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The H.L. Hunley: its life and controversies
The H.L. Hunley: its life and controversies
The H.L. Hunley: its life and controversies
Ebook52 pages34 minutes

The H.L. Hunley: its life and controversies

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From the first idea of an underwater warship to its ultimate demise. This book covers a wide range of information on the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley and its controversies, including who found the Hunley. There is a chapter dedicated to the discovery of the little submarine by each of the men who claim they discovered it. Followed by a chapter which looks at the two claims.

Release dateAug 28, 2015
The H.L. Hunley: its life and controversies

Joe C Combs 2nd

Each week on Sunday, I post a new article on my blog. As is smashwords, I am constantly trying to improve the site so it is easier for you to use. If you have a comment, please write me, and thank You!My first book "Titanic, A Search For Answers" was originally written as a fundraiser for a maritime museum where I was the advisory board president and a member of the board of trustees.Historical research is my hobby and influences much of my writing.So far for 2015, I have three new books scheduled for release, which will bring my total to fourteen. The first is "The Cartaphilus Saga: book #1 Amissio," scheduled for release on March 27, 2015.A submarine sailor for almost nine years, I am also an award winning artist. As a scuba diver I have dived sites from New England to the Caribbean. I am into music, art, wood carving, and pretty much anything that sounds like it could be fun or interesting.Once again, thank you very much.Take care and God bless you.Drop me a line ... I am glad to answer any questions you might have.

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    Book preview

    The H.L. Hunley - Joe C Combs 2nd

    The Hunley

    Its Times




    Joe C Combs 2nd

    Published By

    Distributed by Smashwords

    Editing By

    Kimberly Martinez

    Front Cover By

    Margo Freed

    Copyright Joe C Combs 2nd 2014, 2015

    Smashwords Edition, License Note

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    I always hate trying to list everyone I want to thank, because I always leave people out that I did not mean to leave out.

    First I want to thank my daughter Elizabeth, the most understanding 9 year old on the planet.

    Next I would like to thank: my editor Kim Martinez, Janette & Greame Taylor, Katy, April, Jason, Dan & Laurie, Jodi Olson, Tim, and Marina. I also want to thank all those who I have accidentally left off.


    Table of Contents

    Chapter One - The Submarine H.L. Hunley

    Chapter Two – The Hunley Blue Signal Light

    Chapter Three – The Hunley Spar

    Chapter Four – Clive Cussler's Hunley

    Chapter Five – Dr. E. Lee Spence's Hunley

    Chapter Six – Spence VS Cussler: Who Found The Hunley

    Chapter Seven - Conclusion

    Chapter Eight - Postscript


    About Joe C Combs 2nd

    Connect With Joe C Combs 2nd

    Other Books By Joe

    Chapter One

    The Submarine H. L. Hunley

    The story of the Hunley begins in New Orleans with two steam gauge manufacturers, James McClintock and Baxter Watson, in the winter of 1861/62 when they became privateers for the Confederacy. At the beginning of the Civil War, the Confederacy had no navy and little money to build one, so the Confederacy decided to use privateers as a way to put ships at sea to oppose the United States Navy. Often governments will authorize, with a Letter of Marque, private ship owners (privateers) to attack enemy shipping. The ship owner must prove he has a seaworthy ship and trained crew. When a privateer sinks or captures an enemy ship they report to a maritime court (in the United States this is any federal court) where a value is affixed to the captured or sunk ship and its cargo. The privateer receives half of the value and the government, the other half. The privateer must follow all rules of war and comes under the control of the government that issued the Letter of Marque. Privateers are not as efficient as navy ships,

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