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Cougar Romance: The Traitor: Secret Shades of the Alpha Blood Series (Paranormal BBW Menage Romance)
Cougar Romance: The Traitor: Secret Shades of the Alpha Blood Series (Paranormal BBW Menage Romance)
Cougar Romance: The Traitor: Secret Shades of the Alpha Blood Series (Paranormal BBW Menage Romance)
Ebook44 pages36 minutes

Cougar Romance: The Traitor: Secret Shades of the Alpha Blood Series (Paranormal BBW Menage Romance)

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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Charlie insists that Catahassa Yazzie is a traitor bent on killing Diana and destroying the Zuni prophecy. However, Diana soon learns that it is not Cat but Charlie and his mysterious female companion who seek her demise.

Trapped in an isolated cave with Charlie, Diana must now do whatever she can to ensure her survival. Meanwhile, Catahassa is convinced that Diana is in danger even though no one else, including his own grandfather seem to take him seriously.

Now, he must journey to the Salt Lake with only his sister, Amanda and a Navajo companion in order to save both Diana and his people from unspeakable destruction...

"POWERFUL! Paula Knight creates an intensely romantic world for young and old alike. A place where there is darkness and light, love and hope, and if you dare to go there you will never want to leave."

Release dateDec 21, 2015
Cougar Romance: The Traitor: Secret Shades of the Alpha Blood Series (Paranormal BBW Menage Romance)

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Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    it has some potential but its out of sink. It doesn't flow from book one to two, and then it ends too soon! ?

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Cougar Romance - Paula Knight

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Cougar Romance

The Traitor

Secret Shades of the Alpha Blood Series Book Four

Paula Knight

Cougar Romance: The Traitor

Chapter One

Diana allowed herself to be dragged to the truck waiting outside, her head still spinning with what Charlie had told her.

It couldn’t be. It was simply not possible. Cat could not have been the mole, it made no sense. As they reached the truck, she stopped in her tracks. Charlie tried to pull her forward, but she dug her heels in and refused to move.

How do you know Cat is the mole? She asked.

Diana, we don’t have time, Charlie said exasperatedly trying to pull her forward. She wrenched her hand from his grasp, crossed her arms and stared fixedly at him, awaiting his response.

Look, he said, I found an email. I wasn’t looking for it but…

Who was this email sent to? Diana asked still extremely suspicious.

Amanda, Charlie admitted, there’s a plot. They cooked it up with the Navajo and I don’t know how many other Zuni’s.

What plot? Diana asked.

Please, Diana, Charlie said, we have to get you to the salt lake. That’s the only place you’ll be safe. And the longer we wait, the more exposed you are.

Diana stared at him for a long while. She knew she desperately wanted to trust Cat implicitly. But, even the elders had admitted that there must be a mole assisting the black panther in the Zuni tribe. Nothing else made any sense.

And, she desperately wanted to go to the Salt Lake. She was tired of being kept in the dark. Tired of being protected. She knew, if nothing else, Charlie would be willing to tell her what he knew about the prophecy. And, besides that, hadn’t Charlie saved her life more than once?

So, with only slight reluctance, she gave Charlie her hand and he lifted her into the truck.

The lake is a ways north, he said as he started the car, it’ll be a while before we get there.

They drove in silence for a long while as Diana fought off the

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