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I was Impregnated by a Gay Shower Slime
I was Impregnated by a Gay Shower Slime
I was Impregnated by a Gay Shower Slime
Ebook27 pages29 minutes

I was Impregnated by a Gay Shower Slime

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About this ebook

Zack was looking for something to liven up a boring week at university. He wasn't bargaining on meeting a gay alien slime, though. After his first sexual encounter with the slime in the shower, he begins to feel strange sensations in his body, and it isn't long before he realises that he's been impregnated by a gay shower slime! Once he gives birth to a slime, he starts a cycle of impregnation and birthing that will end up having much more serious consequences that he could have imagined.

7000 words long. Contains some human M/M romance, slime sex (including bondage), impregnation, (implied) hypnosis and slime vore.

Cover image, with changes, by jenny downing.

PublisherRipley Rose
Release dateDec 14, 2015
I was Impregnated by a Gay Shower Slime

Ripley Rose

I specialise in lurid fantasies, worlds beyond reality, where sex and magic come together. If you're into erotica that's weird and intriguing, I write for you.Enquiries at

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    I was Impregnated by a Gay Shower Slime - Ripley Rose

    I was Impregnated by a Gay Shower Slime

    By Ripley Rose

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 Ripley Rose

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Right, so there’s two potential outputs for this, depending on if it’s a deterministic FSA or not. Is that right?

    Yes, I said slowly, convincing myself to believe it as well. If it isn’t, then I give up.

    I was sat on the sofa with my friend Cal, going through a class assignment. We both studied Linguistics.


    Oh, uh, sorry. I had zoned out and realised rather embarrassingly that I’d just been staring at his face.

    Do you wanna stop? You seem tired.

    No, it’s fine! I’d rather get this out of the way.

    I also just wanted to spend some more time with him. We’d only started hanging out recently and I had a bit of a crush on him, though I wouldn’t dare admit it.

    OK, cool. Well we need to finish reading this chapter before we can tackle the next question.

    He picked up his copy of the textbook and leaned back into the sofa, flipping to the page we had gotten to. I leant in to pick my copy up from the table, taking the excuse to move closer to him, and relaxed into the same position. I soon realised that I was too tired for this, as the words kept swimming in front of my face. Every now and then I sneaked a quick glance at Cal, who seemed to be concentrating on it, muttering some of the words as he read them to himself. But eventually my gaze

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