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Completely Alone
Completely Alone
Completely Alone
Ebook180 pages2 hours

Completely Alone

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About this ebook

Finnegan Jamison has no ties to anyone outside of his adoptive parents. But when a lawyer representing his biological father calls to tell him of a strange inheritance, he meets someone who could change his entire view of relationships.

From the first moment he saw her, he knew she was different. She made him feel and think things he’d never before allowed himself to. Though terrified and completely inexperienced, he allowed himself to become close to her, to need her.

Through her, Finn will learn to trust his gut, follow his heart, and love with every fiber of his being, even if it means ending up exactly where he started: completely alone.

PublisherRein Scott
Release dateNov 10, 2015
Completely Alone

Rein Scott

I'm Rein Scott! New to the literary world, but not to life. I'm hoping to update this bio to say bestselling author, so please read. My books are set to release this year. I've lived most of my life in small towns, but I've always had big dreams. Writing is not my first job, but it's a love I've always had. When I'm not working or spending time with my family, I'm curled up with my laptop and writing ... well, I suppose I should say typing.

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    Completely Alone - Rein Scott

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    Completely Alone

    Book 1 of the Completely Series


    Rein Scott

    Pending Copyright 2015 Rein Scott

    Published by Rein Scott at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    This couldn’t have been done without the support of the most caring husband. His patience allows me to follow my dreams.


    Things happen in a person's life. These can be good or bad. What you do with them is what matters, not what they do to you. This was what my mother told me every time we talked. I have been raised by great parents, but my fourteen year old brain can't wrap itself around being left by my biological mother. Sweetheart, I know you don't understand. But, some people just leave. This was not the first time my mother and I have discussed this, but our talks never made me feel better. I don't know who your mother was, but there are many things that can happen to a person to make them make bad or difficult choices. Elizabeth, my adoptive mother, always saw the best in people. As much as I despised my biological mother for leaving me, Elizabeth always tried to make me think about the other side.

    Mom, I know. But, if you had me, would you be able to leave me? I couldn't imagine Elizabeth doing the same thing as my biological mother, but I still couldn't be sure that she'd never leave.

    She reached to me and stroked my cheek with her fingers, so soft and gentle. Well no, Darling. I don't know what was going through your mother's head when she left you on our steps, but your father and I thank God every day that you were brought to us. This conversation always brings tears to her eyes.

    My mother, the woman who raised me, was the best person I knew. She and my father were never able to have children. They told me all the time that I was their gift. On the flip side, my biological mother who had been able to have a baby, apparently didn't want me. When I was a few weeks old, she left me on the steps of the Jamison's house. I didn't know how she chose where to leave me, but I guess I should be thankful that it was with them. The police never figured out who she was. After some work with lawyers and the Department of Family Services, Sebastian and Elizabeth Jamison were able to adopt me. They named me Finnegan Butler Jamison. It's a mouthful, so I go by Finn.

    Since your birthday comes in the summer, would you like to invite some friends over before the end of school? We could have a party. You can invite some girls if you like. My mother never let up.

    I don't think so, I responded quietly.

    Finn, you need to start hanging out with kids your age. Mom sighed, You are always busy coming up with the next big money maker or ways to be a success. You keep yourself isolated with your work. I may only be fourteen, but I have already made several small businesses and have managed to put quite a bit of money in the bank. I had no time for kids my age. I went to school, did my homework, and planned my next venture.

    Mom, you know why I work so hard. I must have sounded frustrated because she took a step back.

    Darling, I know you are afraid to let anyone close to you, but not everyone leaves. You know your father and I would never leave you. She looked sincere, and her face was empathetic. It made me want to believe her.

    But actually, I didn't know that. They could decide they didn't love me anymore and leave. If my own flesh and blood mother could leave me alone as an infant, why wouldn't these people who have no real relation to me?

    Please drop it, Mother. And, that was how we left most of our conversations. She tried to convince me that most people didn't abandon the ones they love, while I inwardly disagreed. I had only ever cared for my mother and father. I would not allow myself to create friendships or relationships. I may be young, but I have decided that I will never be abandoned again. I will forever remain completely alone.

    Chapter One

    Every spring brought the same thing. I stared out my office window at the couples enjoying the weather by sitting outside the café across the street. Didn't they know? They thought they were in love and would always be together. That wasn’t realistic. People changed, went through things, they just stopped caring. That was, if they ever cared. I've spent my life isolated and avoiding anything painful, somehow managing to avoid being abandoned again. I had my work, my employees, and my parents. That had to be enough.

    Finn? Are you in here? Aubrey asked as she poked her head around my office door. Surprised, she snapped me out of my thoughts.

    Yes, Aubrey. I'm here.

    Aubrey Scott helped me run my company, Jamison Investments. She was young, but had been a wonderful asset. She was bright and extremely competent. I'd noticed some of the men at the construction sites watching her when we went for visits. She never seemed uncomfortable though. I supposed she was attractive. She was a petite, mixed race woman, with light, almost mocha, skin; light brown hair; and hazel eyes. She would be quite a catch, but I had absolutely no interest. She was only twenty-two years old. I was ten years her senior. Not to mention, that I never got involved. While I was willing to take some risks in business, I never risk myself.

    What can I do for you Aubrey? I walked to my desk and took a seat. Straightening some papers, I looked up and gave her my full attention.

    I've received the contracts for the property in St. Louis. We'll need to look over these quickly.

    Of course. Let's take a look now. I have some time. This property in St. Louis had been a pain in my ass since we decided to purchase it. It was a dilapidated warehouse in a part of the city that had been getting revitalized. I got it for a steal. I could probably do nothing to it and still make money. But, that wasn’t what I did. My goal was to rehab it and make it into a series of lofts. Every time I thought we were getting somewhere with this project, we hit a speed bump. Well, everything seems in order. I'll sign these. You can send them to the lawyers and get them working on the permits.

    Sure thing, Finn. I'll send them over this afternoon. We discussed a few more work related items and then she was off.

    I had been out of the office too much lately. The stack of files on my desk was ridiculous. I needed to stay in today and get this taken care of. Moving from file to file, I spent the rest of the morning looking over plans, contracts, requests, and all matter of documents. Nearing lunchtime, a messenger knocked on my door. My secretary, Jill, must have been out to lunch already. Come in.

    Mr. Finnegan Jamison?

    Yes, that's me.

    Sir, I have an envelope for you. I need you to sign here. I signed and took the envelope. Before I could ask him to whom it was from, he was gone.

    The envelope was a thick, high quality paper. The return address was:

    Jones and Reyes, Attorneys at Law

    233 S. Wacker Dr.

    Chicago, IL 60606

    Wonderful. Who did I piss off and was serving me with some sort of lawsuit? This day kept getting better. Sitting at my desk, I took out my letter opener and proceeded to slice open the envelope. My heart almost stopped as I read what was enclosed. I sat there staring at the paper. Surely, this was some sort of misunderstanding or a prank.

    Jones and Reyes, Attorneys at Law

    233 S. Wacker Dr.

    Chicago, IL 60606

    May 19, 2014

    Mr. Finnegan Jamison

    120 W. Madison St.

    Chicago, IL 60602

    Dear Mr. Jamison,

    It is with great sadness that I write to you. Recently, my client, Charles Crawford, passed away. Before his death, he found out about you. From all that we have been able to research, he is, rather was, your biological father. Mr. Crawford had been ill for some time. He wanted to reach out to you, but we did not have any contact information for you until recently. Mr. Crawford discovered your name. With that, we were able to take care of his final wishes.

    I realize this must come as a great shock to you. I cannot begin to say I understand how you must feel. I do have some information for you. We also need to discuss Mr. Crawford's will and wishes. Please contact me to arrange a time to meet. Because of the nature of this letter, I am enclosing my business card with additional numbers so that you may reach me after hours if needed.

    Best wishes,

    Charlotte Jones, Attorney

    Speechless, I had read that letter at least a dozen times. My father. He didn't know about me. I reached for my phone. My fumbling fingers seemed to be unable unlock the screen. Damn smart phones! Just when I wanted to throw my phone across the room, I managed to enter my security code. There was only one person I could think to call. I scrolled through my contacts and dialed.

    Hello, her calm voice answered.

    Mom, I managed to squeak out through a tight throat.

    Finn, what's the matter? She listened intently as I read her the letter. The line was quiet for several seconds after I finished. Um, Honey, I … She stopped. I think this was the first time that my mother had not known what to say. That couldn't be good.

    What do I do, Mom? I asked with extreme trepidation in my voice. I had a thousand thoughts flooding through me, but I couldn't make sense of any of them.

    I don't know, Son. Do you want to know more?

    I didn't know what I wanted. He didn't know about me. All these years, I assumed my biological father didn't want me either.

    I gather that, Son, my mother responded softly.

    Do you think he would have wanted me? I whispered.

    Sighing, my mother reluctantly responded, I want to think so.

    Mom, I'm going to go. I need some time to think about this.

    Of course, Dear. Please call me if you need anything. I can go with you if you like, to meet with the attorney, I mean.

    Thanks, Mom. I'll let you know. And with that, I hung up.


    I wrestled with what to do for the better part of the afternoon. I'd avoided painful things in my life. If I called Ms. Jones, I was opening myself up to many things. I didn't know if I was ready to know about him, or if I wanted to. But, knowing that he did not know about me until recently and that he was trying to find me, helped me come to a decision.

    Hesitantly, I dialed the number for Ms. Jones. I decided to call her cell phone. I felt strange calling into the office and having to explain to the secretary who I was and the nature of my call. It seemed like the phone rang forever, when realistically it couldn't have been more than three or four rings. Charlotte Jones speaking. Shit, she answered. I was expecting to leave a voice mail.

    I cleared my throat. This is Finnegan Jamison, I managed to breathe out. My palms were sweating profusely. I wiped them on my pants and waited for her response.

    Yes, Mr. Jamison. I'm sorry for what you must be feeling right now.

    Please, call me Finn. I'm confused about the letter. I know my mother abandoned me, but I've never known anything about a father. I always assumed he knew about me and didn't want me either.

    Finn, it was quite by accident that Charles found out about you. He had been battling cancer for some time. There was a story in the newspaper about him and what would happen to his company if and when he passed away. One day about a month ago, after the article came out, a woman contacted him.

    I listened attentively as Ms. Jones explained the conversation. Apparently, my biological mother contacted Charles to tell him about me.

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