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Passionate Deceptions - Retribution: Passionate Deceptions, #2
Passionate Deceptions - Retribution: Passionate Deceptions, #2
Passionate Deceptions - Retribution: Passionate Deceptions, #2
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Passionate Deceptions - Retribution: Passionate Deceptions, #2

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About this ebook

Hot on the heels of their confrontation with Steven, Damien and Jen escape to Cancun, Mexico for some much needed rest and relaxation, though not long after arrival they soon find out that rest and relaxation aren't on the menu.

Back in the States Steven is on a quest for revenge and he'll stop at nothing until he has it. And Damien? Well let's just say his secrets, and his past, are going to come back to haunt him as he and Jen are thrust into an emotional thresher leading up to the thrilling finale of the Passionate Deceptions series.

Warning: This book is written for mature audiences only.

Release dateDec 21, 2015
Passionate Deceptions - Retribution: Passionate Deceptions, #2

Laila Cole

Hello everyone! I am an author who loves strong, dominant men, and if they happen to be rich or ride in a motorcycle club, well, that's just an added bonus! My stories are filled with suspense, intense situations, twists, and turns. One year ago I left the suck of the finance industry to pursue my dream and my passion, which is turning my fantasies and dreams into novels. There are more stories bouncing around my head than I could tell in a lifetime, though I'm certainly going to try to tell them all! As an added bonus. All of my stories exist in the same don't be surprised to see a cameo here and there. Don't forget to sign up for my mailing list for updates on new releases. Laila Cole Mailing List: xoxo

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    Book preview

    Passionate Deceptions - Retribution - Laila Cole

    Passionate Deceptions - Retribution

    A Suspenseful Romance


    Laila Cole

    Mailing List:

    Copyright 2015 by Laila Cole

    All Rights Reserved

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses or establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    Ultimately love is everything.

    M. Scott Peck

    Table Of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 1 – Jennifer

    Damien opened the garage revealing the beat up black suburban and the moment I saw it my heart began to pound. That car had almost killed me, and yet the man responsible was lying hamstrung in a barn. It didn’t seem right. It seemed like a half-measure, but I trusted Damien knew what he was doing because I certainly didn’t.

    He pointed at the suburban trying to crack a joke. Ain’t she a beaut?

    As the reality of my situation sunk in I became serious. Damien, we aren’t driving that to Mexico are we?

    He laughed. To Cancun? Of course not.

    Then how are we getting there?

    How I get everywhere. My jet service. He walked me toward the passenger door of the suburban and opened it for me. Relax, it will be fine. Ok?

    Looking him in the eyes I nodded, taking his word for it. As I hopped in the car and shut the door, he walked around the front of the vehicle, entering from the driver’s side, slamming the door shut and putting the key in the ignition. I interrupted him just as he was about to turn the key. How am I going to get into Mexico without my passport?

    He laughed like I was crazy and turned the key. The engine fired up and the warning bells dinged, annoying us until we put on our seatbelts. Jen, babe. Stop worrying, ok? I’ve thought all that through already. Where we’re going you won’t need one. Remember, I have connections all throughout Mexico. It’s not an issue.

    My hands trembled as I tightened my seatbelt. What kind of connections?

    Don’t worry about it, it will be fine.

    Unfortunately I couldn’t stop myself from worrying. What kind of connections, Damien? I need to know what I’m getting into here.

    He sighed as he backed out of the driveway. Cartel connections. People like me.

    That was exactly what I feared. And you’re certain that’s safe right now?

    It’s as certain as it gets. We need people who operate outside of the law, for now.

    I paused for a second to consider what he said. If you say that’s our best shot, then I trust you. What do you think Steven will do when he unlocks himself?

    Damien gunned the engine, entering the freeway and leaving Ramona, CA in the dust. I don’t know. It’s really hard to say so I’m preparing for the worst. The worst-case scenario is that he will utilize the DEA’s resources and call in an all points search. And that is why, whether or not that actually happens, we’ve got to get out of the country for the time being to see how things play out. It’s a precaution. It’s not forever.

    Nervous tension caused me to pick at my fingers. Do you think he might let this go?

    You would know him better than I. What do you think?

    Are you kidding me? He’s fucking crazy!

    He let out a small laugh before regaining his serious composure. He most certainly is, but I’ve got a theory.

    Entertain me. I sat back in my seat, watching the road come at us like a treadmill.

    Steven has put himself in a bad situation for accomplishing the things he wants. He wants revenge for his partner; he wants revenge for your marriage, even though it’s demise was his fault. There’s just one issue with all of it, he operated outside the law and the moment he makes a federal case to try and detain us he exposes himself to his own crimes. A big part of me that thinks we’ve seen the last of Steven Davenport. My hope is that things will stabilize without bloodshed, I’m tired of bloodshed.

    I don’t know Damien. I can see that too, but I can also see the maniac inside of him willing to stop at nothing for revenge.

    Damien reached out and took my hand. It’s ok, baby. Whatever happens I will protect you. This is going to end in our favor, I guarantee it.

    I nodded. I trust you. I let out a deep sigh, trying to comprehend it all. This is all too much. I’ve never been through anything like this.

    I envy you, Jen. I do. What you’re experiencing now has been a representation of large stretches of my life, at least since I was 18. There’s a good and bad to that, but it’s mostly bad, though my experience will help us through this. What I’m trying to tell you in no certain words is to relax, I’ve done this before.

    So you’ve seen a lot of violence then, huh?

    With his hands tightening on my own he sighed deeply. Jen, I’ve seen more than you can imagine. But this is it; this has to be it if there’s going to be a future.

    My heart fluttered with anxiety. Most of the violence was in the war, right?

    No, not really, mostly out of it, dealing with low life hooligans and power hungry people who would kill their own children for another thousand dollars. I’m not trying to cut you off baby, but I can’t talk about this right now. It triggers things.

    Things? Like what? I want to know.

    You know … things. Feelings, images, emotions, pain. When I think about my past and the things I’ve done it takes me back to the darkest of times, and when I’m back there I’m not the man I want to be; when I’m back there I’m… forget about it, I don’t want to go there.

    With my heart fluttering I took his hand and kissed it. We don’t have to talk about it anymore. It’s ok.

    Looking over at me he smiled. Thanks for understanding. He pulled a cellphone from his pocket. Give me a few minutes, I need to call Bill, my pilot, and see if he can’t meet us at Montgomery Field.

    As Damien called Bill I thought a lot about my future. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn’t. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine my life would get so exciting, so filled with danger around every turn. My hope was this sacrifice wasn’t just leading to a dead end, or even worse, my death. Instead I hoped it was leading toward a long and lasting relationship built on the bonds of trust. Just like any other human being, what I deserved was peace, quiet, and love, and I was determined to find that with Damien, and I committed myself to making it work.

    Damien closed his burner flip phone and looked over at me. I’ve got good news.

    Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s hear it.

    He scrunched his eyebrows. Bossy, are we?

    Just a bit.

    He laughed as he responded. I like it. Ok, Bill’s on his way over to the airfield right now, he sounded pretty damn hung-over, which doesn’t surprise me. He was staying in a nearby hotel so he should be there soon and he can fly us to Mexico.

    With my heart pounding I smiled. Good! I need a vacation from all of this. We’re going to a resort right?


    Tell me what it’s like. Paint a picture for me.

    Now we’re talking! It’s one the most beautiful spots on the Mayan Riviera, where the dense jungle of the Yucatan meets the bright, pearlescent blue water of the Gulf of Mexico. White sand beaches lead to warm, welcoming waves crashing right at your feet, just begging you to take a dip in the water.

    I laughed. What are you, a vacation salesman? If not you’ve missed your calling.

    He returned a laugh. I’m just trying to make you smile.

    Smiling, our eyes caught one another’s. It worked.

    Interestingly enough, while working for the Gomez Cartel one of the many drug fronts I managed money for was a travel agency. I never sold a single vacation, though. Perhaps I should have.

    The talk of drug fronts and cartels made me nervous. That’s behind you now, right?

    With a nod and a smile he tried to convince me. That was the deal I made, Jen. And say what you want about the Mexican cartels, they are businessmen first and are more than capable of keeping their word. They will honor their agreement with me. Once the two largest cartels unite they will be making so much money they won’t have time to think about me.

    Unite? Steven had been dealing with violence along the border for years. He said it was hopeless.

    Then he didn’t know what he was talking about. New leaders have emerged and are putting the violence behind them and working together to maximize profit through monopoly.

    Clever. Very clever. There’s no way he’d ever have seen that coming. How much longer until the airport?

    He exited the freeway. Not long at all. In fact we’re pretty much here.

    He took a right at a four way stop, and as he did the airfield came into view as the sunset in front of us. Small Cessna planes and other private jets were parked along the side of the runway. Three small hangars were in the back, along with a small control tower and a parking lot. This sure as hell beat dealing with traffic and parking near San Diego airport.

    As we pulled into the parking lot I became tense and quiet. I’d never been on a private jet before and didn’t know what to expect. After Damien parked the car he walked around the back, grabbing a backpack and a small suitcase. Following him we walked toward one of the hangars, which was closed. Damien banged on the large hangar door, and the booms echoed through the building.

    Hold your god damn horses! I’m coming!

    Damien smiled and looked over at me. That’s Bill.

    The hangar door pulled up on its runners to reveal a man in a pilot’s outfit with disheveled hair and black bags under his eyes. Damien squinted at him. Are you ok to fly? You look like absolute shit.

    Bill lit a cigarette and took a drag. I’ll be fine. I’m more worried about you two, you both look like road kill. He held is hand out to mine. Jen, right?

    I nodded, shaking his hand. That’s right. It’s nice to meet you.

    Bill scanned Damien’s face. Jesus Christ, seriously man what the hell happened to you?

    It’s a long story and I don’t want to get into it. Did air traffic control clear our flight plan to Mexico?

    He nodded, exhaling a lungful of smoke. They did. She’s all fueled up and ready. We need to be on the tarmac in twenty. Can you do that or should I just head back to my hotel for the night?

    Damien laughed. Come on man, cut me some slack.


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