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Christmas in Kellington: The Ciprianos of Kellington, #5
Christmas in Kellington: The Ciprianos of Kellington, #5
Christmas in Kellington: The Ciprianos of Kellington, #5
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Christmas in Kellington: The Ciprianos of Kellington, #5

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The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.

                                                                                                                                             Burton Hillis

Christmas has a new meaning for the Cipriano brothers for plenty has happened to make this day a special one.

With new loves in their lives along with new additions to their family, this Christmas will be a very memorable one for all.

Come join Renzo, Simone, Gianni and Federico for a Christmas in Kellington in the fifth and final book in the Ciprianos of Kellington series.

Release dateDec 20, 2015
Christmas in Kellington: The Ciprianos of Kellington, #5

Jamallah Bergman

Writer Jamallah Bergman was born in Jamaica Queens, New York. Although her family moved around a bit; from New York to Alabama to Georgia. Jamallah's childhood was mostly spent in Roswell, Georgia.At the age of twelve, Jamallah started writing scripts for her doll babies. As she got older, her inclination to write grew.Soon after reading her first romance novel at fifteen; she became hooked on romance and deviated from writing her doll baby stories, to romantically inclined stories.Her thirst to write eventually sent her from one out of the box experience to another. She eventually engaged her thoughts and writing into writing erotic stories.As Jamallah's interest as a reader grew, questions aroused her curiosity. Why were the heroines in the stories she loved so much, nothing like herself. She felt none of the women were full figured, or plump. To coin a phrase from the well known comedienne Mo'Nique, like "Thick Madame", a thick and curvy woman.Often she became upset because she felt there should be stories out there about all types of women, including thick, beautiful women like herself. Why were there no stories about full figured women who got the handsome hunk? She would ask herself after reading another romance story where the beautiful main character was thin.After researching and finding very few stories about curvy women, Jamallah thought it was time the romance readers market read more stories about full figured heroines.She started to write stories where the full figured woman 'ALWAYS' got her man!

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    Book preview

    Christmas in Kellington - Jamallah Bergman


    To my grandmother Arneta Reynolds who always showed the true meaning of family during the holidays.

    I miss and love you.

    Chapter One

    The shops along the square in Kellington were abuzz with people that were getting Christmas presents. Even though it was only two weeks away, people were always either getting last minute presents or starting off their shopping for the holidays. The air was cold and crisp and it made for the perfect Christmas atmosphere.

    The light poles were adorned with Christmas wreaths with big red and gold bows. The town had opened the skating ring in the middle of the square as carolers could be heard singing Christmas carols during the evening while vendors would sell hot chocolate with marshmallows or whip cream and warm sweet potatoes wrapped in foil.

    You know the weather man said it was going to snow mom, Fiona Weil mentioned to her mom while they had been walking through town.

    I heard him say that too, and I think it will happen next week sometime, but I heard that it would really start to come down even more during the week of Christmas, I can smell it in the air.

    Do you think we’ll have a blizzard?

    Probably, that’s why we’ve been making sure to get everything we need as far as food and supplies just in case we get stuck at home.

    What do you think Gianni will be getting us for Christmas? Her mischievous smile made Maiara laugh.

    Who knows what he will give us but it will be a great one for sure. They both walked into the grocery store as Fiona grabbed a cart.

    Life had drastically changed for Maiara and Fiona. They had been living in the town of Kellington, almost a year now. After the fiasco with her ex-husband, she never thought the town would accept her but they quickly did with open arms. Soon, the love between her and Gianni grew and he completely accepted Fiona as his own. It was only five months into their relationship that they had decided to find a house for all of them to live in. They both found the fact of them going back and forth was tedious. So, after a while of looking around, they found a cute little three bedroom, two bath home with a big back yard over on Quincy Drive that was perfect for them. When Fiona ended up being on the Honor Roll at school, Gianni decided to give her the one thing that she had always wanted since they moved to the States...a cute King Charles Spaniel puppy that she decided to name Quinn.

    Can we make Rice Krispie Treats for dessert?

    Of course, and we have to get some peanut butter to add to it. I got a call from Gianni. He said he would hopefully be back from New York tomorrow afternoon, so we have to make him something special.

    How about pot roast? I know he loved your pot roast and roasted potatoes, Fiona suggested.

    Oh yes, remember he got so sick from eating so much of it and once his stomach settled down he slept like a log. Both of them giggled while making their way towards the meat section. After looking over the pot roast, Maiara found one that was just big enough to sustain them for tonight.

    A chirping sound could be heard as Fiona told her, Your phone is ringing.

    Going into her purse, she grabbed her cell, Hello, why hello Filomena, how are you?

    Doing fine dear, are you at the store by chance?

    Actually we are, just grabbing something for dinner and getting some more things for the blizzard.

    Could you do me a favor while you are there? Since my car is in the shop, I’ve been getting Renzo or Simone to go and run errands for me. I thought I had some cinnamon and brown sugar for one of the dishes I want to prepare for Christmas dinner. Could you bring me some please?

    Why of course. Sweetheart, let’s go by the baked good aisle and get some cinnamon and brown sugar for Filomena. Once we’re done here, we’ll call when we are on our way over.

    ~*  *  *  *~

    Thank you my dear, I’ll see you then. Filomena hung up then looked over the list that she had made a month ago of everything that she had planned on making for Christmas dinner. This year would be a grand feast, bigger than anything she had ever done before. This year, she would not only have her sons Renzo, Simone, Gianni and Federico but also the women in their lives which she had considered more like her daughters than anything. Plus, Michelle’s parents Phillippe and Jillian along with Andrew and his wife along with their child would be attending this year, so it would be a full blown family affair. She was very thankful that Phillippe would help out with preparing the food. She just prayed the storm that was coming their way wouldn’t be as bad as the weatherman said on the news.

    It was over an hour before Maiara and Fiona came to her house. When Filomena opened the door, she was greeted by one of Fiona’s hugs as the cold wintery wind blew into the warm house. Come on in you two, you are letting out all the warmth. Hurrying them both in, she closed the door. Come by the fire and get yourself warm before you head back out. She helped Fiona out of her purple puff jacket.

    Maiara began taking off her jacket as well. Here is your things Filomena,

    Thank you dear, now I have everything in order for Christmas dinner. I just hope to God that we won’t be snowed in on Christmas and if we do, at least I pray that we’re all in here together as a family.

    You know I’ve been thinking about that Filomena because I’ve been following the Weather Channel and this storm is going to be big, bringing down tons of snow, Maiara replied. They said that it was going to be about eight feet of the white stuff. Since we are all going to be here for the Christmas, why don’t all of us just stay here for the week, that way if we do get snowed in, then we will all be together. Plus, I don’t know what I would do if you were here all alone and something was to happen like an outage.

    Filomena had been watching the news too, over the past couple of days and she didn’t like what she’d heard about this impending storm. She had braved many storms over the years. Some weren’t as bad as this one but she’d always been able to know how to handle herself while alone. Also, it would be just like the days when she had all of her family around her, the house full of people sharing stories from days gone by, singing songs, laughing and enjoying good food and company. You know that wouldn’t be such a bad idea at all, to have everyone here at the house. My boys can stay in their rooms with you girls. I have a room Jillian and Phillippe along with one for Andrew and Diane. I know I’ll have to make sure those rooms are nice and clean for the guests. Oh, and I’ve got to call Andrew to see first, if he’ll be able to come for the entire week or not.

    Well, while we are here, maybe Fiona and I can look at the rooms for you.

    That’s a great idea, why don’t you two go and look in on the rooms for me while I make that call to Andrew to see what he says. The rooms are down the hall on the right hand side.

    Come on sweetie,

    Grabbing the phone, Filomena sat in her favorite chair to call Andrew. She hadn’t talked with him since last month when she had talked about him, Diane and the baby which they named after Andrew but called him A.J. for short. When the phone did pick up after the second ring, she could hear the baby in the background crying. Hello, said an exasperated sounding Diane.

    Hello dear, it’s Filomena. I hear you got your hands pretty full there.

    Oh, hello Filomena, yes I do with a colicky baby. We just came from the doctor and they gave us something thank goodness. We can’t wait to come back for Christmas. It’s all Andrew talks about lately.

    That’s what I had wanted to call and talk with him about. Since the weather is going to be pretty bad here, I was wondering if instead of staying just for the day, why not make it the entire week. You all can stay here at the house along with the rest of the family. Maiara ran the idea across to me just now, and I’ve been thinking about it myself.

    Well, I know Andrew would love that idea and with the weather like it will be up there, I know it wouldn’t be safe for us to come back and end up getting stuck on the side of the road with a baby.

    So true, just talk it over with Andrew and if he agrees then give me a call back.

    I sure will. He just ran up to the store to get something I forgot for dinner but when he comes in, I’ll let him know and he’ll call you.

    Great, I’ll be waiting to hear from him then. Take care sweetheart and give kisses to the baby from me.

    I surely will, goodbye.

    Well Filomena, we went through the rooms and everything seems just fine. If you want we can come by tomorrow and we can freshen up the bed linen and put some towels in the bathroom.

    That would be just fine, just call and let me know when you come over. Now, come back and sit by the fire some before you head back out into that cold. Taking Fiona by the hand, the ladies walked back into the living room and sat near the fireplace. "So, what would you like for Christmas my

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