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Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones
Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones
Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones
Ebook30 pages20 minutes

Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones

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"...Every time I read it I teared up a bit at the end. I love a book that moves me even after a few readings. Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones is just such a story for me. It's a tale grownups can relate to and kids can learn from and be inspired by." ~ Jessica West

A tale about a boy and his dog, about bullies and soggy soup bones, and about finding courage in the unlikeliest of places. 

I remember the fear that goes with being bullied. A palpable fear that is both pervasive and unrelenting, even when you do stand up for yourself. This is a story about finding courage despite that fear.

Release dateDec 1, 2014
Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones

Woelf Dietrich

As a kid he consumed books and comics by the truckloads, reading anything from fantasy to westerns to science fiction. He wrote his first short story at 12 and soon began creating his own comic books, drawing little stick figures with dialogue balloons that later evolved into musclebound warriors and scantly clad vixens. He gave them battle axes and broadswords and unleashed them onto the world. A silent chaos ensued followed by crickets chirping and nothing much else. Alas, life kept interfering and he allowed it, and so nothing came from his artistic endeavours. After graduating high school he served a year in the military where he learned how to dig trenches, eat quickly, and miss girls. He then travelled to Israel and lived on a Kibbutz for eight months, working in avocado fields and drinking cheap vodka. For a while there he sold pots and pans and educational toys in Africa and almost got shot in Zimbabwe. He did a brief stint as a cartoonist somewhere and an even briefer stint as reporter somewhere else. Somehow, and maybe by accident, he ended up in law school and became a lawyer. He did that for almost a decade. These days he's back to writing stories. A calling he ignored for far too long. He lives in New Zealand now, and with a wife and kids, and a dog, he is staying put for the foreseeable future.

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    Book preview

    Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones - Woelf Dietrich

    Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones

    Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones

    A Short Story

    Woelf Dietrich

    Wo3lfMad Books


    Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones

    Also by Woelf Dietrich

    An Excerpt from The Seals of Abgal

    Note from the Author


    About the Author

    Text copyright © 2014 by Woelf Dietrich

    All rights reserved

    Second Edition

    The author greatly appreciates your taking the time to read his work. Please consider leaving a review, or telling your friends about the author’s book, to help spread the word. The author thanks you for your support

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either entirely the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    For more information about the author, please visit:

    Dedicated to those who were bullied and to those who are bullied.

    When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    As a kid , I wanted to be a superhero like the ones in comic books I read. I envied Superman’s power of flight to soar through the sky and travel into space. I would see myself speeding across our oceans, without fear of drowning or getting lost, dipping my hand in the water as I sped over a sea of green-blue, the rush of

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