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Hot Dino Girls 2
Hot Dino Girls 2
Hot Dino Girls 2
Ebook97 pages1 hour

Hot Dino Girls 2

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On an alternate Earth populated by human-dinosaur hybrids, normal human Mike Ardavan works as handyman and herdmaster at Niska's Bed and Breakfast Inn. He shares his life and bed with two curvy Apotosaur women twice his size, the mature and earthy Niska as well as her young and eager assistant Lorika.

Trouble looms as Anaika, a Triceratops hybrid, joins on as the Inn's new cook. Lorika experiences unfamiliar jealousy and resentment toward the newcomer, until a stunning revelation changes everything and leads to unexpected danger.

Contains sexy shenanigans and explicit romantic naughtiness. Adult readers only!

PublisherPaul Lucas
Release dateDec 6, 2015
Hot Dino Girls 2

Paul Lucas

I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, just a few snow drifts away from Buffalo, NY. I am a life long science fiction and fantasy fan, and avidly keep up on developments in the fields of science, technology, and ancient cultures.Currently I am a freelance writer and artist, with fifteen years of experience in the field. In 1998 I had a tabletop RPG published, and in 2005 my first novel CREATURA came out. My shorter works have seen the light of day in publications such as Strange Horizons, Afterburn, Tales of the Talisman, Fables, and others. Currently I do a lot of personal commissions and ghost writing work.

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    Hot Dino Girls 2 - Paul Lucas


    Paul Lucas

    Copyright 2015 Paul Lucas

    Cover Illustration by Paul Lucas

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    Smashwords Edition

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    Other Books in the HOT DINO GIRLS series



    The seven-and-a-half-foot dinosaur hybrid smiled as she bent down, hands on knees. Are you ready, Mr. Nakamura?

    The older human's jaw hung open as his eyes drilled directly into the deep valley of the Saurian's green-yellow cleavage, barely kept from spilling out by her low-cut homespun shift. His wife beside him swore crossly in Japanese and smacked him hard on the shoulder. He sheepishly tore his eyes away. Y-yes, I am ready. Thank you, Ms. Lorika.

    It took Lorika a moment to process his words. English was not a native language for either of them, and she and the Nakamuras spoke it with wildly different accents. It had taken most of the couple's four-day stay for Lorika to fully understand them without excessive repetition.

    Nineteen-year-old Lorika's hybrid race was patterned after the dinosaur species Apatosaurus. Her genetic make-up was over ninety-nine percent human, but with select features of the dinosaur grafted on for various purposes.

    The young woman sported a long neck and a blunt angular head with a small snout. Her facial features proved very human-like and expressive, centered on large, very intelligent green eyes. Three fingered hands terminated her arms and a long, sinuous tail sprouted from just above her backside.

    She towered above both humans by some two feet and weighed three hundred pounds. Her form sported very feminine curves for all her size, with full breasts and wide, muscular hips and legs.

    Lorika turned around and squatted down. She leaned to her rear and Mr. Nakamura climbed tentatively onto her broad back. She looped his legs into her arms and lifted him up piggyback-style, being careful of his bandaged foot. His arms hung loosely over her shoulders on either side of her long neck.

    Watch where you put your hands, you old pervert, Mrs. Nakamura snapped in english. From her tone she meant it as much as a warning for Lorika as an admonition for her husband.

    I do not want to put my arms around her throat and strangle the young woman, the human male said. Of course I could hold on to her front at a lower point...

    Mrs. Nakamura smacked him in the thigh and crossed her arms in a huff.

    If we're all ready then? Lorika said diplomatically. The older couple nodded. She carried Mr. Nakamura out of the room, with his wife following close behind.

    You are so strong! the human woman said with admiration. And you have already done so much, carrying all our bags down as well. Are you sure my husband is not a burden?

    Not at all, Mrs. Nakamura. My breed was originally created by the Makers of Form to be laborers. I could handle much heavier loads if need be. In fact, I used to be carried around like this by my mother when I was little. She ducked her head down. Not that I mean to imply you were a child, Mr. Nakamura.

    Ah, if only I was, he mused. I would not be having such a severe attack of my arthritis.

    Does this happen often?

    Often enough. But this time is my own fault. We went for too many walks in the amazing forests around your inn, and when the air turned cold this morning, my ankle vigorously voiced its protests.

    Stubborn old lizard, Mrs. Nakamura said. I said you should have rested more.

    And miss walking on an alien world with the bride I married all those years ago? The woods were beautiful, but not as lovely as her.

    Mrs. Nakamura kept her expression immobile. S-stubborn old lizard, she repeated, but in a significantly softer voice.

    The trio made their way through the curving stone-lined corridor. Niska's Bed and Breakfast Inn had originally been built as a lighthouse over a millennium ago, a circular stone tower that reached up over two hundred feet on a cliff face overlooking the ocean. They descended the curving ramp leading to the ground floor, and then out into the open where a hovercraft waited to return the Nakamuras to the human Crossworlds base.

    Beside the large vehicle stood Mike and Niska, talking to the hovercraft driver Miranda. Niska was an Apatosaur hybrid like Lorika, but half a foot taller and much bustier.

    Mike was the Inn's only resident male, and consequently the alpha male of their small three-person herd. Niska and Lorika were both his sexual partners. It did not bother either Saurian woman that he was a human from a parallel Earth, or significantly smaller than either at only five foot ten. He worked diligently to make sure their small group was prosperous and safe, and to a Saurian female that mattered more than anything. The fact that their 'herdmaster' worked equally hard at satisfying them both sexually did not hurt, either.

    Lorika settled Mr. Nakamura into the passenger seat. His wife took the young woman aside for a moment. I want to thank you, Miss Lorika, for being so helpful to us during our stay. And to apologize for my husband's leering.

    The Apatosaur hybrid blinked. He was leering?

    Mrs. Nakamura sighed. To be young again. But I want to thank you properly. I know it is the American custom to give a tip, so... She reached into her purse and pulled out a handful of human currency.

    Lorika held up her hands. Oh, no, Mrs. Nakamura. It is my herdmaster who is American, not me. And even so, I can't take your money. I helped because I wanted to. I don't need extra money to be kind or to do a good job.

    For the first time during her entire stay, Mrs. Nakamura cracked a genuine smile. She put away the money and gently patted the Saurian's hand. You would make a good Japanese girl.

    Lorika had no idea what to make of that, but thanked the older woman anyway.

    What do you think she meant? Lorika asked Mike ten minutes later. They

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