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Brooklyn Nights: Brooke Undercover, #1
Brooklyn Nights: Brooke Undercover, #1
Brooklyn Nights: Brooke Undercover, #1
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Brooklyn Nights: Brooke Undercover, #1

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About this ebook

Brooke is a beat cop in New Jersey. She's from a family of cops, starting with her grandfather and she's damn proud of it. When the New York Police Department suffers a horrible cybersecurity breach that reveals all their undercover agents, the Captain of Brooke's precinct asks her if she wants to help.

She is a bit hesitant at first, having never gone undercover, but Captain Bolt reassures her that she has the skills to succeed. When she agrees, Captain Bolt informs her that they are running on very limited information. Per the NYPD the breach was from hackers, hired by a mysterious gang that has slowly engulfed Brooklyn. The NYPD don't even have a main suspect, or even a name on the gang.

This is a trial by fire, as Brooke goes up to unfamiliar territory, with no resources and her history wiped from the New Jersey police systems. Only a select few will know of and assist with Brooke's undercover operation. Can Brooke handle the heat or will she be burned as she spends her Brooklyn nights undercover?

PublisherTrevon Carter
Release dateNov 19, 2015
Brooklyn Nights: Brooke Undercover, #1

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    Brooklyn Nights - Trevon Carter

    Hurried footsteps echoed through the dark alleyway, followed by a stream of sirens.  Brooke cursed and turned a corner, her gun withdrawn and cautiously pointed at chest level.  The footsteps paused for a moment before she heard them rush in another direction.

    Stop running!  I swear to God, if you keep running, I will cap your knees!  Brooke shouted angrily.

    Fuck you!  A voice boomed back.

    Brooke sighed and closed her eyes.  She could hear the footsteps echoing further and further away.  The sirens on the other hand, grew closer and closer.  She opened her eyes and glanced at the different alleyways and then nodded to herself.

    You dumb fucker, she cursed under her breath.

    She hated running but strangely enough, she enjoyed the thrill of chasing someone down.  Her instincts told her which direction to take to cut off her prey.  After taking a couple of turns, she paused and waited.  As expected, rushed footsteps echoed closer towards her.

    Asshole, she whispered as she stepped out and pointed her gun down towards the sound.

    The man she was chasing yelped in surprise, nearly dropping his knife as he saw her.  Without hesitation, Brooke fired, hitting the man's right knee.  He crumpled to the ground in response, immediately regretting his decision to run.

    Ow!  Fuck!  You shot me!  He yelled.

    Can't say I didn't warn you, Brooke replied as she kicked his knife to the side and pulled out her handcuffs.

    Bitch!  I'm gonna sue yo ass!  He yelled.

    Yeah, good luck with that, Brooke replied as she pulled both his wrists behind his back and cuffed him.

    A bright light filled the alleyway, followed by red and blue flashes and a siren.  Brooke shook her head and looked up at the black and white police car.

    Took you assholes long enough, Brooke said.

    A cop stepped out and mockingly clapped as he looked at Brooke.  His partner stepped out and adjusted his hat.

    The dumbass rookie over here couldn't get his shit together, the cop who stepped out from the driver's seat said.

    The rookie blushed and pulled his hat down a bit.  Brooke glared at him before standing up and kicking the man on the ground.

    Fuck you bitch!  I'm gonna sue yo ass fo dat!  He yelled.

    Oh shit, don't tell me you shot him.

    Had to be done.  Imminent threat with the knife, Brooke replied while the other cop rolled his eyes.

    Seriously Brooke, you need to go see a fucking psychiatrist, he said.

    And you need to fucking man up Jake, Brooke replied.

    Uh... should I call in an ambulance?  The rookie asked cautiously.

    You can put his ass in the car, and then you’ll have to clean up the blood.  I fucking hate having blood in my car, Jake replied.

    Really?  I never would have thought Mister fucking Clean would hate having blood in his car, Brooke laughed.

    Oh fuck you, Jake responded.

    Jake was a well built white man with a nice, shiny bald head, and ever since Brooke saw him standing next to a bottle of Mr. Clean, she couldn't help but notice how similar he looked to the character.  Jake, of course, hated the comparison.

    Uh...  Sorry, am I supposed to put him in the car then?  The rookie questioned.

    Oh, for the love of... Just call a fucking ambulance, Jake replied angrily.

    The rookie nodded and called in nervously.  Jake walked around so that the man lying on the ground could see him.  He gave him a golf clap as he crouched down.

    All right dumbass, here's the story, Jake started.

    No story motherfucker!  I got rights!

    Unfortunately, you don't.  You stabbed a man, stole his wallet and then ran off.  Like a fucking idiot, you decided to do this right in front of this lady right here.  And you know what she loves doing?

    Yeah!  I bet she loves takin' it up dat ass!  The man yelled.

    Jake shook his head and looked up at Brooke.  Brooke rolled her eyes and kicked the man's ass.

    Ow!  Bitch!  I want your fucking badge number!  I know my rights!

    Look dumbass, you need to cooperate before she shoots out your other knee.  She loves chasing down dumbasses like you.  She's got a bit of a quick trigger, but you know what?  It actually works out.  If I were to shoot you, there'd be a media frenzy about a white cop shooting a black man.  With her, she's a female cop who defended herself from a vicious black gangster, Jake continued.

    Fucking racist motherfuckers!

    Well, here's the thing, you stabbed a white man.  To me, that's racist.  You could've picked any other fucker out there, but you decided to stab a white man.  Lucky for you, he's not dead.  You cooperate with us, we'll be lenient.  You fuck with us; we'll put you in for as long as we can.  And medical attention?  You can kiss that goodbye, Jake said.

    You can't do that!

    Hey rookie!  Call off that ambulance.  Fuck it, let's just have him bleed out here, Jake said.

    The man on the ground looked up at the rookie, then at Jake, and then back at the rookie.  The rookie nodded and grabbed his radio.

    Whoa, whoa, wait the fuck up!  What I gotta do to cooperate?

    That's better.  Brooke, I think I got this handled.  Didn't you have a date?  Jake asked.

    Seriously?  You're going to go take the credit for this shit?  Brooke replied with his arms crossed.

    I can't take credit for this shit.  It's your fucking bullet in his leg.  I'm just being a nice asshole today, Jake replied.

    Fine, but if I see your stupid grinning face on the front page of tomorrow's paper, I swear to God, you're going to be Mr. Clean with a huge black fucking eye, Brooke said.

    Uh, am I calling off the ambulance?  The rookie interrupted.

    Oh for fuck's sake.  Are you that dense?  Seriously?  Jake questioned.

    Brooke laughed and headed off.  She did have a blind date to go to that her friend had set up, but a part of her wanted to just cancel it.  Her friend's track record of finding good men was absolutely horrid.


    Brooke stared across at the red haired, pasty white man nervously twitching around at the table.  His thick rimmed, black framed glasses only seemed to accentuate how pale his skin was.  He nervously drank his water while he tapped his foot on the ground anxiously.

    So uh... you're a cop?  He asked.

    Yeah.  Brooke replied.

    Wow.  I mean, that's... how did you decide to become one?

    A cop?  My grandfather was a cop, my father was a cop, and my brother is a cop.  Just kind of runs in the blood I guess, Brooke answered.

    Wow... wow, a family of cops.  Are they all here?

    No.  My family was originally from Chicago.  My grandfather retired there and he's living out somewhere in the suburbs.  My father is still there, Superintendent of a precinct downtown.  Brother moved to Houston.  Perfect place for him.  He's big; he likes guns and loves steaks.  He figured you can't get better than Texas for that, Brooke informed.

    Her date laughed nervously and nodded.  He took another nervous sip of his water and carefully placed his cup back on the table.

    And you?  You picked Jersey of all places, he said.

    Yeah, a bunch of friends of mine and I went to Atlantic City once, had a blast.  They ended up moving to Newark for work and I figured I'd join them, Brooke said.

    Wow, yeah, I like Atlantic City.

    That's good.  I got a little bored after a while.  Checked out Vegas instead last year.

    Oh yeah, yeah, I think it's a bit boring too, he nervously agreed.

    Brooke rolled her eyes and looked at her watch.  She couldn't believe it had only been fifteen minutes since they first met.  It had felt like an eternity had passed since they first greeted each other.

    So, do you see a lot of action out there?  He asked.

    Depends on your definition of action, Brooke replied with a shrug.

    Like knife fights or uh... gun fights.

    Knife fights?  What?  Like West Side Story or something?

    Huh?  Uh yes?  No?

    Brooke shook her head and looked around for their server.  She desperately wanted to just get her food, eat, and leave.

    I shot a guy today, if that's what you're thinking is action.  Blew out his knee for running away from me, Brooke said as she waved down a random waiter.

    Her date's eyes widened in surprise and he nearly toppled his cup of water over.

    May I help you Madame?  The waiter asked.

    Yeah, I think we've been ready to order for a while now.  Brooke replied.

    Oh, my apologies.  Let me grab the server and have him take your order, the waiter replied.

    Brooke leaned in and pulled out a twenty dollar bill from her pocket.  She leaned in while discretely slipping the twenty into his jacket pocket.

    Look, I'd really like to just get through this date as soon as possible, you get it?  Brooke whispered.

    The waiter briefly glanced over at her date, and then at her, nodded and stood upright.

    Actually, why don't I just go ahead and take the order?

    Uh... well, I mean, I haven't really looked through the menu, her date replied.

    You like steak?  Brooke asked.

    Huh?  Well, I'm a vegetarian and steak isn't really my type of-

    He'll have today's vegetarian special.  I'll go with the surf and turf, Brooke said, cutting off her date.

    Any soup or salad?  The waiter asked instinctively.

    Brooke glared at the waiter and shook her head.  He immediately realized his mistake and quickly turned his attention to her date.

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