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Straight Shooter
Straight Shooter
Straight Shooter
Ebook26 pages19 minutes

Straight Shooter

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About this ebook

Marty is a desperate man - in debt to a powerful gangster, he finds himself trapped, playing an endless string of pool and snooker games in a bid to get out of the hole he's in.

But things may not be entirely what they seem, as Marty starts to fight back his real agenda is revealed and is so devious it just might get him killed.

A thrilling, fast paced crime story in the tradition of the old pulp magazines!
Release dateMar 5, 2015
Straight Shooter

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    Straight Shooter - Scot Snow

    Straight Shooter

    Scot Snow

    In less than an hour I managed to win $500 at the pool table. But nine ball can be like that — sometimes it goes your way, sometimes not. There are times when it goes so sour you couldn’t buy a ball in a pink fit and all you can do is sit back and watch the other player work through the rack.

    The next guy up wanted straight pool. I shrugged and he racked the balls, taking his time over the placement of each ball in the triangle. We flipped a coin and he lost and broke with a nice fluid stroke.

    I won another $100, and at least he coughed it up without all the whining and complaining about it.

    The girl had been in my corner for a half hour. She was good looking, in that magazine model way, with improbable violet eyes and body by Nautilus (or maybe Step Aerobics). Looks like you got a hot streak going, she said.

    I just shrugged. I wasn’t here for chat or atmosphere or even the social possibilities, although she did have some appeal. Maybe under different circumstances…

    Nine ball, said a skinny guy with bad skin. I nodded and he set it up. He lost the toss and broke with a cannonball rebound off the side cushion. Ah, he was one of those kind of players. A slugger. All power and no finesse. His rebound broke the rack wide open

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