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Episode 6: Reaching Higher (The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones): Walker Wildcats Year 1: Age 10
Episode 6: Reaching Higher (The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones): Walker Wildcats Year 1: Age 10
Episode 6: Reaching Higher (The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones): Walker Wildcats Year 1: Age 10
Ebook86 pages1 hour

Episode 6: Reaching Higher (The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones): Walker Wildcats Year 1: Age 10

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As Cassandra's first school year in Arkansas draws to a close, she feels pretty confident with how far she's come. She's made new friends, excelled in school, and joined a band. But when her teacher challenges her to push herself in a friendly competition, Cassie realizes she has a long way to go if she's going to be at the top of the class.

PublisherTamark Books
Release dateDec 26, 2015
Episode 6: Reaching Higher (The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones): Walker Wildcats Year 1: Age 10

Tamara Hart Heiner

I live in beautiful northwest Arkansas in a big blue castle with two princesses and a two princes, a devoted knight, and several loyal cats (and one dog). I fill my days with slaying dragons at traffic lights, earning stars at Starbucks, and sparring with the dishes. I also enter the amazing magical kingdom of my mind to pull out stories of wizards, goddesses, high school, angels, and first kisses. Sigh. I'm the author of several young adult stories, kids books, romance novels, and even one nonfiction. You can find me outside enjoying a cup of iced tea or in my closet snuggling with my cat. But if you can't make the trip to Arkansas, I'm also hanging out on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. I looked forward to connecting with you!

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    Episode 6 - Tamara Hart Heiner


    Science Bee

    I’M SO EXCITED YOU’RE coming to church with me! Cassandra Jones squeezed her best friend’s hands and hauled her into the chapel. Cassie  still felt betrayed when she thought about how Riley had abandoned her at her birthday party in March, but she didn’t really hold it against Riley. Not anymore, anyway. That was months ago now.

    Sure, Riley said, glancing around at all the faces in the pews. Mom said we had to go.

    Cassie and Riley were in the same fifth grade class at school. Cassie shot Mrs. Isabel a grateful smile, but she didn’t seem to notice.

    It’s not a very big church, is it? Riley commented as they sat down.

    Cassie thought it seemed plenty big. She shrugged. I guess that depends. Maybe Riley was used to one of the giant churches, like the one on the corner behind the animal hospital.

    Throughout the sermon, Riley fidgeted with a piece of paper, then her ring, then the hem of her skirt before finally letting out a series of sighs. Cassie glanced at her several times, but since Riley didn’t say anything, she shrugged it off. She imagined they looked like total opposites next to each other: Riley with her short, strawberry-blond hair and petite frame, and Cassie with her long dark hair, turquoise glasses, and olive skin. Not to mention, while they’d been the same size at the beginning of the year, Cassie was rapidly outgrowing Riley.

    When the sermon ended, Cassie excitedly led her to Sunday School.

    Hello, Sister Garrett, she said as soon as she walked in. Guess who I brought with me? Riley Isabel! Cassie beamed with pride. Months ago her teacher had discovered that Riley was on their class role, and Cassie had made it her personal mission to get Riley to church ever since. Today she had finally succeeded.

    Welcome, Riley! Sister Garrett smiled at her and helped her find a chair. We’re so glad you could join us!

    The lesson was a familiar one to Cassie, about loving your neighbor and treating others as you would want to be treated. She nodded along and supplied answers, all while watching Riley’s reactions. Riley answered correctly when called upon and definitely understood the principle.

    What did you think? Cassie asked as they walked to the car after church. Did you like it?

    It was kind of boring, Riley said, wrinkling her nose. She climbed into the passenger seat of her car, next to her mother.

    Oh. Cassie looked down, deflated. She brightened.  Well, it gets better! Come next week, too, it’s always different.

    Thanks for the invite, Cassie, Mrs. Isabel said warmly.

    Bye, Riley said, closing her door.

    Bye, Cassie echoed. Then she turned around to find her own mother.

    ON MONDAY MORNING, Cassie stood in line with the rest of her fifth-grade class after morning recess, waiting to file back into the room. Ms. Dawson pressed her finger to her lips and waited for everyone to quiet down.

    All right, she said when it was finally silent. Let’s file in like the almost-sixth-graders that you are.

    They all cheered. Just two more months, and they were done with this year. She’d been new at the beginning of the year, having just moved to Arkansas from Texas. Now, nine months later, she felt like she knew everyone and everyone knew her.

    Two spaces in front of her in line, Riley turned around and grinned. Almost sixth-graders, right?

    Yeah. Cassie nodded.

    Ms. Dawson watched while the entire class settled into their school work. Slowly the excited chatter died down, and chairs stopped bumping into the desks. Cassie glanced at the assignment on the board and pulled out her notebook. Around her, her classmates did the same until silence filled the classroom.

    Ms. Dawson cleared her throat. If I could have everyone’s attention, please.

    Cassie looked up from her work. Her teacher held up a lined sheet of computer paper. Ms. King is putting on a talent show at the end of the month. Anyone who wants to participate needs to sign up. Make sure you write down your talent.

    A talent show! Cassie straightened up, excited. She’d heard rumors about this already. She loved talent shows. She always participated. But usually she sang, and this time, Cassie felt like doing something different. She tapped her pencil to her lips. What else could she do? A few weeks ago she’d thought she wanted to be a comedian, but she couldn’t think of anything funny at the moment. What else was

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