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Glory Daze
Glory Daze
Glory Daze
Ebook40 pages20 minutes

Glory Daze

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About this ebook

Mary has fantasy that involves anonymous sex in a very specialized setting. All she requires is a hole in the wall and a man. After her friend describes her own experience, Mary decides to turn her fantasy into reality, and her world will never be the same. For every woman who has thought about it, and every man who has done it ...

PublisherNicole V.
Release dateOct 22, 2015
Glory Daze

Nicole V.

I am a young woman (though I still act like a little girl sometimes) from Northern California. I have decided to put my sexual history out there as my own brand of "therapy" for being a sex addict. I don't believe pleasure is bad, and I am built for pleasure. My controversial non-fiction series "Diary of a Bad Girl" is now collected in paperback only and has bonus content!

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    Glory Daze - Nicole V.


    Nicole V.

    Published by Nicole V. at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Nicole V.

    All characters in this book are eighteen years of age or older.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Mary Black didn’t think about anonymously sucking dick until she was at her friend Doris’ house. It was Doris’ birthday, and they were drinking wine to celebrate it.

    While Mary was always quiet about her sexuality, Doris was very open about her own almost to the point of bragging, and now she was going on and on about something called a glory hole.

    It was weird, she continued, taking a sip of her red wine. Brad said he had something he wanted me to do. I figured since we were in Florida and it was near my birthday, it would be ring shopping or a nude beach or something. Doris’ current boyfriend was Brad, a man five years her junior. Doris had told Mary they were serious, but Doris was serious about every man she was with no matter how long she was with him. Mary, on the other hand, had been married for ten years. Her sex life wasn’t boring, but it was far from the amusement park of experiences that Doris enjoyed.

    Doris, at forty, still had the body of a twenty-year-old. She obsessed over it. She was a personal trainer, so she looked her best at all times. She had long blonde hair, perfect breasts, and an ass men couldn’t help but stare at. The only place her age showed was in her hands and the lines around her eyes. Doris wouldn’t get any plastic surgery, however. She was too vain to mess with perfection.

    Mary, on the other hand, felt that she looked her forty-two years of age. She had long dark hair that was styled appropriately for a woman her age. Her body was rounded in places, and her ass had some extra weight to it, which was how her husband, Steven, liked it. Her breasts were large and full, but gravity was starting to take its toll on them. When she looked in the mirror, all she could see were flaws. Steven, however, still got it up whenever she bent over in front of him.

    What was it? Mary asked.

    A porno store, Doris said with a throaty laugh. Can you believe it? A dirty bookstore.

    Oh. How nice. Mary had been in one with Steven a few years ago when they went to San Francisco. They

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