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Night Lust
Night Lust
Night Lust
Ebook22 pages18 minutes

Night Lust

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In her search for a man to match her needs, Anna attends a lavish party at the Ritz Hotel in London where the host sweeps her of her feet and away to his country house were she is ravished and used brutally much to her great pleasure. In this frank description of excess amongst the upper classes, meet Anna's new lover a monster, a charmer. a wild Romeo, a mad Rasputin, the rampant and hypnotically charismatic exiled prince of Bratislava, Miklos Esterhazy de Galantha. Meet Gunter the Chauffeur, an over-endowed sexual pervert of massive proportions who joins the couple in drug-fuelled menage et trois.

“A catalogue of depravity such as I have never read before.”
Dr. Susan Elphi-Snibs MD MSc (Retired)

“It is with regret that I have to inform you that cannot add your work to our reading list as it contains explicit descriptions of extreme sexual activities that may offend our members.”
Barnaby Glunge,
Methodist Book Review.

"Any got any tissues? I've made quite a mess in my pants"
Barry the Proof Reader Evans

Release dateNov 30, 2015
Night Lust

Antonio Decappa

Born in London on April the first to Italian parents, Antonio is presently a recluse in the highlands of Scotland where he subsists on a diet of wild berries and the feral haggis of the region, which he traps himself. Originally a writer of philosophical tracts for the Lords of Chaos and the O.T.O. his change in career was prompted by the accident ingestion of a large dose of hallucinogenic mushrooms in Bavaria.He lives with his two wives, three cats and a house pig called Boris in a turf roofed dwelling of his own design on one of the wooded islands on Loch Maree where he grows raspberries for his wives and hosts orgies once a month to which people come as far away as New Zealand to attend.His many hobbies and obsessions presently include basket weaving, mushroom growing, lichen collecting, exobiology and body piercing.His main income is derived from the licensing of his original 1970's patent of the vibration generator used in many of today's sex toys. He is currently on work, much to the displeasure of his harlot wives, on the prototype of a giant invincible robot controlled by the living brain of a wild kitten with which he hopes to bring about the fall of western civilisation.

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