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Same Sex Marriage (The Female-Husband-Woman) A Play
Same Sex Marriage (The Female-Husband-Woman) A Play
Same Sex Marriage (The Female-Husband-Woman) A Play
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Same Sex Marriage (The Female-Husband-Woman) A Play

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The play is based on an old practice from East Africa where aging women without children or male heirs were allowed to marry. There is too much hullabaloo about same-sex marriage and this seems to be aggressively focused on the male practice of same gender marriage or sexual cohabitation. The play is not a pun, but a direct examination of the feminine practice of same sex marriage. In practice, husband has always been viewed as a sub-category of male, thus a female husband woman was culturally recoded to take on the aspects of male husband. The Nandi female husband was thus clearly culturally recoded as a man to merely take the outward position of man, all else, the physical anatomy inclusive, remained female. Thus, we can understand this rib when Taptuwei (Taptuei actually), a female-husband-woman says "No, I don't carry anything on my head, that is a woman's duty and nothing to do with me. I became a man and I am a man, and that is all.Why should I assume women's work anymore?" R.S. Oboler (Is the Female Husband Husband a man? pg 69. Women did not own property in the face of their husbands, thus to be able to pay dowry, the initiate female husband had to be first be coded as man. This involved a ceremony that made had to abandon female chores.

Release dateNov 10, 2015
Same Sex Marriage (The Female-Husband-Woman) A Play

Will Anthony, Jr

Will Anthony Jr. is currently the Chairman of the Uasin Gishu County Land Control Board which caters for over one million people. Before this stint, he worked in other capacities with the National government. He has also been lecturer in three religious institutions, a service to the youth to gather knowledge from the aging population. In his life time, Will Anthony Jr. says he has met a lot of people and can unflinchingly say that he loved most of them. Why most of them? Well, it is a tall order to love everyone you meet! Will Anthony Jr. has written several e-books touching on diverse subjects that relate to society. The books extensively cover human social and economic practices and this is so because expertise in one field in Africa can become a drudgery according to his practical view. His perception is that if you were born in Africa and the continent is your aboriginal home, you are likely to have English as your second language (ESL). Sometimes it could even be a third language. For him, he had to learn his mother tongue then learn both English and Swahili simultaneously. He went to his pre-primary bare foot, later he joined the local primary school 5 Km away and had to trek barefoot again not because his parents could not buy him shoes but because cobblers were a rare find. That journey was a daily toil of 10 Km, 5 days in a week or ~270 days yearly for 7 years. With a smirk he says that when you achieve a PhD in Africa, then You have done Plenty of hard Digging (PhD) or you have a Permanent head Damage (PhD) and you might end up in a ditch because your IQ cannot contain the booze like the local fellas! "Why did the English colonize Africa?" To keep the African languages in Czech (check), and he says that one must forgive this pun. But besides the pun, English has broken both social and economic barriers of the once "dark continent" whose forefathers slaved the white farms and firms to lace the pockets of their Lords. A PhD holder in Africa will still practice other 'trades' though they maybe 'very' learned because poverty is shameless, one has to draw bounds through plenty of smart work or else, it will be a shame to steal so as to maintain class. He published a book in 1992, but the publisher coned him , he took her to court and the case aged in judicial corridors for 12 years. He then made a decision to abandon the matter and to forget about writing books. However, Self publishing made him to change that decision. More than anything, He salutes Smashwords Inc. for the platform. In retrospect, He recalls a Dr. Alfred Sam, a friend of his from North America who was also a dean of studies in a local university, exposing his white ass in the university's auditorium to catch attention. The noise ceased as students and lecturers turned to look at the grown-up man on the podium doing the abominable. Well, the good Dr. in anthropology then simply pulled up his trousers buckled the belt and said, "Thank You, now I have your attention..." For the sake of simplicity, without much display of academia, Will Anthony Jr. is a writer in the global village market . For this, he Salutes all his readers and all lovers of written work. In a word of caution, he says that men and women alike must bear. In reference, there is an Ibo saying that every market place has it's mad people who will attempt to mar the business of the seemingly sane people. On the other hand, the English say everyone is mad, it's only the degree madness that is at variance. Salutes most profoundly!

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    Same Sex Marriage (The Female-Husband-Woman) A Play - Will Anthony, Jr



    (The Female-Husband-Woman)

    A PLAY

    Will Anthony, Jr.

    Copyright 2015 Will Anthony, Jr.

    Smashwords Edition



    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the copy right owner. Nor can it be circulated in any form of binding or cover other that which it is published and without similar condition being imposed on subsequent purchaser. Anyone intending to perform or to re-produce this play must get the written permission from the author at Schools and colleges can obtain special permission to enact the play for cultural purposes only, not for any commercial or campaign purposes.

    ISBN: 9781310171338

    Title: Same Sex Marriage (The Female-Husband-Woman) A Play

    PUBLISHER: Smashwords, Inc

    Table of Contents


    SCENE 1









    Khadija Chepseba: An old lady aged about 82 years

    Jane Kirwa: Petitioner (35 years old lady)

    Peter Tallam: 1st Objector (Nephew to Khadija)

    Kelvin Koech: Khadija’s brother in law

    Sally Tallam: 2nd Objector (Niece to Khadija)

    Sarah Koech: Khadija’s Sister married to Kelvin Koech

    Ernest Mambo: OW4 (Khadija’s tenant and neighbor)

    Hamisi Rajab: OW5 (Khadija’s village elder in Mombasa)

    Pius Kosgei: PW5 (Photographer)

    George Chepseba: Relative of Khadija

    Amos Kirwa: Father of Jane Kirwa

    Ann Tallam: Mother of Jane Kirwa

    Andrew: Amos’ Village Elder and paternal cousin.

    John Kibet: Amos’ relative

    Paul: Son of Amos Kirwa

    Judge: Justice Luke


    Amina: Court Clerk

    Mr. Samuel: Counsel for Petitioner

    Mr. Ali: Counsel for Objectors

    A Court Interpreter

    Several people for traditional ceremony props and court attendance.

    SCENE 1


    ACT I

    LOCATION: Cheptiret Location, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.

    TIME: 10:30 East Africa Time (EAT)

    As the curtain is raised, a man and a woman are seated at one end of the dais talking about their domestic issues. The props around the sitting area indicate that the place is a rural home. The man is called Amos and the wife is called Ann.

    AMOS: Did you get information that the old lady from Mombasa will be visiting us today?

    ANN: Who, Khadija?

    AMOS: Yes

    ANN: Yes, I saw her arriving yesterday, she was heading towards her sister’s place on the next farm and she had a company with her, I wonder what she wants!

    AMOS: Maybe she is looking for land to buy, but well, we can’t know, we have to wait. I have sent Paul to buy us a kilogram of goat meat at the butchery. I hope he won’t delay.

    ANN: I have sent Jane to fetch water to clean the house, it is good to have visitors because you can eat something rare once in a while.

    AMOS: Are you saying that I rarely buy meat in this house?

    ANN: I didn’t say that, you said so yourself!

    AMOS: (Shifting his chair in mock frustration) I think I will sit outside so that I don’t obstruct the cleaning process. Please tell Jane to place two chairs outside, let me go and fetch our neighbor Mzee (elder) Andrew to come help us receive the visitors.

    ANN: Good idea.

    (Amos exits and the curtain falls)


    ACT 2

    LOCATION: Cheptiret Location, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.

    TIME: 10:30am EAT

    As the curtain is raised, Amos is seen sitting away from his daughter Jane and wife Ann who are just in the process of finishing their cleaning chores. Amos is talking to his neighbor Andrew, then he looks up and sees three women and three men coming towards his home. He stands up and goes forward to meet the six while Andrew remains seated. One of the lady visitors is elderly.

    AMOS: (He meets the visitors midway) Welcome our visitors. Good health to you all, (he says as he shakes each visitor’s hand firmly. (He mentions the name of each visitor in turn except the fifth person whom he seems not to know) Hello Khadija, Jane, Peter, Kelvin, Sarah (he greets them all while leading them towards Andrew).

    ANDREW: (Smiling) Welcome, gogo (referring to Khadija, a title meaning grandmother), you are true visitors, all the way from Mombasa?

    (Laughter from all)

    AMOS: How is your health?

    VISITORS: (In unison). We are well, we thank God.

    KHADIJA: How are your families?

    (Both Amos and Andrew confirm in unison)

    AMOS & ANDREW: They are fine.

    AMOS: We hope you had a wonderful journey.

    STRANGER: We had a wonderful journey, thank you.

    KHADIJA: (To Amos and Andrew) This is my brother-in-law, George Chepseba from Nandi County. (To George Chepseba) This are our great friends, they moved to Uasin Gishu County from Nandi county when they bought land here.

    ANDREW: Oh yes, I remember him now, you are a distant relative you know, (he says as he shakes the hand of George again) Welcome my brother, it will rain today because you have visited us, I can see your feet are full of blessings, see the cloud yonder…

    (Laughter from all)

    AMOS: (Calling out loudly to his wife) Mama Paul, the visitors are here.

    ANN: (She comes tying a wrapper just below her breasts) Welcome gogo (hugging the elderly lady), hello Jane, hello Peter, Sarah! (in mock surprise), Kelvin; Ah! I was expecting people unknown to me (she says to the five as she shakes their hands plus the stranger too).

    (Everyone laughs; happiness is displayed all round. Paul brings out plastic chairs and the visitors and their host [Amos], sits in the shade. The seats are placed in a semi circle)

    ANN: Please, feel at home, Let me prepare you something to eat (she says while walking away into the house as the curtain falls).


    ACT 3

    LOCATION: Cheptiret Location, Uasin Gishu County,

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