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I Am Original
I Am Original
I Am Original
Ebook254 pages4 hours

I Am Original

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This is Nikolai’s story. The story is on a clone freed from containment and freed to speak his tales to whoever is listening.
Someone asked this question “What do you, Nikolai, remember just prior to your arrival to planet Aire or whatever name it’s called now?”
This someone was a Meritanian dubbed Merra heard blaring in the minds of Nikolai and Recorder, who Nikolai spoke this story as recorded by Recorder, Victoria Montreal.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateOct 26, 2015
I Am Original

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    I Am Original - Beth Hoyer

    I am original

    Edenia Series

    By Beth Hoyer

    Smashwords 2015


    This is Nikolai’s story. The story is on a clone freed from containment and freed to speak his tales to whoever is listening.

    Someone asked this question What do you, Nikolai, remember just prior to your arrival to planet Aire or whatever name it’s called now?

    This someone was a Meritanian dubbed Merra heard blaring in the minds of Nikolai and Recorder, who Nikolai spoke this story as recorded by Recorder, Victoria Montreal.

    This is the typing of Victoria Montreal original to clones of herself on admittance I’m still in love with Tom Mindbender Thunder.

    Tom sighed as Victoria held their son Nikolai in her arms. Their son was still a baby but he was bit old enough to start crawling. They sat gathered around a campfire with the others of the Soulers' family tribe. They were listening to Barry narrate the familiar story about the High Council and the tribe making a treaty agreement with them regardless of who's land it was. He eyed Nikolai who squirmed being held in his mother's arms to shift form into a wolf cub. He saw Nikolai get released by his Mother to go towards him seated next to his mate as he sighed again. He continued to hear Barry talk on towards others gathered around the campfire. Barry, he heard appeared to be ignoring Nikolai's restlessness. Nikolai got onto his lap and shifted form into a Human with golden eyes indicating of his mental abilities despite ability to change into a wolf. He recalled naming his son Nikolai after a favorite story. It was due to a fondness towards a Veronica Thomas’s story. He continued to listen to Barry kept up his talk despite having his hair fully white. He listened to the full story as always. He heard before spoken by Barry this time as leader of the tribe. Tom felt Nikolai sit on his lap which he wrapped an arm around his baby like form despite ability to change into a wolf cub for his mode of transportation. He rocked Nikolai gently as he could. He wound up sensing that Nikolai wanted to be rocked asleep by he telepathically giving him a snoring sound he heard in his mind. He continued to rock Nikolai asleep who yawned golden eyes blinking open and closed. He sensed him conk out by eyes shutting and form remaining still but breathing sensed. He sighed of relief hearing nothing from Nikolai telepathically. That suggested that he had conked out for awhile after nights of not wanting to sleep. He always telepathically indicates towards him every time of wanting to travel in the forest. His talk was focused onto as a wolf sniffing out lots of smells and seeing lots to see that the forest held. He continued to hold his son as he remained asleep. He seeing Victoria looking at him with a hint of smile on her face he loved her giving him. He smiled at her back as Barry ended the talk to feel Victoria wrap arms around him and their son, Nikolai. He felt her hug indicated that she loved him by her arms' grip around him. He sighed again to lean his head against Victoria as she did the same. He saw her eyeing their son in his arms. Tom sensed that Victoria was relieved that their son was finally sleeping. It was after nights of staying up late with wants to travel in the forest as a wolf. Tom sighed again feeling himself relieved that Nikolai was finally sleeping as the moon shined over head. He kept his hold on Nikolai tightly as Victoria kept her arms around him in a hug he didn't protest to that.

    Tom thought to himself as he continued to hold Nikolai I hope my son’s future is a good one-

    Tell us a story as heard by the Recorder in the room sounding in Yana’s voice tone who interrupted the typing of the Recorder’s typing this scene down.

    Yana sounded firm when she spoke her order according to Recorder typing this down.

    No one answered Yana’s order to speak the story instead Recorder noticed Yana was staring at Nikolai with an all black eyed glare like she was expecting him to speak his story. Nikolai, himself is a clone of three males, Jinks Montreal, Tom Mindbender Thunder and Nikolas Visser but original status of the three. Hence he who appeared to be lost in thought.

    Recorder typing onto laptop heard Yana’s words I order the computer tablet to record.

    Recorder ignored Yana’s talk and waited as Nikolai spoke the story in response to her wording.

    He spoke in response Who am I anyway?

    Groaning was heard among the inhabitants of the room as Nikolai appeared to get a headache via grimace seen on his face. He appeared as compelled by the grimace seen and appeared to found his mind flooded with images in his mind. Meritanian’s snickering like laughter was heard in Recorder’s mind in Merra’s feminine voice tone. Nikolai appeared to exhale a breath and inhaled to speak the story in response to the order of Yana herself.

    Nikolai spoke I recalled I told this story to the High Council or religious order of the High Council while a prisoner of them.

    Nikolai went into the story he told the High Council saved onto another file in this laptop computer.

    Nikolai’s Story as told to Recorder:

    Guardian found the scene stopping onto the travelers’ gate image and spoke his familiar lines I am the Guardian of Life and Death. I will judge you on my scales on your life.

    The soul being judged had his soul taken from his body and put onto the scales to be judged.

    Nikolai at the moment telling the story I couldn’t tell what the soul looked like but only a moment of brightness. I couldn’t tell what the scale looked like either.

    Nikolai heard a feminine voice sounding of joy to him he later admits Must be Egypt the Highlander Goddess of Life speaking that noise.

    The Guardian spoke Life is chosen for you. Be gone now!

    The Guardian held up his hands into circle around his lips and made a blow movement.

    Nikolai admits The hands I saw appeared twin to this Eric’s hands from the looks of it but I didn’t see anything else.

    Nikolai facing the Guardian got his form rising in the air rising out of the planet Humania towards multiple planets including passing by sun stars till a planet came into view. Nikolai saw the planet was Aire after seeing an image of it on the Recorder’s laptop via internet during a break of telling the tale. He went into Aire to focus as if drawn onto a male lying on a stone table with thunder and lightening flashing above while wearing clothed wrappings. The wrappings were covering his form entirely from head to foot that nothing was seen of his body. Only a male form and entered him like a possession then passed out unconscious.

    Nikolai adds I didn’t realize it at the time but the body covering was I lying in the Soulers’ room of death waiting to be burned to death via eater fire onto me hence the wrappings. I recalled nothing in response to how I avoided the burning death done onto me when I had my own body and nearly executed myself despite balking on doing it to a clone of myself holding the Mindbender persona.

    It was Barry who spoke the answer in response "It was the Meritanians Tank and Merra who convinced the Souler Council to not to burn you to death. Merra later admitted to the idea of the High Council’s creation of you cloned via three males into one body all together. The Souler Council had to test you for that and found Merra was correct by historical documents in the High Council’s records saying she was the one responsible for that idea. Instead the plants told this excuse instead of admitting that they were responsible for your creation or keeping you alive.

    They told the Souler Council Just preserve the body into their room for preservation.

    The Souler Council with reluctant did that but during the process of transporting your body as seen you woke up growling angrily like alive and well then resumed a sleeping status. The Soulers had to put you into a prison trap to contain you. You they put into their medical room to figure out what was really going on with that reaction. As a result the twins, doctors Kurpanov and Trevor mind scanned you and realized that you were poisoned but still alive in your mind. They gave you to the antidote to the poison as if knowing what it was. It turns out one of the Soulers gave you the poison in an attempt to kill you off despite thinking like a Freeloader as a cloned status was. Timer acting as an authority figure punished the Souler harshly including having that Souler suffered the poisoned status he gave you. It’s an eye for an eye injury actually. Anyway the Soulers once they retrieved you from death wound up putting you into a tube out of fears of you causing assassinations via mental abilities of the Berserker in control. They didn’t realize at the time that Edenia meant to make clones of Mindbender’s Berserker abilities be for living instead of causing death. Hence you Nikolai with no ability of mental orders to cause death via Berserker side in control. Edenia is still annoyed with the jokey status of a clone avoiding that status with another clone taking her price tag in response. Such as being blind temporary for as long as she determines that for giving death."

    Nikolai in response gave a loud Humph once Barry quit the talk to give him a familiar glare with a look Confess your crime.

    Nikolai didn’t say a word in response instead heard loudly Argh you stinking Meritanian!

    Nikolai was heard, hissed a breath hearing Dalton’s wording to give Dalton a glare that ignored his glare and was glaring at Barry himself with all black eyes. Nikolai appeared to be annoyed with the storytelling instead had eyes shut with arms folded and a pained look onto his face. The Meritanians wound up were giving Nikolai another memory hence he grimacing in response according to Merra’s laughter sounding in Recorder’s mind.

    Nikolai admits after lengthy silence I can’t tell what the soul part looked like or the Guardian of Life and Death looked like. The High Council via prodding of mind scanning me heavily couldn’t find an image in my mind of what either one looked like. Ugh. Hence they tried to mind rape me as a result.

    Nikolai continued I definitely heard a feminine voice was heard shrieking of joy followed by the soul resumed back into the soul’s body.

    Nikolai continued the story speaking That was the story involving the tale of what I told the High Council despite their attempts to mind rape me which I wound up passing out unconscious as a result.

    Recorder recalled a clone’s mind rape via memory and groaned loudly. Nikolai in response ignored the groaning and continued the tale.

    The soul wound up finding himself transported out of Egyptia via the feeling. The transportation involved flying out of Egyptia or Humania as the world should be called and flying in the rigors of space like a satellite. The soul wound up flying past planets some numerous and seen that appeared to be a blur. The soul wound up orbiting onto a planet that was mostly full of water with islands all over the place including winter’s kingdoms of ice and snow on the north poles and south poles. The soul eyed an island as if drawn to found the soul flying towards the island showing a rocky castle sitting on rocks surrounding by a harsh unforgiving sea. The soul eyed the castle as if drawn and didn’t think of a comment as there were chanting noises heard. 

    The soul heard the chanting noises and frowned for the noises sounded of Ay Kabaiya!

    There was thunder and lightening flashing above the castle that hit the topmost part of the castle like a rod of electricity and went into the castle. The soul kept on watching as if drawn to find the electricity led via rod into the castle and went into an opening of the room where there was a figure laying there wrapped in mummy wrapping of ropes. The figure was appearing to be a male and lay wrapped appearing to be dead to the world as the electricity from the rod entered the room and hit the figure. The figure darted into a sitting position and appeared to be arching its back like in pain. The soul found themselves entering the figure and felt pain for the first time. The soul entering the figure screamed out a cry of pain and anguish followed by hearing a faint noise that sounded familiar to his ears. The soul realized he was a male from the feel but kept on arching his back and feeling pain entering him via the back via something attached to the back area making him arch in response. He felt the pain quit followed by a faint roaring noise sounding into his head that was either his ears or his mind giving off that noises. The male didn’t realize what the noises was and continued to hear it followed by arching his back repeatedly. The male found the pain quit followed by a terrible urge to breathe obeyed despite not sure what the movement or motion was. The male wound up gulping in air as if compelled the air stank of seawater and smelled of seawater to him. The male heard jabbering voices sounding excited to him found himself no longer alone in the room where he was lying on a hard metal bed. The male frowned finding nothing coming to mind as to who he was in mind except a name Nikolai came to him. The male felt confusion to the name of Nikolai didn’t protest as hands were felt yanking away the wrapping of ropes around his form baring his form naked like a newborn baby. He didn’t know he was naked or bare of clothes as the hands were appearing to be gloved appearing to be belonged to figures wearing white hooded robes he later learned were of the High Council taking sanctuary into the castle that used to belong to the Drainers.

    Nikolai spoke I didn’t realize the High Council left the planet on an ultimatum of Edenia giving them. The servants of the High Council remaining planet bound managed to get banished to the castle with the Drainers kicked out to live on the abandoned Annoyov Barrack Station on one of the High Council’s useless islands fueled by a volcano as power source. The High Council servants had continued the work of the High Council group into some God status as them as monks of a religious order believing into the High Council as a god. The order of the High Council was including restoring manoids or clones as their called, who were declared disappeared by the Souler Council, back to life via methods of electrical lightening zapping their bodies via rod.

    The male felt a familiar head pain like he knew it somewhere but didn’t know where it came from as he was lifted up and carried out of the room. Blackness was placed over his eyes he didn’t realize was a blindfold he didn’t see through it. The male felt confusion hitting him as the robed figures the remains of the Highlanders and hybrids of Highlanders and Humans called Elves left behind planet bound carried him through the castle. He didn’t realize he was in a castle as he was carried down steps to a room and dumped onto a bed with blindfold removed. The male found the robed figures leaving him into the room ignoring him opening his mouth he didn’t realize it and making grunting and gasping noises. The male felt confusion hitting him to why he was put into the room from where he was from. 

    He sensed nothing coming to his mind except the word Nikolai. 

    It sounded like a mantra in his mind including sounds that sounded familiar bringing him feelings he didn’t realize he had. The male in response smelled something stinky frowned what it was as liquid pooled around his body including solid stuff came out of him. He remained laying onto the bed as if needing to do not acknowledging the bathroom waste his body gave up. He ignored the smell and the liquids and solids pooling in a fast move till he felt like he had an enough of sitting swung his legs off the smooth bed. The male found his legs into his eyesight he didn’t realize what they were and stood up for the first time collapsing onto the floor same material as the bed. He again felt the pooling of liquid and solids dripping from his body he didn’t realized he went to the bathroom. The male heard a familiar sound sounded again that made him look in a direction towards the noises. He saw a wall he figured what it was opened swinging into the room showing a figure he grimaced seeing. The male grimaced grunting in response seeing the figure was clad in smooth clothing with a face of entirely no features and orbs of gold color where the eyes were. The orbed male as later identified as Hades was holding onto a rope where a figure or something four footed with furry skin was giving off noises and lunging towards him as the orbed male held him back via rope around his neck.

    The furry creature was a dog a German Shepherd via memory of it Says Nikolai.

    The male eyed the creature lunging with a range of emotions hitting him as if he was shock and didn’t realize it. 

    He wound up opening his mouth and blurts a word shocking him Shaw.

    The male felt confusion hitting him as the orbed male without a word pulled the lunging furry creature away out of the room shutting the door with a bang sound. The noise made the male grimace in response to the sound sounded too loud for his ears. He found the stink remained including the liquid and solids pooling around his legs and body to his annoyance. The male felt confusion hitting him to what the stuff was and found himself disgusted by its smell and touching onto his hands and arms. He remained sitting in the mess of the stuff followed by forcing himself to kneel. The male slumped down onto the floor again into a lying position like he had no strength to remain upright. The male found the pooling of liquid spurting from him including the solids stop along with a feeling of relief hitting him like he was glad this stopped. The male felt a compulsion to shut his eyes obeyed despite lying in his own mess. He found himself passing out unconscious as if drawn to do it. 

    Nikolai at the moment paused from telling the tale appearing to be lost in thought despite throat clearing noises of Barry in a Jinks Montreal’s cloned form of Human black eyes and scar on the cheek heard making those noises. Nikolai appeared to not acknowledge the noises till a cat’s meow loudly was heard which he wound up further speaking his story.

    Nikolai heard the familiar siren sound jerking his eyes open with a start finding he in a coffin from the looks of it. He recalled a male dubbing himself Anyan sneaking up behind him then pain in his back followed by nothingness. He sat up as the see through coffin's cover lifted itself up to find a male figure with an odd face coming into view with eyes that were sun colored making him grimace to see. Nikolai got out of the coffin finding the male with the night sky colored face and night sky colored clothes helping him out despite not asking him to. He felt an odd feeling hitting him as the male without a word got him to stand while keeping an arm around him. Nikolai felt his legs weak but obeyed to keep on walking finding the unnamed male was guiding him through a large vast room that had multiple coffins inside some empty some with bodies inside to his confusion. Nikolai didn't say a word as the stranger got him through a door way to hear a faint buzz noise behind him.

    He halted the male's walking to look finding a plant colored wall appearing looking see through to hear It's the shield to the room.

    Nikolai frowned hearing the voice to find the stranger looking at him which he heard a guttural male voice appearing to be from the male I'm no stranger. The name is Hades. Welcome to my realm of hell as called.

    He frowned hearing the sarcasm of the male's voice tone frown realizing his name was Hades but kept his mouth shut as the male got him into a small room. Nikolai jerked as something like a wall slid shut followed by a falling sensation making him stiffen.

    Nikolai heard It's just an elevator a machine that can transport people up and down in fast speed methods.

    He frown hearing that from Hades to find the male escorting him into a stone hallway making him stiffen of memory for it looked like a dungeon to him. He found various plants in the hallway while feeling that odd sensation hitting him again. Hades got him into a room to find a male wearing all white colored clothing with

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