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Alien Sex 104: Whitt and Spri: Alien Sex Ed, #4
Alien Sex 104: Whitt and Spri: Alien Sex Ed, #4
Alien Sex 104: Whitt and Spri: Alien Sex Ed, #4
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Alien Sex 104: Whitt and Spri: Alien Sex Ed, #4

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About this ebook

The students continue to hook up in this latest installment of Allie Ritch's Alien Sex Ed series.

Used to casual sex, playboy Whitt discovers he's in over his head when he falls for Spri, a Litting woman who considers lovemaking a sacred rite as binding as marriage. He should be running the other way. Instead, he finds himself seeing just how far he can push things before taking the final plunge.

(Previously published by Liquid Silver Books as part of a two-novella volume titled Alien Sex 102. This work has been revised and re-edited.)

PublisherAllie Ritch
Release dateNov 2, 2015
Alien Sex 104: Whitt and Spri: Alien Sex Ed, #4

Allie Ritch

Allie Ritch is a multi-published author of sizzling sci-fi and paranormal romance. She has an active imagination and enjoys entertaining others through storytelling. Allie lives in her own little world in the Southeastern United States, where she spends time appreciating the ocean and sunshine. Follow Allie at or on Twitter

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    Book preview

    Alien Sex 104 - Allie Ritch

    Table of Contents

    Title Page



    Chapter 1: Sure he’s quick, but...

    Chapter 2: A Cultural Misunderstanding

    Chapter 3: A Quick Study

    Chapter 4: Hands On

    Chapter 5: Commitment Issues

    Chapter 6: Feeling Blue

    Excerpt from Alien Sex 105: Benni & Varion

    About the Author

    Alien Sex 104: Whitt & Spri

    (Alien Sex Ed 4)


    By Allie Ritch


    Other works in this series:

    Alien Sex 101: Xindra & Quinn

    Alien Sex 102: Mera & Trett

    Alien Sex 103: Katra & Krux

    Alien Sex 105: Benni & Varion

    Alien Sex 106: Pixie & Zeo

    Alien Sex 107: Huv & Lexy

    Alien Sex 108: Glynn & Deina

    Alien Sex Therapy

    Alien Sex Life

    Alien Sex 104: Whitt & Spri

    Copyright © November 2015 by Allie Ritch

    Published in the United States of America

    Previously published by Liquid Silver Books as Part 2 of Alien Sex 102 Copyright © February 2012 by Allie Ritch

    Excerpt from Alien Sex 105: Benni & Varion © November 2015 by Allie Ritch, previously published by Liquid Silver Books as Part 1 of Alien Sex 103 Copyright © October 2012 by Allie Ritch


    Cover design by Allie Ritch

    Images used under license from Licensed images are being used for illustrative purposes only, and any person depicted on the cover is a model.


    All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. This copy is intended for the original purchaser only. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, resold, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review. If you would like to share this book, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    * * * *


    This book contains sexually explicit scenes that are inappropriate for minors. This book is intended for mature adults only.

    * * * *


    The students continue to hook up in this latest installment of Allie Ritch’s Alien Sex Ed series.


    Used to casual sex, playboy Whitt discovers he’s in over his head when he falls for Spri, a Litting woman who considers lovemaking a sacred rite as binding as marriage. He should be running the other way. Instead, he finds himself seeing just how far he can push things before taking the final plunge.

    Chapter 1

    Sure he’s quick, but...


    Sitting with the rest of the students at his weekly Sex Ed class, Whitt watched as four-armed Krux brought Katra’Ruma to climax at the front of the room. The medical scanner displayed an internal view of the pair on the overhead screen, so he could actually see the Duosien woman coming. Krux didn’t stop there either. A moment later, the Brachoi got her off a second time. After reaching his own orgasm, the smug guy then turned toward the class.

    That, ladies and gentlemen, he said, is how it’s done.

    Several students laughed, but Whitt stifled a groan. There was nothing like being outperformed to shrivel a man’s pride. His reaction wasn’t really about Krux, though.

    Whitt was off his game and half out of his mind, and it was all because of an ethereal beauty with platinum hair and diamond eyes. Gods, Spri had him tied in knots. She was one of his classmates, which was how they’d met. They’d been dating for nearly seven weeks now, but he still couldn’t tell exactly where he stood with her. Most of the time she treated him like he was a buddy. When he walked her home at night, though, she kissed him at the door, and he sure didn’t feel like just a friend then.

    That woman could kiss! Her lips were soft shell-pink, and her teeth were white and straight. She certainly wasn’t shy about using her tongue, and she made out the way other people painted or composed a song—with passion, dedication, and an aim to please. He had never come so close to blowing his top from such a simple caress, and he desperately wanted more. Which was the problem.

    Spri didn’t do casual sex. That was something she’d made very clear the first time he’d asked her out, and she’d never wavered. She claimed it was a Litting thing, which made it hard to relate since his race, Allurians, were far less prudish. Intellectually, Whitt could respect Spri’s choice, and he didn’t want to be the insensitive jerk who pushed for more. Physically, he figured principles be damned, because they’d be great together.

    Anyway, define casual. They’d been seeing each other for almost two months now, getting together at least three or four times a week. Didn’t that count as serious? Or was she talking wedding plans kind of serious? Considering he was only in his mid-twenties, he wasn’t certain he was ready for that.

    Besides, he was pretty sure he’d screwed up, and he somehow doubted she’d be receptive even if he did do the whole commitment thing. Last week, he’d been feeling confused and horny, and he’d thought maybe he’d make her jealous. So, he’d slept with Katra’Ruma for the class on Duosien sexuality—only in an educational and jealousy-inspiring capacity—and everything had gone wrong. He’d been so jazzed after so many weeks of celibacy that he’d shot his wad without making a decent showing. To add insult to injury, it was the lamest orgasm he’d ever had. No offense to Katra’Ruma—she was a hot older woman who had everything going—but the entire time, he’d kept wishing he’d been inside Spri instead.

    After that sexual failure, Whitt had gone out to some little dumpling restaurant to meet everyone after class. That’s when he’d discovered his Litting girlfriend wasn’t jealous. She pitied him!

    That’s part of why I don’t believe in casual sex, she’d announced. Too many bad matches, too easy to be disappointed. Anything that intimate should be treated as at least a personal commitment, if not a sacred bond.

    Somehow that had made him feel like he was cheap and a failure, two states of being he had little experience with. Too humiliated to stay and play nice, he’d excused himself and gone home.

    And now it was right in his face again. Whitt hadn’t failed to satisfy his partner because Duosien females were impossible to please. No, he just hadn’t had Krux’s control and expertise. That seriously stung. At a decade and a half younger than the Brachoi, he should have been able to outlast and outperform the older male no matter who else was on his mind. He was in the prime of his life, for gods’ sakes.

    Now Spri would have yet another reason to turn him away at the door. She probably thought he didn’t know his way around his own body, let alone a woman’s. He’d have to pull out all his charm to convince her to give him a chance.

    And she’d better give him a chance soon. Last week was poor relief for the state she had him running around in. Whitt’s cock stood at an angle of continuous semi-arousal that made him feel like he was in a three-legged race. If Spri didn’t let him into her bedroom soon, he’d wind up with a water bill through the roof, carpal tunnel, or balls as blue as his navy hair. The male body wasn’t meant to stay in this kind of suspended animation.

    Spri called for him on her way toward the door. "Whitt,

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