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Champagne for Three: Book One - The Menage Series
Champagne for Three: Book One - The Menage Series
Champagne for Three: Book One - The Menage Series
Ebook51 pages26 minutes

Champagne for Three: Book One - The Menage Series

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Shayna waits in a hotel bar for her husband Tom to arrive, or rather Callaghan. They are playing a game, but the rules change when Sita arrives. Powerful, sexy and dominating, she's in town to perform some successful mergers. Tom arrives late to find his wife already heated up under the skillful hands of Sita. She invites him to join them as she disappears under the table. Champagne for Three is the first in a series of Novellas about couples eager to share their passion with another person. Call it a threesome, a ménage à tois or sexy shenanigans.

PublisherP.K. Wilder
Release dateNov 3, 2015
Champagne for Three: Book One - The Menage Series

P.K. Wilder

P.K. Wilder is someone who lives to check into hotels, who wants to hear your secrets whispered into her ear, who wants to know your desires and find the words to satisfy your needs. P.K. Wilder is going to keep writing erotica that fulfills the need for a voice that practices consent in erotica novels and that embraces diverse sexualities. Life is too short for bad erotica.

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    Champagne for Three - P.K. Wilder

    Champagne For Three

    The Ménage Series – Book One

    Copyright 2015 © P.K. Wilder

    Published by P.K. Wilder at Smashwords

    ISBN: 978-0-9947744-1-5

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    Shayna rolled an ice cube on her tongue, enjoying the glances she got from the men at the bar. She knew she looked good. The barely-there midnight blue dress showed off her long neck, her curves, her cleavage and it was so short, she couldn't sit any other way but totally erect.

    The sheen of sweat made her skin look like a soft light show in the cool bar. She had been excited all day thinking of this moment. Her husband showing up, trying at being a total stranger, her fending off the attentions of others to be a dirty girl who would take a hotel room key like it was something impossibly normal for her. She’d turned down a few drinks since she’d sat down. She wondered if she should change the game a bit. Already look into someone when he arrived.

    It has been entirely too long since they'd done something like this. Their kink had been played at home. This was a thrill reminiscent of their relationship when it was all hot and heavy and I can't get enough of you. Lately they’d turned into that couple who rarely finds the time anymore, who gets locked into positions and routines because sex stopped being a tasty adventure. It doesn't mean they have to always be this way. She wanted to heat things up before he did something like, get a mistress, but really, would that be so bad if he'd share?

    She's only made out with women a few times and it just at college parties which were more for show than true searches for female lovers. She imagined them with a woman, her tasting, grinding and watching. She popped another chunk of ice in her mouth, remembered the conversation they’d had that morning and smiled.

    She looked at her phone, he's late. Of course he is. Maybe this is just his way of torturing her. She was so hot she could barely sit still. A drink landed in front of her, another vodka club. She smiled at the bartender, And who's this from?

    He grinned at her like he had a state secret, winked and pointed down the bar. She pushed her long brunette hair back and turned her head wondering if her husband has somehow gotten past

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