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Spirit Guide Connection 101: Basics and Exercises for Beginners
Spirit Guide Connection 101: Basics and Exercises for Beginners
Spirit Guide Connection 101: Basics and Exercises for Beginners
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Spirit Guide Connection 101: Basics and Exercises for Beginners

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Do you want to connect with your Spirit Guides?

This book is based on the workshop, Spirit Guide Connection, taught by author Dee Woolridge, CIHt, CLC, RMT. For many years she taught students how to connect with their beloved spirit team and to begin to live a more aware, and in many cases, easier life. Now, this knowledge is available to everyone in the form of an easy to understand book.

This book is a beginner’s manual for those who are curious about and want to learn how to connect with their spirit guides. It answers questions about who your guides are, the type of guides you may have, and many other questions that beginners have about spirit guide communication. There are chapters on angels, ego versus intuition, animal guides and more. The book gives you prayers and guides you through grounding and centering exercises. To help you connect, it introduces journaling, automatic writing and other exercises to help tune-in, and communicate with your guides. The exercises teach you how to tap into your intuition and record what you feel, hear, see, smell and even taste.

Once you connect and become familiar with your guides, your life journey changes to a more enlightened and fulfilled one.

PublisherDee Woolridge
Release dateNov 29, 2015
Spirit Guide Connection 101: Basics and Exercises for Beginners

Dee Woolridge

Dee Woolridge is the founder of The Heart Centered Institute, LLC where teaching is focused on new thought, personal growth, and transformation. A natural intuitive and people person, she has spent over 28 years in public service to her country and community as a Navy public affairs officer, both active duty and Reserve. Her private sector practice as a hypnotherapist, spiritual counselor, life coach, and energy healer originated over 25 years ago with the premature birth of her daughter diagnosed with autism. She studied meditation, energy therapy, spirituality, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, nutrition and other modalities to aid in the healing process of her family. Her work with Spirit Guides has been instrumental in her navigation through life. A post cancer thriver, she shares her story of healing when she speaks around the country on topics such as Spirit Guide connection, forgiveness, and breaking negative patterns. “Learning to tap into the energy to hear my guides saved my life. It made my life easier. I’m inspired by their Divine presence each day and I’m honored to teach others how to tap into to their own guidance.”

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    Book preview

    Spirit Guide Connection 101 - Dee Woolridge

    Spirit Guide Connection 101

    Basics and Exercises for Beginners

    Dee Woolridge CIHt, CLC, RMT

    Spirit Guide Connection 101

    Basics and Exercises for Beginners

    Copyright © 2015 by Dee Woolridge

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN: 9781311456007

    All Rights Reserved

    This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    For inquiries or consultation, visit The Heart Centered Institute on the link below:


    Edited by Eeva Lancaster

    Cover and Book Interior by The Book Khaleesi


    To my incredible husband and life partner Lee, the beautiful soul who allowed me space and time to learn, grow and follow spirit. Your support is unwavering. Thank you for believing in me and for being in my life. You’re so very awesome and I love you.

    To my daughter Jasmine. Your birth sparked the beginning of my true awareness of spirit and for that I am eternally grateful.

    To Mary Jo - my friend, mentor, my earth angel. Your teachings inspired me to open up even more to spirit and write this book. You are a true instrument of the Divine.

    To my best friend and sister Debbie. Words can’t express what you mean to me. Thank you for always having my back.

    And finally to my friends and family whom I’ve learned from, laughed and cried with, and grew with. I thank you for choosing to be on this journey with me.

    I love you.

    Table of Contents

    My Spirit Guide, Thomas the Lion


    Chapter 1

    What Spirit Guides Are and Their Purpose

    Chapter 2

    Nature Spirit Guides

    Chapter 3

    Angelic Guides and the Nine Celestial Choirs

    Chapter 4

    Specialty Guides

    Chapter 5

    How to Communicate When Your Spirit Guides Appear

    Chapter 6

    Intuition, Ego, Logic, and the Higher Self. What’s the Difference?

    Chapter 7

    How to Connect with Your Guides (Exercises in Direct Connection)

    Author’s Note

    About the Author

    My Spirit Guide, Thomas the Lion

    The lion on the cover is the likeness of my Spirit Animal Guide, Thomas. I came to know Thomas during a time in my life when I was working hard seven days a week to build my practice and brand. I had a radio show, classes, workshops, clients, products to sell, speaking engagements, and mentoring. Along with that, I was dealing with tumultuous family matters. I was trying to please everyone. I hardly said no, and I was not taking care of myself. I felt alone, vulnerable, and burnt out. People were taking advantage of me, and I wanted to give up. No one knew, because on the outside I seemed to have everything together. Yet on the inside, I was falling apart from the stress. I was close to a break down.

    My dreams had become disturbing to the point where I didn’t want to sleep. I would stay up and work until my body forced me to sleep from total exhaustion. One particular night, I dreamt I was on the edge of a cliff with only two ways down. One, a long, rocky, steep, dangerous crawl down the mountain side to the bottom. The other, a nose dive from the top of the cliff to my impendent death. At the bottom of the cliff was a crowd of angry villagers yelling, pushing, and shoving… wanting something from me. They represented the chaos in my mind and in my life. Looking down at the villagers gave me such anguish. The thought of climbing down the rocky mountain gave me an equal amount of torment.

    In the dream, I split into three. One of me took a look down into the crowd, then a look at the dangerous climb down. Suddenly, this me deliberately fell forward off the cliff straight down to the ground to what seemed certain death. The other me watched in horror, then raced down the mountain as fast as she could, stumbling, scratched and scraped by the rocks. She was terrified of the unstable decent, and for what she would find at the bottom.

    At the bottom, the unruly villagers circled around, none extending help, as one of me kneeled down next to the other. I was angry at my jumper self, and frightened that she was dead. I was surprised to find that the part of me lying there was not dead yet, she didn’t care if she was or not. The part of me that raced down the mountain screamed at the jumper, What is wrong with you!? Why did you do that!? She replied, only lifting a hand and flopping it back down to the ground in defeat, I don’t want to do it anymore. I give up. It’s too hard. All parts of me felt this. Even the third part still standing on the cliff. That third part of me became childlike and retreated into a cave behind her. Although it was dark and scary, it was safer than what was outside of it. The villagers, the mountain, the cliff, the fall, the surrender. It was too much to bear. I remember sobbing in the dream, and going deeper and deeper into the cave… and deeper and deeper into despair. I thought I would never come out of this cave until it was safe.

    This is when Thomas appeared. He walked in the darkness, yet I saw him clearly as there was light all around him. I realized that I was the one in the darkness. He spoke to me and said, I am here to help you. I resisted. I said, Help me do what? I’m not going back out there. Thomas told me he was there to help me face whatever challenges were before me. He would be there for support and encouragement. He would lend me his courage and strength. I still resisted. So, we communed for what seemed like

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