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Understanding the Prophetic Times We Live In
Understanding the Prophetic Times We Live In
Understanding the Prophetic Times We Live In
Ebook189 pages2 hours

Understanding the Prophetic Times We Live In

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This book is about the end-times. The aim of this book is to bring clarity and to counter confusion in the lives of many Christians regarding the end-times, especially regarding the prophetic time we live in at this moment. Clarity will equip and enable God’s children to follow His vision for, and in this time period we are living in right now. It will enable them to report for duty. It will enable them to become mighty instruments in His hand. End-time ministry does not only mean that God is at work. It also means that we have some part to play in order to enable God to carry out His plans. This report will enable God’s children to stand up and be counted”.

PublisherASR Martins
Release dateDec 21, 2015
Understanding the Prophetic Times We Live In

ASR Martins

Basie Martins is one of the founding members of the “SA House churches” initiative. He stays with his wife Marinda and their boys, Ewaldt and Rheeder, in Klerksdorp, South Africa. They also have a daughter Alisia. They see themselves as spiritual facilitators by providing support, resources and encouragement to everybody who wants to be pioneers in the hand of God.

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    Understanding the Prophetic Times We Live In - ASR Martins


    Copyright © 2015 ASR Martins

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    Published by ASR Martins Publishing at Smashwords

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    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are taken from the King James Version. (Public domain)

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    During the morning hours of Tuesday, June 2, 2015, the Lord Jesus Christ instructed me to write this report. He called it a report because He wanted me to write it as a report of imminent events, addressed to those who wish to understand the prophetic times we live in. The aim of this report is to bring clarity. It is to counter confusion in the lives of many Christians regarding the end-times, especially regarding the prophetic time that we live in right at this moment. Clarity will equip and enable His children to follow His vision for and in this time period that we are living in now. It will enable His children to report for duty. It will enable His sons to become mighty instruments in His hand. End-time ministry does not only mean that God is at work. It also means that we have some part to play in order to enable Him to carry out His plans. This report will enable God's children to stand up and be counted".

    Chapter 1: Revival, revelation and judgment

    The most exciting part of this report is the following: The beginning of the greatest revival the church has ever experienced is at hand! The church and the world are about to witness the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit and of power yet in the history of the church. The fire of the Holy Spirit will just purify and empower God's children to an extend that was previously unheard of. This revival will be characterized by the greatest miracles and wonders ever. People will be saved, healed and delivered like never before. Very prominent with this revival is that it will be widespread all across the world. Many people called by God will function in the anointing of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. This is what will make this revival different from all other revivals.

    Apart from this, there will be another feature that will make this revival different from revivals the world previously witnessed: This revival will also usher in the revelation of the sons of God:

    Romans 8:19 (HCSB)

    For the creation eagerly waits with anticipation for God's sons to be revealed.

    Why is the whole creation waiting for the revelation of God's sons? Why is it not waiting for the revelation of Jesus Christ? Verse 21 says that the creation itself will also be set free from the bondage of corruption into the glorious freedom of God's children. The ministry of the sons of God will be instrumental in setting creation free. Remember that God's sons do not minister in their own power. No, Jesus Christ our Lord is actually ministering in and through the sons of God. He is doing the work and they are just instruments in His hand. God's sons allow Jesus Christ to live and work IN and THROUGH them.

    Yes, now is the time for the sons of God to be revealed! This is very significant. This suggests that ordinary people will be walking this earth with the same anointing, power and maturity of Jesus Christ Himself. Not through their own achievements but through the power and anointing of Christ and the Holy Spirit. These people will be empowered and enabled by grace through the anointing of the Spirit of God. Verse 29 of this same Scripture says that for whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.

    This revival is about to happen! The Lord is appealing to all of us to get ready for this revival. It will be the most exciting time for the church ever. We are going to experience the most wonderful things we ever imagined. We are going to enjoy the Lord Jesus Christ and our faith walk like never before.

    We, however, need to be ready for this revival because there is going to be a whole lot of shaking taking place. The Holy Spirit is going to shake everything like never before. Not only the nations but also the church is going to be shaken. This shaking will also be the judgment of the Lord. Not only people but whole nations and the church, will be judged. Everything that is not of God will be destroyed and burned to ashes by the Holy Spirit fire. It is not the final judgment, no it is just a time of refining. It is a time of the removal of stumbling blocks. This will be carried out by God within the church but also in the world.

    The reformation of the institutionalized church

    The institutional church will loose its appeal pertaining to performance based programs within a certain time period. I do not know what the three minute period represents but the performance based programs of the church as we now experience it on Sundays, will disappear after this three minute time period. I had a very clear dream regarding these events. In the dream I was watching a very professional concert or show of some kind. The way that this show was performed was just beautiful. In the dream I was very aware of the fact that this show was performed by the clergy of the institutional church. It really did not look like a church and it did not look like a gathering or a meeting of the saints. It looked more like a theater and it looked like a concert or some show with the intention to bring pleasure to the audience. The audience was partly made-up of the laity and partly of even more clergy of the institutional church. After watching this show for a few minutes I was required to look down to the floor for exactly three minutes. After the three minute time period I was required to look up again. When I looked up I discovered that literally everything disappeared from the stage. I only saw the three bare walls and the bare wooden floor of the stage. All the lights, the instruments, the display furniture and stage display aids were all missing. Nothing was left on the stage. It was like an empty room with no furniture, curtains or anything else.

    The clergy of the institutional church that were with me was absolutely dumbstruck. They looked at me with bewildered eyes in absolute amazement. They all had the same questions written all over their faces as they looked at me: What happened? Where is everything? It was clear that they did not expect this to happen and that they were totally confused. In the dream I knew that God supernaturally removed the performance based programs of the church. Religion was going to make way for a real love relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ just like God originally intended.

    One explanation is that a three minute period represents twenty-five months (just over two years) according to Divinecoders ( Even if this explanation is correct, I do not know yet when this period will start. How is the Lord going to remove religious activities in the institutionalized church I do not know. Maybe the persecution of the church will play a role pertaining to this aspect.

    The institution is going to be the living spiritual bride of Christ again as it was intended to be. The Catholic church and all its false doctrines and beliefs that polluted the institutional church through the years will be removed. God's judgment on the Roman Catholic church started during the fall and the decline of the Roman Empire. In fact, it actually declined with the Roman Empire but for some reason it did not fall with it. The complete fall of the Roman Catholic church will however slowly materialize during the next few years. The fall of this evil institution will cause much turmoil for a lot of people because of the financial implications.

    The coming revival will lead to the maturity of the church. With the true body of Christ set free from the corrupt institutionalized church system, the sons of God will make much faster progress in terms of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. The church is destined to reign on this earth and through the ministry of the sons of God, the church will come into victory. Many believers will progressively start to take up their position of kingship in the kingdom of God. Yes, the church will be a victorious church in the years to come!

    The most wondrous times are ahead of us. It is however of the utmost importance that we are not lukewarm Christians during this time that is fast approaching us. Children of God should walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. I am not convinced that those that are carnal or those who are lead by carnal desires and carnal needs will be able to survive this time that is coming. It will be a time of great turmoil and testing.

    There will be a time of judgment for those who persecutes God's children. He is not going to allow this to carry on forever. As in the days of the apostles, during the reign of the Roman Empire as well as in other times in history, Gods judgment will soon be poured out on nations and on all people who persecute the church of Christ.

    I expect that many people will die and and many nations will suffer greatly as a result of this judgment. People will be taken out of the equation. Nations will be punished in the next few years. God is going to remove all obstacles that prevent His church and His people from living in peace and in victory on the earth. God is on the move. The prayers of the saints, the persecuted and the oppressed have been heard. It has moved God into action.

    This time that is fast approaching us will be a bad time for those who reject Jesus Christ. It will also be perilous times for those who hate and persecute Gods children. Even those who call themselves Christians, who persecute God's ministers and who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit might find themselves in big trouble shortly. Like with the pharisees of old and like the rulers of the Roman Empire, God is going to judge people and He is going to remove people who persecute the church.

    The most important aspect is that the time that is fast approaching us will be a time of repentance. People need to repent and they need to serve God in spirit and in truth. It is going to be of the utmost importance. People need to serve God with a zeal that they never had before. I cannot see that lukewarm Christians will make it during the times ahead. My appeal to everybody is clear: If you want to save yourself and your family, repent and follow Jesus Christ, the Son of God, with your whole heart, now!

    Recognizing the prophetic time we live in

    I need to bring some perspective regarding these matters and regarding the time period in the history of the church that we live in right now. We are fast approaching a period of great and significant revelations about the will of God, the ways of God and the plans of God for this moment in history. Many Christians know that something is about to happen. Almost everybody knows that we have reached the end of an era and that a new era is at hand. Most Christians are expecting the appearance of the Antichrist and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    This is actually not what is happening. We are not going to see the second coming of the Lord now. We are actually about to witness the revelation of the sons of God and we are about to witness the fulfillment of the end-time prophecies regarding Israel. Israel is on the verge of turning to Christ. We are also about to witness the judgment of the Muslim as well as other pagan nations. The fullness of the Gentiles are at this moment being fulfilled according to Luke 21:24.

    We are witnessing the last showdown of the devil to prevent or to delay the church from maturing. We are about to witness the church of God developing into a victorious church. We are about to witness the purification of God's children. We are about to witness how God prepares this world in order to be submitted to the reign of the church.

    It appears that everything is falling apart rapidly. It appears that evil is reigning on this earth and that the church is being defeated. It is however not true. It is not what is happening. God is about to change everything. He is about to bring the church into a position of victory. Fear not my brother and my sister. Marvel not at these things that you are about to witness. The church is destined to reign! God is about to position and to line up everything according to His counsel so that His sons and His church can take up their place in history. The message is clear: Stand up and be counted!

    Chapter 2: Understanding the end-time prophecies

    The church and the world arrived at the fulfillment of yet another group of prophecies. Why a group of prophecies?

    To understand the prophetic times we live in I need to give you some background on the prophecies of the Old Testament and the New-Testament regarding the end-times:

    Old Testament and New-Testament prophecies regarding the last days or the end-times, were and still are progressively being revealed as the time of the relevant prophecies is reached. This means that prophecies that are not yet to be fulfilled are actually still concealed to us. This implicates that the specific events are not yet revealed precisely. We do not yet know how it will be fulfilled precisely. We know more or less what is going to happen but we are still in the dark regarding the precise events that will take place.

    Daniel 12:9

    And he said, Go thy way Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

    Daniel 12:4

    But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

    These Scriptures in Daniel are an important key in understanding the prophecies of the end-times. As time progress, God will reveal only what is necessary for the specific time in terms of the prophecies that need

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