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Falling Hard
Falling Hard
Falling Hard
Ebook229 pages3 hours

Falling Hard

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About this ebook

Meet two champion bull riders--macho, muscled Marlboro Men, confident, cocksure cowboys--from their struggle for survival in the rodeo arena, and 8 seconds of fame on the back of a 2000 lb bull to their most private encounters behind closed doors where their world is about to explode...

Levi Bond is a seasoned pro, competing for the World Championship. Bull riding is what gets his adrenaline pumping, his heart racing, and makes him feel like a million bucks. That, and the idea of getting it on with Curt Walsh, one of the up and coming stars of the bull riding circuit. Powerfully attracted, Curt’s confused and unsure which way he wants his life to go. Will Levi still be around, available and interested when the final decision is made?

Get set for a wild ride in this cowboy romance, sizzling with intense desire, unbridled passion, and unexpected emotion as Levi and Curt, drawn together like mega magnets, battle not only life threatening, white knuckled action in the arena, but cruelty and bias outside it. The prospect of falling in love is as terrifying as staying on the bull without it killing them!

Release dateNov 29, 2015
Falling Hard

Sandy Sullivan

Sandy Sullivan is a romance author, who, when not writing, spends her time with her husband Shaun on their farm in middle Tennessee. She loves to ride her horses, play with their dogs and relax on the porch, enjoying the rolling hills of her home south of Nashville. Country music is a passion of hers and she loves to listen to it while she writes. She is an avid reader of romance novels and enjoys reading Nora Roberts, Jude Deveraux and Susan Wiggs. Finding new authors and delving into something different helps feed the need for literature. A registered nurse by education, she loves to help people and spread the enjoyment of romance to those around her with her novels. She loves cowboys so you'll find many of her novels have sexy men in tight jeans and cowboy boots. Sandy’s website

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    Book preview

    Falling Hard - Sandy Sullivan


    Eight Second Ride Book 1

    Sandy Sullivan

    Erotic Romance

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 SandySullivan

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    If you find any of my e-book being sold or shared illegally, please let us know at

    Erotic Romance

    Falling Hard

    Copyright © 2015 Sandy Sullivan

    E-book ISBN: 978-1-944122-13-3

    First E-book Publication: February 2015

    Second E-book Publication: September 2015

    Cover design by Dawné Dominique

    Edited by Stephanie Balistreri

    Proofread by Ariana Gaynor

    All cover art and logo copyright © 2015 by Sandy Sullivan

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


    This is dedicated to all the bull rider lovers out there.

    We all like to watch the alpha males hang on for eight seconds.

    I wanted to see what two of those would be like.

    This is for all the people who love two hot guys together.


    Eight Second Ride Book 1

    Sandy Sullivan

    Chapter One

    Now up, Levi Bond. Levi is an experienced rider on this bull. They’ve matched up before several times with Mr. Tough coming out on top every time. Levi needs this trip to be good to better his position for a run at the finals. The announcer’s voice faded with the hush of the crowd.

    A heavy coating of dust clung to everything. The crowd fell silent as the bull under him shifting nervously while he tried to get his bull rope just right before the gate opened for the eight seconds of craziness called bull riding. This ride meant everything. It could catapult him into the finals this year or leave him waiting in the wings.

    He blew out a nervous breath.

    The bull jumped. The spot man held onto his vest in case he needed to be pulled to safety.

    Mr. Tough settled down although he continued to toss his head, banging his horns against the railing of the chute.

    His spot man yelled the clock above his head had started, indicating he had thirty seconds to nod for them to open the chute. Settle down, big boy.

    Sweat trickled down his back. His belly clenched. His heart raced. All of this for eight seconds on the back of a two-thousand pound animal who didn’t want him there.

    Levi twisted the rope around his hand, adjusted his position on the back of the bull and then nodded for them to open the gate.

    Everything froze as the bull jumped straight up, twisting his body to the left, trying to dislodge the nuisance on his back. Levi adjusted as his left arm whipped back and forth, almost dislocating his shoulder in the process.

    This was what he lived for, the adrenaline rush of bull riding.

    Time stood still as the clock slowly ticked off the eight seconds he needed for this to be a qualifying ride.

    The buzzer sounded.

    He pulled the rope to release his hand and jump clear of the bull, who right now, wanted to gore him with his horns. His hand hung up in the rope.

    The bull flung him to and fro like a ragdoll as the lights of the arena swirled around in his vision. His arm burned from being twisted. His stomach lurched with the pain of having his arm tangled in the rope. He felt his shoulder pop. Shit.

    Finally, the bull fighter got his hand loose from the rope before he fell to the ground holding his useless arm.

    When the bull had been corralled into the exit chute, the doctor rushed out. Shoulder?


    The doctor felt around the socket, pushing in a few spots. Looks out of place. We’ll pop it back in once we get you to the locker room. You really need to have surgery on this shoulder, Levi.

    I know. I can’t yet though. Maybe in the off season.

    The doctor grunted in response. Levi knew he wouldn’t push the issue. Bull riders were a different breed. Tough as nails, bore more pain than the average person with grace and dignity, but were hard-headed and stubborn as a jackass. Levi grimaced at the pain shooting through his shoulder. Nothing new. Pain came with being a bull rider. Thanks, Doc.

    No problem.

    Climbing to his feet, he waved to the crowd to let them know he was okay and was meet with a resounding cheer. He glanced up at his score on the board before pumping his fist in the air. Ninety point seven five on his ride. That put him in first place for the weekend and gave him a good shot at going to the finals. Perfect.

    With his right wrist held by his left hand, keeping the affected arm close to his body for support, he headed to the gate. Levi knew the drill. He’d dislocated this shoulder several times before, but he couldn’t take the time off to get surgery on it. Taping it in place would have to do for now. The finals were coming up. He couldn’t afford to be out the rest of the season. Luckily, he was done for the weekend here. The break coming up would be good enough to let his shoulder heal a little before the final push for finals in October. He needed to continue to ride well through the next several weeks to maintain his position to qualify.

    As he came around the corner of the chutes to head to the locker room, he almost ran smack dab into fellow rider, Curt Walsh.

    You okay, Levi?

    Yeah, popped my shoulder out again.

    Let Doc take care of you, and I’ll see you later at the bar?

    I’ll be there. I’ll need a few beers after this.

    Great ride, by the way.


    I think you’re gonna win this week.

    I hope so. I need all the points I can get to stay in the finals.

    Yeah, me too. Curt put his hand on Levi’s shoulder. See you in a little while.

    Levi swallowed hard as shivers raced down his back. Curt was way out of his league even if he swung the same way Levi did and of that Levi didn’t know. He’d seen Curt with a girl here and there, but he never seemed to hook up with one overnight or at least Levi had never seen one leave his room come morning. Hell, as far as he knew, Curt might be married although he didn’t wear a wedding ring.

    After he watched Curt walk back toward the chutes to catch the last few riders doing their thing, Levi followed Doc back toward the locker room. Ice and Ibuprofen would be on tap for tonight. Lots of it.

    Lie on the table, Levi, and we’ll get this over with, Doc said, pointing to a gurney to his left, pushed up against the wall.

    Levi stretched out on his back on the gurney as he blew out some slow, deep breaths to calm his heart. The thudding in his chest wasn’t from the shoulder pain, it was from Curt. Damn, the man had it all. Tall, and built like a weightlifter with broad shoulders tapering to a trim waist, the man could make a girl or guy come in their pants with a simple look from those deep brown eyes. Dark hair hung in thick waves to his collar most of the time. Sleek hips gave away to long, firm legs encased in the standard Wranglers jeans finished off by worn cowboy boots. Curt could be the Marlboro Man if he wanted to. Stick a fork in Levi, he was done for.

    The doc handed him four Ibuprofen, which he swallowed with a cup of water.



    Doc Milburn took his hand and slowly pulled on his shoulder stretching the abused muscles until the shoulder popped back into place. Easy peasy.

    You know the drill, Levi. Wear the sling and get checked by your regular doctor soon. You shouldn’t ride for a few weeks to give that shoulder time to rest.

    I know.

    But you won’t listen to me even though I’m the doctor.

    I listen. I can’t always follow your advice, Doc. You know how we are. You’ve been around the circuit long enough.

    I know all too well how bull riders are. That doesn’t mean I don’t tell you how to heal your body after you take falls that bust open your noggin, twist your arm until it breaks, or get stabbed by a bull’s horns. I care about you guys. Levi sat up as Doc Milburn put the ice bag on his shoulder. You should let me tape that.


    Once the bag of ice was taped in place, Levi headed back out to see where he stood when everything was said and done. Only six riders needed to go after he hurt himself so they should be pretty much done for the night and he could relax a little. Man, I need a beer.

    The closing ceremonies were about to get started when he got back to the rigging behind the chutes. The leader board flashed and he saw his time still held at number one for the weekend. He’d won! Thank God! He needed this win more than anything.

    Curt walked up behind him, slapping him on his good shoulder. You did well, man. First place for the weekend. Great win.

    Levi exhaled sharply.

    Sorry. I didn’t hurt you, did I?

    No, I’m good. He wanted to turn around and press his mouth to Curt so bad, he could taste the man on his tongue. Are you headed for the hotel?

    Yeah, after we are done with meet and greets. The announcement was made on who took first place. Your turn for glory, my man.

    Levi nodded and hopped down so he could walk out in the arena to accept his belt buckle, along with the boots they got with every win from the boot maker. His check he would collect on the way out. The nice tidy sum this week would help with expenses. He needed it.

    As they announced his name, he hopped up on the shark cage to wave his good hand at the crowd chanting and cheering his name. The sponsor held the belt buckle as they talked briefly about his injury and the win this week.

    How’s your shoulder, Levi?

    It’ll be fine. I’ve dislocated it before.

    Are you going to be up for riding again in a couple of weeks? Your run for the finals hangs in the balance.

    I’ll be ready. This won’t hold me back.

    Well, good luck and we hope to see you in Vegas.

    Levi took his buckle, held it high and pumped it into the air in celebration for his win before stepping down from the top of the shark tank and heading in the back to gather his stuff. He planned to put his gear in his room, take a quick shower, and hit the bar at the hotel where he knew the other riders would be. This was an every weekend occurrence for most of them. Those going home or heading to the next venue would drink their fill, sleep it off, and then hit the road the next morning.

    Tonight he planned to celebrate with a lot of alcohol and maybe, just maybe, he might get lucky or numb himself to the point he didn’t care anymore. Life was lonely for a cowboy on the circuit. Yeah, they could get women, more than their share most of the time, but that wasn’t what drew him. He had a thing for cocks.

    After he slipped the key into the lock of his room, he pushed open the door, dropped his gear on the floor, and then sat on the edge of the bed to pry off his boots. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as the boots slipped free. The small cloud of dirt that came with them would probably piss on the hotel staff who would have to vacuum, but oh well. He didn’t have a choice. It came with riding bulls.

    He slowly unwound the tape on his shoulder, releasing the bag of ice until it fell in a wet plop onto the bed next to his hip. He carefully rotated the shoulder, smiling when it didn’t immediately pop back out. He’d be good to go after a shower.

    His pants came next as he pushed them to the floor in a heap before removing his shirt in a slow, methodical movement so he wouldn’t reinjure the ligaments barely holding the shoulder in place. Once he was buck-naked, he scratched a couple of places as he walked into the bathroom to turn on the shower. Hot water rushed from the nozzle the moment he turned on the spigot. As he stepped under the spray, he sighed, leaning back into the hot stream as he let it cascade over his head, washing away the sweat and grime of the day.

    The heat felt heavenly, almost as good as sex. Okay, maybe not, but it did feel really good to have the water sluicing over his body as he stood there absorbing the heat from the shower. A couple of minutes later, he grabbed his shampoo and lathered his head before scratching his scalp to get all the dirt from it. He stepped back under the spray to rinse away the soap suds.

    With a bar of soap in hand, he scrubbed his body to wash away all the grime from the arena in long slow strokes as he let his mind wander to Curt. He wanted the man, there was no doubt about that, but would he be able to have him. Oh well, Levi could always fantasize about him.

    Letting the soap slick up his hand, Levi envisioned Curt on his knees in front of him in the shower. He fisted the other man’s hair as Curt opened his mouth to take Levi’s dick in a long, slow lick from balls to tip. He shuddered as shivers rolled down his back. Curt licked around the head, flicking his tongue relentlessly at the purple top. Levi moaned deep in his throat. His ass clenched wanting Curt to ream him hard, but first he needed this. The slow, aching sucking was driving him crazy.

    With ball clenching precision, Curt pushed a finger into his ass as he licked and sucked the orbs of Levi’s balls between his lips. Cum shot out the end of his dick without warning, coating his abdomen in stripes of white as he slumped against the cold tile of the shower, squeezing his eyes shut to try to calm his racing heart. His vision of Curt disappeared in a wisp of longing.

    He exhaled on a rush, trying to bring his breathing back to normal before he soaped up again to rinse the cum from his abdomen. Getting himself off right now might keep him from jumping the man the next time he saw him, in a heated rush of need. Yeah, maybe not. He still wanted him with every fiber of his being.

    When he finished cleaning himself up, Levi shut the water off, grabbed a towel from the rack hanging by the shower, and dried his skin.

    A beer sounded really good at the moment, anything to numb the pain in his shoulder and the desire in his groin so he could sleep.

    Fifteen minutes later found him strolling through the doors to the bar at the hotel. A sea of cowboy hats filled the area as he looked from one face to the other, trying to find someone he recognized. Several of the other bull riders leaned on the bar, sipping beers, so he headed in that direction.

    The long mahogany sported a brass rail along the bottom, to rest your boots on as you sat at the bar. Rows of bottles graced the back bar with a huge mirror hanging there reflecting the hundreds of people talking and

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