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Is it possible to fall in love with your husband over and over again, every day for the rest of your life? Alicia soon finds out what really matters, and that life can be so much more amazing when there is someone to love!

Alicia Swan-Hudson is a kick ass attorney. She’s managed to build her firm from the ground up to be one of the most sort out firms in the country. Alicia has never shied away from a fight, and when needed she can be brutal, not only in court, but as a boss. But lately she’s becoming worse. Not only do her senior partners want to throw her out of her own company, clients are threatening to leave. They’re worried that Alicia is losing it, and soon Alicia is beginning to feel the same way.

She’s been having headaches and memory loss, and as time goes on she becomes more aggressive, leaving them with no choice but to try and get rid of her. Her husband, Spencer is of no hope. The investment banker was on the verge of divorcing her, she was just too much for him to handle until some news changes their lives forever.  Spencer begins to realise again just why he fell in love with Alicia!


Hi Alicia. It’s me, Spencer, your husband. I’m sure you’re freaking out right now, but don’t. Everything is okay. You’ve just lost parts of your memory. I’m not sure there’s an easy way to say this, but you have to know why you don’t remember much. You were diagnosed with a brain tumour a few months ago. It’s taking away your memory, your long term memory. You’ll be able to recall this event, but by tomorrow when you wake up, you’ll have forgotten it. But don’t worry. I’m here to help you through this every step of the way.

Beside you is a laptop. It’s just beside the bed. I’ve left it on for you to explore. I’ve created a facebook page for us, so that every single day, it will remind you of who you are, and friends and family will post and do the same. If you take a moment and just have a look, it will give you an idea of who you are. Once you’ve opened the page, switch this back on and I’ll guide you through it.

I love you.


She lay there for a minute taking this in. It was weird hearing that she was married and that she was losing her memory. It was scary. Finally she sat up and picked up the laptop. The page was already set. She switched the recorder back on. It was lucky that she was still able to read, but that wasn’t guaranteed to stay. The first page was a facebook video. Alicia clicked on it.

‘Hello!’ It was her mother. ‘It’s me, mum. Spencer asked me to record this and tell you just how important and special you are. We’ve managed to put a little video together of you as a little girl, so here it is.’

The video started with pictures of Alicia as a baby. There were so many of her. She smiled slightly at some of the funny ones. There were pictures of her and Monica, of her and her father, which explained that he’d passed away. There were pictures of her as a teen, first boyfriends and graduation.

‘You are such a smart woman with a sharp tongue.’ Her mother said. ‘You built yourself up and created your very own law firm. You’re so special and I’m so…Priscilla began to cry. ‘You’d tell me not to cry right now.’ She laughed.

Alicia smiled and felt a pang of sadness even though she couldn’t remember any of this. ‘You are amazing and you continue to be so.’

PublisherIris Deorre
Release dateDec 20, 2015

Iris Deorre

Iris Deorre is not only an Author but she is also an Entrepreneur. She loves to write erotic stories, weaving difficult love triangles with exciting and daring sex. Iris loves to mix her erotica with paranormal. You’ll find Shapeshifters, werewolves, vampires, to name a few. When Iris is not writing, you'll find her spending time with her daughter, taking long walks in the country or you will find her spending time with good friends and good wine.

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    Book preview

    Unforgettable - Iris Deorre

    This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations and incidents are products of author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales or events is entirely coincidental.

    Chapter One

    The driver stepped out and opened the door to the black Jaguar. Black heels with red soles touched the pavement. Alicia Swan-Hudson stepped out.

    ‘Thank you, James,’ she said to her driver who had worked for her for fifteen years.

    He nodded. Alicia gazed up at the skyscraper building with pride. She’d started the law firm from scratch and now it was of the most prestigious firms in the country with countless employees and senior partners. But she was still the boss, a no nonsense cutthroat kind of woman. She wasn’t afraid to ask for what she wanted, and go for the throats if she had to. She’d been called a bitch by many, and yet there was that silent respect for her. Companies sort her company out to fight their legal battles, and if they wanted her personally, it costed a pretty penny. Which was never a problem with the companies that turned over a lot in revenue each year.

    Alicia smiled. It was six a.m. and she was all ready for another day of battle in the office.

    ‘Be back here at ten, James. I have a meeting.’

    ‘Yes ma’am.’

    Alicia flicked back her long black locks, straightened her back and started for the building. The security opened the glass doors.

    ‘Morning Mrs Swan-Hudson.’

    ‘Morning John. Are you well?’

    ‘I am thank you.’ He smiled.

    Alicia smiled and swayed past in her white dress, towards the lifts. More lawyers had begun to arrive. Some avoided the lift she’d entered. It was a little intimidating in her presence. Unless you were strong and able to answer questions on your feet, it was best to avoid her.

    The lift went to the very top floor were her luxury office was situated and some of the offices that belonged to senior partners.

    ‘Morning Mrs Swan-Hudson.’ A tall pretty brunette said with a coffee in her hand as soon as the lift opened.

    ‘Who are you?’ Alicia asked without stopping.

    The woman walked as fast as she could to keep up with Alicia.

    ‘Khloe ma’am.’ She was a little nervous, but steeled herself.

    Alicia flung the Gucci bag onto the white couch and headed for the glass desk.

    ‘Where the hell is George?’ She gazed out the window and watched the view of the city below. Everything seemed so tiny.

    ‘He said to remind you that he had a dentist appointment and that you approved it. He also said to tell you that you would forget, even though he reminded you yesterday.’ Khloe stood with the coffee in her hands waiting for further instruction.

    Alicia swung around at the young woman and gave what she’d said, some thought.

    ‘Get George on the phone.’



    ‘Yes Mrs Swan-Hudson.’ Khloe hesitated a moment. Was she supposed to do it in the office or out at her desk? ‘Do you want me to...?’

    ‘Put my coffee down and get George on the line. Do I need to tell you how to do your job?’

    ‘No of course not.’ Khloe started out of the office only to return to put the coffee down and then left again.

    Alicia looked out of the window again. There was something going on with her. She was edgier than usual, and had been forgetting things. How was it she couldn’t recall giving George the approval? It worried her.

    The phone on the desk rang.

    ‘Alicia speaking.’

    ‘Mrs Swan-Hudson. George on the line.’

    ‘Yes. Thanks.’ She sat down into the cream luxury swivel chair.

    ‘Alicia, I was expecting your call,’ said her P.A. He’d been with her since the beginning of the firm. And his loyalty to her had been rewarded greatly that he never saw a reason to leave. He had more privileges than most at the company.

    ‘Where are you? Why do I have this young brunette bringing me coffee this morning!’

    ‘Calm down. I’m having my teeth sorted today. I told you this yesterday. You approved my leave.’

    ‘I did?’

    ‘Yes you did. I even told you that Khloe will be covering for three days.’

    ‘Three days! Three days for a dental appointment? I suggest you fire your dentist.’ She knew it wasn’t a three day dental appointment, but she was a very sarcastic woman.

    ‘She’s more than capable. She’s been with the company for two years and does her job well.’

    ‘Why don’t I know her?’

    ‘You blind out the pretty ones,’ he teased.

    ‘George!’ she smiled. ‘You know I can’t survive without you.’

    ‘I know darling, but you’re going to have to. It’s only three days. Khloe has everything she needs right in front of her. I’ve made sure everything is in place. You’ll live.’

    ‘I won’t and you know it.’ She gazed at the coffee, picked it up and took a sip. ‘At least she got the coffee right.’

    ‘See. There’s nothing to worry about.’

    Alicia sighed. ‘How’s Jerry?’

    ‘He’s fine, much better. I told you he went back to work.’

    ‘Ah...’ That worried her again. Why couldn’t she remember all this?

    ‘You’ve forgotten, haven’t you?’ Jerry was George’s partner.

    ‘No I haven’t. I better get to work. I’ll see you in three days.’

    He laughed because he knew that even when he was off, his mobile would ring off the hook. He may be out of the office, but he never stopped working. Even when he was on holiday!

    ‘What’s so funny?’

    ‘You and I both know I’ll be hearing from you at some point today.’

    She laughed. ‘You’ve got that right. I can’t do much without you.’

    ‘Rely on Khloe just for a few days. You’ll be fine. She’s good. I promise.’

    Alicia darted her eyes towards the area where Khloe sat. Alicia could see her through the glass that separated them. Khloe smiled nervously at her boss.

    ‘I doubt that. Goodbye George.’ She put down the phone.

    ‘Khloe,’ she called.

    Khloe dashed into the office. ‘Yes Mrs Swan-Hudson.’

    What’s my schedule looking like today?’

    ‘Erm...’ She’d forgotten the iPad on the desk. ‘Sorry, give me one moment.’

    Alicia raised her eyebrows amused. Khloe was no George. She missed him already. Khloe rushed back and began to tell her about what her day entailed.

    ‘Don’t I have a meeting at eleven with clients?’ she was so sure she had.

    ‘No ma’am. There is the senior partner meeting at ten thirty.’

    Alicia dropped her head into her hands. She was certain there was an important meeting with a car company.

    ‘Are you sure I don’t have a meeting with that car company. Something to do with a malfunction and a lawsuit?’

    ‘Erm....’ Khloe panicked as she tried to look for this meeting.

    ‘Please refrain from saying erm...It’s working my nerves and making me nervous that something is not right.’

    ‘Yes Mrs Swan-Hudson. Noted.’ Khloe had to buckle up and steel up. George had warned her. ‘Your meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, not today.’

    ‘Let me see that!’ She held out her hand.

    Khloe handed over the iPad. Alicia scanned the appointments. She could’ve sworn it was that day.

    ‘Fine. Just remind me again tomorrow.’

    ‘Yes ma’am.’

    ‘That’s all for now. You can go.’

    Khloe turned to leave.

    ‘Oh! Before you go find out where Patrick is.’

    ‘I’m here, I’m here.’ Patrick stepped into the office before she could go ballistic.

    ‘You’re late?’ she said.

    ‘Alicia, some of us do like to sleep.’ He smiled.

    ‘Shut the door behind you...What’s your name again?’ she asked Khloe.


    ‘Yes of course. Khloe shut the door on your way out.’

    ‘Yes sure.’ Khloe shut the door behind her.

    ‘Who is that?’ Patrick made himself comfortable on the seat opposite.

    ‘I have no idea. George stuck me with her. I’m going to wring his neck when he gets back.’

    ‘You hate pretty women.’ Patrick teased. He was one of the named partners. He’d invested into the company and was second in command.

    ‘It’s not that. What I hate is when women use it instead of just being the strong women they are. I would be more respectful of her if she wasn’t so timid. So people pleasing.’

    ‘I doubt you make it easy for her.’

    ‘Do you think I got to the top easily? The amount of bullshit I’ve had to endure from men has been hard. But here I am. On top of my castle. Now every man respects or hates me.’ She laughed at the latter. She preferred being hated, it meant that she was making an impact.

    ‘You love it don’t you?’

    ‘I do.’

    ‘You are a man eater.’

    She laughed. ‘You know that’s not true. If a woman goes after what she wants, she’s a man eater, or a bitch. It’s never a good thing. I have had to work twice as hard as a man to get the same respect.’

    ‘You made it, so be happy.’

    ‘Please. Don’t sit there and say that. You’ll never know what it feels like to walk in my shoes.’

    ‘Are we talking about being a woman or black, because I’m never sure with you?’ He clasped his hands together.

    ‘Both. You know how it is.’

    ‘You’ve reminded me every day.’

    She laughed. He did too, it was the way they were. Each one respected the other, and Alicia was never afraid to give Patrick a peace of her mind when it was needed, and he always knew how to take it.

    ‘So? You ready for this meeting?’

    She sat back a little lost. The truth was she couldn’t remember what the meeting was about. It bugged her, but she didn’t want to show this weakness.

    ‘Any comments?’ He waited. It wasn’t like her not to know what she wanted.

    ‘Honestly, I’m struggling. You have to remind me.’

    ‘It’s to do with the partners. They want to vote in another named partner. They think you’re slowing down and need some help.’

    ‘Like hell they are!’ she was livid. ‘They want to steal from me?’

    ‘It’s not like that Alicia and you know it. I have to admit that you’ve slowed down a bit. You’re forgetting important things, even if you won’t admit this to yourself.’

    ‘So is this what you want? You want your

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