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Fantasies Fulfilled: The Series
Fantasies Fulfilled: The Series
Fantasies Fulfilled: The Series
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Fantasies Fulfilled: The Series

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About this ebook

This is a boxed set of stories of the Fantasies Fulfilled series covering the 7 stories that tell of the adventures and escapades of a happily married couple who desire to spice up their sex life. They delve into group sex, same sex, exhibitionism and even cross dressing as they explore wonderful new experiences with the assistance from a third party who arranges all the sessions.

PublisherHarry May
Release dateOct 22, 2015
Fantasies Fulfilled: The Series

Harry May

Harry May works full time and enjoys writing about erotic adventures.

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    Book preview

    Fantasies Fulfilled - Harry May

    Chapter 1

    The introductions were made and we sat in the hotel bar having a drink to explore things further. The initial contact had been made via an adult dating web site and we had agreed to meet, deciding that a neutral venue would be best. Sarah and Chris had been married for over ten years, had two kids and were generally happy in their life together, but both had come to the conclusion that their love life, or more precisely their sex life, had become dull and boring and were looking for a way to spice things up.

    Sarah did most of the talking, explaining that they had fantasies that they had talked about and wanted to meet someone who could help them fulfill these desires. Both wanted to have a Bi experience but were not sure of exactly what that meant or more particular, exactly the type of activity they wanted to engage in other than they wanted to share in it together rather than as a one on one encounter. They had discussed having an extra woman but Sarah, being the more dominate one, wanted an extra guy as their first dabble into this. She explained that she wanted to see Chris with another guy, especially to see him suck a cock.

    For his part, Chris wanted to see Sarah being fucked by a guy, plus he wanted to partake in some anal fucking. He had tried this with Sarah who had not really been into it, so he was looking for a guy who would take his cock. He was not sure if he wanted to receive as he hadn’t really tried this at all but was at least open to the idea.

    Chris went up to the bar to order a second drink for us all; they seemed to like me and wanted to chat some more. Sarah took this opportunity to confide in me that she was the one who had really instigated all this and generally took control or dominated whenever they had sex. One of her fantasies was to have a guy dominate her, telling her what to do and using her as he wished. I nodded in agreement and understanding and promised to not relay this back to Chris who may have felt we had undermined him in some way.

    Once Chris returned with the drinks we resumed our discussion and I said that I understood what they wanted and that I could work with them to satisfy these carnal desires. Sarah was warming to the situation and placed a hand on my leg, rubbing it up and down ever so slowly and seductively. She repeated this with her other hand on Chris’ leg and I could sense he was comfortable with Sarah touching me. Her hand inched up closer to my crotch and this had the desired effect as my dick began to swell. We were sitting in a busy area with quite a number of fellow drinkers close by and although we weren’t in open view to everyone, performing this teasing in public seemed to turn both Sarah and Chris on, something else that I would keep in mind. Sarah leant over and gave me quite a passionate kiss on the lips and at the same time, grabbed my now rapidly swelling cock through my jeans.

    Won’t don’t we go back to our place, our kids are staying over at a friends place, so we have the house to ourselves chirped in Chris, decidedly eager for the first time. It was only just after 8pm, so it was still relatively early and besides, I had made no plans in anticipation that the initial get together would go well.

    Sounds good I replied.

    I will go with Steve volunteered Sarah, that way I can show him the directions so he doesn’t get lost, not giving Chris any real say in the matter.

    Chapter 2

    No sooner were we in my car when Sarah was all over me. She didn’t seem to care if Chris could see us in his rear vision mirror as I made an attempt to keep up with him as we drove off. Her hand was all over my crutch, eager to feel my hardness. I reciprocated the attention by playing with her tits and teasing her nipples through her top and bra. Luckily, the drive was only a short one and we were at their house in 10 minutes. Very modern and kept in excellent condition, they must not be short of a dollar as this type of house in this decidedly upper middle class area wouldn’t come cheap.

    The inside of the house was very neat and tidy with all the comforts as Sarah directed me into the living area at the rear. She went straight to the sideboard and put on some background music. By this time, Chris had taken up a place on the large sofa and gazed towards me, looking for direction on how to proceed. Sarah came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me, playing with my chest and nipples through my shirt. She seemed in a desperate hurry for some action and didn’t seem to care that Chris was seated opposite and watching us. I untangled her arms and moved away from her.

    I will tell you what to do and when I said to both of them in a controlling voice and I could see out of the corner of my eye that Chris was pleased that I had usurped control from Sarah.

    First, Sarah, take off your blouse and skirt but leave your bra and knickers on, but undress in away so as to tease and excite us. Chris, stand up and come over here next to me.

    After recovering from the initial shock of being told what to do, Sarah relished in her role as she began to perform a seductive strip. As she took her blouse off, she rubbed her breasts against my chest as if to make Chris jealous but all it did was to arouse her nipples as they pushed against her see through bra. She stepped back and turned her back to us as she undid the zip of her skirt and began to wriggle it down over her hips before letting it fall to the floor exposing her red lacy knickers. Sarah had come dressed to undress. She then bowed forward, giving us a view of her derriere that was quite taut and flattered her and we got a bird’s eye view of her pussy outline. Chris was now more than eager and made a move to rub her with his hands, but I stopped him short.

    Not so fast, we need to be undressed before we touch. Sarah, I want you to start undressing Chris, shoes and socks first, then shirt, then his pants, but leave his jocks on.

    Sarah did as she was instructed, providing sufficient teases to arouse Chris which was very evident from the bulge in his underwear. She gave him a gentle rub up and down to make sure he was good and hard with the telltale wet patch at the front as his cock began to ooze a little showed he was more than excited. I was next, as I made Chris wait and directed Sarah to undress me as well. Standing in only my tight fitting boy shorts, I grabbed Chris’ hand and placed it directly on my bulge. After his initial hesitation, Chris warmed to the idea of fondling a man and stroked me tenderly as I made him kneel down in front of me. Under my guidance, Sarah stood behind me and eased down my jocks giving Chris a close up eye level view of my stiffening dick.

    Unsure of what he was supposed to do, I guided his head closer to my cock as he hesitantly opened his mouth and began to suck the end it. I told him to take it slowly and gradually slide his mouth further down the shaft before commencing to move his mouth up and down, just as he would like Sarah to suck him. He started to get the hang of it and continued his sucking as well as cupping my balls in his hand. This was starting to feel very good and I told him so. Sarah was watching this with great interest as she slid a hand inside her panties to feel her wetness as she began to get very horny.

    I halted Chris’ sucking and told him to stand up. I then made Sarah stand behind him as it was my turn to kneel in front of Chris as Sarah eased his boxer shorts down. I told him to close his eyes and imagine it was a very sexy woman who was kneeling in front of him as I took his cock in my mouth and began to suck him. I could tell he was enjoying this as very quickly he let out a soft moan of pleasure.

    It was now Sarah’s turn to enjoy a little play as I stood up in front of her. I directed Chris to stand behind her and undo the clasp of her bra and slowly ease the straps off her shoulders, allowing her ample breasts to come free before he cupped a breast in each hand and gently massaged them. I eased her knickers down and I saw that, like Chris, she had a full bush of hair as my hand ran over this thick furry mound. I allowed a finger to probe inside her now quite wet cunt as she enjoyed two men touching her in unison.

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