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Taking a Chance
Taking a Chance
Taking a Chance
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Taking a Chance

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It was supposed to be a rare -and unheard-of- one-night stand. But months later, Grace Jamison still can't get Ryan Flores out of her mind. Thanks to the matchmaking efforts of friends and family, it's not long before Grace and Ryan are thrown together once again. They quickly pick up where they left off and Grace wonders if Ryan is too good to be true and if they could possibly have a real future together.

Ryan has always been a momma's boy, the one man that his mother could depend on and the one person who'd never let her down. It's not long, however, before his mother voices her disapproval of his relationship with Grace, forcing him to choose between pleasing her or exploring his growing feelings for Grace.

Faced with a series of surprising revelations and unpredictable events, Grace's and Ryan's relationship will be met by challenges big and small. With so many obstacles thrown their way, will they walk away unscathed or walk away with regret after finally taking a chance?

PublisherJaye Diane
Release dateOct 31, 2015
Taking a Chance

Jaye Diane

Jaye Diane is a teacher, poet and novelist with a degree in English. As a child, she dreamed of becoming a writer and wrote and illustrated her own books. A lover of various genres of books, she is an avid reader as well as writer. Email:

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    Book preview

    Taking a Chance - Jaye Diane

    Taking a Chance

    Friends & Lovers Book 3

    Jaye Diane

    Distributed by Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 by Jeanette Diane Richardson

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    For Janet Richardson, who loved me unconditionally and always accepted me as I am. Rest in peace, Grandma. I will always love & miss you.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty


    About the Author

    Chapter One

    Grace Jamison stepped into the elegant bathroom of the Woodson Hotel. The tiled floor, along with the walls, were a very subtle pink, her favorite color. She hurried to the marble countertop sink, checking her appearance in agitation.

    Although the air conditioning made it extremely cool in the entire hotel, she was beginning to sweat. She was pleased to see that her makeup hadn’t been too badly affected. She applied more smoky gray eye shadow, noting that her hazel eyes looked wary.

    Of course she was wary. She’d only spent the past seven months carefully avoiding the hotel. Now, thanks to Linc, she found herself back where she’d least wanted to be.

    Sighing, she removed a small brush from her purse and agitatedly brushed her long, jet black hair. It was bone straight and hung sleekly down her back.

    To combat the July heat, she’d dressed in a simple strapless magenta mini dress. She’d also gone without stockings and had high-heeled strappy sandals on her feet. She’d dressed with dread, wondering if she should dress in something utterly plain. But she knew it didn’t matter what she dressed in. If Ryan Flores saw her, he’d want her no matter what she wore.

    It had been at the Woodson Hotel, seven months earlier, that she’d made the mistake of having sex with Ryan. She’d been somewhat successful in pushing him back to the friend zone. But he made it very clear at times that he still wanted her.

    In the past month and a half, she’d cut off all contact with him, knowing that their unusual friendship was unhealthy for them both. She’d changed her cell phone number, deleted him from all of her social media accounts and stayed clear away from the hotel.

    She’d considered feigning illness to get out of coming to the hotel. But her conscience hadn’t allowed her to do it. Other than the fact that it was Emerald’s birthday and all their family and friends were there, Linc was going to propose to Emerald. Grace wouldn’t miss that, no matter how uncomfortable she felt.

    She took a few deep breaths and walked out of the bathroom, heading quickly down the long carpeted hallway to the hotel party room. Linc had booked the room months ago upon learning that Emerald had never had a birthday party. Robyn had tried to give Emerald a party a couple of times in the years that they’d all been friends, but Emerald had always resisted.

    Being told about the party after everything had been planned and paid for had basically left Emerald no choice but accept it. So far, she’d been having a great time, dancing and laughing. Grace had tried to join in the fun but couldn’t stop watching her back.

    She knew that Ryan had no reason to come into their private party room. But since Robyn was still friends with him she expected to see him at any moment. His family owned the hotel and Grace knew he could appear anywhere.

    She reentered the party room, the loud music thrumming throughout the large room. The room was dim, lit only by multicolored lamps that were spread throughout. There were also large balloon bouquets in each corner and confetti sprinkled on every surface. It looked colorful and festive and Grace had already taken several pictures.

    Grace was familiar with most of the people at the party. There were only a few that she wasn’t very familiar with, such as Emerald’s father, Shawn, and his wife and mother-in-law. They seemed to be having a good time along with everyone else.

    There was an open bar and Grace walked over for a drink, smiling as she passed Devin and Robyn, standing in the middle of the dance floor. The band was playing an upbeat pop song but Devin and Robyn swayed as they leaned close to each other, whispering.

    Apple martini, Grace told the bartender loudly as she admired her brother and best friend. They made a cute couple. Although she was happy for the love that her best friends had recently found, her own love life was pitiful.

    It would be all too easy to fall for Ryan. He was smart, sexy, charming, funny and great in bed. But all he wanted was sex. And she’d never been the type to have casual sex. It had taken her weeks to forgive herself for the one night stand that she’d had with him.

    The bartender, a young blonde woman dressed in a crisp blue hotel uniform, passed Grace her drink with a bright smile.

    Thanks, Grace accepted it, leaning against the high wooden bar and taking a sip. It was mean but she wished Linc would hurry up and propose so that she could leave.

    Hey, Elizabeth, who was married to Grace’s oldest brother Javier, leaned against the bar. Elizabeth was as petite as Grace but where Grace was lush and curvy, Elizabeth was very slim. She looked chic in a black halter dress and low heels that hadn’t added much height.

    Hey, Grace murmured, taking another sip.

    Can I have a sparkling water? Any flavor is fine. Elizabeth asked the bartender before lowering her voice and saying in Grace’s ear, What’s with you?

    Nothing, Grace denied immediately. At times it was good to have a family who knew you so well but at other times it was just annoying.

    Elizabeth accepted her sparkling water, watching Grace with speculative eyes as she took a few sips.

    So what’s the matter?

    Grace didn’t reply, staring at the crystal tumbler in Elizabeth’s hand.

    Sparkling water? Grace asked, tilting her head to the side and studying her sister-in-law.

    Elizabeth shrugged her lean shoulders, trying to look disinterested.

    Grace sat her glass down on the bar and put her hands on her hips. She thought back to their last family dinner a week before. Elizabeth had only had water to drink then.

    Hmm, Grace murmured, a grin spreading across her face as she continued to watch Elizabeth.

    Elizabeth began to squirm.

    In one week, at two events, you did not have anything alcoholic to drink, Grace said, slyly.

    So? Elizabeth asked, nonchalantly.

    You’re pregnant, aren’t you? Grace squealed.

    No, Elizabeth denied. But she wouldn’t look Grace in the eye.

    Yes, you are! Grace did a little jump and threw her arm around Elizabeth. Wow!

    Shh! Elizabeth said loudly.

    But everyone was already watching them and the bartender was laughing. Linc went to the stage and spoke to the band and they stopped playing mid-song.

    Grace winced as everyone dashed over to her and Elizabeth. They were quickly surrounded. She cursed her big mouth and gave Elizabeth a quick apologetic smile.

    Angelica, Grace’s mother, was the first to squeeze Elizabeth into a hug. Everyone began to talk at once. Grace couldn’t make out anything that anyone was saying and from the confused look on Elizabeth’s face, she would say that Elizabeth couldn’t either.

    Yes! Javier yelled over everyone after a couple of minutes of nonstop talking. It’s true! We’re having another baby!

    Marjorie Phillips, Robyn’s mom, whooped and the chatter began again. Grace grinned, happy for her brother and his wife. Their daughter, named Angelica after her grandma, would turn a year old in a couple of weeks.

    In the Jamison-Phillips extended family, there had been no children until Peyton, Robyn’s sister, and her husband Keith, had Whitney. Whitney, who had turned five a few months before, was now the oldest of a growing brood of children. Robyn’s and Devin’s daughter Olivia had turned a year old a few days before Emerald’s birthday.

    Peyton was very pregnant with her second child and due any day. Ines, Grace’s older sister, was also pregnant. Grace laughed to herself when she remembered Ines’ getting drunk for the first time on New Year’s. That had led to a bun in the oven.

    As Grace watched everyone hug and celebrate, a niggle of sadness worked its way into her heart. She’d been perfectly happy with her life as a freelance photographer. She loved coming and going as she pleased. Quite often she’d leave the state and sometimes even left the country.

    But seeing Robyn and Emerald, her two best friends, fall head over heels and find love, had started to make her evaluate her life and her future. She’d started to crave some romance and happiness for herself. Sadly, the only man she currently wanted was Ryan. And all he wanted was to play around.

    She’d have to get him out of her mind and her heart before she’d be able to give another man a chance. But standing in the midst of her celebrating family, she feared seeing Ryan at the same time as she longed for it. That was the reason she was so determined to avoid him. She knew she wouldn’t be in the clear until the party was over.

    An hour later, Grace cornered Linc near a table that was laden with food. He looked handsome, dressed in a crisp white shirt and gray slacks. His brown hair was slicked back but some still fell over onto his forehead.

    Linc, She whispered through clenched teeth. What gives? What’s taking so long?

    What are you talking about? He asked as he piled food onto a large glass plate.

    You know exactly what I’m talking about, Grace said with an impatient sigh. The proposal. When are you proposing?

    Dinner just started, Linc said, narrowing his brown eyes and glaring at her. I’m not doing it right now.

    Grace crossed her arms over her chest. Dinner had actually been going on for about a half hour. She’d just finished eating, herself. Linc and Devin had been so busy talking that they hadn’t started eating when everyone else had.

    Grace looked at the band. The lead singer, a middle aged white man with a ponytail, shook his head slowly back and forth as he sung about finding new love.

    What’s wrong with you? Linc asked, popping shrimp into his mouth.


    Well, you’re not rushing me into this. I’m not proposing until the perfect moment. Now chill out. You weren’t supposed to know about it anyway.

    Don’t start with that again. She’d heard Linc confessing to Devin that he was going to propose to Emerald at her birthday party. She’d excitedly confronted him there and then.

    You’re nosy.

    No, I’m not, Grace denied. But she knew that she was. Just a little. And she loved to gossip so she hadn’t been able to stop herself from telling Robyn that Linc was going to propose. She told herself that Robyn was going to find out from Devin, anyway. But Linc had been mad as hell at her.

    She wasn’t fazed by Linc’s anger. He’d been Devin’s best friend since childhood which meant he’d always been around. She’d always treated Linc the same way she treated her brothers and that would never change.

    What are you two talking about? Emerald surprised Grace, putting her arm around her shoulders. Emerald was gorgeous, wearing a knee-length sky blue lace dress. The light blue of her dress complemented her rich brown skin and her braided hair was pulled back into a bun.

    Linc stared at Emerald with admiration and Grace grinned.

    I was just, ah, just telling Linc that he needs to hurry up and eat because I really want some birthday cake. Grace was pleased that the lie came easily.

    Emerald plucked a small piece of grilled chicken off his plate and put it into her mouth.

    That food was amazing, Emerald said as she chewed. But yeah, I’m looking forward to cake too.

    Linc’s eyes bore into Grace, letting her know that he really was annoyed with her. She widened her eyes then rolled them, silently telling him that she didn’t care.

    Alright already, Emerald said. What are you two doing?

    Nothing, Grace said. Let’s go get a drink, Emmy.

    Grace took Emerald’s hand and pulled her way.

    See you in a little bit, Emerald told Linc with a laugh.

    Grace saw him smile and start off in the other direction with his food.

    I’m glad you’re having a good time, Grace told Emerald as they sat down at a small round table near the bar.

    Yeah, I really am. Emerald said, smiling as she stared around the large room. She turned back to Grace. "But I don’t think you are. What’s up?"

    Nothing, Grace replied, not wanting to spoil Emerald’s good mood.

    With a small gasp, Emerald said, Damn, I’m sorry. I forgot Ryan works here.

    It’s no big deal.

    Yeah it is. Emerald shook her head. Shit.

    I’m okay. Grace crossed her legs and folded her hands on her lap. I’m good. Really.

    I’m a bitch for not remembering, Emerald said. I got so caught up in everything…

    Stop it, Emerald, Grace ordered as sternly as she could. It’s fine.

    Grace couldn’t be mad at her friend. Emerald had recently testified in the trial of Casey Green, who had kidnapped and assaulted her the day after New Year’s. After all Casey had done, she’d only been sentenced to five years in jail. Emerald had been upset and angry.

    There are much more important things going on than me trying to avoid Ryan, Grace said, shaking her head dismissively. I’m glad I’m here for you. I wouldn’t miss your night for the world.

    Thanks, Emerald smiled sweetly. "But a birthday party isn’t that big of a deal. You could have skipped it."

    It’s your first birthday party, ever. There’s nothing that would have made me miss it. Grace’s heart leapt in her chest when she thought about the upcoming proposal. She was eager to talk about it. Although it would be cruel to ruin the surprise, she still wanted to tell Emerald about it. The anticipation was too much for her.

    Emerald touched Grace’s hand and mouthed thank you.

    Grace smiled back but suddenly felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She stiffened and slowly turned to stare at the room’s entrance. And there he was. Ryan Flores. Six feet of caramel skin and sleek muscles, Ryan oozed charm and sex appeal. He was all too appealing in a charcoal gray suit and snowy white shirt.

    He stood in front of the glass doors, smiling at her from across the room. An image of his nude body flashed in her mind. She’d spent many hours over, under and all around him on their only night together. She hadn’t been able to keep her hands off of his ripped body.

    Grace turned away quickly, trying to keep a bland expression on her face. But Emerald was already giggling.

    So that’s him, huh? Emerald asked, her tone gently teasing. I never would have known it if you didn’t just turn five shades of red.

    I did not. Grace slapped her hands over her hot cheeks.

    He sure is fine, Emerald said, obviously enjoying herself at Grace’s expense. He looks nothing like he did back in high school.

    Ryan was half black and half Puerto Rican. He’d been overweight in high school and had been severely bullied. Grace and Robyn, who were biracial, had taken Ryan under their wing in high school. He’d been a sweet boy and loyal friend. And completely harmless.

    But when Grace had spotted him at Robyn’s and Devin’s rehearsal dinner she had been instantly attracted. She hadn’t been able to get him off of her mind. The following night, after Robyn and Devin had departed for their honeymoon, everyone had left The Scope and gone back to the Woodson Hotel.

    Emerald and Linc had been missing. But everyone else said goodnight and went up to their rooms. Grace had stupidly gone for a walk in the hotel garden. Ryan had been there, sitting on a bench and gazing up at the sky. A friendly conversation had quickly turned to flirtation. Within the hour, they were naked in his hotel room.

    Being so easy was so unlike her that she’d had a hard time forgiving herself. She’d tried not to take her mistake out on Ryan. He’d once been a good friend. But trying to maintain a platonic friendship was more stress than it was worth, especially since he’d made it clear at times that he wanted more than friendship.

    What are you thinking about? You look crazy! Emerald giggled.

    Nothing, Grace said defensively. Please tell me he’s not coming over here.

    Robyn’s talking to him now. Emerald had a wide grin on her face. They’re at the door.

    If she loves me at all, she will get keep the conversation quick and get him out of here.

    You’re really nervous! Emerald said, sounding awed.

    Be quiet! Grace snapped, tapping her manicured nails on the tabletop. The band still played and she doubted anyone could hear their conversation but she was still nerve wrecked.

    Damn, Emerald complained, "I’d think you’d be a little happier to see the guy who was the best you’ve ever had."

    Don’t make me tape your mouth shut, Grace warned.

    Emerald laughed again.

    Some friend, Grace carped.

    Oh shit, they’re walking this way, Emerald said, her lips barely moving as she spoke.

    Fuck, Grace whispered. She felt goosebumps rise all over her entire body.

    It’s going to be alright. Stay cool.

    I’m going to kill Robyn, Grace said, teeth clenched.

    I know. Emerald pasted a phony smile on her face and they both turned as Robyn sauntered over to the table with Ryan.

    How’s the guest of honor enjoying her party? Ryan asked Emerald, a smooth smile on his face. He forced himself to appear laidback and poised. All he really wanted to do was yank Grace up out of her seat and carry to her his room.

    I’m having a great time, Emerald said, flashing a bright smile at him.

    That’s what we like to hear. As the general manager of the hotel, he always checked in on guests to make sure everything was running smoothly. But he’d been hoping for an invitation to the party ever since he’d taken a look at the upcoming party events. He needed a reason to talk to Grace.

    Ryan’s off for the rest of the night, Robyn said, a smile on her pretty face. I invited him to join us.

    Welcome to the party, Ryan, Emerald said cheerfully.

    Thanks, He murmured.

    I’m going to get a drink, Grace said, standing up. You guys want anything?

    He admired her curvaceous body in the short dress that she wore. She was petite but still had long, shapely legs. She was the sexiest, most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

    Nothing for me, thanks, Emerald replied.

    Get me a white wine spritzer, Robyn murmured.

    No thanks, Ryan said evenly although he knew she probably wasn’t talking to him.

    Grace wordlessly walked towards the bar and he stared at the round curve of her fine ass. He had a weakness for plump derrieres and Grace’s was the best he’d had the pleasure of touching. He made himself look away.

    Robyn and Emerald were smirking at him.

    You might want to cut out that staring, Robyn informed him. Unless you want Grace’s father and brothers to come over here.

    Got it, Ryan said with a short laugh. He’d been interrogated before by overprotective male relatives and he wasn’t intimidated by Grace’s family doing the same. But now wasn’t the time.

    It’s good to see you, Ryan, Emerald said, leaning across the table. I’ve heard a lot about you.

    She winked, letting him know exactly what she’d heard. He felt his ears get hot.

    It’s good to see you too. He’d known of Emerald back in high school and although they shared mutual friends, she’d kept to herself.

    This hotel is gorgeous, Ry, Robyn said. When we had the rehearsal dinner here, I just knew we had to come back. But since we live nearby there hasn’t been a reason to until now.

    Better late than never. He wanted to look in Grace’s direction but he didn’t allow himself to do it. I’ll be sure to pass your compliments on to Pop. He likes getting feedback from the guests.

    You know, Robyn went on, speaking quickly. You guys really should have a website by now.

    We do, sort of.

    I don’t mean that hotel directory site, Robyn said, waving her hand dismissively. I mean your own site, complete with pictures and guest reviews.

    That’s a great idea, Emerald said loudly.

    He eyed them quizzically. They clearly were up to something.

    I’ll look into it, Ryan said noncommittally. His family’s two hotels did very well. They had a great reputation. The New York hotel was much bigger than the New Jersey one that Ryan ran but they always had a steady stream of guests. They provided premium hotel rooms and suites at cheaper prices than the huge chains.

    Make sure you do, Robyn insisted and then she had a turn winking at him. "Grace is a photographer. I’m sure she can get some great pics of this place. She’s so talented."

    A smile slowly spread across his face as he realized what Robyn was doing. He knew she was only trying to help but he wasn’t desperate enough to hire Grace just to get closer to her.

    Grace arrived at the table. As she sat in the high-backed chair, she passed Robyn her drink. She’d gotten a cosmopolitan for herself. She stared down into her glass before taking a sip.

    How have you been, Grace? He asked casually. They hadn’t spoken in weeks. She’d completely shut him out with no warning.

    I’m good.

    Are you just in town for the party or on business too?


    Grace has been here for a couple of months, Emerald put in. I think she missed us too much.

    Well, that stung. She’d cut off all contact with him six weeks before. But she’d come back while they were still talking and hadn’t told him. Her career as a freelance photographer often required her to travel. When she was actually in town, he’d tried to see her but she’d always refused.

    Emmy, I always miss you, Grace said simply. You know that.

    Good, Emerald smiled.

    Devin is waving me over, Robyn said, standing up with her drink. See you guys later.

    Ryan stared gratefully at his friend. She smiled warmly before walking away to go see her husband.

    I’m going to go check on my man. Emerald surprised them when she stood up too. See you both in a few.

    Grace’s mouth dropped open before she snapped it shut.

    Well, damn, Grace muttered.

    Emerald blew her a kiss and walked away.

    Ryan held back a grin. He’d known Robyn had invited him for a specific reason. He just hadn’t expected anyone else to play along.

    We need to talk, Grace.

    Can you believe those bitches? She stared at the two women, who were huddled close together at a table across the room. Without the men that they’d just mentioned.

    Grace, He said her name sternly, determined to get her attention. He knew he probably didn’t have much time.

    She turned serious hazel eyes on him.

    What is it? She asked blandly, as if she didn’t know what he wanted to talk about.

    His annoyance was keen but he forced himself to remain cool. She rolled her eyes and his pique went up another notch.

    We need to talk, Grace. He said again.

    I don’t think so, She said quickly.

    What? He exclaimed, trying to keep his voice down. He looked around. Everyone was still talking and laughing as if nothing was going on.

    Actions speak louder than words, Grace said, standing up. I think I’ve made myself pretty clear.

    He stood up too and wasted no time putting his hands around her waist. She was very slim and his large hands nearly spanned her entire waist.

    You owe me an explanation, He said with a calmness he didn’t feel.

    Her eyes widened.

    And I’m not letting go of you until I get one.

    Chapter Two

    Grace knew that it wouldn’t take much to get her family or friends to intervene. A simple look to her brothers or parents could do the trick. But she refrained from doing anything that would cause a scene. It was Emerald’s day and she wouldn’t spoil it. She wasn’t afraid of Ryan. Just annoyed as hell.

    Fine, She said. Let’s talk.

    Thank you, He said sarcastically.

    Let me go. She couldn’t resist rolling her eyes again. Let’s sit back down.

    By the time they were sitting, she was afraid to look over at anyone. Even though she and Ryan were calm, she was sure that they had everyone’s attention.

    Let’s make this quick, Grace said rudely. It’s only a matter of time before people start wandering over.

    All I want is an explanation.

    Fine. She wondered how honest she should be and realized there was no point in holding back the truth. I can’t be your friend. It wasn’t working out. You obviously don’t want to be my friend. You were just looking for a way to get back in my pants.

    Wow, Ryan said with a sneer. That’s what you think of me.

    It’s the truth. She shrugged as if it didn’t matter to her either way. It was so obvious.

    Even if that was the truth, why didn’t you tell me to my face? Why run away and hide?

    That instantly got her hackles up.

    I did not hide! She denied, balling her hands into fists. I just didn’t see the point of having the conversation we’re having right now.

    You think I’m a dog? You think I’d just fuck anyone who gave me a shot?

    It doesn’t matter what I think. I don’t even know you.

    We were best friends in high school.

    That was a lifetime ago. Grace shook her head. Her heart was beginning to pound.

    But you don’t want to take the time to get to know me now. His voice was bitter.

    There is no point.

    That means our night together meant nothing to you. Just how often do you sleep around?

    She gasped and sat speechless. He thought she slept around? Her mouth hung open in horror. No one took sex as seriously as she did.

    She stared at him, seeing his hard slanted jaw and angry brown eyes. She snapped her mouth shut and glared back at him.

    "I’m not some ho who sleeps around, Grace whispered angrily, her teeth clenched together. And if you thought I was, why did you sleep with me?"

    I never thought that, He denied, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his broad chest. Even though he wore a crisp dress shirt and suit jacket, she could clearly make out the contours of his chest. But the way you’re acting now…

    So because I’m rejecting you I must be a ho? She asked bitterly.

    No. But the way you’re acting makes me think that you do take sex lightly.

    Grace expelled a long breath and stood up. Glancing to the side, she saw that her older brother, Javier, was indeed watching them. She turned back to Ryan, who was frowning.

    I think we’ve said all we need to say, Grace said. You got your explanation. Take care.

    Grace didn’t wait for him to respond. Taking her drink, she walked towards Robyn. She was stunned to realize that the confrontation had left her trembling.

    You’re a bitch, Grace muttered, coming to a stop in front of Robyn.

    Robyn, her head resting on Devin’s shoulder, popped up with wide eyes.

    Devin raised an eyebrow and looked back and forth between Robyn and Grace.

    You invited him just so he could bother me, didn’t you? Grace nearly yelled.

    Bother isn’t the word I’d use, Robyn began hesitantly.

    And you, Grace said to Emerald, sitting across the table with Linc. Were you in on this? Did you know he’d be here?

    I didn’t know, Emerald said. But sweetie, don’t be mad at Robyn. She just wants-

    If you take her side, you’re a bitch, Grace said, putting her hands on her hips. But she was already deflating. She couldn’t be mad at her friends.

    What’s going on? Did that guy bother you? Linc asked.

    Devin was already standing up. I’ll straighten him out.

    Oh no you won’t! Robyn grabbed Devin’s wrist. Sit down. Everything is fine.

    Damn, Emerald said, standing up too. Fall back, Devin! You too, Lincoln. If Grace was in trouble don’t you think she would have said so already?

    Sorry. Grace said as she sat down. I’m just pissed off. I didn’t want to see him, Robyn!

    "I know that now. But I thought you actually did."

    If I wanted to see him, I would have done it myself by now. Grace gulped down the rest of her drink and slammed the glass onto the table.

    Now’s not the time for this, Emerald said. Your mom’s about to come over.

    Grace turned as her mother slowly approached, elegantly dressed in a sparkling silver gown.

    Linc, Emerald, Angelica said, smiling as she eyed her daughter with suspicious eyes. Shall we have cake now?

    That’s a great idea, Emerald agreed.

    Who is that young man you were with? Angelica asked, looking Grace in the eye.

    A friend, Grace said, knowing that her mother would be nosy no matter what she said.

    It did not appear as if you were having a friendly discussion.

    Not now, Mami, Grace implored.

    Okay, Angelica agreed. It can wait for us to get home.

    Grace closed her eyes as her mother walked away. This is all your fault, Robyn.

    What the hell is going on? Devin asked and Robyn whispered in his ear.

    Dammit, Grace mumbled to herself.

    Let’s get ready for cake and ice cream, Linc said loudly, getting up out of his seat.

    Grace turned as two hotel employees wheeled in a table with a large two tier chocolate cake on it. She looked at Linc, saw the tension in his shoulders and realized that he was uncomfortable.

    Oh wow! He’s going to do it now. This is it!

    The cake was moved to the center of a long table and Emerald was instructed to stand next to it. Grace hurriedly retrieved her camera

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