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Big Things, Small Packages Book I
Big Things, Small Packages Book I
Big Things, Small Packages Book I
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Big Things, Small Packages Book I

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Through the Blood of Jesus Christ – Big things really do come in small packages; even as a mustard seed – Matthew 13:31-32. A beautiful collection of fictional, short sequences created to assist you in your spiritual growth of our Heavenly Father as He so desperately wants us to do. The characters in my stories are those living in sin, those not there yet, and those who are saved. My stories are designed for you to reflect on your current situations and to make your lives spiritually better. My stories will also uplift your spirits, bring peace to your hearts, and teach you how to love our Heavenly Father even more! Whether you would like to initially know who our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is, you would like to come back home to Him, or you would like to further nourish your spiritual soul, these stories are specifically designed – without regard to race, creed, color or gender – to assist you in your journey. Please enjoy the following synopsis:

Through (Part I – The Invitation): Part I is an amazing sequence about a woman's three-day spiritual journey with a complete stranger who showed a very remarkable resemblance to Jesus. The story is based on his comment 'through'.

The Forgotten: The Forgotten is a story about a woman who, all of a sudden, decided to stop doing life's normal tasks (tying her shoes, eating, taking a bath, etc.). Did “someone” forget about “someone?” This story carries a shocking and surprising ending!

Habits (Part I – Crickets): Choices and Consequences begin at a four-way intersection: Going north, you will find a habit called the Salvation Habit that is good to you and good for you. Going west several miles up, you will find a habit that is called the Coming Home Habit. Going east, you will run into a habit called the Comfort Zone Habit and will provide you everything you ask for - whether it is fear, drugs, health problems, sex out of marriage, anger, and the list goes on and on. The Comfort Zone Habit will sit in you and make you feel that this is your identity. Going back south, you will run into the Satan Habit that is empty to describe, hates the ground you walk on, and is where Satan resides. This habit is the creator of the Comfort Zone Habit and roams through the Coming Home Habit to win over souls. Each book will contain a creative story from all four directions: 1. North – Salvation Habit, 2. West – Coming Home Habit 3. East – Comfort Zone Habit 4. South – Satan Habit

The Searcher: The Searcher is a story of a woman who was spiritually fed as a child; however, she unfortunately went astray as an adult and felt too unworthy to come back to God’s presence. This story will captivate you!

Identify Identity, Identity Identified (Part I – Derrick): Identity does not begin at birth, nor does it begin at adulthood. Identify Identity, Identity Identified are stories of people who learned their true identity and of some, unfortunately, who did not. In Part I of an amazing sequence, Derrick accused others for his own disobedience and had to learn the hard way that he wasn’t a true man yet, even at the age of 53. All of the stories in Identify Identity, Identity Identified are based on people who, male or female, were approached with that decision, so that they could possibly identify their purpose of life. I will take you through the times and testimonies of these fictional characters, some of whom listened to the Lord and some of whom did not – and who faced the consequences. The objectives for my fictional characters are to first identify their true identity from the Lord Jesus Christ – and then their true identity would be identified.

PublisherRose Naylor
Release dateNov 8, 2015
Big Things, Small Packages Book I

Rose Naylor

Rose Naylor began her writing as a infant, 5 years old, and eventually worked up to performing at a professional level. Her progress was developed through endless persistence, experimentation and observation - admiring even the anchors of local news channels and Steven King as her very own favorite author.Rose was considered a writer even before 10 years old. Her journey into Journalism began in college, where she again drew inspiration from anchors, Steven King, and for the love of the National Geographic Magazine. She studied writing her first year in university, but quickly found that her writing experience had already reached far beyond sitting in a class room - learning "how" to write. Writing to Rose came as a natural gift; a gift that so many go to school for. Rose has since decided to pursue her love of writing - her way, the gifted way, the better way. Rose Naylor's Sequences of Big Things, Small Packages are created with fictional characters, yet focused on the reader's everyday situation - whether drugs, habits, searching for God, identifying your true identity, and so forth. Each book conveniently has Biblical Verse footnotes to assist the reader with a particular subject paragraph.Rose lives in the great state of Colorado with her loving dog 'Junie'. Rose loves hiking, exercising, and of course writing of new ways to drive readers closer to the diversity world.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The author of this “book” is a liar and a hypocrite. She and I were in a lesbian relationship for four years in Atlanta. I finally left her when I could no longer take the regular beatings. She sent me to the hospital several times. I went by Mickey back then and anyone that knows ROSA STEPHENS well enough knows that I’m telling the truth. Her sister Mary….her brother Hollis….

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Big Things, Small Packages Book I - Rose Naylor


By Rose Naylor


Published by:

Rose Naylor at Smashwords

Copyright © 2015 by Rose Naylor


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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Cover: © National Geographic

Through the Blood of Jesus Christ –

Big things really do come in small packages; even as a mustard seed – Matthew 13:31-32.

A beautiful collection of fictional, short sequences created to assist you in your spiritual growth of our Heavenly Father as He so desperately wants us to do. The characters in my stories are those living in sin, those not there yet, and those who are saved. My stories are designed for you to reflect on your current situations and to make your lives spiritually better. My stories will also uplift your spirits, bring peace to your hearts, and teach you how to love our Heavenly Father even more!

Whether you would like to initially know who our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is, you would like to come back home to Him, or you would like to further nourish your spiritual soul, these stories are specifically designed – without regard to race, creed, color or gender – to assist you in your journey. Please enjoy the synopsis below.

Book I

Big Things, Small Packages. Copyright © 2014. Rose Naylor. All rights reserved. Created in the United States of America. The book and characters are all fictional. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Got Unworthy?

Through Part I — The Invitation

The Forgotten

Habits Part I – Crickets

The Searcher

Identify Identity, Identity Identified, Part I – Derrick

End Notes

Through Part I – The Invitation

Part I is an amazing sequence about a woman’s three-day spiritual journey with a complete stranger who showed a very remarkable resemblance to Jesus. He looked like a duplicate, and He could tell people about their past without them have shared anything first. He healed a woman of cancer and He also told people about their future. The story is based on his comment that it wasn’t the mother’s or father’s fault if a newborn didn’t make it through the world; it was the newborn’s fault for not making it through. Was this man referring to someone being newly born as in baptized and born again? Or the idea in Proverbs 22:6: That one should train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it?

The Forgotten

The Forgotten is a story about a woman who, all of a sudden, decided to stop doing life’s normal tasks (tying her shoes, eating, taking a bath). She thought it was normal to drink hot water. Even more surprising, she thought it was normal to go outside without clothes on her body. This woman had really lost her mind. Did someone forget about someone? This story carries a shocking and surprising ending!

Habits, Part I – Crickets

Choices and Consequences begin at a four-way intersection:

Going north, you will find a habit called the Salvation Habit that is good to you and good for you.

Going west several miles up, you will find a habit that is called the Coming Home Habit. Although things may look like a dead-end and you may stop several times for several years before you put your car in reverse. The Lord Jesus Christ is there with you down this route.

Going east, you will run into a habit called the Comfort Zone Habit. It will provide you everything you ask for and at any time, whether it is fear, drugs, health problems, sex out of marriage, anger, and the list goes on and on. The Comfort Zone Habit will sit in you and make you feel that this is your identity.

Going back south, you will run into the Satan Habit that is empty to describe, hates the ground you walk on, and is where Satan resides. This habit is the creator of the Comfort Zone Habit and roams through the Coming Home Habit to win over souls.

Habits Part I Elizabeth is based on a habit from the Comfort Zone Habit. Each book will contain a creative story from all four directions:

1. North – Salvation Habit

2. West – Coming Home Habit

3. East – Comfort Zone Habit

4. South – Satan Habit

The Searcher

The Searcher is a story of a woman who was spiritually fed as a child; however, she unfortunately went astray as an adult and felt too unworthy to come back to God’s presence.

This story will captivate you!

Identify Identity, Identity Identified, Part I – Derrick

Identity does not begin at birth, nor does it begin at adulthood. Identify Identity, Identity Identified are stories of people who learned their true identity and of some, unfortunately, who did not. In Part I of an amazing sequence, Derrick accused others for his own disobedience and had to learn the hard way that he wasn’t a true man yet, even at the age of 53.

All of the stories in Identify Identity, Identity Identified are based on people who, male or female, were approached with that decision, so that they could possibly identify their purpose of life.

I will take you through the times and testimonies of these fictional characters, some of whom listened to the Lord and some of whom did not – and who faced the consequences. The objectives for my fictional characters are to first identify their true identity from the Lord Jesus Christ – and then their true identity would be identified.

No, we ARE worthy

Got Unworthy?

Why should one go about his or her day not feeling commendable or creditable? Why should one go about his or her day feeling as if they are not a person of character? Why should one go about his or her day feeling as if they lack worth or excellence? Why should one go about his or her day feeling as if they are unworthy to pray to Christ because of the

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