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The Cycle of the Infinite
The Cycle of the Infinite
The Cycle of the Infinite
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The Cycle of the Infinite

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A Metaphysical Handbook for the Sublime Oddity of Creation

Release dateDec 19, 2015
The Cycle of the Infinite

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    The Cycle of the Infinite - Elijah Stephens


    A Metaphysical Handbook for the Sublime Oddity of Creation


    Elijah Stephens

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    Liquid Heaven Productions™

    Smashwords Edition

    The Cycle of the Infinite

    Copyright © 2015 by Elijah Stephens

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Cover by zy0rg – DeviantArt

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    "If the individual realizes their self by spontaneous activity and thus relates to the world, they cease to be an isolated atom. They become part of one structuralized whole. They have their rightful place, and thereby their doubt concerning themselves and the meaning of life disappears." Erich Fromm

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter I: Eternal State

    Chapter II: Cosmic Circuiting

    Chapter III: 5D – Energy

    Chapter IV: 4D – Time

    Chapter V: 3D – Matter

    Chapter VI: 2D – Information

    Chapter VII: 1D – Singularity

    Chapter VIII: Sacred Geometry

    Chapter IX: Expansion and Declension

    Chapter X: Mirror Aspect

    Chapter XI: Completeness Theorem

    Chapter XII: Psychological Alchemy

    Chapter XIII: Unlimited Perspective

    Chapter XIV: Hypnopaedia

    Chapter XV: The Evolution of Consciousness

    Chapter XVI: Prisms and Paradigms

    Chapter XVII: Quantum Cognition

    Chapter XVIII: The Proscenium Arch

    Chapter XIX: Supernal Mechanics

    Chapter XX: Solid State

    Chapter XXI: Armillary Sphere

    Chapter XXII: Correlation Theory

    Chapter XXIII: The Pulsar Dynamic

    Chapter XXIV: The Principle of Inversion

    Chapter XXV: The World Tree

    Chapter XXVI: Satya Yuga - Age of Truth

    Chapter XXVII: Diamond Vehicle

    Chapter XXVIII: The Uncarved Block

    Chapter XXIX: First Thought

    Chapter XXX: The People of the Myst

    Chapter XXXI: Invisible Muse

    Chapter XXXII: The Philosopher’s Stone

    Chapter XXXIII: Ecstatic State

    Chapter XXXIV: Sacred Union

    Chapter XXXV: Ethos

    Chapter XXXVI: The Universe Beyond the Sun

    Chapter XXXVII: City of Light

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    If everything that persists must have value, then a part of life is the search for that which changes the least. Consciousness that is focused upon the inconstant defines reality based upon disharmony. If it seeks that which is permanent or reliably cyclical, then meaning will appear.

    Mythology is the attempt to view consciousness from the outside in the most epic terms, but it is also an act of understanding how the self and its environment are one and the same. Even with the admission of what is contained within the subconscious, the most important part of any game is always the board upon which it is played.

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    "The universal bears to the particular." Socrates

    Characteristics: Infinite nature of energy and information relative to Anaximander’s cosmological Apeiron. Parmenides and the Eleatic view of primary being as uniform, timeless, and unchanging, making alteration merely a referential opinion of consciousness leading to Plato’s Theory of Forms. The boundary to the eternal state is the void of separation between fractal and complete singularity.

    The Ancient Greek method of Platonic diaireses was as much about altering perspective to achieve objectivity as it was to decode aspects of the subject from parts of the whole. Anaximander in the sixth century BC postulated the first principle as being a limitless singularity from which duality emerged and was reabsorbed. Without the presumption of an attractive force bringing everything together at some fixed point in time (perhaps before the Big Bang), for constant alteration to take place the only rational conclusion is that the Source of everything always was and always will be in a state of eternal expansion.

    Parahypostasis is a system without an underlying form, meaning that its nature is to have no nature. Because of this, pure potential draws an equivalency to both being and non-being. By having no form, it has the capacity to exhibit all forms, giving birth to temporal existence in a void in which all potential will eventually manifest. With parahypostasis, not only is the system itself infinite, but every unity within that system also has the potential for infinite expansion.

    This leads to the process of involution, which is any function that is also its own mathematical inverse, a direct correlation to the speed of light in relativity. As with quantum superposition, energy exhibits duality through a non-linear dimensional wavelength relative to time through lateral symmetry. This creates necessary voids of differentiation, as well as fractal representations of the totality.

    As a self-balancing function, in micro-space the top of the wave-form is present across the baseline frequency while the trough is absent as it dips below. Perceiving only the top of each wave would make a subatomic particle appear to disappear and relocate (like in quantum observations). The truth is that the entire wave is at a scale whereby the top is visible while the trough is extra-dimensional. The actual continuity of the wave to the 3rd dimension then appears as an oscillating binary, even if both are technically present. Not only does this make defining measurement to be more about the perspective of the subject than the actual location of the object, but also encapsulates the highest level of equilibrium, which isn’t the polarity of a thing and its opposite, but rather presence and absence.

    The highest benefit of consciousness is that it is not inherently polarized. Depending on dimensional reference, the most important measurements of energy are perspective, scale, and cycle. It should be considered that though energy has scale, awareness does not. Likewise, matter has cycles, awareness does not. Though this appears to make the mind disconnected from both energy and matter, the act of processing any series of events is in essence the very nature of time.

    On a long enough timescale, every potential form is an absolute and every potential manifestation is an eventuality. Therefore any posited eternal state is equilibrium across the longest timescale possible. The observable phenomenon of nature has the same homeostasis, and though every void acts as the contraction of form, everything that can exist within a given Cosmic environment is a probability that is preeminent to linear time.

    Constructs only come into being to manifest their eternal state, which exhibits equalization through existence itself. For any alteration of energy to become synonymous with the infinite, imbalance must be corrected, which is upheld both by Newton’s third law of motion (equal and opposite reaction), as well as the first law of thermodynamics (energy cannot be created or destroyed). To assert this result, torus-topology has a centripetal gyroscopic effect on wave-forms throughout time. It even controls matter in a dual system with basic physics, such as the Coriolis hemispheric spin.

    The Source, being parahypostatic, is submissive to creation in that it will allow anything to manifest along a vibrational constant. Everything evolves towards its most symmetrical form, which is used to create the next design through a revolving dynamic that spirals through itself. To comprehend this fluctuation, it is difficult to hypothesize with the same inductive reasoning that the Ancient Greeks used to conceptualize the atom (Leucippas and Democritus) without the capacity

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