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Rhodri's Rangers; Searching For Us
Rhodri's Rangers; Searching For Us
Rhodri's Rangers; Searching For Us
Ebook329 pages3 hours

Rhodri's Rangers; Searching For Us

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This book received an Honorable Mention in the 2016 Rainbow Book Awards.

Rhodri’s Rangers are the best military force in the universe. They are escorting a group of scientists to an archaeological site on a remote planet. The seemingly simple task turns out to be anything but that, when they encounter a previously unknown enemy.

Along the way to the planet, fresh recruits familiarize themselves with life in the Rangers. Seasoned officers form new partnerships while others renew old ties. And there may be some on the mission with agendas all their own. In the end, Rhodri’s Ranger will stand true to their motto—“We take care of our own.”

Release dateNov 27, 2015
Rhodri's Rangers; Searching For Us


Etienne lives in central Florida, very near the hamlet in which he grew up. He always wanted to write but didn't find his muse until a few years ago, when he started posting stories online. These days he spends most of his time battling with her, as she is a capricious bitch who, when she isn't hiding from him, often rides him mercilessly, digging her spurs into his sides and forcing the flow of words from a trickle to a flood.

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    Rhodri's Rangers; Searching For Us - Etienne

    Copyright © 2016, 2020 by Etienne

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Wherever possible, the syntax and spelling in this book follows guidelines set forth in The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th Edition, and in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary.

    Cover Art © 2016, 2020 by Gerald Lopez


    A word of thanks to my fans, whose encouraging e-mails and requests for more stories keep me going.

    To Jim Kennedy, my long-suffering editor, who does his best to keep me on the straight and narrow comma path.

    To my partner of twenty plus years, who is my best and most honest critic.

    And last, but far from least, my thanks to my wonderful team of beta-readers. Joyce, Johanna, Murphy, Brandi, Rich, Horace, Richard, Steve, Neil, and anyone else whose name I have neglected to mention.


    This book is Dedicated to my wonderful group of beta-readers, without whose input and suggestions, it would fall far short of excellence.

    I feel extremely fortunate in that all of my beta-readers tend, for the most part, to notice different things about the book. More to the point, they always manage to come up with great suggestions for the book’s improvement.

    Thank you, one and all.

    Author’s Notes

    This story is set in the distant future, and begins on the planet New Cardiff, which was settled by people who originally came from Wales. They brought with them their quaint names, their language, and their considerable work ethic.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    V-Homeward Bound

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17


    Cast of Characters

    About the author

    Contact the author

    Other books by Etienne

    Rhodri’s Rangers:

    Searching for Us




    Chapter 1

    In the mountains

    near Aberystwyth

    Day 1—0600 hours

    JORYAN HARROD LOOKED at himself in the mirror as he began to shave. He saw a not unpleasant looking thirty-year-old with crew cut blond hair and blue eyes; who at 200 pounds of well-toned muscle was probably a few pounds lighter than his six foot three frame called for. Got to spend more time in the exercise room putting on bulk, he thought. The task of shaving complete, he stepped naked onto the patio behind his house, dove into the pool, and swam a few brisk laps to get his juices flowing. Only then did he return to the master suite and take a long hot shower.

    After the shower he quickly toweled himself dry, then pulled on his uniform. Every member of Rhodri’s Rangers, in which he held the rank of Major, wore an identical uniform consisting of a one-piece jumpsuit. Over that, the officers wore a waist-length tunic of the same light burgundy color as their jumpsuits. Every uniform had a stylized RR embroidered on the left breast, and a symbol denoting rank embroidered on the right breast. The symbols of rank were replicated on the high collars of the tunics worn by the officers.

    The final item of his ensemble was a pair of black leather ankle boots. Joryan buckled his boots and stood for a minute looking at a photograph mounted on the wall of his bedroom. It showed two young men standing side-by-side on a beach with their arms around each other’s shoulders, wearing nothing but the huge smiles on their faces.

    As always, when he thought of Cynlas, he had to resist the urge to go to his computer and do a search. I promised not to try to find him for six years, and I intend to keep that promise, no matter what it costs me, he thought. It’s time to put Cynlas and all those memories back into a compartment and seal the lid as tightly as possible. He picked up a pair of matching leather bags, then raised his voice and said, Cyn!

    Yes, babe, the computer said.

    I’ll be leaving now. Secure the house as soon as I close the front door.

    Don’t worry about it, babe, the computer said.

    With that, Joryan walked outside and stowed his bags in a two-man flyer before he stepped into it and activated the controls. It was a personal flyer using the latest anti-grav technology, but was only good for flights below altitudes where pressurization of the cabin would be required. The larger models that were capable of going into orbit had supplemental engines that provided enough lift to break free of the planet’s gravitational pull. They were also equipped for the low temperatures and lack of oxygen at higher altitudes and in orbit.

    His route to the spaceport at Llandaff, capital city of The Hegemony, took him past the seaport town of Aberystwyth, a fair-sized city some forty klicks from his mountain home. He couldn’t resist flying low over the beach where the picture had been taken, even though seeing the beach made him remember happier times. Stop it, he said to himself, you’re a Ranger, and Rangers don’t do emotion. In his mind’s eye, he pictured another lock being snapped shut on the lid of a particular compartment. An hour later he saw the city of Llandaff in the distance, its skyscrapers shimmering in the light of the rising sun.

    The planet New Cardiff had been settled more than three thousand years earlier by descendants of several powerful families, who traced their ancestry back to a country called Wales on their ancestral planet—a planet that had been abandoned some six or seven thousand years earlier and all but destroyed. They had brought with them their language, their quaint sounding Welsh names, and their considerable work ethic. One of the first things the settlers of New Cardiff had done was to banish all so-called smokestack industries to the larger of its two moons. New Cardiff was an agricultural planet, and an exporter of both food and the abundant fish found in its oceans. The only factories in operation on the planet were engaged in assembling parts manufactured elsewhere.

    Joryan loved the sight of Llandaff’s tall buildings from the air, but found the city itself oppressive with ten million inhabitants crowded within its confines. The fact that Llandaff was the capital city of The Hegemony and governed the inhabitants of most of the planets in the known universe meant that the city was filled with bureaucrats, most of whom were puffed up with their own self-importance. Joryan personally despised bureaucrats, but part of his job as administrator of Rhodri’s Rangers involved dealing with them on a daily basis. Which was why he was looking forward to the current mission, one that would take him off planet for several months. Dealing with the bureaucracy during my absence will be good experience for my staff, he thought.

    Knowing that he was about to go into space made him think of Cynlas, his best friend since childhood, the love of his life, and his lover since they were old enough to do the deed. Cyn had gone into space after they’d finished University together, determined to seek—and find—his fortune. Joryan knew that Cyn would one day return from the stars, but it had been a long and extremely lonely several years since they’d said good-bye at the very spaceport he was approaching. He shook his head to clear his thoughts enough that he could land safely in his reserved spot next to the Rangers’ administration building.

    As he looked out over the spaceport, he saw several ships aimed at the sky, evidently ready to take off into the black unknown. Two of them were shuttles standing by to transport men and material to the transport ships Scorpio and Orion, both of which were waiting in orbit.

    A young man wearing the regulation crew cut and the uniform of the Rangers, walked up to the flyer and saluted.

    Joryan returned the salute, then handed over the keys to the flyer. You can move the flyer into the hanger, Private. I won’t be needing it until we return from this mission.

    Yes, Sir, the private said. Do you need some help with your bags?

    I’ll take them inside with me, Joryan said.

    Yes, Sir.

    Joryan grabbed his two bags and carried them inside the building to the Rangers’ offices, acknowledging the guards on duty as he went directly to his own office. It took him only a second to press his thumb against a sensor before he could step inside his office. He placed the bags on the floor and settled down at his desk. There were a few things needing his attention before he left the planet; and he began to deal with them one by one. He kept at it until it was time to assemble the three companies of Rangers that were going on the mission.

    Chapter 2

    Llandaff Spaceport

    Day 1—0800 hours

    ARE THE MEN READY for me, Major? Colonel Rhodri Prowell said, as he stood looking at the troops assembled in the hangar.

    Joryan looked at the leader of Rhodri’s Rangers. Colonel Prowell was a tall, and somewhat muscular man, extremely fit for his age, and looked every bit the famous military commander that he was.

    Yes, Sir, he said. Joryan was Colonel Prowell’s second-in-command, as well as acting Captain of Alpha Company during the temporary absence of their captain. All of the men are present, except for the two who are currently in the sick bay.

    Will they be out in time for our departure?

    Yes, Sir. The medics have assured me they’ll be on tomorrow morning’s shuttle.

    "Very good, Major. There are quite a few greenhorns in the group. Have they had the lecture yet?"

    No, Sir, Joryan said and smiled broadly. I know how much you enjoy giving that particular speech.

    Rhodri grinned back at the major. You know me too well, Jor. Put them at ease, and I’ll talk to them.

    Yes, Sir. Joryan issued a command, and the three hundred plus men in the hangar stood at ease.

    The Colonel looked over the assembled troops just long enough to make the greenhorns nervous before he began to speak. For those of you who haven’t already figured it out, I’m Colonel Rhodri Prowell, and I command the best fighting force in the known universe. We are a private military organization, and we have no connection with any governmental agencies. The Rangers are known for many things, but I think I’ll let the old hands tell the new recruits our motto. Rhodri raised his voice several decibels, Gentlemen, what is our motto?

    "We take care of our own," came the shouted response from the assembled men.

    That’s right, Rhodri said. We take care of our own in every way possible, and we often do so in ways that are impossible for civilians to understand. That’s all I intend to say on the subject for now, but I expect the platoon leaders among you to make very sure that every new man in his platoon understands the special rules before you retire for the night. Right now, I need to tell you about our mission.

    Rhodri paused, then continued, "To explain our mission, I must give you a brief history lesson. As you probably know, our ancestors began to abandon Earth some ten thousand years ago, an event that is now known as the Diaspora. As mankind started to settle planets in various parts of the universe, they began to find proof that others had been there before them. Others, who’d founded settlements, and whose settlements had expanded, apparently flourished, then ceased to exist. No matter what planet the ruins have been found on, they’re nearly always the same. From the available evidence, scientists hypothesize that the people who built these early settlements were the original humans; and needless to say, the search for those people is commonly referred to as searching for the source of humankind, or more often—searching for us.

    "Two years ago, the scientific community learned that some very different evidence had been discovered on an extremely obscure planet revolving around a distant star, a star so remote that neither it, nor the planet involved have been officially named. For the purposes of our mission, we will hereafter refer to the planet as Q12-4, which simply means that it is the fourth planet orbiting around the star known as Q12. Rumor has it that the site in question is of much more recent origin than other known sites, and it has not yet fallen into ruin. Q12-4 has a very strange terrain—half of it seems to be barren rocks and desert, and the rest of the planet consists mostly of tropical jungles. As far as we know, it is inhabited solely by a race of small four-legged creatures that are generally hostile to all comers, and that’s where Rhodri’s Rangers come in. A sizeable scientific expedition has been mounted, and it’s being backed by grants from local governments to educational institutions on several planets. Which is why they have the funds to hire the Rangers to escort them to the planet, protect them while they’re there… and bring them back safely.

    "The transport ships Scorpio and Orion have spent the last six months being totally updated and retrofitted. All of our instruments and weaponry are now the latest and most advanced available and, I might add, the best that money can buy.

    "The planet we’ll be on has a near-normal atmosphere, but its gravity is roughly ten percent greater than what you’re accustomed to here on New Cardiff. Needless to say, special physical training will take place en route to our destination, and I expect every one of you to be fully acclimated by the time we make planetfall. To that end, gravity on both transport ships will be gradually increased from New Cardiff standard, until it reaches that level plus ten percent.

    "We are taking three full companies on this mission, two of which will travel in our companion transport ship the Orion. Today the shuttles will take you and your gear up to where Scorpio and Orion are waiting in orbit. Orion will be occupied by Bravo and Charley Companies, and Scorpio will be occupied by Alpha Company, the scientists involved in the mission, and the support groups of both. There are a number of females among the scientists and support groups, which brings with it the usual potential for fraternization problems. Alpha Company was chosen to accompany the scientists because of its outstanding record of maintaining discipline… and I expect you to make the Rangers proud."

    Rhodri turned to Joryan. You may dismiss the men, Major.

    Joryan did so, then followed Rhodri back to the Rangers’ offices. When they were alone, he said, You didn’t give them the lecture, Sir.

    I decided at the last minute to let the platoon leaders have all the fun.

    Joryan chuckled at that. Yes, Sir. Now, if you will excuse me, we’ve got a great deal of material and supplies to load on that shuttle before it leaves.

    Supervising that activity is the job of your captains and their subordinates, Major.

    Yes, Sir, but the captain of Alpha Company isn’t with us at the moment, so if the men see me taking an active part in the oversight, they’ll do a much better job.

    I can’t argue with your logic, Major.

    Of course not, Sir, Joryan said. Who do you think taught me that?

    In that case, I’ll leave it in your capable hands, Major.

    Yes, Sir.

    Chapter 3

    Aboard Scorpio

    Day 1—1700 hours

    PRIVATE JESTIN WILKINS was more than ready to hit the showers after a full day spent loading gear into the shuttle; then transferring it to the transport ship and stowing it securely after the shuttle had docked with Scorpio in orbit. Then riding the shuttle back to the spaceport and repeating the process with more gear and equipment. He walked into the brightly lit head wearing shower sandals and with his towel slung over his shoulder. His three bunkmates were already in the showers making copious use of soap and shampoo, and talking excitedly about the mission ahead of them.

    Hey, Jestin, Cas said, glad you could join us.

    Cas Herbert was a private, as was Jestin; but at twenty-two, he was a year older. Cas was also an inch shorter and ten pounds lighter than Jestin, who stood six feet tall and tipped the scales at 190 pounds.

    It’s been a long, sweaty day, buddy, Jestin said. I hope you guys left some hot water for me.

    We take care of our own, Tor said. Tor Benbow was also a private and was a well-muscled six feet of fighting man.

    Yeah, Cas said, and the equipment on this ship can recycle, purify, and heat water faster than we can use it.

    With your sharpshooting skills, Jestin, Ran Davies said, you’re a good man to have along. Ran was an inch shorter than Tor, ten pounds lighter, and lithely muscled.

    Do you think I’ll have anything to shoot at on this mission? Jestin said.

    You never know, Ran said. I’ve been reading up on that planet, and there seems to be an awful lot we don’t know about it.

    What about the four-legged creatures the colonel mentioned? Jestin said.

    Once they see what a laser pistol can do, they’ll head for the hills, Ran said. That is, if there are any hills on that planet. We don’t seem to even know that much about it.

    I couldn’t believe how big this ship was when I first saw it from the shuttle, Jestin said. I expected it to be a bit more… streamlined in shape.

    You went through basic training, Jes, Cas said. Didn’t they teach you anything?

    Of course they did, Jestin said. I realize that streamlining is for vessels that have to fly through atmosphere, and there’s no atmosphere in space, hence no need for streamlining. The pictures they showed us in class really didn’t make the same impression as the real thing does when you see it up close and personal.

    "I’ve been on Scorpio for two or three short missions, Cas said, and it’s a great ship."

    Why aren’t there any windows? Jestin said.

    Probably because there’s nothing much to see in space, Ran said.

    And every window represents a point of vulnerability in the hull, Tor said.

    Yeah, Cas said. Even the bridge has only a limited number of windows. The navigators rely mostly on cameras, sensors, and computers to see where we’re going."

    What’s all that business about taking care of each other? Jestin said.

    You’ll find out later, when the platoon leader tells everyone about it, Cas said. "We’re given an official lecture on the subject every time we go into space."

    What’s the big secret? Why can’t you tell me now?

    I’ll give you a hint, Cas said. What do the troops do when they have free time on a planet?

    I dunno, Jestin said. I guess that depends on the individual trooper, doesn’t it?

    Okay, let’s look at it this way, Cas said, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you’ve been on a mission for months?

    Never having been on one, I have no idea, Jestin said. But if I had to guess, I’d say the answer would be getting laid.

    Precisely, Cas said. Planetside, we go to the brothels, if there are any. But out in space, we Rangers take care of each other.

    You mean… sexually? Jestin said.

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