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The Regency ll, Maid for Lust: The Regency, #2
The Regency ll, Maid for Lust: The Regency, #2
The Regency ll, Maid for Lust: The Regency, #2
Ebook130 pages1 hour

The Regency ll, Maid for Lust: The Regency, #2

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This is the second book in the Regency series, in which Mary Bolingbroke tells of her introduction to and the subsequent hiring of her future maid and most treasured friend, Tilly. its been hard to find this volume but it has finally come into my possession in a most fortunate manner and is now produced here for your enjoyment.
As usual, Mary spares little detail in telling of her most surprisingly bawdy escapades during this part of her life. Ribald, humorous and truly licentious, she writes with feeling for those around her and not a little contempt for the kind of man who is easily parted from his silver in return for the service that otherwise would be freely given in any case. a story to be enjoyed at your leisure which is exactly what Mary would have desired..

PublisherCharlie B.
Release dateDec 3, 2015
The Regency ll, Maid for Lust: The Regency, #2

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    The Regency ll, Maid for Lust - Charlie B.

    It has been quite a few weeks since my return from the pleasant town of Bath and the bawdy fun that occurred there during my stay. I will not go into that since I wrote about it in my first book, for there are other more pressing stories to be recounted. The demise of Lady Gormley at my stepmother Charlotte’s hands now complete; though not her physical demise, I hasten to add.

    The woman hardly ever dares show her face again in society after so public and most humiliating a display of her true nature, though there is, perhaps, some notoriety to be had from her insatiable performance at the coaching Inn on the much gossiped about, night in question.

    Of course, such coarse actions could hardly be reported in the newspapers, but the cartoonists have had their happy day with it all, and many bawdy print has changed hands depicting her downfall in, well, let us say a less public manner. But one must still be wary, for a woman scorned, as they say.

    So, my life has returned to its old ways now I’m back home and I am enjoying the overwhelming, though much appreciated, attentions of Roger Gormley in the most secret of circumstances, of course. Discovery by either family would be a most unwanted surprise indeed, as would revelations about my trysts with Thomas, the well-endowed Blackamore, My Stepmothers charge, purchased you will remember, from some villainous slaver in Bristol Port for her own entertainment. Another of my secret lovers, though and most adept and satisfying a one at that, and then there is her footman Tomkins, whose trusty lance can be called upon when I have a craving to play the flute, so to speak.

    Ah, but I forget the stable lads, young and most vigorous in this age-old pursuit. Inexperienced? Yes, but what stamina and reserves of lust they have in plenty. It seems that a mere glimpse of my well-displayed, flesh is all that it takes to bring their fresh, sturdy and seemingly insatiable cocks to most splendid attention. Such fulfilling delight it is to bring them to a stand so readily, and they are so keen to satisfy my own insatiable appetite for sex.

    So, let’s press on from here. I have taken my morning ride, on my hunter not on a man, and now watch with some amusement the dismantling of Lady Gormley’s fallen Tree-House from across the hedging-fence that separate’s our estates. I have often wondered why the thing was built in the first place, but still it is a pleasant chore to watch its demise. Now, having not been granted Roger Gormley’s exuberant company as a result of this demolition, I slowly walk my horse back to the stables in search of other satisfactions. Such willing young lads are always ready to do a lady whatever service she requires, whether it’s taking due care of the horses, or oneself.

    So, in my state of morning arousal, and knowing that such satisfaction is guaranteed in some manner, for such raw young men are certainly not well versed in anything more than the simple fumbling’s of one’s breasts and cunny. This to be followed by an undisciplined and most straightforward fucking. One that closely mirrors that of a stallion in its manner and abruptness. ‘Upskirt and shove it in.’ to be specific. Satisfactory one supposes when all else fails, and all one might wish for at this time of the day, especially if two or even all three of the cheeky rogues are up for a bit of fun. Some oral pursuits on my part adding a little lustre to the proceedings.

    But I am to find that things are not quite as they normally might be this day, for I plainly hear another voice than my sturdy male trio’s, from over the hedgerow. This one most decidedly feminine, and more to the point, loud in its lustfulness. Frowning at this unwanted intrusion into my early morning pastime, I reign in my steed, stand high in the stirrups and thus am able to peer over the intervening hedgerow so as to see just who is getting the benefit of such a good fucking and from whom. Thus, I am privileged to get my first look at young Miss Tilly and in a position that is to become all too familiar to me in the fullness of time. Her dress is pulled up high on her hips, her legs spread wide apart and she bends forward over a hay bale as young Harold gives her his early morning, most erect, young prick, with a gusto he normally reserves for me.

    That do be right good. Push it right in. Do it ‘arder me lad. Gives it to me my lusty boy, you knows as ‘ow I does like it a little rough. Rough she is certainly getting and there in waiting, their cocks bristling with aching need for relief, stand his two companions, Rufus and Mathew. Each it seems equally ready to oblige this wanton Mistress once her initial lover has sprayed his seed all over her curvaceous, up-tilted, bare arse. This wanton Miss, not content it seems with one lusty cock ploughing into her groove, waves the next in line, young Rufus, around before her and then takes his rearing sex-spike in hand and thence on into her mouth before guiding his hands to her large, dangling breasts that hang so invitingly from her open blouse.

    In truth, I don’t know whether to be affronted at this loss of my most desired morning sport, or to be excited at this delectable, voyeuristic delight. In the end I merely urge my horse on into the yard and laugh at the panic struck looks on the lads faces at my sudden appearance among them.

    Zooks, pray don’t stop Harold, do as the girl bids you my lad. See to her needs then. Thrust away say I. Harold grins, then grasps the girl’s curvaceous hips a little more firmly, and then does exactly as I’ve bid him, while the recipient of his efforts twists her head around and stares up at me with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. It is a devilishly attractive face at that. No make-up of course, this is a country girl, but my goodness there is a glint of the mischievous in that pretty face that sets my heart all aflutter with desire.

    Morning Miss, she says with a huge grin across her face, Don’t as ave an ‘orse, so I be taking a goodly ride on the lad’s cocks instead Miss. At this I have to chuckle, what a sassy lass indeed.

    Oh goodness Harold, I cry, dismounting my own steed, Is that the best you can do? My right hand rises and falls, the riding crop whistling through the air, the resounding ’thwack’ of leather on naked flesh sending a shiver through me. Truly it’s a most satisfying one and I am rewarded, as is the wench, with far greater effort on Harold’s part. Indeed, his speed doubles as I raise the crop once more; nothing like a stinging rebuke to a bare arse to stoke up the fires of passion.

    That be it, yes, oh yes. Fuck me ‘arder young sir. That do be exactly what I want, screams the cheeky filly, as Harold trembles up onto his toes as he lets loose his load, within a minute or so.

    Pray look lively now Rufus, your turn now then lad. Slip it in, the lady is waiting, I remonstrate, while waving the crop about most animatedly. He is in her in a trice, but I give him a light lash anyway. It certainly doesn’t hurt to remind them of their place now and again does it? It seems that Rufus is certainly endowed with staying power, something I’ve learnt from my own experiences with him. He can fuck for what seems an age, and yet still not come. All well and good if you don’t need a fast one, but not so good if you fall asleep in the doing of the deed.

    I glance across at Mathew, his erect weapon stiff in his hand, all thick and throbbing as he strokes upon it most fervently. Watching all this for a moment, my eyes fixed on Rufus’s bared arse, his breeches down around his knees and an idea, a very wicked idea, forms in my head. I push Matthew onto the hay bale alongside the rutting duo, take his pulsating prick in hand and begin to coat it in axle grease from the big bucket that stands here. In no time at all he begins groaning under my expert ministrations as his prick stands up most desirably, and it is then I set my eyes again at Rufus’s pale, naked arse.

    The cry from Rufus as Matthew stuffs his erect prick home into that offered up, though not willingly so opening is loud and full of cussing, but Mathew is not to be denied this most tight of all fleshy havens. He begins fucking the others rear with great vigour which in turn induces Rufus to do likewise to the lucky girl.

    Oh, what fun this has turned out to be, and I lightly ply the riding crop to Mathew’s rear so as to urge him on. His deep thrusting’s, in turn, causing Rufus to speed up his own plunder of the squealing girl’s slippery cunny to such a degree that she spills her orgasm with a loud squeal. This has me blocking my ears with my fingers as she thrashes around beneath Rufus whilst he, in turn, receives most of Mathews spurting load straight up his rear though not without loud cries of protest.

    Now this little spectacle brings a smile to my lips, I must admit. I mean, it can be considered mistreatment one might think, of one’s employee’s, but judging by the cries of the participants, I don’t think any complaints will be made to Papa.

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