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The Demon of the Magic Forest
The Demon of the Magic Forest
The Demon of the Magic Forest
Ebook219 pages3 hours

The Demon of the Magic Forest

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This is a story for children, from school to teenage. Beth and John Walker are twins, and live together. Beth has the ability to become friends with any animal, or insect. Even a bird or a snake. Today they are sitting at home, it is a holiday Monday, and a long weekend. Beth tells John she would love to go to the local zoo and see if she can become friends with one of the large cats. Okay said John after some protesting. So before lunch, they park John's car at the zoo's parking area. Before entering the zoo, John looks at a small forest next to the parking area. Have you ever seen a forest like that before, he asks as the two enter the zoo. In there they go straight to the big cats' enclosures. Coming there they notice that a large meta; a door is slightly open and when Beth looks inside she can see a large tiger lying down growling noisily. The poor thing is hungry, can you run down and tell the staff that the tiger needs food. While John runs down to the gate, Beth starts to talk to the tiger. This is the start of a day full of surprises, and they will have many adventures before this story is told fully.

PublisherBo Widerberg
Release dateDec 9, 2015
The Demon of the Magic Forest

Bo Widerberg

My name is Bo Widerberg/artbcool, I am born in Europe too many years ago. Have lived with my family in Florida since 1985 and we are happy with our situation. Would feel a lot better if more people would read my stories.

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    The Demon of the Magic Forest - Bo Widerberg

    The Demon at the

    Magic Forest


    Bo Widerberg

    Written with large letters for easier reading for our young and elderly readers.

    All characters in this story are fictitious,

    and any resemblance to real people,

    living or dead, is coincidental.


    All rights reserved.

    Beth and John Walker were extremely surprised when sitting at home on their new divan watching their sixty-inch flat screen television, and listening to the news report on this, holiday, Monday morning. Beth moved her glass; full of orange juice, to be able to more comfortable, she put her feet up on the coffee table. Be careful with those glasses, they are crystal, said John as he did the same, but he put a pillow under his legs.

    Beth and John are twins, both has blue eyes and blond hair. They are nineteen years old, although John is close to five minutes older than Beth.

    The TV-news person told them that a surge in crime, unprecedented in the city’s history, had occurred on the west side of the city. Close to the area by the new zoo. And the local law enforcement is now asking for help from all citizens to stop this unprecedented surge of crime in this small, and local, area.

    Funny they didn’t tell us what type of crimes they were talking about, said Beth as she took another swallow of her juice, and stood up from the divan to get John, and herself, another cup of coffee. She could smell the toaster had done its job. Don’t forget the orange marmalade, shouted John after her.

    As the newscast continued, they were told that most of the crimes had happened at, and around the new zoo, on the west side of the city. While the twins sat, and listened to the TV, they were also told that a large sum of money had been set aside by the state governor to hopefully halt, and put a stop to this surge that had deluged the city for the past two weeks now. The amount mentioned by the State Governor was five-hundred-thousand- dollars, unfortunately not tax free. But even so, that amount of cash, should most likely bring out every snitch, and squealer, around the city into the open. At least that was the desperate hope, from the police department.

    Would you put in some effort for a measly five hundred grands’? Said Beth as a joke as she smiled at John, and brought in some more coffee and the toast, including the orange marmalade.

    Yes sis! Came as a roar from John. You better believe it, for that kind of money I would even rat on you Beth, he answered with a smile and moved his glass, and his feet, away from the table to make room for the toast.

    The newscast on the television, had brought in a local detective for a more serious discussion. This crime surge in, and around, the new zoo area has you at police force totally baffled. Although, there has been over fifty crimes committed in a small and local area, the police have so far not found any incriminating evidence. Not one fingerprint, no DNA, and not one single witness. And there hasn’t been any word going around on the street either, as it usually does when a crime of this magnitude is committed.

    Would you squeal, or become a snitch if the money was good enough, said Beth again this time more seriously, looking at her sibling.

    Yes Beth, I do believe I would. Half a million Dollars, is a lot of money, even after tax. However, under the right circumstances of course, added John as he tasted the toast she brought to him, with a good helping of orange marmalade.

    Then I hope you are going to join me. I am visiting the new zoo this afternoon, said Beth and added. I am going to solve this riddle that is so confusing to our local police force.

    You are kidding me, aren’t you? Said John as he with surprise looked at his sister. We are going to waste this Monday holiday by looking at some jailed animals in cages? Those men working at the police force are not stupid; the detectives working on this problem are all college graduates and intelligent people. The only thing you have going for you Beth is that you can talk to animals, and get them to come up to you and obey you. How can that solve a bunch of crimes? I don’t want to be rude, but sis, what can you put up against a bunch of schooled crime fighters?

    I am not sure John. But, as soon as I heard this newscast. I got this urge to visit the zoo. You know John, I usually don’t like to go to Craft-fairs, or a Zoo, and never to a Circus, or any other thing put up for public entertainment. That sort of things are not me, and you know that John.

    In that case Beth, while you are relaxing by the television, don’t get drunk on the orange juice, we could have some of it to our dinner, joked John. I am going to take a quick shower, and get myself ready for an afternoon among Gods jailed creatures at our new zoo, said John as he went into the bathroom for his quick shower.

    Later this Monday afternoon, John drove to the new zoo with his sister. Arriving there it looked like at least ninety percent of the local police force must have been ordered to congregate at the zoo’s parking area. John counted twenty-two police vehicles outside in the parking area, and that did not include the private cars used by detectives. Before we could enter the zoo, we were asked if we would be willing to give some DNA sample, and we had to explain why we wanted to visit the zoo today.

    We both refused the DNA samples, but we were willing to let the police write down our address, and we let them inspect our driver’s licenses. One police officer even walked up to my car and wrote down the tag numbers of my small Japanese gas saver.

    After all this was done, we were at last allowed to enter the zoo area. While walking through the main gates, Beth turned around and said. Did you notice how thick the forest is across the parking area opposite the zoo, over there? As she turned around she pointed out towards the parking area.

    I looked at it, answered John. But I didn’t think of it in any special way, turning around and giving it a second look, he added. I have to agree with you Beth. That forest area is looking almost impenetrable, at least from here. Maybe we should have a look at it before we drive home? What do you say sis?

    Walking back to the entrance, John asked the person checking at the gate, if they had a map over the zoo, specially done for the visitors. Yeah sure we do, answered the guard, and as there were no other visitors close by, he went into the office to get some of the maps. Here is one each for you, the large animals are all on this side, while the smaller once together with the birds and the aquarium are all on the other side, he said while he gave John the two maps.

    We thanked him for the maps, and the explanations. Then we were out to look at what this zoo could offer. As we started towards the larger animals we first came to the area that contained dangerous carnivores. Beth was especially interested in the large cats. Ever since she was a little girl in school, she had always had this wish to talk too, and be friendly with a large Lion, or a fully-grown Tiger. Now she had told John that she wasn’t going to miss this opportunely to see if she could control a full-size animal of the cat family.

    John had to admit, that he was as excited about these big cats as she was. And he was also interested in finding out if she could control such a large and wild animal. John knew since before that she could control almost any animal, or insect, he had seen her talk to a snake, and to a roach. The roach was in our parent’s kitchen, and our mother tried to kill it, when Beth told her to stop, and she started to talk to the roach. The roach stopped running, turned to Beth, and listened to what she said. Then the roach walked right up to Beth, stepped right into her hand, and she brought it out to the garden and let the roach run free among the flowers. That’s how my sister handles animals.

    As the two of us walked up to where the larger animals were kept, John said. Look at that metal door over there, isn’t a door like that supposed to be closed. Whatever animal is in there is now able to walk around and look at all the other animals here in the zoo for free, even without a ticket.

    I have this gut feeling, that this is one of the crimes the television spoke about this morning, said Beth as she walked up closer to this metal door.

    Coming up close to the door, she could hear a deep growling sound from inside the door. Carefully moving a step closer, she saw a full-grown tiger starring at her. I believe this tiger is hungry, she said looking at John. As she said this, the tiger gave another deep growling sound.

    "Yes John, no question about it, this cat is definitely hungry. Do you have your cell phone with you? Can you please phone the zoo; the phone number is at the back of the map they gave us? She took a few steps closer to the tiger, and started to talk to it. The tiger stopped moving, and listened to Beth’s voice.

    As John made the call down to the zoo office, and explained that someone had opened the door to the tiger’s enclosures, and my sister and I are trying to calm the tiger until someone comes with the tiger’s food, this big cat is hungry.

    Beth had taken a good hold of the tiger’s collar, when a small electrical vehicle arrived with two of the zoo’s guards. They both pulled out their guns, and crouching down behind their cart, they both took a careful aim at the tiger.

    When the tiger saw the guns, and the two handlers crouching down it pulled it self free from Beth, and quickly run down the trail. "Now look what you have done? Beth said in a loud and irritated voice. Looking at the two men that were supposed to know how to handle animals, she added. Down that trail the tiger took, are several families with children, what are you going to do about them? And now with a hungry tiger running that way?"

    We have to call the police, said one of the two animal handlers. Run down to the office and tell all other visitors over the loud speaker, that they have to return to the entrance. The big tiger Simba is running lose, and if she is hungry, she can be dangerous.

    In less than fifteen minutes, more police vehicles came to the zoo, to help the once that were already out in the parking area. Another group of men from the sheriff department came also to help, with automatic rifles, and riot dress. Last came a gray painted bus with the famous Swat Team. They drew their bus right into the zoo area. We might need a helicopter to find that cat, said the leader of the swat team. They took a stand, and with their guns ready for any situation, they walked out in an attack formation, together, up one of the trails.

    Looking at all this, Beth said. The tiger is only hungry. And she is afraid of all this showing of guns all over the place.

    But of course, nobody listened to a visitor, the staff knew so much better. John came up and told his sister to be quiet, and follow him. I have found your friend, he said. The tiger is dead scared of all this noise, and if they don’t stop showing their guns around, she might get nasty and attack someone.

    Where did you find her? Whispered Beth as all the zoo staff, and the law enforcers kept searching. John showed his sister where the tiger was hiding.

    She is hiding under all those bushes over there, John explained, and pointed at a large group of bushes growing between two of the animal enclosures.

    Okay John; I am going in there to make her feel safe. If you see any of the Gestapo’s, lead them the wrong way. I will later, when she is calm again, try to get her back to her own enclosures where the poor thing will feel safe again.

    John after contacting the zoo office, now for the second time over his cell phone, told them that the tiger had been seen closer to the pet animal’s enclosures. If the tiger is hungry she might eat some of those small animals. He was told that the entire police force, and crew, would be on their way there to check it out.

    While this happened, Beth crawled in to the tiger again. And with her low and calm voice she told the tiger that there is nothing to be afraid of. In a short while you and I must go back to where you sleep, and get you some food. You can’t sleep here under a bush; a tiger doesn’t do things like that. You are a dangerous animal, and you must for your own and others security, be locked up in a safe area. Will you do this for me please? Asked Beth as she put her arms around the tiger’s neck. The tiger made a deep purring sound, and lay down by her side.

    John carefully put his head in to the bush, and looked at the two. Anything that you might need soon? He asked looking at the big tiger almost sleeping by Beth’s side. We are lucky with the weather, what would have happened if it had been pouring rain?

    Then she wouldn’t have come out of her home. She came out because of the nice weather, and the fact that she is hungry. I can hear her stomach growling. You have to tell me when all the police are on the other side of the zoo, so I can take her home again.

    John made his third call on the phone, and told the person at the office that people by the aquarium had seen the tiger. This is an emergency, he explained to the office girl. And all the police, the sheriffs, the swat team and the zoo’s own security guards and whatever else they were, has to as quickly as possible check out the aquarium area.

    As soon as Beth got the all-clear message, she took a good hold of the tiger’s collar, and pulled her out of the bushes. You have to come with me before all those stupid people come back with their guns again and see you running lose.

    The tiger, with her head almost reaching up to Beth’s shoulder and her body as large as a calf’s, followed Beth across the trail, and in only a few minutes the two walked into the tiger’s enclosure. As she moved the tiger into her own place, she carefully closed the metal door behind the tiger. As the door, didn’t lock, she sat herself down as a doorstop, so the wind couldn’t open the door a second time.

    When the police, the sheriff, the swat team and the zoo’s own security people came to find out why someone was shouting, John pointed at the tiger’s enclosures, and said. She is back home, she was only hungry, and went out to look for some food. If you have any tiger food at all, she is waiting back there for a late lunch, he said and pointed at the tiger’s enclosures with his thumb.

    When everybody was talking at the same time, the swat team was the first unit to leave the zoo, walking in perfect attack formation they went down to their vehicle.

    I’ll get some fresh meat for Simba, said one of the zoo’s animal handlers as he went off to get the food for the hungry tiger.

    After the tiger, had been fed, Beth wanted to see the monkeys. The zoo was supposed to have one gorilla family, two chimpanzee families, and some other smaller monkeys.

    I wish I had brought my camera, she said as she looked at the gorilla family. They are big, and looks so ferocious, but they are cute at the same time. They behave like any normal family, and much better than some I know.

    Now we are going to look at the four-legged animals. There are Deer’s, Antelopes, Elephants, Zebra’s and I have heard that they even have a mountain lion, said Beth as she and John in this beautiful March afternoon looked at the map to find out the best route to take.

    Walking down the trail, they met several groups of students from different schools, and family groups. When they arrived at the Deer enclosure. They watched as the mother Deer was helping her newly born baby to stand up on its legs. And with very shaky legs it walked a few steps. While turning their interest to the Deer father,

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