money, Protect your home and family, and Uncross and Reverse all manner of Hex, Jinx and Curse that troubles your life! Take a journey into the Shadows and see what you find waiting to be discovered!

PublisherS.M. Phillips
Release dateOct 18, 2015
The Darkened Path: Shades Of Darkness

S.M. Phillips

S.Wise Suggs is a self published author, business owner, and entrepreneur. Her hobbies include great music, reading, writing, spiritual pursuits, and spending time with her family and 3 cats. S.Wise Suggs holds a B.S in Financial Planning, and Certifications in Natural Health Consultation, Life Coaching, Power BI, and Data Analytics, with other certifications in progress. She is a member of The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and The National Society of Leadership and Success, University of Phoenix Chapters. To date, S.Wise Suggs has over 10 books published in Fantasy Romance, Life and Financial Wellness, and Occult Studies.

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    The Darkened Path - S.M. Phillips

    The Darkened Path: Shades Of Darkness

    Authored By: S.M. Tillson

    Copyright 2015 Smashwords

    Author’s Note

    The Darkened Path, Shades of Darkness is the beginning of companion series of novellas that correlate to The Darkened Path, series and in this first installment , I have written some of the various spells, crafts, formulary, and instructions that are briefly touched upon in the biographical books of my series.

    I will not be held responsible for deliberate or accidental misuse and malpractice, or any medical or other deliberate or unforeseen harm resulting to you or your participating parties that may result from the misuse of these recipes, spells, charms, and formulae. I only ask that you please use sound judgment and the utmost care and responsibility while casting and incorporating these into your daily lives! I bid you all Bright Blessings and Happy spell crafting!

    Table of Contents:

    Chapter 1: Cleansing Yourself, Your Home, And Sacred Space.

    Chapter 2: Banishment, Reversal and Protection Charms, Spells, and Formulas.

    Chapter 3: Hex, Jinx and Curse Removal.

    Chapter 4: Love and Money Enchantments.

    Chapter 1: Blessing and Cleansing Yourself, Your Home, and Sacred Space.

    I was taught very early in life that if your home and space is not clean or cleansed, that ill intentions, harm, bad luck, bad people, and sickness of all types, emotional, physically and metaphysically, will befall you, your home and Sacred Space. Thusly, I learned some very particular and perhaps OCD habits with personal and spiritual cleanliness. My mother is possibly a bit too clean, how many times did I grumble at her overpowering use of Pinesol, Lysol disinfectant, bleach and air fresheners! How many nights did I sulk and grouch at her for making me scrub down my body and hair as if I was infested with all sorts of dirt and grossness? I am now glad I was forced into this type of cleanliness because it has served me well over the years and I learned the reasoning as to why later on.

    I am not that particular with the use of harsh chemical cleansers and other things but I do employ the use of natural remedies and cleansers that will both clean the house and my atmosphere. My ritual space and every room in my house is probably terrified of germs and bad spirits and anything that might possibly be malicious or harmful in nature! We really cannot have anything or anyone or even a speck of malevolence entering our space and lives to cause havoc and harm. That is not to say it does not, or will not, happen. I have had some bad experiences and happenings of malicious nature and of bad people and their ill intentions and negativity I have had to get rid of it and clear them out. This Ritual Cleansing written below is of my own creation and I have found it works very well on yourself and home.

    The four elements will be used to Bless and Cleanse yourself, your home and ritual space, the four elements being Earth ,Air Water, Fire respectively, and we shall call upon Spirits of each as we follow the steps to the ritual. We willl start our Ritual in our Sacred Space, as this will be the focal point of the energy that is drawn and manifested for the rest of the ritual. Most traditional Altars and Workr Rooms are set up in the Eastern wall or corner of a particular room, mine is actually my bedroom so therefore I get to do two rooms with one go. If you do not have an altar space or a room for your working then you shall start in the farthest eastern part of your home.

    Your supplies shall be as follows: 1/2 cup of sea salt, 1/2 cup of baking soda, mix these two together in a bowl, 1 large bottle of Holy Water, 1 bundle of smudging incense made of white sage, cedar, or my recipe listed below. 1 white standard sized candle.

    You will begin in the Eastern section of the room or space, take up in your palm, with your dominant hand, a large pinch of our salt/soda mixture and pass the mixture around yourself three times, and say aloud I call forth the Energy and Spirits of Earth, to Bless and cleanse this space and myself of all negative and malevolent energies and this room and myself are Blessed and cleansed!

    Go clockwise three times around to the four corners of the room in a large circle and sprinkle the salt/soda, beginning at the East, and go South, West, North and back to East. Sprinkle all types of entry points of where negative and malevolent energy can enter the room or space, including closets, doorways, mirrors, windows, and similar openings.

    Step 2:, Light your incense smudge or stick, begin again in the East, going clockwise around the room, and say, I call forth the Energy and Spirits of Air, to Bless and Cleanse this room and myself of all negative and malevolent energies ,and this room and myself are Blessed and Cleansed! Gently waft the smoke over all entry points and around yourself three times, going to each corner of the room again in a wide circle as close as you can.

    Step 3: take your bowl or bottle of Holy or Blessed Water, starting again in the East, dip the fingers of your dominant hand into the bowl, anoint yourself three times on the forehead, inner wrists, and ankles, and incant aloud I call forth the Energies and Spirits of Water to Bless and Cleanse this space and myself of all negative and malevolent energies, this space and myself are Cleansed and Blessed! again , go East, South, West and North with your bowl of water, gently sprinkling small droplets on all entry points and upon vulnerable spots in the room in a wide circle.

    Step 4 : We will light the white candle, again standing in the East, light the candle and incant aloud, I call upon the Energies and Spirits of Fire, to Bless and Cleanse this space and myself of all negative and malevolent energies, this space and myself is now Blessed and Cleansed! again go three times around the room as directed above clockwise, shine the candle into the entry points and over the dark corners and spaces of the room where dark energies will be chased away by the light.

    Congratulations! You have just successfully cleansed and blessed your space! But now comes the repetitive part. The whole process stated above needs to be done in every room of the entire house, for maximum benefit.

    Cleansing is especially important in the bedrooms, living areas, kitchen, and bathroom, where people live daily and interact and therefore, use energy in sometimes negative ways that will invite unwanted malicious spiritual presences. The darker places such as the basement, attic, and any other room of the house, are places where malevolent spirits and energies like to hide and dwell. Otherwise, if you just want to do your space and yourself then you are now finished. This ritual works very well to cleanse and banish negatives and potentially harmful entities and vibes from the home and space, and you are also cleansing and blessing yourself in the process.

    It is especially suitable for rooms where known negative energy exists or a recent bout of negative emotions and incidents have occurred. Hopefully by the time you have finished the one room, you shall feel a warm presence and a tingly vibe present from calling forth all that wonderful positive energy! If you do not feel comfortable with leaving the salt/soda mixture sprinkled onto the floors and other areas, it can be dusted and swept up now as the energies from earth are now manifest and have done their job. The Holy water will evaporate provided you did not douse everything. The scent from the incense will disappear with time. Now, below will be listed my personal holy oil recipe, and some tips on making and creation of Holy Water. Every time I have done this cleansing ritual, myself my house and even my kids and animals feel the refreshing and calming effects, it Is truly a bodily and spiritually uplifting experience!

    Creation of Holy Water: You can buy Holy water from the supply store already blessed, or you can make your own in a pinch. I use a quart of pure spring water or rain water, with a tablespoon of salt and a piece of silver or quartz crystal added, and let it sit in full Moonlight overnight. When you are done with the crystal and silver, you can save it for another use as it is now charged too! Other methods of Holy water, is to collect pure sea water with no bits of debris in it, this is a very strong and natural source of Blessed water. Also, collecting snow on a Full moon is great too as it’s blessed as it is falling.

    I mentioned earlier a recipe I use for Blessing and Cleansing, it is an

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