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True Bible Study - First Corinthians
True Bible Study - First Corinthians
True Bible Study - First Corinthians
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True Bible Study - First Corinthians

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As one of a series of outstanding studies into the truth of the Word of God, this book "First Corinthians" provides details of what the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians. They had written to Paul asking for his help regarding certain topics which had arisen in their church. He teaches them what God has given mankind to believe regarding Himself and His son, the Lord Jesus Christ, plus he shows how adversely the people who did not believe God's Word in that city were affecting their behavior.

It also contains a new translation by Maura K. Hill from the Greek papyri and texts of the Bible. It is one of the best translations in the world today and is ideal for use as a companion to alternative translations and studies.

By providing this exciting and inspirational understanding of the Scriptures, Maura gives us a true Bible study that makes known God's Will for our lives, with the opportunity to be saved, to come to a full knowledge of the truth, and to live in accordance with God's intention.

PublisherMaura K. Hill
Release dateOct 10, 2015
True Bible Study - First Corinthians

Maura K. Hill

Maura K. Hill was born and raised in Ireland. After working in Ireland and the UK for several years, she relocated to the United States in 1995. She began her formal education in Biblical Koine Greek and Biblical Hebrew at Phillips Theological Seminary via the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma in 1996.  A diligent student of the Biblical Languages, Maura published her first Greek-to-English Translation and Study Guide to I Thessalonians in the Fall of 1997. Since then, she published many additional, original Greek-to-English translations and comprehensive study guides for the New and Old Testaments. She has also published numerous and unique Biblical research articles on various topics. Maura continues her diligent research of the Critical Greek Texts and Papyri. Her publications include: True Bible Study - Adam and Eve Genesis 1-5 Noah and the Flood Genesis 6-11 Abraham Genesis 12-25 Isaac and Jacob/Israel Genesis 26-36 Joseph and Judah Genesis 37-50 Moses leaving Egypt Exodus 1-14 Moses and the Law Exodus 15-23 Moses and the Holy Tent Exodus 24-40 Joshua enters the Promised Land Joshua 1-12 Joshua and Israel's Inheritance Joshua 13-24 Deborah, Gideon, Samson Book of Judges Ruth and God's blessings Book of Ruth Samuel and Saul First Samuel 1-15 Saul and David First Samuel 16-31 King David Second Samuel 1-24 Psalms 1-41 Psalms 42-72 Psalms 73-89 Psalms 90-106 Psalms 107-150 Esther and Mordechai Book of Esther Rebuilding the House of God Book of Ezra Rebuilding Jerusalem Book of Nehemiah Jonah and the Sign Matthew Mark Luke John Acts of the Apostles Romans I Corinthians II Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians and Philemon I and II Thessalonians I and II Timothy and Titus Hebrews James and Jude I and II Peter I, II, and III John Revelation of Jesus Christ Life, Death, and Resurrection Quantum spirit Christian, son of God

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    Book preview

    True Bible Study - First Corinthians - Maura K. Hill


    It is my desire to make known God’s Word and Will, so that people will have the opportunity to be saved, come to full knowledge of the truth, and live in accordance with God’s intention. God’s Word was and is and will continue to be Truth. It is the Word of Life.

    This book includes information about the following:

    God’s wisdom

    Spiritual people and spiritual things

    The gift of holy spirit and its contributions

    Resurrection and hope

    I have studied and continue to study the Greek papyri and texts of the Bible extensively, and it is from these that I make my Word Translation and Study to provide this in-depth study aid.

    The words that the only true God spoke are the best words to communicate His thoughts. It is because of mankind’s interference, mistranslations, etc, of what God spoke and/or what was written down, and because mankind has removed himself in his thinking so far away from God’s thoughts and words, that I endeavor to help all of us come-back to the integrity and truth of what God says - His Word - His thoughts - His will.

    Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss or comment on this Word Translation and Study via the Contact link on

    Thanks to God for His love and grace.

    Maura K. Hill

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    Relevant Notes

    Unless otherwise stated , all scriptures are quoted from one of the following:

    The True Bible Study Word Translation (TBS);

    The TBS Word Translation is translated from the Greek Papyri and Texts by Maura K. Hill.

    The King James Version (KJV);

    The KJV uses italic type to inform the reader that the translators added the word(s) in italic type.

    The various resources and reference materials are listed at

    In the TBS Word Translation and Study:

    Words in a parenthesis () and italicized within a scripture verse are words inserted to help our English understanding of those words which are translated from Greek words.

    Words in a parenthesis () in the study of the scripture verse are words of explanation regarding the words prior to the parenthesis.

    Additional explanatory insertions within a scripture verse are enclosed in square brackets [] and italicized.

    Additional explanatory notes in the study of a scripture verse are enclosed in square brackets [] and are usually in relation to the Greek or Hebrew texts.

    A slash in the study of a scripture verse, such as: him/her, indicates an alternative word depending on the context.

    A dash, such as: go there – to Jerusalem, indicates that a certain word or phrase is particularly important or deserving of extra emphasis.

    Hyphenated words, such as: used-to-go, indicates that there is only one corresponding word in the Greek text.

    Non-English words are printed with English letters.

    I use an initial capital letter for all occurrences of the words Lord and Master when referring to either God or the Lord Jesus Christ due to my respect for them, therefore the reader will need to carefully consider the context of each particular usage to understand to whom that usage refers.

    Where the word spirit refers to God, I use an initial capital or upper-case S - Spirit. But when the word spirit refers to the gift of holy spirit, etc, I use a small or lower-case s - spirit.

    Underlined text is used for the English word but when translated from the Greek word alla to show that it implies a strong contrast to that-which has just previously been stated, and/or to strengthen a command.

    Underlined text is used for the singular form of the word you to distinguish it from the plural form of the word you which is not underlined.

    Underlined text is also used for emphasis.

    In order to communicate the fullness of the emphasis when the Greek definite article is repeated both with the noun and its adjective - for example: I Corinthians 15:4 the Greek is te hemera te trite, which literally means the day the third – I translate it as "the day, the third (day)."

    Verbs in the imperfect tense are translated with the words used-to and then the meaning of the verb.

    For example: used-to teach indicates that the one teaching spent time teaching, his action of teaching continued during a past time that is now finished for some reason, not that it was a quick one-time occurrence. The one teaching taught others taking time to teach, and he may have repeated his teaching at different times and in different ways. This tense is also used to historically describe past events relating what happened.

    Verbs in the perfect tense are translated from Greek with a superscript number 2 immediately following the verb - for example: it was written².

    This tense indicates an action done during a past time and which has a present continuing result, meaning it is still the same at the time the verb was spoken or written. Therefore, this example could be translated as: it was written and continues written.

    The noun love¹ or the verb to love¹ comes from the Greek word agape which is God’s kind of love.

    When the Biblical writers wrote, there were no punctuation marks, no chapter or verse divisions indicated, etc, as we see them today in many of our English Bible translations and versions. Therefore we must read the whole context of each particular passage of Scripture for thought-content to more clearly understand the truth of what has been written.

    Also, the original language was not English, and therefore when I may write that the writer said or wrote such and such, please understand that the writer actually spoke and wrote in the original language the equivalent to that-which I state in the English language to the best of my knowledge.

    I recommend that while reading this book, you also have your usual Bible and Biblical study materials open, so as to compare verses and gain greater understanding of the truth of God’s Word.

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    Introduction to First Corinthians

    The letter (epistle ) of First Corinthians was written by Paul, the apostle, to the church of God in the city of Corinth. These people had already received the gift of holy spirit from God by means of the Lord Jesus Christ because they had already been taught and they believed God’s Word. The Corinthian church consisted of holy-people (Christians) who were of a Judean/Israeli background and also those who were of a Gentile background. They had written to Paul asking for his help regarding certain topics which had arisen within their church. Also, he had heard from other holy-people regarding certain events that were taking place within the Corinthian church.

    Paul wrote this letter by revelation to remind the holy-people and to teach them more of that-which God has given mankind to believe regarding Himself and His son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He wrote this letter at Ephesus in the spring of 57 A.D. (refer to Acts chapter 19 and I Corinthians 16:8).

    Corinth was the chief city of the Roman province of Achaia, which was in the southern part of modern-day Greece. It had a harbor on either side of it, and so it was a large commercial city, which resulted in the fact that some of its citizens were very wealthy and they lived wildly and extravagantly.

    When we read the contents of Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church, we can see how adversely the people who did not believe God’s Word in that city were affecting the behavior of some of the holy-people.

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    Word Translation


    First Corinthians

    Chapter 1

    ¹:1 Paul, called, an apostle of Christ Jesus by means of (the) intention of God, and Sosthenes, the brother - .2 to the church of God, the (church) being in Corinth, (consisting of people) having been made-holy ² in Christ Jesus, called, holy, together with all the (people) calling-upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to-themselves in every place, theirs and ours; .3 grace to you and peace from God our Father and (our) Lord Jesus Christ.

    .4I thank my God always concerning you on the grace of God, the (grace) having been given to you in Christ Jesus, .5because in everything you were made-wealthy in him in every word and every knowledge .6according as the witness of the Christ was made-firm in you, .7so-as-for you not to be caused-to-lack in not-one gracious-gift eagerly-awaiting the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, .8who also will make you firm, complete, not-arraigned in the day of our Lord Jesus. .9God (is) believable, by means of Whom you were called into (the) sharing-in-common of His son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

    .10But I encourage you, brothers, by means of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in order that you may all say the same-thing and there may not be division among you but you may be having been fully-equipped² in the same mind and in the same knowing; .11for it was made-clear to me concerning you, brothers, by the (people) of Chloe that there are strifes among you - .12and I say this: that each of you says, I indeed am of Paul and "I (am) of Apollos and I (am) of Cephas and I (am) of Christ"!

    .13Christ was not distributed², was he? - (no), or was Paul crucified concerning you?, or were you baptized into the name of Paul? .14I thank God that I baptized not-one of you, except Crispus and Gaius, .15in order that someone may not say that you were baptized into my name! - .16and I also baptized the house of Stephanas; as-to-the-rest, I did not know² if I baptized some other-person.

    .17For Christ did not apostle me to baptize but to good-message, not in wisdom of word in order that the cross of Christ may not be emptied, .18for the word of the cross to the (people) being destroyed is dullness, but to us, the (people) being saved, it is (the) ability of God, .19for it was written², I will destroy the wisdom of the wise-people, and the understanding of the understanding-people I will reject.

    .20Where (is the) wise-person? Where (is the) scribe? Where (is the) disputer of this age? God made the wisdom of the world dull, didn’t He? - (yes.)

    .21For since-indeed in the wisdom of God the world did not know God by means of (its) wisdom (therefore) God considered-it-good by means of the dullness of the heralded-proclamation to save the people believing; .22since-indeed Judeans ask-for signs and Greeks seek-after wisdom, .23but we herald-forth Christ having been crucified² - indeed to (the) Judeans an offense and to (the) Gentiles dullness, .24but to the called-people themselves both Judeans and Greeks Christ (is the) ability of God and (the) wisdom of God, .25because the dull-thing of God is wiser-than men and the weak-thing of God (is) stronger-than men.

    .26For you must observe your calling, brothers, that (there are) not many wise-people according to (the) flesh, not many able-people, not many well-genus-people, .27but the dull-things of the world God selected-for-Himself in order that He may bring-down-shame-upon the wise-people, and the weak-things of the world God selected-for-Himself in order that He may bring-down-shame-upon the strong-things, .28and the things-without-genus of the world and the-things having been despised² God selected-for-Himself, the-things not being, in order that He may render the-things being ineffective - .29so-that all flesh may not boast before God.

    .30But from Him you are in Christ Jesus who was caused-to-become wisdom to us from God, both righteousness and holiness and full-redemption, .31in order that according as it was written², "The (person) boasting must boast in (the) Lord."

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    Chapter 2

    ²:1 And I , having come towards you, brothers, came not according to superiority of word or of wisdom messaging to you the mystery of God, .2 for I did not judge to have known ² something among you - except Jesus Christ and this-person having been crucified ² ; .3 and I became in weakness and in fear and in much trembling towards you, .4 and my word and my heralded-proclamation (were) not in persuasions of wisdom but in pointing-out of spirit and of ability .5 in order that your belief may not be in men’s wisdom but in God’s ability.

    .6But we utter-forth wisdom among complete-people, but wisdom not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, the (rulers) being rendered-ineffective, .7but we utter-forth God’s wisdom in a mystery, the (wisdom) having been hidden-away², which God marked-out-definitely-beforehand before the ages into our glory, .8which not-one of the rulers of this age knew for if they knew they did not ever crucify the Lord of glory,

    .9but according as it was written², "Which-things eye did not see and ear did not hear, and it did not ascend on (the) heart of man which-things God prepared for the (people) loving¹ Him," .10for God revealed (them) to us by means of the spirit, for the spirit searches all-things, even the deep-things of God.

    .11For who of men knew² the-things of the man except the spirit of the man, the (spirit) in him, thus also the-things of God not-one (person or spirit) knew² except the Spirit of God; .12and we did not receive the spirit of the world but the spirit, the (spirit) from God, in order that we may have known² the-things having been graced to us by God, .13which-things also we utter-forth, not in taught words of manly wisdom but in taught-things of spirit - judging-together spiritual-things with spiritual;

    .14but a soulish man does not accept the-things of the Spirit of God for they are dullness to him and he is not able to know (them) because they are spiritually judged-up, .15but the spiritual-person judges-up all-things - but he is judged-up by not-one (person or spirit), .16for "Who knew (the) mind of (the) Lord, he-who will compact it together with (his mind)?" - but we have (the) mind of Christ.

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    Chapter 3

    ³:1 And I , brothers, was not caused-to-be-able to utter-forth to you as to spiritual-people but as to fleshy-people, as to infants in Christ, .2 I gave you milk to-drink, not food, for you used-to not-yet be-able, but neither are you now able .3 for you are yet fleshly, for where (there are) among you jealousy and strife and dissensions aren’t you fleshy and walk according to man? - (yes) - .4 for whenever someone may say, I indeed am of Paul and a different-person I of Apollos, you are as-men, aren’t you? - (yes.)

    .5Therefore who is Apollos? And who is Paul? Ministers, by means of whom you believed, even to each-person as the Lord gave: .6I planted, Apollos gave-to-drink, but God used-to cause-increase, .7so-that neither the (person) planting is something nor the (person) giving-to-drink, but the (One) causing-increase – God; .8and the (person) planting and the (person) giving-to-drink are one, but each-person will receive (his) own compensation according to (his) own labor, .9for we are God’s workers-together, you are God’s tilled-field, God’s building;

    .10according to the grace, the (grace) having been given to me, as a wise chief-craftsman I put (the) foundation, and another-person builds-on (it), but each-person must observe how he builds-on (it), .11for another foundation not-one (person or spirit) is able to put against the (foundation) being laid - who is Jesus Christ.

    .12But if someone builds on the foundation gold and silver, honorable stones, wood, grass, straw - .13the work of each-person will become manifest for the day will make (it) clear because it is revealed in fire and the fire will prove what-kind the work of each-person is: .14if the work of someone will remain which he built-on (the foundation) he will receive a compensation, .15if the work of someone will be burned-down he will be caused-to-receive-loss but he will be saved, and thus as by means of fire.

    .16You knew² that you are (the) interior-temple of God, even the spirit of God dwells in you, don’t you? – (yes) – .17if someone corrupts the interior-temple of God, God will corrupt this (person or spirit), for the interior-temple of God is holy, the-people-whom you are.

    .18Not-one-person must wholly-deceive himself, if someone considers to be wise among you in this age he must become dull in order that he may become wise, .19for the wisdom of this world is dullness with God, for it was written², "The (One) grasping the wise-people in their every-working, .20and again, (The) Lord knows the through-calculations of the wise-people that they are futile,"

    .21so-that not-one-person must boast in men, for all-things are yours - .22whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or (the) world or life or death or (things) having stood-in² or (things) being about to (stand-in) - all-things (are) yours, .23and you (are) Christ’s, and Christ (is) God’s.

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    Chapter 4

    ⁴:1 Thus a man must calculate us as assistants of Christ and stewards of (the) mysteries of God; .2 here from-now-on you must seek-after among the stewards in order that someone may be found believing. .3 But to me it is into (the) least-thing in order that I may be judged-up by you or by manly day but I neither judge myself up, .4 for I knew ² nothing together with myself but I was not made-righteous ² in this-thing, but the (one) judging me up is Lord;

    .5so-that you must not judge something before time until ever the Lord may come who also will lighten the hidden-things of the darkness and he will manifest the deliberate-determinations of the hearts, and then the praise will become to each-person from God.

    .6But these-things, brothers, I changed-the-outward-figure into myself and Apollos because-of you in order that you may learn in us not (to go) over the-things-which were written² in order that you are not puffed-up one-person on behalf of one-person against the different-person, .7for who throughly-judges you, and what do you have which you did not receive?

    But if also you received, why do you boast as not having received? .8Already you are having been satisfied², already you were wealthy, you reigned-as-kings without us! - and I wish indeed you reigned-as-kings in order that we also may reign-as-kings together with you;

    .9for I consider (that) God pointed-out us, the latest apostles, as (being) on-death-sentence because we were caused-to-become a theatre to the world and angels and men: .10we (are) dull because-of Christ but you (are) thoughtful in Christ, we (are) weak but you (are) strong - you (are) in-glory but we (are) dishonorable!;

    .11continuously-until the present hour we both hunger and we thirst, and we are naked, and we are buffeted, and we have no-standing-place, .12and we labor working with (our) own hands, being reviled we bless, being persecuted we hold-ourselves-up, .13being badly-spoken-against we encourage, as refuse of the world we were caused-to-become, scum of all-things, until now.

    .14I write these-things not shaming you but as my loved¹ children I admonish (you); .15if-ever you may have ten-thousand training-instructors in Christ but not many fathers, for in Christ Jesus by means of the good-message I begot you, .16therefore I encourage you, you must become imitators of me, .17because-of-this I sent to you Timothy who is my loved¹ child and believing in (the) Lord, who will remind you of my ways, the (ways which are) in Christ Jesus, according as I teach everywhere in every church.

    .18But as-to my not coming towards you, some-people were puffed-up, .19but I will come quickly towards you if-ever the Lord may intend, and I will know not the word of the (people) having been puffed-up² but the ability, .20for the kingdom of God (is) not in word but in ability. .21What do you intend – (that) I may come in a rod towards you or in love¹ and spirit of meekness?

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    Chapter 5

    ⁵:1 Fornication among you is wholly heard-of, even fornication of-this-kind which (is) not-even among the Gentiles – so-as-for someone to have (his) father’s wife! - .2 and you are having been puffed-up ² and have not rather mourned in order that the (person) having done this work may be lifted from your midst!

    .3For I indeed, being absent by body but being present by spirit, already judged² as being present the (person) having thus rendered this-thing to-work, .4in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, you and my spirit having been gathered-together with the ability of the Lord Jesus: .5to give the (person) of-this-kind over to satan into destruction of the flesh in order that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.

    .6Your boast (is) not beautiful; you knew² that a small leaven leavens the whole lump, don’t you? – (yes.)

    .7You must clean-out the old leaven in order that you may be a new lump according as you are unleavened, for even our Passover was sacrificed - Christ, .8so-that we may keep-the-feast, not in an old leaven, nor in a leaven of badness and evilness, but in unleavened of genuineness and truth.

    .9I wrote to you in the letter not to be mixed-up-together with fornicators - .10not altogether (mixed-up-together with) the fornicators of this world or the covetous-people or catching-people or idolaters, since you owe-it consequently to go-out from the world! - .11but now I wrote to you not to be mixed-up-together if-ever someone being named brother may be a fornicator or a covetous-person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or a catching-person - with the person-of-this-kind not-even to eat-together!

    .12For what (is it) to me to judge the (people) outside? You must judge the (people) from-inside, .13but God will judge the (people) outside. You must lift-out the evil from you yourselves.

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    Chapter 6

    ⁶:1 Does someone of you dare, having a matter towards the different-person, to be judged on the unrighteous-people and not on the holy-people? .2 Or, you knew ² that the holy-people judge the world, don’t you? – (yes) – and since the world is judged in you, are you unworthy of (the) least judgments? .3 You knew ² that we will judge angels, don’t you? – (yes) – indeed-not-something (concerning) everyday-living!

    .4Therefore indeed if-ever you may have everyday-living judgments - the (people) having been despised², do you cause these-people to-sit-down (as your judges) among the church?

    .5I say to you towards shame; thus there is among you not-one wise-person who will be able to throughly-judge up-among (the) midst of his brother, isn’t there?, .6but brother with brother is judged and this on unbelievers!

    .7Already indeed wholly there is inferiority with you because you have judgments with yourselves – because-of-what do you not rather be treated-unrighteously? – because-of-what do you not rather be deprived?

    .8But you treat-unrighteously and deprive – and this (towards) brothers! .9Or, you knew² that unrighteous-people will not inherit God’s kingdom, don’t you? – (yes.) You must not be caused-to-wander – neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor soft-people nor homosexuals .10nor thieves nor covetous-people nor drunkards, not revilers, not catching-people, will inherit (the) kingdom of God.

    .11Even some (of you) used-to-be these-things!; but you washed-yourselves-away-from (these-things), but you were made-holy, but you were made-righteous – in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the spirit of our God.

    .12All-things are permitted to me but all-things do not contribute, all-things are permitted to me but I will not be exercised-with-authority by something!

    .13The foods (are) for the belly and the belly (is) for the foods - but God will render both this and these-things ineffective; and the body (is) not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body - .14but God both raised-up the Lord and He raises us up-out-from (deadness) by means of His ability.

    .15You knew² that your bodies are limbs of Christ, don’t you? – (yes) – therefore, having lifted the limbs of Christ, should I make (them) limbs of a female-fornicator? – may it not become!

    .16You knew² that the (person) being-glued-together to a female-fornicator is one body (with her), don’t you? – (yes) – for He says, The two will be into one flesh; .17but the (person) being-glued-together to the Lord is one spirit!

    .18You must flee fornication; every sin which if-ever a man may do is outside-of the body, but the (person) fornicating sins into (his) own body. .19Or, you knew² that your body is (the) interior-temple of the holy spirit in you which you have from God, and you are not of yourselves, don’t you? – (yes) – .20for you were bought of price; indeed you must glorify God in your body.

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    Chapter 7

    ⁷:1 But concerning which-things you wrote: (it is) beautiful for a man not to touch a woman, .2 but because-of fornications each (adult-male) must have the wife of himself, and each (woman) must have (her) own husband.

    .3The husband must give-away the debt to the wife, and likewise also the wife to the husband; .4the wife does not exercise-authority of (her) own body but the husband, and likewise also the husband does not exercise-authority of (his) own body but the wife; .5you must not deprive one-another if (it is) not-something from agreement towards a time in order that you may have-convenience for prayer, and again you must come-together on the same-objective in order that satan may not tempt you because-of your incontinence.

    .6But I say this according to a knowing-together - not according to a command; .7but I intend all men to be as also myself, but each-person has (his) own gracious-gift from God – indeed he-who (has) thus and he-who (has) thus.

    .8But I say to the unmarried-people and to the widows: (it is) beautiful for them if-ever they may remain as I also, .9but if they do not exercise-self-control they must marry for it is a stronger-thing to marry than to be set-on-fire.

    .10But to the (people) having married² I charge, not I but the Lord, a wife must not separate-herself from (her) husband - .11but even if-ever she may be separated she must remain unmarried or she must be reconciled to the husband - and (the) husband (is) not to leave (his) wife.

    .12But to the remaining-people I say - I, not the Lord - if some brother has an unbelieving wife and this (wife) considers-it-good-together with (him) to dwell with him, he must not leave her, .13and if some wife has an unbelieving husband and this (husband) considers-it-good-together with (her) to dwell with her, she must not leave the husband, .14for the husband, the unbelieving (husband), was made-holy² in the wife, and the wife, the unbelieving (wife), was made-holy² in the brother - since consequently your children are unclean, but now they are holy.

    .15But if the unbeliever separates himself (or herself), he (or she) must be separated - the brother or the sister was not enslaved² among the people-of-this-kind, but God called² us in peace. .16For what did you know², wife, if you will save the husband? Or what did you know², husband, if you will save the wife? .17Except as the Lord distributed to each-person as God called² each-person - thus he must walk; and thus I throughly-arrange among all the churches.

    .18Was someone called having been circumcised²? He must not pull-himself-over. Was someone called² in uncircumcision? He must not be circumcised. .19Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing - but a keeping of God’s commandments.

    .20Each-person in the calling which he was called - in this he must remain. .21Were you called (being) a slave? It must not be a concern to you, but even if you are able to become a freeman, rather you must use (it), .22for the (person) in (the) Lord, having been called (being) a slave, is a freed-man of (the) Lord; likewise the (person) having been called (being) a freeman is a slave of Christ.

    .23You were bought of price, you must not become slaves of men. .24Each-person in that-which he was called, brothers, in this he must remain with God.

    .25But concerning virgins, I do not have a command of (the) Lord, but I give a knowing as, having been shown-mercy² by (the) Lord, to be believing: .26therefore I regard-as-customary this beautiful-thing to begin because-of the constraint having stood-in² - that (it is) a beautiful-thing for a man thus to be.

    .27Have you been bound² to a wife? You must not seek-after a loosening. Have you been loosened² from a wife? You must not seek-after a wife. .28But even if-ever you may marry, you did not sin; also if-ever the (female) virgin may marry, she did not sin; but the people-of-this-kind will have pressure with the flesh - but I spare you.

    .29But this I say, brothers, the time is having been drawn-together² as-to-the-rest in order that even the (people) having wives may be as not having (wives), .30and the (people) crying as not crying, and the (people) joying as not joying, and the (people) buying as not holding-down, .31and the (people) using the world as not abusing (it) - for the outward-figure of this world passes-by.

    .32But I intend you to be without-anxiety. The unmarried (man) is anxious-about the-things of the Lord how he may please the Lord, .33but the (man) having married is anxious-about the-things of the world how he may please the wife .34and he was distributed². Also the woman, the unmarried, and the (female) virgin, the unmarried – she is anxious-about the-things of the Lord in order that she may be holy with body and with spirit, but the (woman) having married is anxious-about the-things of the world how she may please the husband.

    .35But this I say towards the contribution of you yourselves, not in order that I may throw a noose on you but towards the decorous-thing and good-attention to the Lord without-distraction.

    .36But if someone regards-as-customary to be indecorous on his (female) virgin if-ever she may be beyond-the-bloom-of-youth and thus it is owed to come-to-pass, that-which he intends he must do, he does not sin, they must marry; .37but he-who stood² in his heart not having constraint but he has authority concerning (his) own intention, and this he judged² in (his) own heart: to keep the (female) virgin of himself, he will do beautifully; .38so-that both the (person) getting-married-to his (female) virgin will do beautifully and the (person) not getting-married will do a stronger-thing.

    .39A wife was bound² on as-much time as her husband lives, but if-ever the husband may be caused-to-sleep she is a free-woman to be married to whom she intends, only in (the) Lord, .40but she is happy if-ever thus she may remain according to my knowing, and I consider, I also, (myself) to have (the) spirit of God!

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    Chapter 8

    ⁸:1 But concerning idol-sacrifices we knew ² that we all have knowledge - but knowledge puffs-up but love ¹ edifies: .2 if someone considers to have known ² not-yet did he know according as it is necessary to know, .3 but if someone loves ¹ this-person was known ² .

    .4Therefore concerning the eating of idol-sacrifices we knew² that (there is) not-one idol in (the) world, and that (there is) not-one God except one: .5for even since-indeed there are (people, spirits, things) being said (as) gods whether in heaven or on earth wholly-as there are many gods and many lords, .6for us (there is) one God, the Father, from Whom (are) all-things and we (are) into Him, and (there is) one Lord Jesus Christ by means of whom (are) all-things and we (are) by means of him.

    .7But the knowledge (is) not among all-people; but some-people with custom-together until now of the idol eat as an idol-sacrifice and their conscience weakening is soiled - .8but food will not present us to God, neither if-ever we may not eat are we caused-to-lack, nor if-ever we may eat do we exceed.

    .9But you must observe lest-somehow this authority of yours may become a stumbling(-block) to the weak-people – .10for if-ever someone may see the (person) having knowledge lying-down in an idol-temple, his conscience being weak will be built with-a-view to eat the idol-sacrifices, won’t it? – (yes) – .11for the (person) weakening is destroyed in your knowledge, the brother because-of whom Christ died! – .12and thus sinning into the brothers and beating their conscience you sin into Christ! .13Indeed-on-which-account since food offends my brother, I may never eat meat into the age in order that I may not offend my brother.

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    Chapter 9

    ⁹:1 I am a freeman, am I not? - (yes.) I am an apostle, am I not? - (yes.) I saw ² Jesus our Lord, didn’t I? - (yes.) You are my work in (the) Lord, aren’t you? - (yes.) .2 If I am not (considered to be) an apostle to other-people, but indeed I am to you for you are the seal of my apostleship in (the) Lord.

    .3My defense to the (people) judging me up is this. .4We do not not have authority to eat and to drink, do we? - (no.) .5We do not not have authority to lead-around a sister woman as also the remaining apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas, do we? - (no.) .6Or, only I and Barnabas, do we not have authority not to work? .7Who serves-as-a-soldier with (his) own rations at-some-time? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat from its fruit? Or who shepherds a flock and does not eat from the milk of the flock?

    .8I do not say (these-things) according to man, do I? - (no) - or also the law says these-things, doesn’t it? – (yes) - .9for in the law it was written², You will not muzzle the ox threshing. It is not a concern to God of the oxen, is it? – (no) - .10or does it altogether say (this) because-of us? For because-of us it was written that the (person) plowing owes-it to plow on hope and the (person) threshing on hope of to share.

    .11If we sowed spiritual-things to you, (is it) great if we will harvest your fleshly-things? .12If other-people share of your authority, (should) not rather we? But we did not use this authority, but we protectively-cover all-things in order that we may not give some obstruction to the good-message of Christ.

    .13You knew² that the (people) working the sacred-things eat from the temple, the (people) attending to the sacrificial-altar distribute-together with the sacrificial-altar, don’t you? – (yes) – .14thus also the Lord throughly-arranged for the (people) messaging the good-message to live from the good-message; .15(a)but I did not use² not-one of these-things.

    .15(b)But I did not write these-things in order that thus it may become in me, for (it is) beautiful to me rather to die than – not-one-person will empty my boast, .16for if-ever I may good-message it is not a boast to me for a constraint is-laid-on me, for it is woe to me if-ever I may not good-message, .17for if I practice this willingly I have a compensation, but if unwillingly – I was trusted-with² a stewardship.

    .18Therefore what is the compensation to me in order that good-messaging I may put the good-message without-expense with-a-view not to abuse my authority in the good-message?

    .19For being free from all-people I enslaved myself to all-people in order that I may gain more-people, .20and I became to the Judeans as a Judean in order that I may gain Judeans, to the (people) under law as under law - myself not being under law - in order that I may gain the (people) under law, .21to the lawless-people as a lawless-person - not being lawless of God but in-law of Christ - in order that I may gain the lawless-people, .22I became weak to the weak-people in order that I may gain the weak-people; to all-people I became² all-things in order that I may altogether save some-people; .23but I do all-things because-of the good-message in order that I may become a sharer-in-common-together of it.

    .24You knew² that the (people) running in a stadium all-people indeed run but one-person receives the prize, don’t you? – (yes) – thus you must run in order that you may take-hold-of (your prize);

    .25but every-person, the (person) contesting, exercises-self-control-over all-things, therefore indeed those-people (do this) in order that they may receive a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible; .26thus so-now I run as not unclear, thus I fist-fight as not skinning air, .27but I beat my body and I lead (it) as-a-slave lest-somehow having heralded-forth to other-people I myself may become unapproved.

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    Chapter 10

    ¹⁰ :1 For I do not intend you to not-know, brothers, that our fathers all used-to-be under the cloud and all went-through by means of the sea – .2

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