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The Regency lll, London Lusts: The Regency, #3
The Regency lll, London Lusts: The Regency, #3
The Regency lll, London Lusts: The Regency, #3
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The Regency lll, London Lusts: The Regency, #3

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Over two years have passed since my first book was written and this is now the third book that I have written. Newly published in France and soon to reach our shores, It tells of my visit to Annabella's residence in London Town and of the adventures that I shared there. There is news of Roger Gormley, now a Lord in succession to his departed father and soon to marry one hears.
As you shall see, the London stay was a most arousing and propitious one with many new escapades of a most outrageous nature to be shared. Faith, I must tell that I have many new excitements to titillate you, my readers. There are new lovers, new acquaintances and some surprises in store too to stimulate the mind and one's body too as well as old friends.
So here it is, my book of lusty London Town presented for your arousal and satisfaction.

PublisherCharlie B.
Release dateDec 3, 2015
The Regency lll, London Lusts: The Regency, #3

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Book preview

    The Regency lll, London Lusts - Charlie B.

    Over two years have passed since my first book and this is now the third book that I have written. Newly published in France and soon to reach our shores. It tells of my visit to Arabella’s residence in London Town and of the adventures that I shared there. There is news of Roger Gormley, now a Lord in succession to his departed father and soon to marry one hears.

    As you shall see, the London stay was a most arousing and propitious one with many new escapades of a most outrageous nature to be shared. Faith, I must tell that I have many new excitements to titillate you, my readers. There are new lovers, new acquaintances and some surprises in store too to stimulate the mind and one’s body too as well as old friends.

    So here it is, my book of lusty London Town presented for your arousal and satisfaction. I hope you all enjoy the writings on its pages.

    Mary Bolingbroke


    It is a letter I received in the post that starts this new bawdy adventure. A communication from my dear friend, Arabella Gormley. Yes, the daughter of my Stepmothers arch enemy, whom I had secretly become very attached too. Now it appears, that having read and taken great pleasure from her reading of my last book, she has taken it upon herself to tell me that, ‘I simply must come visit because the bawdy life in London is just so amazing,’ my dearest Mary.

    It seems that, rather like me, she too procures her written erotica from Paris, and has been reading such diverse volumes since her youngest days. How young an age that was from one can only surmise. She has put off any thoughts of marriage until she has sampled all the sensual pleasantries that the city has to offer. Indeed, if her lusty descriptions of her well-endowed lovers, her visits to various dubious, though most exciting entertainments, and her most diverting accounts of what she calls; ‘avaricious deeds of a most debased nature’ are true; well then, there is indeed much merit in considering the idea of such a visit as soon as it might be arranged.

    Her accounts of her amazing nights of pleasure, of the salaciously exotic secret ladies Circes Society, not to mention the new footman she’s recently employed and whom she, it transpires, has seduced into more wickedness than he’s ever enjoyed before, are certainly whetting my somewhat recently jaded appetite to a high degree. I need new pastures to feed on and London society beckons.

    ‘You should see his prick my dearest Mary,’ she writes. ‘I swear a beast of the field would be envious of its impressive dimensions.’ She also describes, in most exciting terms, the attributes of her new maid. A young lady whom she has taken under her wing and whom is slowly educating in the ways of sexually entertaining men. A creole she tells me, who is still a virgin but is already of great mystical beauty and has had a previously sad life, but who is now coming out of herself thanks to Arabella’s care and support. ‘She promises to be a most accommodating lover in time if her avariciousness matches her flowering beauty’ adds Arabella.

    Well, as you can imagine, my head has begun to whirl with interest as I again read her exciting letter, and between my thighs my heated cunny throbs with re-energised need. In moments my dress is pulled up to waist-high, my legs spread asunder and my fingers find their educated way to the source of so much of the pleasure that I enjoy in my daily dalliances with men, and yes, some fair ladies too.

    I think to call Lily, my stepmother’s lady in waiting, but then I remember that it is Papa’s reading hour and that she will be occupied with him. His reading? Why the very same erotic works that I so enjoy. The descriptions of salacious romping read to him by young Lily because of his failing eyesight meaning that she lends her own eyes to the bawdy text nowadays. She also tells me that, and this in great secret, she has to pleasure him at the same time with her sweet breasts revealed for his tactile pleasure. Her dress pulled wide open so that he may squeeze and play with her duckie’s as his desire rises. An arduous task since ‘he is slow, most exceedingly slow to arise,’ she says, His monetary rewards are most welcome, so she does the deed quite willingly and in turn becomes so aroused by the intoxicating texts that her fingers often wander up under her own dress so as to satisfy her lusty excitement.

    She tells me this with much mirth and adds that upon the removal of her dainty fingers from his cock in order to turn the pages, he cries out ‘oh’ in disappointment, then ‘ah’ as she resumes her deft handiwork. She does though omit to tell me what he says upon completion of the deed, but maybe it’s better not to know of such things where one’s own father is concerned, don’t you think?

    So, having satisfied my ardour to a satisfactory level with my delving digits, and after reading of Arabella’s further lewd exploits, which I will not recount here for that would totally spoil the anticipation of future chapters for you, my readers, I must write my reply and begin to make my plans for the excursion to London.

    Now there are two most necessary personages’ that a lady requires when venturing on such a journey. The first I already have, my ladies-maid Tilly. A most capable young woman possessing a most avaricious nature that extends to both men and the ladies too. A local girl that I have told of previously. Of reasonable education to boot and who, despite her lowly upbringing, has turned out to be an amazing and most pleasurable companion, and who has therefore already shared many of the lusty adventures that I wrote of in my second volume, you will recall. I now call her up to my room in order to discuss the other requirement that we simply had to have. A footman. This really is someone that I will need, and whom I will require to have certain qualifications that will suit my own requirements in particular.

    Tilly duly arrives, somewhat flushed from her reading, and I cause her great excitement as I tell her of the impending visit to London Town. When she has regained a measure of self-control, we set ourselves down to make a list of our, yes, our since we certainly want someone that we both find agreeable, necessary requirements.

    La, Miss Mary, but ‘e must be tall. Six foot tall at least an’ ‘ansome and strong an’…..

    Of course Tilly, but how shall we find such a man? Let’s not forget the other needs we shall have. The one’s that will add great satisfaction to our visit and beyond, should he turn out to be accommodating in a manner that will please us most greatly.

    Oh yes Miss Mary. Yes, ‘e ‘as to also ‘ave a big cock. That is so very much to be desired. A most satisfying member so ‘as to satisfy our needs is a most requisite necessity to be sure.

    I smile at her exclamation. Faith woman, that is a given is it not? I retort. No less than eight, thick inches in length and with great powers of recovery," I add, with a grin on my face.

    Oh indeed, she giggles, Eyes growing wide before she puts a hand to her mouth as if stifling her forwardness.

    But how shall we procure such a man? Aha, perhaps an advertisement in the Bristol News? I’ve heard it’s a great way of procuring staff these days.

    Splendid, she cries. We should despatch such a letter to them immediately. Oh what excitements we shall ‘ave.

    Well perhaps not immediately. Now, tell me Tilly? Has all this talk not aroused you a little? Do you feel the need for a little fun, my sweet maid?

    La, yes, Miss Mary. I be fair wet with excitement now.

    Then should we summon one of the stable lads do you think? Perhaps that new young man, the one with the blond hair? I hear he has quite a reputation with the ladies? I have to stifle a chuckle at my words, for Tilly turns quite red upon hearing my most forward suggestion. A blanching I had well anticipated because I know that the pair have tumbled together already. In truth I am now feeling most mischievous and I wonder how she will feel if I were to take him on right now, right before her. The thought is most tempting indeed, however, I will spare her embarrassment because Tomkins, Charlotte’s footman, suddenly knocks upon the door and enters with news of a visitor.

    His card ma’am, he mutters, running his eyes over both of us floozies with not a little interest. You will of course know that I have dallied with the man in the past, but my Stepmother Charlotte has since told me, ‘hands off,’ and ‘that I should procure my own lovers.’ Well perchance, here is such a possible one come to our rescue. A gentleman from the procurer of my erotic books, Messrs Barnaby and Donnelly who are based in the fair town of Bath.

    Zooks, show him in Tomkins, post haste, I respond, for second only to my excitement at a new conquest is the latest delivery of the most explicit of books from Paris. Oh how I relish and devour such books; each lusty word lingering in my mind and serving to stoke my own desire to record my lusty adventures for all time.

    So here we sit; two aroused hussies ripe for the taking. Our faces expectant with welcoming smiles, for we two are well versed in the wiles of seduction. We hope we are not to be disappointed.

    Nicholas Donnelly, Ma’am.

    I have to declare that I consciously lick my lips at this amazingly handsome man’s perfectly acceptable appearance. He carries his hat and riding crop in his hand, wears a tailored coat of dark green, and his breeches are well-fitting and show his lower form off in a manner much to our liking. He has spatters of mud on his legs and boots; testimony to his horse ride from Bath and his dark, curly, slightly tousled hair gives him a look of deep mystery that immediately seems to raise higher levels of desire in both myself and Tilly too, no doubt.

    Mary Bolingbroke, he asks, bowing slightly as he casts his eyes over Tilly before finding me, and I sense a stronger sense of mischief come over myself.

    Goodness no, I’m Tilly her maid. This is Miss Mary, I reply, stifling a giggle as Tilly stares at me in shocked surprise. I wink whilst managing to supress a smile. This is going to be fun indeed.

    Now for those of you who haven’t read my previous books, I should indeed describe both myself and dear Tilly, since some descriptive prose will allow you to picture us both as you progress through my story and will add a

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