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Through the Window
Through the Window
Through the Window
Ebook210 pages2 hours

Through the Window

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About this ebook

Alphonse is a hard-hearted bastard who doesn't let people hurt him—by not letting anyone get close.  In his world, magic may be real, but he doesn't believe in love…at least not for himself.  

The only people he cares about are his cousin Ferrous and Ferr's boyfriend, Jude.  Even so, they irritate the life out of him sometimes.  He tells himself he's given up on finding the lovey-dovey, mushy thing they have—doesn't want it anyway.

Then into his life comes Luke, a tough, cocky bastard of a boxer with enchanting dimples and a sexy little ass.  Luke invites himself in through the window that very night, offering uncomplicated sex without emotionalism.  He's not breakable or vulnerable, and he doesn't need words of love or promises for the future.

But somehow sex becomes something more, and Alphonse finds himself wanting to keep the tough boxer forever—but only on his terms.  


This story takes place after "Jude's Magic" and contains characters from that story.

Length: 50,000 words

Heat level: spicy

Note: This story contains dark themes & sexual content

Release dateNov 24, 2015
Through the Window

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    Book preview

    Through the Window - Hollis Shiloh

    About the story:

    Alphonse is a hard-hearted bastard who doesn't let people hurt him—by not letting anyone get close.  In his world, magic may be real, but he doesn't believe in least not for himself. 

    The only people he cares about are his cousin Ferrous and Ferr's boyfriend, Jude.  Even so, they irritate the life out of him sometimes.  He tells himself he's given up on finding the lovey-dovey, mushy thing they have—doesn't want it anyway.

    Then into his life comes Luke, a tough, cocky bastard of a boxer with enchanting dimples and a sexy little ass.  Luke invites himself in through the window that very night, offering uncomplicated sex without emotionalism.  He's not breakable or vulnerable, and he doesn't need words of love or promises for the future.

    But somehow sex becomes something more, and Alphonse finds himself wanting to keep the tough boxer forever—but only on his terms. 

    This story takes place after Jude's Magic and contains characters from that story. 

    Length: 50,000 words

    Heat level: spicy

    Note: This story contains dark themes & sexual content

    Through the Window

    by Hollis Shiloh

    The doorbell chimed.  Alphonse scowled and strode towards it, long footsteps to take him through the massive old magic-protected mansion.  He lived here with his cousin, his cousin's boyfriend, and several servants.  The thing should've been turned into a hotel long ago, or sold to someone quite wealthy, but they weren't allowed to sell or change it.  And he'd become accustomed to calling this place home.

    The doorbell's chime increased in insistence.  Had Jude been out late and forgotten his key again?  I'm going to have to speak with my cousin about him... again.  It wouldn't do to scold Jude in person; the man had mouse-like tendencies on the best of days.  It irritated Alphonse to see him shrink away, large-eyed and frightened, if he thought someone was angry with him.

    If I ever have a boyfriend, I hope he's not such a wet sop.  But he'd never say such a thing out loud, because he was fond of Jude, in his own way.  The man just irritated him sometimes.

    He yanked the door open.  Jude, if you've—

    On the step stood a short man with wild dark curls and tired-looking eyes.  He'd been leaning against the doorway, but now he straightened up sharply.  He fluffed his hair back out of his face with a nervous gesture and stared straight at Alphonse with dark-eyed intensity.

    You're the cousin?


    Alphonse, Ferrous's cousin, repeated the man as if talking to someone rather slow.  Well, step aside.  I need to talk to him, not you.

    What?  Alphonse stared at the man with disbelief, irritation returning full force.  You interrupt my coffee to tell me you don't want to talk to me?

    The man shrugged and peered past him, then started into the mansion.  It's your problem you don't let the servants get the door.  I assume you have at least a couple.  His voice dripped sarcasm as he looked around, not even bothering to glance at Alphonse again.  He looked around the hall, as if expecting Ferrous to pop out any second.

    Alphonse just stood there, stunned.  He'd walked right in.  The magic barriers hadn't stopped him.  That meant whoever he was and whatever he wanted, he meant no harm to anyone in the household.

    One of the servants appeared, looking aggrieved.  Sir, shall I remove this man? he inquired calmly, squeezing his hands together.

    Um, no.  Let me handle it, said Alphonse, regaining control and striding after the intruder.  Look, I don't know who you think you are...

    Jude? called Ferrous's sleepy voice, and Alphonse's cousin wandered out into the hallway, looking forlorn and bedraggled in his dressing-gown, short hair disarrayed.  He yawned, scratching at his stubble, then stopped and surveyed the men standing in the hall.  His face fell.  He's not back yet?

    Was it a case? asked Alphonse, alert as ever to danger to the man his cousin loved.  He might find Jude irritating, but Alphonse had a strong protective streak, and Jude was family now.  Are you sure?  We can send a message to the precinct to be certain...

    Ferrous's eyes clouded with concern.  You don't think somebody tried to kidnap him again?

    Um, hello.  Stranger standing right here! said the intruding man, pointing at himself and looking indignant that anyone had dared look away from him in the first place.  I've got a message for you, Mr. Engelhard.  Not you, lawyer.  The other one.  Ferrous. 

    If you have a message, send a letter.  Alphonse surged forward, irritated at being called 'lawyer' so dismissively.  He caught the man's arm and started towards the door.

    Not yet, not yet, said the man irritably, twisting free as if there was nothing easier and Alphonse was simply a small irritation, like a housefly.

    What? asked Ferrous, his gaze growing larger and more concerned.  Is Jude—

    My boss wants you to come work for him, return to the ring and go to the next championship.  His message is right here.  He held out a thick vellum letter, facing Ferrous with all the politeness he'd denied Alphonse.

    But—I don't...  Still groggy from sleep, Ferrous wasn't entirely coherent.

    Alphonse surged forward protectively.  He grabbed the letter.  He doesn't duel anymore.  He's retired, he snapped.  It was because of Jude his cousin had retired from magic duels, but it had been the right thing to do, and he probably would have died if he'd kept going the way he had been.  Alphonse couldn't help but admire his cousin in the ring—there were few people better—but he didn't want to lose Ferr.  And it was only because of Jude that he hadn't.

    You've left your message, now go, instructed Alphonse with all the imperiousness his training had given him.  He got up in front of judges and juries and expounded; he ought to be able to send away one measly little messenger.

    The man turned to look at him properly for the first time, and smiled.  Bossy boots, he said, a smile quirking up the side of his mouth, making him look not just handsome but breathtaking.  I'm supposed to wait for a reply.

    The reply is no.  He advanced on the messenger and herded him towards the door, going at it without hesitation. 

    No, a reply from him!  The man dodged him, slippery bugger.  Eek!  A little yelp escaped, as Alphonse almost caught him; but he was grinning too, as if this was all a game and he was enjoying it.

    Alfie?  Ferr?  What's going on? called a familiar voice, sounding bewildered and shy.

    They all stopped and turned to the doorway.  There stood Jude, looking as if he'd been pushed beyond exhaustion and was now in desperate need of a place to sit before he collapsed.  He wasn't a particularly frail man, but the way his magic worked could leave him quite drained at times.

    Jude.  There was no missing the relief in Ferrous's voice—or the love.  He surged forward, drawing his partner into his arms, supporting him and hugging him in equal measures.  He kissed Jude's temple and stroked back his hair with tender solicitousness.  I missed you, he said softly.  Did the case go okay?

    Jude nodded tiredly against him, closing his eyes as his arms came up around Ferrous in return. Just... intense. It's all right now that I'm home.

    As Alphonse watched them, a lump of jealousy formed in his throat. His love for his cousin had never taken a romantic form, and while he cared for Jude, he was more of an annoying little brother than someone he fancied. It was the genuine emotion he witnessed in their relationship that he envied, perhaps not the sappier elements—hugging, practically in public!—but the warmth between them.  The way they stood as though each drew strength from the other.

    He realized a stranger was standing here watching them too, and turned irritably to the dark-eyed messenger, opening his mouth to say something cutting.  Instead he caught something that took him by surprise: a look of approval and wistfulness on that man's face; it made him look surprisingly human.  And even more attractive than he had while smiling.

    To his surprise—and annoyance—Alphonse felt his cock twitch at the sight.  The messenger was handsome, too strong-featured to be called pretty, but attractively masculine looking instead.  He had a toughness to him; it wouldn't have surprised Alphonse to learn the man boxed or knew his way around a dueling ring, or perhaps worked as a bouncer.

    He wondered what it would be like to see that man on his knees, sucking his cock.  It gave another hungry twitch, and he was ashamed of the mental images.  Damn, this man was his enemy—or at the least, a messenger for one of them.  He certainly wasn't going to be sucking Alphonse's cock any time soon.

    Uh, I still need that answer, said the messenger, interrupting with something like regret.  He smiled ruefully, and ran his fingers back through his wild hair yet again.  Alphonse found his gaze focusing on those fingers, and he turned away quickly.

    Jude drew back from his partner and cast a perplexed look between Alphonse and the messenger, as if trying to figure something out.  Finally releasing Ferr's hand, Jude stepped away, still looking tired but no longer demoralized.  He moved towards the messenger, displaying the same irritating shyness as always, but also walking with a purpose that suggested he was 'being brave.'

    For some reason, Jude being brave both annoyed Alphonse and made him laugh.  It shouldn't require bravery to do nearly half the things Jude seemed to struggle with. 

    Hello, Jude said quietly.  And you are?  He looked polite, like he really wanted to know, his rather pretty features set in a pleasant, interested expression.  Why, in a minute he'd probably shake the man's hand!

    Luke, said the messenger.  And you're Jude.  Nice to meet you.  He reached out and shook Jude's hand without waiting to be invited.  You're the boyfriend, right?  That's great.  Well, you might be able to convince him to return to the ring.  My boss has some excellent terms to offer, so if you'd—

    Jude withdrew as though snake-bit, his cheeks coloring up.  I-I'm sorry.  That's... no.  I thought...  Again he cast a perplexed look between Alphonse and Luke, as if trying to understand something.  I'm sorry.  I thought... I thought you were Alfie's friend.  No, Ferr's not going back to the ring.  Then he glanced at his partner, as if afraid he'd assumed too much, and anxiety sprang back to his gaze.

    Ferrous stepped up to him, shaking his head, and slid an arm around Jude as he addressed Luke.  Sorry.  It doesn't matter how good the offer is.  I'm not going back.

    Well.  Can't blame a man for trying.  He smiled that sexy, rueful smile again and headed towards the door.

    And Alphonse, damn him, hadn't said a word.  Instead of correcting Jude, he was just standing there hot-cheeked and distracted.  That little bastard.  Jude had no right!  He'd just automatically assumed that—

    Wait, said Jude, squeezing his partner's arm.  Why not stay and have a cup of coffee with us?

    Everybody looked at Jude, and he flushed.  I m-mean, if you want to.

    You are an idiot, said Alphonse firmly, herding Luke towards the door.  Don't invite him to stay for coffee!

    Luke dashed away, giving him that wicked grin again.  Oh?  Why not?  Afraid you'll be... tempted?  He yelped and jumped several inches as Alphonse caught his bottom with a humiliatingly hard swat.  All right, all right.  I'm go—  He yelped again, and this time turned around in the doorway lithely, holding onto its frame, refusing to be pushed out or swatted on the butt again.  He held on tightly, swaying as Alphonse pushed, but not letting go.  His eyes sparkled up at Alphonse wickedly, and that smile played around his mouth again.  You wouldn't dare swat me here.  He actually gave his hips a little teasing thrust.

    Oh wouldn't I? growled Alphonse.  He reached down and grabbed a handful of—yes—hard cock.  His mouth went dry even as he squeezed, and Luke made a sound embarrassingly like a mix between pain and desire.

    Alphonse let him go hurriedly and gave him another shove, sending him out the doorway firmly, so fast Luke stumbled and almost fell.  Then the messenger was up on his feet, dusting off his hands, his cheeks flushed.  But his grin was still there.  Oh, so you did dare.  I wonder what else you'd—

    Alphonse started for him with a growl, and Luke turned and ran with a yelp.

    Alphonse followed him only a few steps before realizing the inadvisability of running down the street chasing such a fellow.  He returned and slammed the door.  Then he turned to see Jude and Ferrous staring at him, looking startled and a bit taken aback. 

    What? he said, dusting off his hands.  Just putting the trash out.

    Alphonse sat behind his wide desk in the study, trying again to get his head around the brief he was supposed to be studying.

    Instead, his gaze kept going back to the thick vellum letter—and his mind to the messenger who'd delivered it.  Infuriating man.  Sexy man...

    The letter was polite enough—unlike the messenger.  It asked for Ferrous to consider coming to work for Mr. Jance Herin, offering a huge payment for even just one more fight.  The man had even signed it himself.

    Alphonse couldn't remember ever hearing anything unpleasant about Herin, but that didn't mean anything.  He wouldn't be the first who'd tried to get to Ferrous through Jude.  So far, nobody had succeeded, but that was only because Ferr and Alphonse kept their guard up.  Irritating Jude might be, but he was family now.  And family stuck together.

    Just like Alphonse and Ferr had when they'd inherited this mansion together.  Their grandfather left it to them jointly.  They had to share ownership of it, and couldn't sell it—until the day one of them had a legitimate heir.  The first cousin to produce said heir would then inherit the whole mansion, to do with as he wished.

    Their grandfather had known that neither of his grandsons were interested in women.  He'd clearly been trying to change that fact from beyond the grave.  As soon as the will was heard, they'd looked at each other, their gazes saying it all.  They'd agreed to simply ignore the provision, choosing instead to live there together, sharing the house.  He wasn't going to come between them, and he wasn't going to change them, no matter what.

    And nothing had come between them.  The house was extravagantly big—a mansion, really—but a very nice place to live.  Upkeep was costly, but between them they earned enough to pay for it.  Ferr and Alphonse had always been friends even more than they were cousins, and still were. 

    Actually, the hardest part of sharing was sometimes feeling jealous of how happy Ferr was with his shy rabbit of a partner.  He'd heard them more than once—always by accident, but still enough to know what it must be like with them.  The soft murmurs, the gentle kisses, the irritatingly banal sweet talk.  Ferrous, who was ferocious as a dueling

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