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The Strip Poker Club
The Strip Poker Club
The Strip Poker Club
Ebook53 pages31 minutes

The Strip Poker Club

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About this ebook

Edward Chambers has always been shy around girls. When his friend Matt invites him to a strip poker game, his world is suddenly changed. Can he pluck up the courage to ask out the girl of his dreams before all of their friends see her (or him) naked?

This is a short (c.12,000 word) story of risk, romance and raunchiness. I hope you enjoy reading it.

PublisherCheri Grade
Release dateOct 30, 2015
The Strip Poker Club

Cheri Grade

I have a full time office job and started writing as a hobby to give me a break from looking at spreadsheets all day. I finally plucked up the courage to publish my stories here after deciding that this was the only way in which I could get some feedback and develop my writing skills. The subject matter I like to concentrate on is the feeling of being embarrassed and naked which I find intensely erotic and writing gives me the chance to explore my fantasies in relation to this which I would be too shy to try in real life.

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    Book preview

    The Strip Poker Club - Cheri Grade

    The Strip Poker Club

    By Cheri Grade

    Published by Cheri Grade at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Cheri Grade

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favourite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author

    Chapter 1

    My name is Edward Chambers. Back home I was famous. My dad’s business makes uninteresting electrical components which seem to be very important. I was not interested in the specifics. All I noticed was that he never seemed to be around and we lived in a house that was bigger than my school. He employed half of the town and owned the other half. I found it suffocating and the distance it created between me and my peers made socialising difficult. As soon as I got the chance to go to university, I was glad to leave. It took me a long time to establish myself, but eventually I was famous again. This is the story of how it happened, the story of how I started the Strip Poker Club.

    I chose a university as far from my home as possible. I spent all of the two hours on the train that first trip wondering if I had made the right decision. I was studying finance. My dad had made it clear that he wanted me to have a safe job and not try to be an entrepreneur like him. I knew it would be boring but it was sure to be better than being a lawyer.

    When the train arrived, my doubts intensified. The city was much busier than I was used to, people were pushing me out of the way, barely looking up as they passed. With liberal use of the map on my smartphone, I made my way to my hall of residence, Rookward Hall. It was a very old building on the outskirts of the city and within half an hour’s walk of the university. It was the most expensive hall that the university offered and I had managed to get a room on the top floor where I would have views stretching for miles.

    After the formalities of signing in, getting my key and having a first look around my room, I was keen to try to meet some of the other students. I had had no really close friends growing up and was an only child and I saw university as a chance to reinvent myself. Whilst I wanted friendship, what I craved more than anything else was a girlfriend. I had always been shy around girls and they had not shown interest in me. My parents would always reassure me that this would change. I am not sure if they meant that I would become more confident or that girls would start to realise the value of having a boyfriend from a rich family.

    There was one other room on my floor. I knocked at the door hesitantly, both excited and nervous. I could hear muffled music but I doubted I would have been able to identify it even if I could hear it. The door opened and that was the first time I saw Matt. He had long black hair which almost reached his

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