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Perfectly Purple: Doppelgänger Mysteries #2
Perfectly Purple: Doppelgänger Mysteries #2
Perfectly Purple: Doppelgänger Mysteries #2
Ebook211 pages3 hours

Perfectly Purple: Doppelgänger Mysteries #2

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About this ebook

A chilling story of Detective Caren Ross being held captive by a serial killer while on an excursion with her new friend Dominik Doppelgänger. Her horror mounts as Ben describes his previous kills during the endless days of captivity.

Release dateMar 22, 2014
Perfectly Purple: Doppelgänger Mysteries #2

Mary Lou Danielson

Sit back, relax by a roaring fire, by the pool, or just in a comfy chair. Have a cup of tea or cocoa...or a nice glass of wine. There will be no monsters, mild horror, mild blood and guts, no war, or nightmares. Lull yourself in soft romance and contemporary relationships in the real world, and maybe partake of a few mild sexual scenes. You will be dredged in the emotions of the characters as they pursue love and overcome adversities, broken relationships, or grief and loss. Snuggle with a box of tissues for tears or laugher, but reserve a period of time for my stories to transport you to the land of contentment.Attention quilters: I am in the process of converting my easy to make, quilt patterns to ebooks. You may download them to your computer, ereader, or smartphone."Like me" at the link listed below to my facebook page to receive updates of new ebooks or e-quilt patterns.

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    Book preview

    Perfectly Purple - Mary Lou Danielson

    Chapter 1

    The smell of purple is unique, especially the roses grown in Ben's special fertilizer. Beautiful young women disappear. Glorious roses bloom.


    9:00 a.m., Thursday, November 9

    North of San Diego, California, at the Diego Norte Sheriff's Department, Detective Fred Harley lifted the receiver on his ringing phone, and said, Harley.

    It's Dominik Doppelgänger. I need to talk to you.

    Didn't Ross tell you you've been cleared of Jennifer's murder? Harley asked.

    Yes, Dominik said.

    Then what's the problem? Harley asked

    She's missing, Dominik said.

    Who's missing? Harley asked.

    Caren Ross, Dominik said.

    Humph, Harley said. She took a few vacation days, so she's probably sitting on a beach somewhere. She'll return next Monday.

    No, she's missing, Dominik said.

    Leaning on his desk, Harley said, I don't know why you're looking for her, because I told you she's on vacation. She needed some time alone.

    She didn't go alone, Dominik said.

    Continue, Harley said.

    This was the hardest call Dominik ever made, but he took a deep breath, and said, Caren came with me on a bike trip to Reno. We left San Diego Monday morning and drove north on Highway 395. We stopped at a bar just over the Nevada border. She's gone.

    On his feet now, Harley said, You'd better give me the details. Four days ago, we cleared you of murdering one of your models, and now you're telling me you left with my partner in the Sheriff's Department and she's missing, too? It's a good thing you're 600 miles away or I'd have a gun in your gut. What happened?

    The old motel room closed in on Dominik as he sat on a red chair with his head in his hands. Panic chocked him as he said, We had a few drinks. We danced, had a steak, and went to our room. We must have been extremely tired, because we went to sleep early. I woke about 6:00 a.m. with a hell of a hangover and she was gone. Her clothes were here, but not her. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find her. My bike is here and no one's car is missing.

    Silence filled the air, and finally Dominik said, Harley, are you there?

    Yea, he said. I'm trying to understand how two young women in your company could disappear within ten days. One is dead. If the other is, so are you, because I will be the judge and jury. Did you call the local police?

    Nothing's local here. I'm in the middle of nowhere. In fact, the two guys who live here call it Nowhere, Nevada. The closest sheriff is about thirty miles north. I called about 2:00 p.m. after we spent four hours looking for her. The sheriff arrived, but he said that missing women aren't uncommon. He indicated, several reports occur weekly and most of the women show up at home, broke, in a few weeks. Dutch, Floyd, the sheriff, and I did a thorough search.

    Trying to remain calm, Harley said, Begin from the minute you met with Ross after she left the office here, on Saturday.

    Dominik settled on the lumpy mattress and stared at the ceiling as he briefly told his story.

    Chapter 2

    After giving Harley an outline of the past three days with Caren, Dominik hung up, only to relive every second with her.


    After an amazing Sunday night at Caren's apartment, Dominik woke the next morning, finding himself in bed with a cop. He studied the long, lithe body of Caren, who a week ago questioned him about the disappearance of his model, Jennifer, who they found dead. He'd been a prime suspect. He poked Caren's arm and she moved… good, at least he wasn't a cop-killer. Last week had been the biggest nightmare of his life, until they found the real killer.

    God, he said to himself, what the hell am I doing sleeping with the cop who tried to nail me. I hate cops in general, what's different about this one? He threw aside the sheet, swung his feet to the floor, and placed his hands on the mattress to rise from the bed, but her woman's cop hand grabbed his wrist.

    Where are you going, Dominik? she asked.

    Trying to get away, he said. Back to sanity. Being with you is madness.

    No, stay here, she said.

    Am I under arrest? he asked.

    If that's what it takes, you are, she said.

    Rolling toward Caren, Dominik said, The minute I saw you on my porch last week with Harley, I knew you were trouble. I left yesterday to get away from you and the establishment you represent. I couldn't go. You had your hook in me like an angler with the prize catch on his hook. Women fill my life, professionally and personally, but last night was different. I'm not sure why yet, but it scares the shit out of me and fascinates me, too.

    I feel the same, she said. Did you come back to take me on your trip?

    What about work? He asked.

    Oh God, I’m late to work; Harley will kill me, she said, but when she moved toward the edge of the bed, Dominik held her arm and pulled her against his warm body.

    Tell him you’re on vacation, or stay home. I’m on the road in two hours, with or without you. Yes, I came back for you. Are you with me? he asked.

    Remembering she'd signed out on vacation before the weekend, she relaxed in his arms. He said, Caren, there are no commitments, no promises on this trip. We’re two adults on an adventure. It may be the beginning of a relationship, or it might be the end. Come with me. Forget the rules just once, let go and enjoy the moment.

    Two hours later, they sped down the highway.


    A little north of San Diego, they parked at a motorcycle shop. Dominik said, You need winter gear or you'll freeze on the bike when we get into the mountains.

    I'm tough, she said.

    He laughed, and said, Not that tough. You're a San Diego beach babe. It's November, and the temperatures can drop into the thirties. On the bike, it creates wind chills in the twenties. Harley will kill me if I bring you home with frost bite.

    Inside the store, Caren said, I can't afford leather pants and jacket on my cop's salary. Maybe we should wait until summer.

    Taking her arm as she turned away, Dominik said, My treat. If this is a good week, it'll be worth every penny. If not… He shook his head. No if not. It will be worth the risk.

    Caren followed Dominik to the counter, where he introduced her to Jeff. I believe the lady likes purple. Got anything? He asked.

    Clothed in black pants, purple jacket, and a shiny purple helmet, Caren sped from the parking lot snuggled behind Dominik. She giggled when his long braid flipped against the facemask of her helmet. Rising from the floor of the desert into the mountains, Caren was thankful he was so generous with his concern and money. By the time they reached Bishop in the late afternoon, the temperature was dropping steadily.

    Over lunch, they exchanged their histories. Both grew up in San Diego, twenty miles apart, although in separate decades, since Dominik was about fifteen years older.

    What about our age difference? he asked.

    Caren shrugged, and said, I'll be a rich widow when I sell your mermaid carvings. They'll be worth more after you die. Grinning, she added, I'll lounge in the hot tub with a margarita, remembering the good times we shared.

    People turned to stare when Dominik's hearty laugh filled the air. Squeezing Caren's bicep, he said, You'd better stay in shape if you want to keep up with me.

    Yea, me, and my black belt, she said.

    Dominik slid to the end of the bench, and said, I forgot about that. I'll behave.

    Resuming the ride, the desert faded to scenery with sparse scrub pines, and finally tall timbers covered the hillsides. Caren enjoyed the openness of bike riding instead of being ensconced in a car. A vast new world surrounded her. The rushing wind created its own silence.

    At a small motel, Dominik said, A room with one cozy bed please, Marianne. This is my friend, Caren Ross.

    Marianne glanced from Dominik to Caren, smiled, and handed a key to him. She winked, and said, Keep it down. Remember our old thin walls.

    Nodding, he said, Yea, I've been awake in the past, feeling lonely.

    Inside the room, Dominik pressed Caren to the door with his body, and said, You felt good behind me, today. Did you enjoy the ride?

    She raised her arms, threaded her fingers into her mashed curls, and shook her hair loose. She said, All but the squashed hairdo. The motion vibrated her breasts against Dominik's chest.

    He raised his hands to feel their fullness, and said, Repairing the hair has its benefits. Mouths met, arms circled, and soon the clumpy mattress engulfed their naked bodies.

    After a welcome shower, Dominik took Caren to the local steak house. Following his introductions to the regular staff, she asked, Is there anywhere you're a stranger?

    He smiled, and said, If I find a good place I stick with it. My world is small, so the list is short.

    The dessert course was her first dance with Dominik. Soon the closeness resulted in soft silence as both felt urges come to the surface. As he nuzzled her ear, Caren said, I've never been wooed by a man who knew I was a cop. I like it.

    She frowned when he tensed and sobered. Cool air rushed into the warm space opening between them. She pushed closer, and said, Sorry, that was a dumb remark.

    Dominik held her, lifted her face to his, and said, Go slow Caren. We both have a mountain of obstacles to climb. You haven't been in my kitchen while I am photographing a nude model in the garage. We have complicated lives, but I like the first twenty-four hours. How about you?

    Studying his brown eyes, she nodded and said, Yea, me too. May I have another dance?

    It led back to the motel room where every kiss, every touch, and the mounting frenzy convinced them sex was not an obstacle to overcome.


    The next morning they were lucky to get the last of the donuts and coffee offered as a free breakfast. This time Caren snuggled behind Dominik as she climbed aboard the bike. With both hands, he reached for her thighs and pulled her closer, leather crotch to leather ass. Ready? He asked. She could only nod her consent inside her full faced helmet.

    As they climbed, the air thinned, but the rising sun failed to warm it. When Dominik felt Caren shiver, he pulled to the side of the road, and said, Do you want to continue into the mountains or go back? We can ride the coast instead.

    Go on, Caren said. I've never seen the lakes in these mountains.

    Okay, he said. We leave the main road in a few miles. We'll go slower there and find some hot coffee at the café by the lake. She nodded consent.

    After following a winding road through the trees, Dominik eased his bike into a clearing by a lake. The only sounds were birds chirping and a flutter of leaves as a gentle wind blew. The reflection of the blue sky and coloring fall trees on the lake's surfaces amazed Caren. Her parents were so busy raising a family; they seldom traveled when she was a child. I must see more of the world, she said.

    Maybe I can be your tour guide, he said.

    Have you traveled much? She asked.

    Some, he said, not counting my time in the Navy. Civilian travel is nicer. Occasionally, I install mermaid doors in exotic cities.

    Where? She asked.

    Japan, Moscow, Dubai, a few in Europe, he said. International architecture is fantastic.

    Wow, she said. Maybe I'll become a worldly traveler someday.

    Maybe, he said, if Harley ever turns you lose. At times, I thought he treated you more as a daughter than a partner.

    Yea, well, not as much as he used to, she said. Sometimes he almost thinks I'm competent, but I am improving.

    After melding lips, Dominik said, I'll tell Harley you're not a little girl anymore. I'm becoming an expert on that subject.

    Mingling leather and lips, Caren said, Make me the best woman I can be.

    Right here? He asked.

    She glanced toward the road, and said, I don't think sex in public is legal, is it?

    He laughed, and said, I thought you were going to test the limits this weekend? Besides, we're alone except for wild animals. The summer tourists are gone and it's too early for skiers. We're hidden from the road if an offseason traveler wanders by.

    Her uncertainty showed in her nervousness, so Dominik said, Climb aboard; we'll mosey on, but save the mood for later.

    No, she said. If we go to jail, make sure they put us in the same cell. Where do we go to do this?

    He reached for her jacket, slid the zipper to the bottom, and pulled her purple, flowered t-shirt to his chest. Here and now, he said. There's more to riding a bike than moving from point A to point B on a map. We'll warm this thing up without putting a key into the ignition.

    Chapter 3

    It was past noon and Dominik and Caren were hungry. The breakfast donuts had worn off long ago, especially after their quick tête-à-tête by the lake on the motorcycle. At a small café, they found a table in the back corner and ordered burgers and very hot coffee.

    Casual conversation filled the space between bites, but gradually became more serious and personal

    Dominik said, I finally understand the need for the permanence and the commitment I see in my sister, Megan and her husband. I don't know if I can do it.

    What about Sonja, your friend and model? Caren asked.

    He said, She's got a big heart, but it may not be big enough to share me with another woman. It would put her in another category. Can you accept Sonja as my friend? It would take a lot of trust.

    Thoughtfully, Caren said, One of the reasons I knew you were innocent of Jen's murder was your honesty. I trusted everything about you, except for my attraction to you and yours to me. I fled your studio because I was afraid. No one looked so deeply inside me before to search my soul. I told Harley it was like the vampire wanting to bite the neck of the girl. That night I was afraid of you, but it was the moment we both understood the need and commitment you mentioned before. You're an intense person, Dominik. Can you share a relationship without controlling it?

    I don't know, he said. "Sharing hasn't been an idea I've lived with before. I'm fifty-three years old and only had one short, disastrous marriage. We were both too young to comprehend commitment. Because of my size, I put myself in charge of managing right and wrong. No one messed with my friends, my family, or me. Even though my brother was four years older, I stood up to his friends when they threatened him. Maybe that's why he let me hang with him. At the time, I thought it was because he loved his

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