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Bare Thoughts Improving Our Lives and the World Around Us
Bare Thoughts Improving Our Lives and the World Around Us
Bare Thoughts Improving Our Lives and the World Around Us
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Bare Thoughts Improving Our Lives and the World Around Us

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Bare Thoughts... is a must read in today's world.

The thoughtful and compelling writings are about common traits given to all men; everywhere. The writing is clear and passionate. It matters little whether the book is read “a slice at a time” or “devoured in its entirety.” It is nourishment for the soul! Sue Brown gives us much to think about in regards to our own: Honesty, Integrity, Life’s Tests/ Challenges, and the God-Given abilities of: Choice, Change, and making the world better for others.

The thoughts within these pages are also Bear Ideas and Bear Hopes for improvement not only for us, but the world we live in. We can actively make ourselves better people and have our personal changes positively impact others.

Sue Brown’s Blog: Spirit Unbroken is read around the world. It has received numerous writing awards and continues to be a Critics’ and Readers’ favorite.
Her books, Men Can be Mean; fiction and Spirit Unbroken; non-fiction are top sellers.

PublisherSue Brown
Release dateNov 22, 2015
Bare Thoughts Improving Our Lives and the World Around Us

Sue Brown

Sue Brown is a Londoner with a dream to live on a small island. Coffee fuels her addiction to writing romance with hot guys loving each other, and her Adorkadog snores in harmony as she creates.Join her newsletter to follow Sue's news, plans, and stories.Newsletter -

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    Bare Thoughts Improving Our Lives and the World Around Us - Sue Brown


    Each day, we all have the chance to start over. That’s a powerful thought! Many days, we let that opportunity slip by. Imagine the freedom of actually wiping the slate clean of all the negatives and instead focusing only on the positives in our lives. Aside from the scientific meaning, I’d like to think that’s why we call it, and celebrate, a new year every three hundred and sixty five days.

    This opportunity to start over again, each year and everyday, is offered to all men… everywhere. It makes us connected in a very basic way. Sometimes, this gift is forgotten or dismissed. Yet, it might be one of the most meaningful things we receive in life.

    It is often difficult to unwrap a new beginning and start fresh because it brings memories and situations that might be painful and scary. Maybe a loved one has died or has been diagnosed with an illness. We might even be the one who is ill and we feel frightened and alone. Perhaps, we have lost a job or our home and we are uncertain of our family’s security.

    Sometimes, there is Military Deployment in the family or one is coming up and we worry constantly. Or occasionally, our burden is a wrong that was done to us in the past or perhaps, it’s something we did to another person and we are now shouldering the guilt of our actions. Real situations: real life.

    Here’s the amazing part. It is virtually impossible not to find something good in even the most challenging of situations. It’s difficult to see sometimes, but it’s always there. My own personal belief is that we can not control what is done to us, our individual tests and challenges by others, Nature, and our God, but we always have a choice in how we react to those tests and challenges.

    It appears as basic as acceptance of the things we cannot change and a quiet determination to rise above our adversities as a stronger and wiser person. It is also our opportunity to act both honorably and responsibly not only for ourselves, but also for others while we find our way. Very simply, it’s Integrity or doing the right thing regardless of the outcome. Sometimes it is difficult, but we can accomplish it.

    With each and every positive choice we make for ourselves and towards others we further define who we are as Human Beings and make the world a better place. Every day we are given this opportunity to perfect ourselves. It is an absolutely liberating thought and practice. We are not defined by what has been done to us in the past, but instead we are what we have chosen to do for ourselves… both now and in the future. We can all choose that on any given day. One need not have an expensive or lengthy list… to experience life’s amazing gifts.

    It’s pretty safe to say that all of us lost something this past year. If we lost family members or friends, it is important to honor their memory by becoming strong within ourselves. What a wonderful tribute to them if we actually become better people in spite of our grief over their passing. Reaching out to others in need: financially, emotionally, or spiritually can be done in their name. We further define their life by our own positive choices. Also, there is great healing in personal growth of our own.

    Unfortunately, because of the economic turmoil in our country over the past decade, many continue to lose their jobs as companies downsize and/ or go under. Homes across the nation have seen the greatest foreclosure rate in years and those who were lucky enough to actually sell their home, sold it for less than anticipated.

    For some, retirement assets have dwindled to a fraction of what they once were and any savings have all but evaporated. Yes, it has been years of great changes… financially. However, the coming months will be an opportunity of new choices and fresh starts. I’m going to embrace the changes and hopefully learn from the experience.

    Not everyone suffered a financial loss, but they were tested in other areas. This is a given; no one has it all. All too often tests and challenges are in the area of relationships. Perhaps, a relationship at work or within the family didn’t go exactly the direction it should have in the past year. Words were said to each other and actions directed at another person that might seem irreversible.

    There’s that old joke about… nothing is certain but death and taxes. Actually, it is a good lesson. Negative actions towards each other can cease and hurtful words can be corrected by heartfelt apologies. It appears that nothing worthwhile is ever easy and this will be no exception. There is no guarantee that there will be forgiveness, but the effort of trying is notable.

    What is amazing about our time here on Earth is that with each positive action we choose, we have the opportunity to leave our own Human Footprint in time. Let this be the time that our lives aren’t so much about what we have or what we’ve lost, but rather what we’ve given and therefore found.

    Here’s to all of us opening that perfect gift… tomorrow!


    The God-given ability to choose is what separates humans… from other mammals. That’s an amazing gift. Even if we personally fail in one test or challenge… a new one will come along in which we get to choose all over again. Maybe, it’s so we finally get it correct. Life, as given, isn’t easy.

    Often, we do not like the apparent choices as they are presented to us and sometimes, they seem unfair, but they are choices nonetheless. With each and every positive choice we make for ourselves and towards others, we further define who we are as Human Beings and therefore can make the world a better place.

    Every day we are given this opportunity to perfect ourselves. It is an absolutely liberating thought and practice. We are not defined by what has been done to us in the past, but instead we are what we have chosen to do for ourselves… both now and in the future.

    We can all choose that on any given day. One need not have an expensive or lengthy list… to experience life’s amazing gifts. Maybe we can just slow down and recognize LIFE for the precious gift that it is… all on its own.

    A good place to start would be if we each recognize the small things of our day… that touch our soul. We so often overlook these because we are too busy or we yearn for something greater and grander. Actually, just embracing each day to the fullest is

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