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Lust of the Demon
Lust of the Demon
Lust of the Demon
Ebook44 pages33 minutes

Lust of the Demon

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When Beelzebub emerges from his lair intent on mayhem, a trio of witches decide to give chase. What they hoped would be jolly holiday soon turns deadly serious and when the weirdness triples, their road trip becomes a race against time before he kills again. Along the way one of them has an encounter with a lesbian elf, the enigmatic Robin Goodfellow gets his oats and most everyone bonks everyone else senseless in this horrific supernatural fantasy sex comedy.

Meet; Beelzebub, a psychopathic demon who takes control of minds and bodies for his sexual gratification.

Freya Barleycorn, the dirty-minded head of the local coven with morals as loose as her knickers.

Judith Roddha, the bisexual white priestess plagued by sex-mad elves and haunted (literally) by her past.

Brian Toivonen, master of the skrying bowl, fudge-maker and circle guardian who loves to dip his wick.

Robin Goodfellow, witty seducer, master cocksmith and handyman to the ladies, sometimes known as Puck.

The cast of extras include; Anita a student and barmaid who Beelzebub turns into a nymphomaniacal exhibitionist.
Sha-Lonnay the aggressive lesbian elf who gives Judith a taste of her forked tongue.
A red-haired rock chick who gets a deadly dose of Beelzebub's demon seed.

No starlings were harmed in the making of this horror porno drama.

Release dateDec 7, 2015
Lust of the Demon

Antonio Decappa

Born in London on April the first to Italian parents, Antonio is presently a recluse in the highlands of Scotland where he subsists on a diet of wild berries and the feral haggis of the region, which he traps himself. Originally a writer of philosophical tracts for the Lords of Chaos and the O.T.O. his change in career was prompted by the accident ingestion of a large dose of hallucinogenic mushrooms in Bavaria.He lives with his two wives, three cats and a house pig called Boris in a turf roofed dwelling of his own design on one of the wooded islands on Loch Maree where he grows raspberries for his wives and hosts orgies once a month to which people come as far away as New Zealand to attend.His many hobbies and obsessions presently include basket weaving, mushroom growing, lichen collecting, exobiology and body piercing.His main income is derived from the licensing of his original 1970's patent of the vibration generator used in many of today's sex toys. He is currently on work, much to the displeasure of his harlot wives, on the prototype of a giant invincible robot controlled by the living brain of a wild kitten with which he hopes to bring about the fall of western civilisation.

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    Book preview

    Lust of the Demon - Antonio Decappa

    Lust of the Demon

    By Antonio Decappa

    Copyright 2015 Antonio Decappa - Smashwords Edition.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Also by Antonio Decappa;

    Night Lust

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    Scars of Lust

    White Out


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    1. Enter The Demon

    2. The Chance of Cake

    3. Sex and Drugs and Venomous Seed

    4. The Wet Room

    5. The Cellar

    1: Enter the Demon

    Feeling horny, Beelzebub walked out of his cavern of shit in a cloud of flies. He was off to make some mischief but he felt he needed to make himself a little more presentable to the human race. He rolled about in the meadow grass but the clean dew burned his skin so dipped into a slurry pit to soothe himself. He squatted behind an old milk cow for hours until it washed him in its hot piss, that was not so bad.

    Three gates, four fields and a mile down the lane the skies broke to wash away the cow stink. The flies flew off in favour of a rotting badger half squashed by the verge. He studied his reflection in an oily puddle. The purple wrinkled skin was puckered with pustules and there was too much hair in all the wrong places to pass for human and as for the hooves... He shut his red eyes and cogitated a plan.

    A victim, a man in rude heath, a specimen suitable for jiggery-pokery amongst the population, he would infest it, subvert it and make it his own. He opened his eyes and there was a farm where riding upon a green tractor was a masculine form. He studied it from afar.

    Black hair and broad shoulders. He smelt its blood, hot life. He felt its bones, glossy and white as agony. He viewed its mind, messy and glittering. He looked at it whole and it fitted his need nicely so he took it. Just like that. Without breaking a sweat. He pushed out its ego which fell out with a plop and slipped into the skin easy as pie. Like jelly into a sock. He looked out of its eyes upon the world of men.

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