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The Realms of War 14: Secrets of the Glass Mountain
The Realms of War 14: Secrets of the Glass Mountain
The Realms of War 14: Secrets of the Glass Mountain
Ebook64 pages43 minutes

The Realms of War 14: Secrets of the Glass Mountain

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The Horde is in shambles and the Humans try to reform their alliances. Robyn, the sworn protector of Queen Grace, solemly looks out at the battlefield. She has an inner desire to continue journeying and wiping all remnants of the Horde.

Her encounter with a Shifter, Zartanian, has made her even more inquisitive of the world outside of her castle. When Queen Grace tells her to go and seek the Shifters, Robyn is hesitant at first. However, her childhood friend and now ruler of her home orders her to go. Robyn accepts and leaves for the mysterious Glass Mountain where the Shifters reside.

However, along the way, she encounters many dangerous Trolls and Goblins that possess the powerful aphrodisiac known as the Call of the Krakenos. As she journeys South, she fights through the members of the Horde but she cannot seem to find this mysterious mountain. Does Robyn succeed in finding and unlocking the secrets of the Glass Mountain?

PublisherJenna Powers
Release dateDec 13, 2015
The Realms of War 14: Secrets of the Glass Mountain

Jenna Powers

Jenna Powers is a sultry executive assistant by day who lets her fantasies come true through erotica writing by night.

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    The Realms of War 14 - Jenna Powers

    Secrets of the Glass Mountain

    Book 14 of the Realms of War

    By Jenna Powers

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright Jenna Powers

    Discover other titles by Jenna Powers at

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    © 2015 Jenna Powers

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    All characters in this story are above the age of 18.

    Robyn quietly stared off as the sun set over the mountains. She sighed, feeling happy that she was back in Orderon but at the same time, empty and concerned. There were small flumes of smoke in the distance, where soldiers were marking how far they had traveled for the day.

    The scattered members of the Horde were still a dangerous adversary that had to be cleared. She turned as she heard footsteps approach. Robyn quickly got on one knee as she saw her former Princess, now Queen, Grace.

    My Lady Grace, Robyn greeted.

    Robyn, seriously? Just call me Grace already. I'm tired of all these titles, Grace replied, rolling her eyes.

    As a soldier of Orderon, I would not be able to abide by that request, Robyn answered.

    Oh please... Don't make me create a formal decree that allows only you to do so. I know how much you love being singled out, Grace laughed.

    My Lady... Robyn said, shaking her head.

    Come on Robyn, get up, Grace ordered.

    Robyn quickly got to her feet and smiled. Grace made her way to the balcony and looked out.

    Can you believe it? Actual peace after all that... Grace started.

    Not absolute peace. The Horde still roams the areas, Robyn replied.

    Indeed... But not something our current army can't handle. But you... Robyn, I feel like something is ailing you. What is it? Grace inquired.

    Robyn sighed and stared out at the landscape. She leaned against the railing and glanced over at Grace.

    It's... I think we're making a mistake trying to rebuild Orderon. Staying here... I feel like we will stagnate again while the Horde continues to rebuild and grow stronger out there. And even if the Horde were not to attack, there will always be corruption. We care more about politics and power than we do about true peace, Robyn replied.

    Some would say that's the price for peace... stupidity, Grace said with a smile.

    Robyn smiled along with her as she continued staring out at the trees and mountains in the distance.

    I feel as though Aewyn and her sister were in the right. We should have followed them, Robyn continued.

    Grace nodded and lightly rubbed Robyn's arm. The decision to remain in Orderon had been Grace's. After they had all escaped, Aewyn and Leila had pleaded with them to go across the seas to rebuild there. As they found more and more survivors, Grace had made the decision to return home with her people, much to Robyn's dismay.

    You're a free spirit Robyn... I can't hold you here. You should continue your journey, Grace offered.

    No, I have sworn my life to protect the Royal lineage of Orderon, Robyn replied.

    And I'm freeing you of your obligations. As Queen, I believe I am more than capable of making that decision, Grace said.

    Robyn looked over at her, stunned. But... this is what I do...

    Yes, it's what you've always done Robyn, protect. Now go do something that calls out to you.

    But Aewyn and Leila have long gone off to their paths, Robyn replied.

    There's something else you've wanted Robyn. Even before we went our separate ways, you wanted to go south, Grace said.

    Robyn looked back at the landscape and nodded. Her Queen was right, ever since she had run across the Shifter, Zartanian; she had wanted to learn more about them. He had offered her a chance to join him, but she had to go south and find the Glass Mountain.

    You're going to need supplies, Grace commented as she saw a familiar look in Robyn's eyes.

    Are you certain my Lady? Robyn questioned.

    Robyn, I am certain that our journey together has neared its end. What more can you do in this castle but stare off in the distance day after day?

    And the Horde?

    Grace crossed her arms and leaned back against the railing, looking down at Robyn. She gave

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