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Alien Sex 102: Mera and Trett: Alien Sex Ed, #2
Alien Sex 102: Mera and Trett: Alien Sex Ed, #2
Alien Sex 102: Mera and Trett: Alien Sex Ed, #2
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Alien Sex 102: Mera and Trett: Alien Sex Ed, #2

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About this ebook

Mera is the first to benefit when her friends, Xindra and Quinn, start an Alien Sex Ed class. As an Oquaran, Mera is so sensitive she comes almost instantly and can't stand all the thrusting the other races do. When she meets and falls for Sex Ed student Trett, she discovers a whole new world of pleasure. As an Ibration, Trett doesn't thrust during sex. His penis vibrates.

The budding romance between Trett and Mera is only the start. Xindra and Quinn notice more than one of their students checking each other out.

(Previously published by Liquid Silver Books as part of a two-novella volume titled Alien Sex 101. This work has been revised and re-edited.)

PublisherAllie Ritch
Release dateNov 2, 2015
Alien Sex 102: Mera and Trett: Alien Sex Ed, #2

Allie Ritch

Allie Ritch is a multi-published author of sizzling sci-fi and paranormal romance. She has an active imagination and enjoys entertaining others through storytelling. Allie lives in her own little world in the Southeastern United States, where she spends time appreciating the ocean and sunshine. Follow Allie at or on Twitter

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    Book preview

    Alien Sex 102 - Allie Ritch

    Table of Contents

    Title Page



    Chapter 1: Wishful Thinking

    Chapter 2: Wham, Bam

    Chapter 3: A Lot to Swallow

    Chapter 4: Like a Glove

    Chapter 5: Let’s Review

    Excerpt from Alien Sex 103: Katra & Krux

    About the Author

    Alien Sex 102: Mera & Trett

    (Alien Sex Ed 2)


    By Allie Ritch


    Other works in this series:

    Alien Sex 101: Xindra & Quinn

    Alien Sex 103: Katra & Krux

    Alien Sex 104: Whitt & Spri

    Alien Sex 105: Benni & Varion

    Alien Sex 106: Pixie & Zeo

    Alien Sex 107: Huv & Lexy

    Alien Sex 108: Glynn & Deina

    Alien Sex Therapy

    Alien Sex Life

    Alien Sex 102: Mera & Trett

    Copyright © November 2015 by Allie Ritch

    Published in the United States of America

    Previously published by Liquid Silver Books as Part 2 of Alien Sex 101 Copyright © January 2012 by Allie Ritch

    Excerpt from Alien Sex 103: Katra & Krux Copyright © November 2015 by Allie Ritch, previously published by Liquid Silver Books as Part 1 of Alien Sex 102 Copyright © February 2012 by Allie Ritch


    Cover design by Allie Ritch

    Images used under license from Licensed images are being used for illustrative purposes only, and any person depicted on the cover is a model.


    All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. This copy is intended for the original purchaser only. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, resold, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review. If you would like to share this book, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    * * * *


    This book contains sexually explicit scenes that are inappropriate for minors. This book is intended for mature adults only.

    * * * *


    Mera is the first to benefit when her friends, Xindra and Quinn, start an Alien Sex Ed class. As an Oquaran, Mera is so sensitive she comes almost instantly and can’t stand all the thrusting the other races do. When she meets and falls for Sex Ed student Trett, she discovers a whole new world of pleasure. As an Ibration, Trett doesn’t thrust during sex. His penis vibrates. The budding romance between Trett and Mera is only the start. Xindra and Quinn notice more than one of their students checking each other out.

    Chapter 1

    Wishful Thinking


    Trett watched as Xindra and Quinn—the instructors for the adult Alien Sex Ed class he was taking—gave a live demonstration of intercourse between an Allurian female and a New Earthling male. As a mixed couple, the pair was a good example of an interracial relationship that worked, and Trilanta was the perfect location. Situated as it was on a travel-hub planet of the same name, the city was full of different aliens. Even the small group of students who gathered here one night a week was diverse, consisting of a four-armed Brachoi, a fierce Nimanian, and several other races.

    As Trett watched, Quinn changed position on the padded table at the front of the room so that he was now taking Xindra from behind. A nearby medical scanner projected an internal view of their coupling on the overhead screen.

    I thought it was painful for males to take an Allurian from behind, Trett pointed out.

    They had learned that in class the previous week. Allurian females had ridges and small, hard projections inside their sheaths that could apparently be quite painful to encounter at the wrong angle.

    He was surprised when Quinn managed to answer without stopping his thrusts.

    For Allurian males it is, the man explained between grunts. Maybe because of the way their corona is built. For me...ah, gods...the pressure just feels unbelievably good.

    The groan Quinn released let everyone know exactly how good it felt. Both instructors were in great physical shape, probably because they worked at the same gym that currently housed their classroom. What’s more, they were beautiful together. The couple displayed the full range from gentle, cooperative lovemaking to primal sex, and they did it all with love and affection shining from every pore of their bodies. It was one of the most precious, intimate things Trett had ever witnessed. And it was everything he wanted for himself.

    At thirty-two, Trett was at the age when most men—at least men like him—started thinking about settling down. He had a nice home and a steady income. Now he wanted the only thing he was really missing. Love.

    Although it was too soon for that level of connection, at least now he had a serious girlfriend—something he couldn’t have said until a week ago. He’d met her in the doorway of this very classroom. She wasn’t one of the other students, and she wasn’t like anyone he’d ever seen before. No, Mera was friends with the instructors, and she was such a rare beauty he’d been instantly hooked. One glance at her, and he’d known he had to talk to her. Unfortunately, his Allurian classmate, Whitt, must have felt the same way.

    The younger man had approached her with a friendly smile. Hey, you just missed the show. That’ll teach you to be late for class.

    Actually, I’m a friend of Xindra and Quinn’s, she’d answered.

    Her strong, clear voice had sung through Trett’s chest like the most moving melody. Like most Ibrations, he was easily turned on by the right pitch of voice. At that moment, he’d also been encouraged by the way she’d regarded Whitt. After a short introduction, she’d looked over the blue-haired Allurian and obviously dismissed him as a romantic candidate. All that had shown on her face was polite indifference. Trett hadn’t expected that, and judging by the small frown on his face, neither had Whitt.

    Trett hadn’t hesitated to make his move. Walking closer, he’d immediately interposed his body between them and offered his hand.

    Hi, I’m Trett Rill. You might want to give your friends a minute. Class just wrapped up.

    He’d felt a tiny zing of pleasure echo through him when her soft skin had pressed against his palm.

    Inamera Qua, she’d replied. Everyone calls me Mera.

    Then she’d smiled at him, and he’d been pleased to see a spark of interest in her eyes. She hadn’t dismissed him. And when he’d dared to ask her out for a drink, she’d agreed to meet him at a nearby bar.

    The sound of Quinn and Xindra climaxing yanked Trett’s attention back to the present. A second later, the two instructors fell limp on the demonstration table, and he stood to applaud along with the other students. He didn’t know why, but it seemed like the thing to do. Judging by the quizzical expressions on Quinn and Xindra’s faces, they didn’t fully understand it either.

    Class dismissed, Quinn announced,

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