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I Am the Hunter
I Am the Hunter
I Am the Hunter
Ebook45 pages45 minutes

I Am the Hunter

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Meritanians tell the Recorder a story of Coyote Wilson's dreams while contained locked up in a prison.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateOct 28, 2015
I Am the Hunter

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    Book preview

    I Am the Hunter - Beth Hoyer

    I am the Hunter

    Edenia Series

    By Beth Hoyer

    Published at Smashwords 2015

    Coyote Wilson remained floating in his tube passing in and out of unconscious status. He appeared to be dreaming multiple dreams while contained into there. Coyote August Wilson, dubbed Coyote by the state of Connecticut’s Native Americans, with the name he accepted as he remembered a dream. His dream involved him suffering injury when the pieces of the United States transferred from Earth to Shadan. What he remembered was he walked into the forest of the night in the snow with a long gun in hand having a flashlight attached. Coyote was hunting for the Amula, both wolf and Human change abilities, hidden in the forest of New York. Coyote didn’t realize that the Humans had gotten a hold of his tracker signal via satellite and was using it to track him for the location of the Amula. The Amula according to Humans via mind scans were too cunning to be found and easily avoiding their sniffing gonoids dubbed dogs. Anyway he paused from crouching onto the ground, eying wolf’s prints, to adjust the strap of his backpack on his back. He stood as the sky lit up with firelight illuminating the forest. Coyote looked up to see the sky full of fire along with shaking of earthquakes and booming noises. He felt himself nervous unexpectedly while staring at the sky and as a tree tipped forward falling towards him. Coyote ran in panic as the mess of tree branches landed onto him pining him onto the ground on his side. He groaned loudly as white smoke arrived, not smelling of fire to him. It came fogging through out the clearing blinding him, followed by intense pressure pushing him into the ground. Coyote shook his head struggling to stay awake from the air that went thin. His eyes sight went blurry as blackness of an unconscious status over took him.

    Coyote stood on the middle of a bridge staring at a misty wall of clouds facing him at the end of the bridge. He turned to his side and looked at his reflection on the water. He saw wolf’s golden eyes where Human eyes were stared at him from his reflection. He sensed a presence and looked to see Longbow, the Amula’s pack leader in Human form, of a Native American, on the opposite side of the bridge. Snow fell lightly coating the ground behind Longbow staring at him with identical eyes.

    Longbow he heard spoke What about Brittany and your son?

    Coyote looked away then sighed softly hearing Longbow’s reference to an Amula female named Brittany. He frowned as Longbow repeated his question regarding his son Sam he fathered through Brittany, an Amula male full grown. He stared at Longbow who held up a hand and frowned. He walked towards Longbow and reaching the man he gripped his hand. Coyote allowed himself pulled off the bridge as blackness arrived.

    Coyote felt an urge hitting him and jerked his eyes open unseeing in the darkness. He heard a gasp sound as he sensed a female presence and reached for her. Hands touched his arms as he reached for her face bringing his lips to hers and pulled her down towards him.

    Coyote spoke recognizing the female form as he broke of the kiss Brittany.

    He heard her speak Coyote.

    He didn’t speak much as he and Brittany went through a mating ritual till he passed out unconscious.

    Coyote lay on his side eyes closed, felt fur in his arms and opened his eyes with a jerk to face a snout. Coyote stared at the features of the white wolf with recognition on his face.

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