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The Sound Of Her Crying
The Sound Of Her Crying
The Sound Of Her Crying
Ebook174 pages2 hours

The Sound Of Her Crying

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About this ebook

Country artist, Annabelle Houston is sick of living in fear. Ever since she was attacked some fifteen years earlier, by Cain Talbot, who left her crying after he was done assaulting her. She hasn’t been the same. Annabelle has been making plans though, and she’s out for blood...
Cain Talbot is in for a shock when he is lured in to a trap, set by a mysterious and beautiful woman. When he goes missing, Detective Blue Kenningston tries to find him, and bring the perpetrator to justice, but after finding out about Cain Talbots past, he decides to dig a little deeper...
John Johnson warden over the local prison, (and former army ranger), receives a rather disturbing phone call that will change his peaceful living, and put him in the arms of danger, as well as the arms of his longtime crush, Annabelle Houston. Will John risk it all to help Annabelle?

PublisherKelly Jarrell
Release dateDec 11, 2015
The Sound Of Her Crying

Kelly Jarrell

I am a seasoned songwriter, and a newly published author. I will be working on the sequel to, "The Sound Of Her Crying". I am also a recording artist, and I enjoy writing more than anything. I am a widow, and I have 2 grown beautiful Daughters, "Ash", and "Jess", whom I love very much. I am excited about this new journey in my life, and I hope you are pleased with my work.Sincerely,Kelly Aylor Jarrell

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    The Sound Of Her Crying - Kelly Jarrell


    Copyright © 2015 Kelly Jarrell

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    For Sandy Brookover, who believed in me. For Jess and Ash for loving me, and for my mom, who always let me cry. For every survivor of sexual assault. I hope you enjoy Annabelle’s story…

    Kelly J.







    May 2014 Circuit Courtroom B, Floyd Co. Ky. Judge Stacy Marshall


    Day One- Parker’s Grocery Store December 15, 2012

    Out in the rain

    Naughty and Nice

    The getaway

    Memory Lane


    Talbot Household (Meet Olivia)

    Comfort Me

    I’ll get that

    Day Two

    The Kiss

    Wake Up

    Hello Mama

    Ky. State Police

    There you are


    When I wake up


    Talbot Estate

    Day Three-Welcome to hell


    Talbot Household

    Shut up

    Oh the tears

    Talbot House

    Hamilton House

    Saying goodbye

    Admit it


    Day four

    Got to get away

    Turn the tables

    It’s over

    The Sound Of Her Crying




    I want to thank God for making this story come to pass. I want to thank my family for putting up with me, and my friends, for believing in me. A special thank you to John Johnson, for allowing me to use him as one of my characters, and for deep-fried pickles. I want to thank Carole Johnson for her never-failing friendship, as well as Johnathon Bystra. Thank you, Carsten Sommer, for the times you fed me, listened to me, and held my hand while I cried. Your friendship means everything to me. Thank you Chris, Michelle Earp Brant, Avery Smith, Jason Deckard, Byron, Carolyn, Rhonda, and Stephanie- My Mama, and aunt Joyce for being my biggest support system, my sister Tammy King, for the idea, Miss Mary Stepp, who urged me to write this book, my late husband, whom I miss every day, and Zane, who puts up with my craziness. But most of all, I want to thank every survivor of Rape & domestic violence. I hope you enjoy Annabelle’s story…

    Kelly J.


    In that moment, she was Judge, Jury, and Executioner. A feeling of euphoria came over her, and it was then-in the midst of her hysterical laughter-that it happened. Once again, she became detached from reality. However, she wasn't the naive, helpless victim again. No; this time she had all the power and his fate lay in her hands. She was just one, among the many victims, that he had destroyed, so brutally. He had not only taken her innocence, but also her belief in all good things to come. By his own hands, he had snuffed out all of her beliefs, dreams, and faith. But as she rapidly fell into a downward spiraling of her sense of right and wrong, she took great pleasure, in looking at him, in the eyes. Annabelle breathed in the scent of HIS fear. Finally, she felt the start of redemption. As for him, well, he would pray for death to come swiftly-But to a God whom he never knew...

    Chapter 1

    May 2014 Circuit Courtroom B, Floyd Co. Ky. Judge Stacy Marshall

    Annabelle Houston sat directly behind the Defendant, who was on trial for the murder of, Cain Talbot, just one month shy of a year ago. The Defendant's wife, seated right beside Annabelle, visibly shook as she cried, and Annabelle took her hand in hers, as they watched the Juror's filing back into the courtroom, together. Both women sent up a silent prayer, as the Juror's filled their seats, for the last time.

    A frenzied mix of different conversations began to surround the courtroom. But to Annabelle, it was like being in a tunnel, with no beginning, or end, just a cruel mocking of faceless, and nameless, individuals, whose conversations blended together, which created a rather disturbing sound that only escalated the pain of her migraine.

    Her palms began to sweat, and she gripped the hand of the woman beside her, only loosening her hold, when the lady fidgeted in obvious pain, and discomfort. Annabelle looked at her, with eyes full of remorse. After all, mere words failed her now, but the lady patted Annabelle's hand, and with tears in her wisdom-filled eyes, put her arm around the back of her seat, and managed a weak smile, just for Annabelle. They both were startled, when the bailiff came in and asked everyone present, to stand, for the Honorable Judge Stacy.

    Judge Stacy was quite an impressionable man in his black cloak. Tall, dark and handsome, he was, and Annabelle had felt his stare upon her throughout the trial for the last four weeks.

    The Judge announced, You may be seated. Thank you. The courtroom eerily went silent, as tension built up, like an old locomotive. Everyone sat on the edge of their seats, for the reading of the verdict.

    Mr. Foreman, of the jury, please stand, and give us your verdict. The Judge commanded. And while the Foreman stood, as well as the defendant, everyone went rock still as the foreman began reading off the verdicts from kidnapping, to Capital murder. But the only sound made in the courtroom, that all present, could easily hear, was the sound of her crying...

    Chapter 2

    Day One- Parker’s Grocery Store December 15, 2012

    7:30 A.M.

    Cain Talbot had spent the last two hours running errands for his mother, Olivia Talbot. Although he despised these simple tasks, he would never let his dear mother know it. Cain knew his mother favored him above all his ten siblings’, and she demonstrated her love and loyalty to him. Yes, Olivia had gotten him out of many a run-in with the law. Cain laughed silently, to himself; she NEVER failed to believe in him, no matter how many slut's lied about him throughout the years.

    Cain walked down the grocery aisle picking up everything his mother needed, when he absentmindedly looked up into one of the stores various mirrors. And that's when he caught her staring at him. Although he was in his late forties, he knew that didn't matter, because women wanted him. A lot of women. Standing at 6'2", and 210 pounds, he still had it! Thanks to good genes, and a life of ease, he had aged very well, in his opinion. Although his brown hair was now showing signs of gray, his eyes a little smaller and the color green had lost its brilliance, he accepted that with grace. His body, once rock hard, was now softer, and his muscles had turned soft over the years. But, all in all, he was still a very attractive man, he thought. Besides, it wasn't the looks only that made him so desirable. He had a natural charm that seemed to attract all women. He was a ladies’ man, and nobody-NOBODY-stood in his way when he wanted something, or someone. Like now. However, through the mirror, he was limited as to what he could see. So, he pivoted on both heels, and took her in, her from head to toe.

    She froze, in mid-step, as soon as his eyes landed on her. She looked so.... Ridiculous! She wore an over-sized hat with a wide brim, and a pair of gigantic sun glasses, that were so big in the lenses, she looked like a bug. Her hair, a platinum blonde color, was visible, as it lay like a fan against her beautiful, petite face, somehow making her look quite childish to him. He was frustrated that he couldn't see her eyes, because of the damnable sunglasses covering them. But Damn her, for looking so alluring! Her face was not typically beautiful, but then, he'd never saw a woman before her, that was beyond beautiful.

    Until HER. Until NOW!

    How utterly odd, he thought, but then he saw her mouth, and it more than made up for the hidden eyes. All he could see was a perfectly kissable mouth, with her lips in a cherry-stained pout. He then noticed her high cheek-bones, and her mahogany colored skin was kissed by the sun, giving her the complexion of an Indian. But this woman was no Indian. Her platinum hair should have been darker than her skin. Although he was not in the least attracted to blondes, he could sense there was something about this woman that could make any man crazy with wanting her, and he knew she wanted him, and liked what she was seeing.(no matter that he couldn't actually see her eyes behind those damnable glasses) He slowly turned, extending one arm in a grand gesture, so that she was no longer behind him. He knew she felt it-the raw chemistry as she timidly reached past him, to pick up a few golden apples. Her arm brushed his. She shivered.

    He smiled, noticing how she trembled for him. Pride filled every pore of his body. She was flustered by his close proximity to her, and the knowledge of that connected straight to his shaft, and he began to twitch in pleasurable discomfort. But he wasn't embarrassed. On the contrary, he was pumped and primed!

    He tried to take in the full sight of her, but in such close proximity, it wasn't that easy. And even though he hated the damn sunglasses, it occurred to him that this woman hiding behind them was both alluring, AND mysterious.

    Annabelle stepped back quickly, after the brushing of his arm with hers, and just stood there. Staring. But even in her frozen pose, Cain knew she was openly assessing his personal inventory-Inventory that had nothing to do with what was in his shopping cart.

    He watched, like a predator; he was fascinated by her. When she visibly pulled her slender shoulders back, and notched her chin a few notches higher, he smiled his approval, and wondered if that powerful stance was meant for him-done deliberately. For some reason, she smiled too, but the smile didn't come across as friendly, he noticed.

    He chuckled, as he moved his cart over, offering her to step ahead of him at the register up front. She took the space quickly, leaving a cloud of perfume in his nostrils. She smelled...Heavenly, he thought. She seemed to be eager, as if rushed, only to place one item at a time, upon the rolling conveyor belt. He took one step back, allowing him the pleasure of assessing, her personal inventory from what he could actually see, since she stood in front of her cart, facing it, and him behind it, as she started by sorting her items into groups; dairy, meats, dry foods, and fruits and veggies.

    Annabelle thought hard, as she placed items into grouping's. She knew she had to make this happen. And soon! She made a point of reaching deeply into the cart, to ensure Cain would see her breasts, and keep his tongue wagging, much like the dog he was, until she could ensure he would fall into her plan effortlessly. She knew she was playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with him, but what did she have to lose now? Absolutely nothing! You can't lose what you don't have, she reminded herself. She felt his eyes on her, even before she actually saw them. As she took her time, and his attention, she could see him smoothing his hand down the fly of his jeans.

    He did this twice, and the end result was a bulging cock straining against his fly with a very noticeable wet spot, that actually made her giddy with pleasure, as she raised her eyes to meet his, and gave him a smile to rival the sun's brilliance!

    She slowly, and deliberately placed only one item on the conveyor belt, waiting until it came to a stop, before adding yet another, single item on the belt. She had the nerve to do every single item in her cart this way. The girl was rude as hell, but he loved it!

    Oh he knew he should have been angry. Annoyed at the very least! But no, he was actually amused, with her antics, because he knew she wanted him. This was proof, if ever he needed any. So it never bothered him-this rude, crazy, beautiful woman! His eyes stayed trained on her now. As he let his gaze fall upon her, he could feel the blood rushing down to his shaft. Again!

    She was in a black tailored, 2-piece suit. He knew it was tailored; by the way it fit her like a second skin. The jacket should have been buttoned better, to conceal her full breasts, and he knew by her choosing of clothes, that she was just another one of many who had asked for it. But who was he to turn down a sneak peek at the top of her white camisole, exposing the fleshy top of both full breasts-like globes of two grapefruits held together? He'd do anything to confirm how they would feel and taste, in his mouth, right now. The further she bent down in the cart for each item, the hungrier he became.

    Annabelle realized he had only seen

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