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Reaching for the Warrior Within
Reaching for the Warrior Within
Reaching for the Warrior Within
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Reaching for the Warrior Within

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Reaching for the Warrior Within is the author's personal journey recounting a volatile upbringing in a household weighed down with physical, emotional, and psychological child abuse, which caused his consciousness to split into different compartmentalized selves referred to as Dissociative Identity Disorder.  This childhood Hell brought on immense anxiety that simultaneously led him down a path of addictions to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and destructive relationships.

The one saving grace was his strong psychic connections with Heaven, which kept him anchored in faith, courage, and a passion and drive to match.   He credits turning his life around by paying attention to the Divine messages he has been receiving from his Spirit team since birth.  He explains how he was able to distinctly tell the difference between when his higher self was intervening and ruling the show, and when his lower self was running his life into the gutter.

Living several lifetimes in one, nothing would stop him from rising above his abusive upbringing, getting his life together, going after what he wanted and achieving it.  He describes how he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and obtained every job he wanted without prior experience. This is from work in the entertainment industry with some of Hollywood's esteemed talent, to ridding himself of toxic addictions, and moving into living a healthier lifestyle clear-minded and focused before becoming a spiritual teacher and author of dozens of metaphysical books.

Kevin gains strength, healing, and direction with the help of God and his Spirit team of guides and angels.  Today as a metaphysical inspirational author, Kevin teaches others how to move out of the Darkness and into the Light.  Having experienced living in the trenches of despair, he has experienced what it's like to rise up out of the ashes and into a warrior of light.  Living vicariously through this inspiring story can enable you to distinguish when you have been assisted on your own life path.

Reaching for the Warrior Within attests that anyone can positively change their life if they pay attention to their Divine psychic guidance system.  This can be from being a victim of child abuse, a drug and alcohol user, to going after the jobs and relationships you want.  This powerful story is for those seeking motivation to change, alter, and empower their life one day at a time.

Although this story isn't about the entertainment industry, there is a bonus for those interested in or curious about getting an Entertainment Industry job.  Part of Kevin's story includes how he went from living in poverty and child abuse, to becoming an alcoholic and drug addict by the time he was in his early twenties.  This all transformed dramatically when he broke into the Entertainment Industry, which is illustrated and broken down in a couple of chapters.  He was twenty-three when he was asked to join the film production company of one of Hollywood's respected legendary actors, Michelle Pfeiffer.  It was there he worked as a Development Assistant before rising up the ranks into coordinating film productions for the Film Studios years later.  He went through another transformation when he evolved into a metaphysical spiritual teacher after all of those incredible life experience classes.   

Release dateMay 30, 2013
Reaching for the Warrior Within

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    Reaching for the Warrior Within - Kevin Hunter


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    Copyright © 2013 Kevin Hunter.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher or author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.  The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly.  The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being.  In the event, you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    Warrior of Light Press

    Body, Mind & Spirit - Inspiration & Personal Growth

    Self-Help - Substance Abuse & Addictions


    Project Editor: James Szopo

    Cover Photography of Author and Cover Design by Joshua Hall Copyright © 2013.  Joshua Hall:

    Book title and author font design by Kahil Nettleton

    Spiderfly Studios.

    All rights reserved. Copyright  © 2013

    ISBN: 1482594382

    ISBN-13: 978-1482594386


    This is for other abuse survivors who have suffered at the hands of those who we consider to be not evolved.  We grew to be angry.  Angry at our attackers.  Angry at everyone else.  And just angry in general.  This emotional span ranges from feelings of anger to fearing the world.  There is a light at the end of this forsaken tunnel.  I found it, discovered it, and followed it.  It was the beauty that existed within me all along.  We know what it was like to have no one understand or believe what happened to us.  Others live in denial or speak about it as if it is something to be ignored.  No one wants to talk about it or hear it.  When you are brought up in a loving environment, then you have no concept of how others live unless you are empathetic or a gifted actor able to walk in other people’s shoes.


    Thank you to my spirit posse that consists of God and my personal sports team of Angels, Guides, Archangels and Saints.  Thank you to my editor, James Szopo, for pushing me to reveal more than I intended.  Thank you for listening to my stories on a regular basis while guiding me through the process of this book.  Thank you for allowing me to feel safe in being cracked open.  Thank you to my sister, Andrea, for helping me recover the pieces of the memory of a childhood I did not identify with or remember.  I do not go into detail of every shred of it all.  It was still a therapeutic healing process to acknowledge something I had not connected myself with for decades.  Thank you to Joshua Hall, Alena Ditri, Kahil Nettleton and Spiderfly Studios.  Thank you to my Spirit team in the heavens for their constant support, guidance, protection and love.


    What I remember when I look back at my childhood is virtually nothing at all.  It’s a black voided out curtain that shields out the horrors of what went on.  Residing there is no one I know personally.  When I peer closer I see what appears to be my soul shattering into a billion pieces.  Those pieces formed into lights that gave birth to other people and selves that reside in me.  They were the many who came forward to run the show that has been my life.  Their job entailed protecting me even though I wasn’t introduced to some of them until later on in life.  They joined in with Heaven in helping me remember how to live, how to love and how to survive.  Within those people was the dangerous, damaged self.  The one that was hurt and plagued by demons reaching for addictions instead of the warrior that lives within me.  The warrior that is a perfect, confident and compassionate child of God.  After being told repeatedly that I was never good enough, I was able to escape the horrors and turn it around with all of their help.    Reaching for the Warrior Within is how I found solace and comfort in a team of beings that reside in Heaven.  This is for me to remember where I came from and how I survived it.  I chose not to die, but instead allowed the cruelty that was inflicted empower me into something bigger, stronger and beyond this world. 

    Reaching for the Warrior Within is a prequel to my book, Warrior of Light: Messages from my Guides and Angels.  This is my personal story and celebration in moving from a turbulent childhood to becoming the warrior of God’s light that I am today.  This is an autobiographical story surrounding abuse and addictions while battling between my higher and lower selves.  Every one of us has had or still has an addiction to something.  Some of these addictions are harsher than others and are not only time wasters, but they impede our growth and delay us from moving forward on our life purpose.   I received assistance in improving and ridding myself of these addictions with the assistance of Heaven and my selves.  They helped me heal, grow and persevere in this crash course of living several lifetimes in one.

    Reaching for the Warrior Within



    Living Several Lifetimes from Birth to Adulthood



    Inner Child Burial

    Iam a warrior of light who communicates with Heaven daily.  This is who I am and who I was when I was born.  Somewhere along the way I became sidetracked and travelled down rocky, tumultuous roads searching for a way out.  Having an overwhelming knowledge about all things involving love, I knew that my life quest would surround this all encompassing powerful word.  Love was never taught to me growing up.  It was implanted in me long before I was conscious of it.  Coming to be in this lifetime with this knowledge was a natural familiarity.  I knew what it was like to be a higher spirit experiencing no anger, hurt or pain.  I knew what it was like to have no ego or judgment, but profound joy.  This love is what the spirit world is like when you are operating purely from this space.  This is what functioning from your Higher Self is.

    When I was five years old I saw the beauty in everything around me.  My wide smile bestowed upon me at birth was full of 100% pure bliss.  We are all like that as children before the lower selves in adults grab a hold of us.  At that age, I was always expressing affection to those that crossed my path.  It was beyond infectious, drawing others around me who sensed this bright light.  That little boy was astonishingly overflowing with charm.  I’d love to meet him again before everything went wrong and the hardening took place.  Isn’t that how it is though?  We are all perfect souls of God and somewhere around ages five to ten we begin turning.  We become what others have done to us and suddenly forget why we are here and what it is all about.  This is the key statement: What others have done to us.  Which later becomes: What we are doing to us.  All of this unnecessary harm to our souls started somewhere with your caregivers, society and the media.  It is a scary thought to know that our souls in a human body are easily influenced by the naïve sources around us.  Centuries of evolution have passed and yet we are still innately primal in our instincts.

    I grew up in a violent household full of emotional, verbal and physical abuse.  Any confidence, joy and love I was born with was destroyed before I was seven.  This process caused me to instinctually split off into various selves.  I fragmented into these selves without realizing it as a protection device.  I was born to a working class dad and middle class mom.  In those days, there was no Internet and people met via snail mail. When my mom was seventeen she used to buy magazines geared towards her age demographic called Tiger Beat.  She put an ad in the pen pals section in search of someone to correspond with.  My dad was nineteen when he found her ad and wrote back to her.  This kicked off their letter writing correspondence with one another.  They both eventually decided to meet and get married.  By the time my mom was twenty years old, she was pregnant with me.

    She commented that my dad felt her belly and said, It feels like you have the devil growing inside you.  He was absent when my mom’s water broke.  Instead she called a cab to take her to the hospital.  There were no complications during the birth, but we did have to hang around the hospital for a few days before we were released. 

    When I was a month old my mom’s milk ran out.  Concerned she brought me to the hospital to see the doctor.  He said, He’s crying because he’s hungry.  He had her put me on a formula since she wasn’t producing enough milk. We were both undernourished in those poverty stricken days.

    I was born March 5, 1973 at 6:28pm in Arcadia, California for all you astrologers out there.  Throughout the 1970’s, we lived in a two-bedroom apartment building in Arcadia.  My dad was working in the adult film industry before he made a move into lighting concert stages and television shows for more respectable entertainment faire.  Having porn all over the house when I was five was not unusual.  In this apartment building lived a French woman.  I will refer to her as, French woman.  She was in her early 20’s like my Dad.  She had two kids roughly my age.  One day her husband hopped into his Cadillac and drove out of the apartment complex and never returned.  My dad started an affair with this woman while married to my mom.  I was about five or six years old at the time when he began this long term affair. 

    Every day when my dad arrived home from work, he would take my sister and I out with him.  We would meet up with this woman and her kids at an undisclosed location.  My mom was working nights and therefore not around to catch this.  A neighbor friend of hers told my mom what was going on.  When my mom confronted him, they broke out into a huge fist fight. This is the first one I remember and certainly was not the last.  My dad insisted that nothing was going on and told us kids not to speak a word about it to my mom.  This affair would carry on for ten years.  The French woman became the surrogate wicked stepmom by default and through association, not marriage.  She was the perfect depiction of the wicked stepmom you imagine from the Cinderella fables.  She had huge resentment and jealousy over his attention towards his own kids.  This bitterness was heightened even more when it came to me and she never attempted to hide it.  He was no different never expressing a kind word or exuding of love in those days unless it benefitted him for the purpose of egotistical gain.

    My mom and her neighbor friend confronted the French woman in the apartment building since my dad was not about to admit to infidelity.  They showed up at the French woman’s door and went into a physical altercation with her.  In those days, hitting and punching seemed to be the norm around me.  It was gangster-like the way they ripped her shirt off in a fury.  It became the talk throughout the complex.  My dad knew he wouldn’t be able to continue to keep this up and hidden.  He moved the French woman and her kids to a home rental duplex in another part of Arcadia.  He then moved us to a house rental in the same area.  Far enough, yet close enough and convenient to go back in forth when needed. 

    Everyday after school my dad would pick us kids up and take us to the French woman’s house where we would have no choice but to interact with her and her kids.  They were dumb white trash, but French.  We'd leave them between 9:00p and 11:00p almost every night, but we wouldn’t really leave.  My dad would drive around the block, then park in the driveway.  We'd sit in his car for several hours late at night while he spied on her.  He wanted to see how she spent her time alone after he left.  This was also to make sure she was being honest in their affair with him.  As if honesty can be applied to an extramarital affair to begin with.  If we were lucky, we would be home by Midnight and have our homework done for school the next day.  This was highly unlikely to happen and it rarely did.  We were not allowed to say anything to anyone, especially my mom or he would have us killed.  Those were his words.

    My views on relationships today border Conservative and Traditional.  Adultery is a big no-no and my outlook on loyalty took on a mafia style ethic that has been subconsciously woven into my life, relationships and my books.  Growing up was all about survival, staying out of the way and remaining invisible.  Don’t talk to anyone, don’t get near anyone, and don’t get too close to anyone.  It will only end badly since they can’t be trusted.  This is a great way to seal a second date. 

    I was not bullied at school, but at home.  I was harassed, tormented, intimidated, threatened and assaulted at home for breathing.  I quickly came to expect it as a regular occurrence.  It was severe, greatly against the law, and ultimately semi-permanently damaged me.  I say ‘semi’ because what had grown to be a permanently damaged individual was soon reversed with the intervention of my Spirit team who had always been there.  They worked with me to undo what was done to my psyche.  To get to that point its essential to know that anyone can do it.  I never went to therapy because I had the best therapists in the Universe and they reside in Heaven.

    As an adult, you are often oblivious as to where your current neurosis was born out of.  My dad had a mental illness that some might describe as bi-polar.  He refused therapy or help, as he did not believe in it.  I have found that those who do not believe in therapy or getting help are the ones who need it more than anybody.  Others are in therapy to work out the stuff that someone else inflicted upon them. 

    My dad’s outbreaks of abuse were over trivial and insignificant reasons.  It could be something as simple as the fridge was moved to the left by half an inch.  The violence would come down upon our heads, but mostly mine.  Cases of child abuse leading to death regularly plague the news.  A seven year old was beaten to death by his parents for failing to read the Bible and do his homework.  His medical report showed severe bruising and massive brain swelling.  He had also suffered from strokes as a result and had bruises on his arms, abdomen, back, legs, thighs and buttocks likely from being whipped to death. 

    Another young boy in Indiana died at aged thirteen after spending the last year of his life locked in a three-foot high cage with little food and drink.  He was too weak to keep his food down.  The rare occasions that he would be

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