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Alien Sex 106: Pixie and Zeo: Alien Sex Ed, #6
Alien Sex 106: Pixie and Zeo: Alien Sex Ed, #6
Alien Sex 106: Pixie and Zeo: Alien Sex Ed, #6
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Alien Sex 106: Pixie and Zeo: Alien Sex Ed, #6

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About this ebook

A shy young virgin, Pixie is shocked when Zeo, the fierce Nimanian student in her Alien Sex Ed class, takes an interest in her. Step by step, Zeo helps awaken her sexuality and teaches her the joys of being a woman. He wants to mate with her in the tradition of his people, but Nimanian sex can be fierce. Can Zeo be gentle enough for the woman he loves? Does Pixie have enough strength to match him?

Find out what happens when an alpha male finds the one female in the universe he wants as his mate.

(Previously published by Liquid Silver Books as part of a two-novella volume titled Alien Sex 103. This work has been revised and re-edited.)

PublisherAllie Ritch
Release dateNov 2, 2015
Alien Sex 106: Pixie and Zeo: Alien Sex Ed, #6

Allie Ritch

Allie Ritch is a multi-published author of sizzling sci-fi and paranormal romance. She has an active imagination and enjoys entertaining others through storytelling. Allie lives in her own little world in the Southeastern United States, where she spends time appreciating the ocean and sunshine. Follow Allie at or on Twitter

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    Book preview

    Alien Sex 106 - Allie Ritch

    Table of Contents

    Title Page



    Chapter 1: Untamed and Untried

    Chapter 2: Zeo’s Choice

    Chapter 3: The Engagement

    Chapter 4: The Rehearsal

    Chapter 5: Last Minute Details

    Chapter 6: The Main Event

    Excerpt from Alien Sex 107: Huv & Lexy

    About the Author

    Alien Sex 106: Pixie & Zeo

    (Alien Sex Ed 6)


    By Allie Ritch


    Other works in this series:

    Alien Sex 101: Xindra & Quinn

    Alien Sex 102: Mera & Trett

    Alien Sex 103: Katra & Krux

    Alien Sex 104: Whitt & Spri

    Alien Sex 105: Benni & Varion

    Alien Sex 107: Huv & Lexy

    Alien Sex 108: Glynn & Deina

    Alien Sex Therapy

    Alien Sex Life

    Alien Sex 106: Pixie & Zeo

    Copyright © November 2015 by Allie Ritch

    Published in the United States of America

    Previously published by Liquid Silver Books as Part 2 of Alien Sex 103 Copyright © October 2012 by Allie Ritch

    Excerpt from Alien Sex 107: Huv & Lexy © November 2015 by Allie Ritch, previously published by Liquid Silver Books as Part 1 of Alien Sex 104 Copyright © January 2013 by Allie Ritch


    Cover design by Allie Ritch

    Images used under license from Licensed images are being used for illustrative purposes only, and any person depicted on the cover is a model.


    All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. This copy is intended for the original purchaser only. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, resold, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review. If you would like to share this book, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    * * * *


    This book contains sexually explicit scenes that are inappropriate for minors. This book is intended for mature adults only.

    * * * *


    A shy young virgin, Pixie is shocked when Zeo, the fierce Nimanian student in her Alien Sex Ed class, takes an interest in her. Step by step, Zeo helps awaken her sexuality and teaches her the joys of being a woman. He wants to mate with her in the tradition of his people, but Nimanian sex can be fierce. Can Zeo be gentle enough for the woman he loves? Does Pixie have enough strength to match him?


    Find out what happens when an alpha male finds the one female in the universe he wants as his mate.

    Chapter 1

    Untamed and Untried


    As Pixie left her Sex Ed class, she couldn’t get over the demonstration she’d witnessed tonight. The instructors, Xindra and Quinn, covered a different alien race every week, touching on the diverse mix of people who lived in Trilanta—a city on the bustling planet of the same name. Tonight’s topic had been Multan and Flexian sexuality, and her classmates, Varion and Benni, had modeled. Although she had known Multans could morph their outward appearance, she couldn’t get over how fast Varion had changed his looks, taking on the guise of different men. And she’d certainly had no idea Benni could contort her body the way she had. The Flexian woman had ridden Varion at the same time that she’d put her mouth on his—

    Weirded out, Pixie shook her head to clear the image. Was that what men wanted in bed? Women who could get into all those poses and knew how to do kinky stuff with their tongues?

    She glanced at the silent male keeping pace at her side and blushed. Her classmate, Zeo, had started walking her home the second week of class, and it had become a sort of ritual ever since. At first, he’d scared her. His roughly hewn features and closely cropped dark hair made him look tough, almost predatory, and his brown eyes fixed on her so intently she squirmed. Although she was average height for a New Earthling, his compact, muscular frame made her feel petite. In reality, he was only a couple inches taller than she was, but his upper arms were as big around as her thighs.

    Amazingly, since he’d started escorting her home, she’d slowly gotten used to his presence. Oh, he still made her nervous, but she felt safe with him. She’d only recently graduated and moved out of her dorm room, and at night Trilanta could be as intimidating as it was beautiful. With Zeo around, though, nobody was going to mess with her on the street. They wouldn’t dare.

    So her nerves had nothing to do with fear for her safety. He was just so male. Zeo made her very aware of herself as a woman, and she wasn’t sure how to handle the feeling.

    At least it helped that he was a quiet man. Zeo had spent the first couple of walks with her not uttering a word until she’d finally gotten up the courage to talk to him. When she had, he’d responded in that low, gravelly voice of his that secretly made her body heat up inside.

    Seven weeks ago, he’d begun brushing up against her and even holding her hand. Then the next week, he’d stopped when they’d gotten to the front of her building and had turned her into his arms. Her heart had pounded so hard she’d thought it would leap right out of her chest, fueled by equal parts fear and excitement. He’d stroked his strong hands over her back, giving her shivers, and angled his head toward her. She’d expected a good night kiss. Instead, he’d buried his nose behind her ear and drawn a deep, audible breath. Then he’d nuzzled her cheek and the corner of her mouth before walking away.

    In the weeks that followed, that caress had matured into little nibbles, then a closed-mouth kiss, and finally Pixie’s first real kiss. The taste of him had flooded her body and made her yearn for things she’d rarely let herself think about. For such a large, intimidating man, he’d been remarkably gentle with her, and his lips had felt so soft and tender. It had been everything she’d ever dreamed a romantic kiss could be.

    At class, Zeo was always pushing her—to explore, to be bolder, and to shed her shyness. He had her doing things she’d never thought she could. Pixie soon discovered he was the same way whenever they reached her home, except there weren’t any witnesses there. Last week, he’d...

    Oh, she was still so embarrassed when she thought about what he’d done. Embarrassed and turned on. They’d just gotten through a tame lecture about Litting anatomy with her classmate, Spri, as the model. There hadn’t been a sex demonstration because—as Pixie had learned—the Litting race regarded making love as a sacred act, one that was tantamount to marriage vows. Compared to some of their other classes, the lesson on Littings had been uneventful, yet Pixie had felt keyed up after she’d left.

    Instead of falling comfortably into their usual walk, she’d felt awkward with Zeo the whole way home. His body heat had almost scalded her where his shoulder brushed hers, affecting her more powerfully with every touch. After only a few blocks, she’d been ashamed of how slick she’d grown between her legs. Every step had made her leak more moisture until her nether lips had slid back and forth against each other. At last, they’d reached her apartment.

    Braced for his usual parting kiss, she’d gasped in shock when Zeo had instead pulled her into the shadows of her building’s entrance and pressed her against the wall. His mouth had descended on hers with nearly brutal force, so aggressive she’d realized how much he’d been holding back with her before. Rather than frightening her, though, his strength and hunger had inflamed her own cravings. She’d always been timid—an overprotected scaredy-cat—but despite her inexperience, she’d kissed him back with equal enthusiasm.

    She hadn’t even stopped when he’d shifted his leg between hers, although she’d squeaked when he’d pushed up so that her slit rode his thigh. His ravaging mouth had silenced her objections while the pressure on her groin had sent her senses scattering. When a tiny shockwave of pleasure had raced through her sex, she’d clung to his shoulders and moaned. It wasn’t until he’d cupped her breast through her shirt that her sanity had returned. Yanking back from the kiss, she would have banged her head on the wall if his hand hadn’t suddenly been there to cushion it.

    I can’t do this, she’d stuttered, shaking.

    You can. That gruff voice of his had been adamant. Trust your instincts. Let your body do what’s natural.

    Panic had nearly set in when he’d hooked her leg over his hip and stepped fully between her thighs. His erection had felt huge, even through his well-worn jeans, and it had docked against her like a space freighter in its slip. If she hadn’t already seen and felt penises in their

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