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All I want is you
All I want is you
All I want is you
Ebook130 pages1 hour

All I want is you

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“All I Want Is You” is a U2 fan’s “music story”. It’s about her love for the band’s music and for the men behind the musicians, admiring their keen intelligence, their humanitarian principles and moral values . The book is a collection of articles from the author, Angela Barresi, published online for the Italian website U2360GRADI.IT, for which she has been a contributor for many years, writing for the column “360Pink”, and giving readers a female’s point of view of the band. The idea of these articles comes from a desire to share experiences and feelings that great music can inspire among all the readers. Men and women of all ages, backgrounds and cultures all feel the same passion for this band. U2 achieve in bringing together people and generations that otherwise wouldn’t have such a clear musical identity.An English version of the book was created In order to share opinions and feelings about the band outside the Italian boundaries.
Release dateFeb 21, 2014
All I want is you

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    All I want is you - Angela Barresi



    (reflections of a U2 fan)

    If someone would have told me 20 years ago that one day I would be writing a collection of articles about U2, I would have answered that it is possible only in my dreams. Luckily, dreams sometimes come true, so now here I am, putting down in words that world of emotions, typically feminine (certainly personal), that Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam express to me through their music.

    With the end of the 360 Tour, anticipations grow for the release of the remastered version of Acthung Baby, due in the autumn of 2011, from which, personally, I expect high emotions; mostly I expect U2 to amaze me once again with the songs I love since I was a young girl, and that I continue to listen to with the same involvement as back then. And I know this is how it will be. Since I ran into them, thanks to my brother, who, being older than me, thought he had the right to choose the music we should listen to, I have never stopped following and admiring them as the only artists able to influence the way I see things, how I move towards life and the difficulties of a changing world. I listen to them because they can restore the balance between my inner self and everything outside that often makes me worry. I am thankful for the care they take in creating music for three decades without ever going wrong, for making records that are always up to date, for making award-winning world tours, with largest attending audience, great stage setups and extraordinary shows.

    I have a special connection with Achtung Baby, because it brings back memories of when I was 18 and reminds me of a wonderful summer at the sea, and because it is the highest expression of the values that I believe in: love, brotherhood, cooperation and mutual support as only means of carrying on. The moment the members of the band become incapable of communicating and seem to be at the point of breaking up, One comes up like a gift from above, the song that grants U2 a place of honor in the world as musicians. Although it is not a love song, One affects me deeply with its perfect blend of melody and words that arrive straight to the heart without misunderstanding because the only way to overcome difficult moments is to collaborate with the people in your life, a friend, a family member, a companion, together as one. Bono’s voice penetrates in my ears and makes a part of me vibrate, that part I never listen to because there is never enough time between things to do and things to remember.

    That music represents me more than the way I look, the words I speak or I write to let others know who I am. At times it seems as if Bono knew my restlessness, my fears as if I had told him for him to turn into a message for those who share my same feelings, for those who cry or laugh just like me. Since I listen to U2 I realize I am not misunderstood if I sing out load in my car songs of my favourite band, or if I write on facebook that fans of Bono and company one big family, united in the name of love and in respect of those causes that make the human soul great.


    Every day hundreds of teenage boys and girls fall in love and begin a new journey in life together, with the promise that a love so strong can overcome any obstacle. I believe that something similar happened to Bono and his wife Alison when they met in school in 1975 and fell in love. At that time, neither of them knew what they would become and how the rest of the world would consider them as one of the most beautiful and durable celebrity couples ever. Ali has always been a fundamental part of Bono’s life, private and artistically speaking; probably many U2 songs we love wouldn’t have the same lyrics, the same emotional impact if there had not been a woman like Ali inspiring and supporting him day after day for 30 years. Obviously every relationship has its share of issues, comes to a compromise, is made of failing and forgiving; but this couple must share some sort of secret because they are a family to take as example, so rare to find nowadays. Not without reason they say that behind a great man there’s a great woman that completes him, enriches him with love and gives him strength in times of pain.

    Ali has been able to do all of this; she is a wife, a mother but mostly she is a woman who has managed to pursue her goals, never disregarding herself, especially during the times when it was not easy being the partner of U2’s frontman. She is personally involved in social causes, showing a sensibility towards some of the problems of our times such as fighting poverty in Africa, and environmental disasters such as Chernobyl. Knowing that there are women like Ali in the world makes me realize that there is still hope; true Love does exist and although it requires efforts and commitment it lives throughout the years and can stay strong as time goes by. I am convinced that fame and success do not always change people in worse; that money can’t buy everything and that human nature tends to pursue success to enrich the soul and not the body. U2’s music is based on love and family, and this is the secret of an alliance that lasts so long and that we all wish could stay with us forever. I can’t imagine my life without Bono’s voice singing for me with all the energy and the passion coming deep from his soul.

    Being in the limelight can be very exciting, but it often represents a huge responsibility towards the many fans that hold that celebrity in their hearts as their best friend, sharing their intimate secrets and dreams. This is the reason why it’s even more difficult to be first of all a man and a woman who silently deal with life’s struggles and rejoice in its pleasures.

    Bono and Ali represent a family model we can all take as an example if we keep believing in our dreams, if we respect one another and if we have faith that Love is the higher law and can conquer all.

    I regard Ali very highly, even though life is much easier for women like her. Those of us that get up early every morning, make breakfast for our children, dress them and take them to school hoping that their future is better than ours, can’t afford those luxuries. There is only one Bono, but I must say that Ali has remained the same person, she hasn’t changed although celebrity can be inebriating and can cause you to lose control of reality.

    Chiara – U2360GRADI.IT facebook page

    More about Ali’s commitment towards Africa

    Founded by Ali Hewson and Bono in 2005, EDUN is a global ethical fashion brand bringing about positive change through its trading relationship with Africa. Ali and Bono are true activists and they collaborate with various fashion labels. In May 2009 luxury group Louis Vuitton bought a 49% stake in the company encouraging business that doesn’t profit by underprivileged countries.

    Ali carries a collaborative Louis Vuitton for Edun bag. It has a monogram and handcrafted pattern made by the people of Kenya and the inside of the bag bears the inscription Every journey began in Africa. Edun actively works to increase trade with Africa; that is what this woman is involved in, besides being the wife of a worldwide famous rock star.


    They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and I believe that’s not just a saying, it’s the plain truth.

    Usually, we are fascinated by someone’s looks, by the way he talks and moves, but what mostly touches our inner self are the eyes. Well, I think this totally applies to Bono, who surely can claim many ways to attract a woman. The fact that he’s the leader of a famous band, he’s got charisma, a strong personality and is an intelligent person – besides having a extraordinary voice – makes him especially appealing for the ladies, more than any other man. It may be hard to believe, but there’s much more than this. What we like about Bono isn’t just what he sings and why he sings it; it’s how he does it, the way he can enter your heart by just looking straight in your eyes. He can talk about love, promise you something or ask to be forgiven for being unfaithful; he certainly knows how to get close to a woman with a combination of irresistible

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