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The Goddess Returned: Girls' Day Out
The Goddess Returned: Girls' Day Out
The Goddess Returned: Girls' Day Out
Ebook41 pages35 minutes

The Goddess Returned: Girls' Day Out

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In the sequel to ‘Help Wanted,’ Caleb-turned-Sarah is on the prowl to find an outfit for her new body and to secure a second handmaiden for her Goddess. Fortunately for her, Caleb’s old friend Dyson is on his way to meet her, unaware that this shopping trip is just for girls... and he’s included!

Filled with gender transformation action and a finals cene with the Goddess herself, ‘Girls’ Day Out’ will give you all the sexy, slippery fun Lyka Bloom is known for!

PublisherLyka Bloom
Release dateOct 20, 2015
The Goddess Returned: Girls' Day Out

Lyka Bloom

Lyka Bloom writes various forms of fiction, but erotica has become a new passion. She preferstransformations and games of control, and enjoys exploring all the perverse kinks bubbling beneath the surface of sexuality.

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    The Goddess Returned - Lyka Bloom


    by Lyka Bloom


    First Edition. October 19, 2015 at Smashwords.

    Copyright © 2015 Lyka Bloom

    Written by Lyka Bloom

    With each step she took, Sarah felt more and more alive. At first, she had been torn by memories of the person who had inhabited her body before, a nagging sense of having been something other than the joyous and gorgeous creature she was now. Something about being a boy, before meeting her Goddess. The thought made her nose wrinkle and a giggle bubble up from her belly. She liked boys, sure, and she was looking forward to her first time feeling one of their cocks ease between her legs and spill its seed inside her, but the thought of actually being one made her feel itchy and odd. She knew that, no matter the boy, she would never find a phallus to delight like that of her Goddess. As Cassandra put it, she was lust and fertility personified, and it took only an instant in her presence to feel the magnetic draw to be near her, to serve her and please her.

    It made Sarah deliriously happy that she had been chosen to serve someone (something?) as perfect as Cassandra, and she would pinch herself to make sure it wasn't some wonderful dream if her hand weren't busy holding up the too-big shorts she wore, the final evidence of some other life led before.

    Tucked in the pocket of said khaki cargo shorts was a roll of large bills taken from Cassandra's purse, given to Sarah with strict orders that she was to go shopping and find something more appropriate to wear, and there was more than a little suggestion it should be something that drew more than a few glances her way.

    In addition to the high she felt imagining her new clothes, not to mention the sheer bliss of serving her Goddess, Sarah was eager to see the boy who had texted her. The phone was hers, or, at least, it was in the pocket of the shorts she wore, but it was fairly plain for something in Sarah's possession. Every inch of her needed to be adorned, highlighted and displayed, and that included her belongings. Even as she pranced down the sidewalk toward the single mall in the relatively small town, her heels naturally lifting even though she wore no shoes, she was garnering plenty of attention from the locals.

    Sarah thought she could recognize some faces, but it could be more of the fading memories of the other who had been her, though she could recollect no face or distinct events from that life. She didn't press her brain too much, either. It was far better to focus on what was important, and the first order

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